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Int J Esthet Dent ; 15(3): 306-316, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32760925


The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vivo, the immediate masking effect of white spot lesions (WSLs) treated with an infiltrant resin (IR). The investigation was conducted on 40 young adolescent and adult patients (11 to 23 years old) who presented with at least one permanent maxillary or mandibular anterior tooth with active WSLs on the enamel (ICDAS score 2). Before resin infiltration, the color of both the WSLs and the sound adjacent enamel (SAE) was evaluated by a digital spectrophotometer (CIELab). Subsequently, a resin infiltration technique (Icon) was performed on the WSLs according to the manufacturer's instruction. At the end of the clinical session, the color of the IR was evaluated. The color difference (ΔE) was calculated between WSL × SAE, WSL × IR, and IR × SAE, and then analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Tukey's test. The L*, a*, and b* values of WSL, SAE, and IR were compared using the Student's t test for related samples (α = 5%). The ΔE observed was 5.93 ± 0.41 on the WSL × IR comparison, and 5.77 ± 0.41 on the IR × S AE one, indicating that the color of the WSL changed after treatment, but that the infiltration did not fully camouflage the WSLs when compared with the SAE. The lightness was higher for the SAE than for the IR. It was concluded that the IR treatment was not able to camouflage the color of the WSLs when compared with the SAE. However, the treatment was able to attenuate the discoloration of the demineralized dental enamel.

Caries Dental , Esmalte Dental , Adolescente , Adulto , Niño , Color , Humanos , Resinas Sintéticas , Espectrofotometría , Adulto Joven
J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 21(2):, 19/06/2019.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1051277


Early diagnosis of white spot lesions allows non-invasive treatment to be indicated for the remineralization of active lesions. The goal was to report the clinical Protocol for the treatment of white spot lesion of a patient by the technique of resin infiltration, observing whether there is change of color on the white spot of the dental enamel after its treatment. The selected patient was 16 years old with good overall health, who featured white spot lesion of the dental enamel on tooth 13, classified as ICDAS score 2. The tooth was photographed, and its color was evaluated with the spectrophotometer in accordance with the CIELhC system. For comparison purposes, the color of tooth enamel in an area adjacent to the lesion was evaluated. The treatment of the lesion was performed with the resin infiltrate Icon (DMG, Hamburg, Germany), following the manufacturer's instructions. The color of the tooth was re-evaluated after the application of the resin infiltrate. At the end of the procedure, it was observed that the treatment of white spot lesion by resin infiltration technique reached its goal because, in addition to being minimally invasive, it was highly approved by patient and it provided the masking of the white spot lesion on the dental enamel. (AU).

O diagnóstico precoce de lesões de mancha branca permite que um tratamento não invasivo seja indicado para a remineralização das lesões ativas. O objetivo foi relatar o protocolo clínico para tratamento de lesão de mancha branca ativa de um paciente pela técnica do infiltrante resinoso, observando se existe alteração de cor da mancha branca do esmalte dental após o seu tratamento. Foi selecionada uma paciente, de 16 anos de idade, com boa saúde geral e que apresentava lesão de mancha branca no esmalte dental do dente 13, classificada pelo escore 2 do ICDAS. O dente foi fotografado e sua cor foi avaliada com o espectrofotômetro de acordo com o sistema CIELhC. Para fins de comparação, foi avaliada a cor do esmalte dental em uma área adjacente à lesão. O tratamento da lesão foi realizado com a resina infiltrante Icon (DMG, Hamburgo, Alemanha), seguindo as recomendações do fabricante. A cor do dente foi reavaliada após a aplicação do infiltrante. Ao final do procedimento, observou-se que o tratamento da lesão de mancha branca pela técnica da resina infiltrante atingiu seu objetivo pois, além de ter sido minimamente invasiva, foi bem avaliada pela paciente e proporcionou o mascaramento da lesão de mancha branca do esmalte dental. (AU).

J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 20(3)31/10/2018.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-965541


A resina composta é o material restaurador mais utilizado atualmente. Apesar de seu sucesso clínico, o material está sujeito a alterações em suas propriedades físicas, quando exposto ao meio bucal. O objetivo foi avaliar a influência da degradação química na estabilidade de cor e na rugosidade superficial de resinas micro-híbrida e nanoparticulada. Foram confeccionados 40 discos (6,0mm x 2,0mm) da resina composta micro-híbrida (Z250XT) e 40 da resina nanoparticulada (Z350XT). Após a análise da cor inicial e da rugosidade inicial, 10 discos de cada resina foram imersos em saliva artificial (Controle, pH=6,4), suco de laranja (pH= 3,4), refrigerante de limão (pH=2,9) e vinho tinto (pH=3,1), por 4 horas por dia (37ºC) durante 30 dias. Após, foram realizadas as leituras finais de cor e rugosidade. Os dados obtidos para a estabilidade de cor foram analisados pelo Teste de Kruskal-Wallis, seguido pelo Teste de Dunn (α=5%). Para a análise da rugosidade foi utilizado o Teste t para amostras pareadas (α=5%). O manchamento provocado pela saliva artificial, suco de laranja e refrigerante foi similar, mas foi estatisticamente diferente do manchamento produzido pelo vinho, em ambas as resinas testadas. O vinho produziu o mesmo grau de manchamento nas resinas micro-híbrida e nanoparticulada. Foi observado que o suco de laranja, o refrigerante e o vinho promoveram aumento da rugosidade superficial dos discos de resina. Diante disso, concluiu-se que o vinho alterou a cor de resinas compostas micro-híbrida e nanoparticulada, e que a rugosidade superficial dos discos de resina foi alterada por todas as bebidas utilizadas. (AU).

Composite resin is the most used restorative material. Despite its clinical success, it is susceptible to changes in its physical properties when exposed to the oral environment. The aim was to evaluate the influence of acidic beverages on the color stability and on the surface roughness of the nanofilled and micro hybrid composite. Forty discs (6.0mm x 2.0mm) of the micro hybrid composite (Z250XT) and 40 of the nanofilled composite (Z350XT) were manufactured. After the measurement of the initial color and the initial roughness, 10 discs of each composite were individually immersed in artificial saliva (control, pH = 6.4), orange juice (pH=3.4), lime soda (pH = 2.9) and red wine (pH = 3.1) during 4 hours per day at 37°C for 30 days. At the end of the experiment, the final analysis of color and surface roughness were performed. The data obtained for the color stability were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's test (α= 5%). For the analysis of the surface roughness, the t test for related samples was used (α= 5%). The color changes promoted by artificial saliva, orange juice and soda were similar, but they were statistically different from staining produced by wine, in both tested composites. Wine produced the same degree of staining in both composites. Orange juice, soda and red wine increased the surface roughness of the composite discs. It was concluded that red wine significantly changes the color of micro hybrid and nanofilled composites. Furthermore, all beverages increased the surface roughness of the composites tested in the study herein. (AU).

ROBRAC ; 27(83): 252-256, out./dez. 2018. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-997249


O diagnóstico precoce de lesões de mancha branca no esmalte dental permite que um tratamento não invasivo seja indicado para a remineralização das lesões ativas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso clínico onde foi utilizado um infiltrante resinoso para o tratamento não invasivo de uma lesão de mancha branca do esmalte dental. Foi selecionado um paciente com 14 anos de idade, do sexo masculino, leucoderma, com boa saúde geral, de alto risco à cárie, que apresentava lesão de mancha branca no incisivo central superior direito. Devido ao aspecto rugoso e opaco da lesão, optou-se pela realização do tratamento do dente com uma resina infiltrante (Icon®, DMG, Hamburg, Alemanha). Inicialmente foram realizadas fotografias intraorais e radiografia do dente acometido para fins de documentação do caso e futuras comparações. Em seguida, o dente recebeu profilaxia e posterior tratamento pela técnica da resina infiltrante, de acordo com as instruções do fabricante. Para a verificação da efetividade do procedimento, o paciente foi avaliado imediatamente e após 2 meses da conclusão do tratamento. Concluiu-se que a técnica da resina infiltrante de baixa viscosidade para o tratamento da lesão de mancha branca do dente 11 foi satisfatória, pois foi capaz de promover a paralização da doença e o mascaramento da lesão de mancha branca naquele dente.

The early diagnosis of enamel white spot lesions allows adopting a non-invasive treatment to remineralize active lesions. The objective of this study was to report a case where an infiltrant composite was used to treat enamel white spot lesion. A Caucasian 14- year-old male patient, with overall good health, and high-risk for dental caries was selected. He presented white spot lesion in the upper right central incisor. Due to the rough and opaque appearance of the lesion, the treatment with an infiltrant resin (Icon®, DMG, Hamburg, Germany) was chosen. Initially, intraoral photos and x-ray of the affected tooth have been were taken for documentation purposes and future comparisons. Then, the tooth was cleaned and treated with the infiltrant resin following the manufacturer's instructions. To verify the effectiveness of the procedure, the patient was assessed immediately and 2 months after treatment. In conclusion, the technique of low-viscosity infiltrant resin was satisfactory because it was able to impair the progression of the disease and to camouflage the white spot lesion on that tooth.