OBJECTIVE: To study the evolution of traffic accidents mortality in Spain and its possible application to an age-period-cohort analysis, as well as the effect of selected road safety measures. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Road accidents rates of mortality were obtained, and five-year interval age rates for each sex, which allows the study of specific rates of age by birth cohorts. To determine the association between the selected road safety measures and mortality. Poisson regression models were adjusted. RESULTS: Two waves emerge in the evolution of traffic accidents. There was no clear effect with respect to age, nor was there a cohort effect for men or women. As to the road safety measures, we discuss the consistency between the selected models and graphic results. The compulsory use of helmet and of crossing lights is significantly associated to a reduction in mortality (RR 0.73, p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Road accidents mortality shows a slight increase in the studies period. This rate performance cannot be sufficiently explained by age effects, diagnostic period nor birth cohort, however, road safety measures are considered positive.