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REVISA (Online) ; 13(Especial 1): 229-231, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537534


Um grande desafio enfrentado à cerca da Ciência é a sua popularização, visto que o conhecimento científico gerado nas instituições científicas, na maioria das vezes, costuma ficar restrito à esfera acadêmica, excluindo especialmente, quem mais precisa dessas informações, a população. De fato, o acesso ao conhecimento científico contribui com o desenvolvimento da sociedade, colabora com o avanço da qualidade na formação educacional e permite a aproximação da população com a Ciência

Publicaciones de Divulgación Científica , Enseñanza , Comunicación Interdisciplinaria
REVISA (Online) ; 13(Especial 1): 305-314, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538292


Objetivoaplicar metodologias práticas de biologia no ensino médio em escola estadual de Feira de Santana do período noturno, utilizando a biotecnologia com intuito de proporcionar novas experiências didáticas para jovens e adultos. Método: A abordagem metodológica é de modo qualitativo e descritivo através de relato de experiência, com aplicação de aula prática com materiais de baixo custo sobre a extração de DNA.Resultados: Com relação às dificuldades enfrentadas na Educação Básica, esta forma de metodologia do trabalho realizado mostrou-se produtiva, uma vez que possibilitou um espaço para discussão e troca de experiências dos alunos associando com seu cotidiano. Conclusão: Esta pesquisa mostrou que o uso desta abordagem didática facilitou o entendimento dos conteúdos trabalhados e do diálogo aluno-professor, evidenciando-a como uma ótima ferramenta para ser trabalhada na sala de aula

Objective: to apply practical biology methodologies in high school at a state school in Feira de Santana at night, using biotechnology with the aim of providing new teaching experiences for young people and adults. Methods:The methodological approach is qualitative and descriptive through experience reports, with the application of practical classes with low-cost materials on DNA extraction. Results: In relation to the difficulties faced in Basic Education, this form of work methodology proved to be productive, as itprovided a space for discussion and exchange of students' experiences associated with their daily lives. Conclusion:This research showed that the use of this didactic approach facilitated the understanding of the content covered and the student-teacher dialogue, highlighting it as a great tool to be used in the classroom

Objetivo: aplicar metodologías prácticas de biología en la escuela secundaria en una escuela pública de Feira de Santana en horario nocturno, utilizando la biotecnología con el objetivo de brindar nuevas experiencias de enseñanza a jóvenes y adultos. Métodos: El enfoque metodológico es cualitativo y descriptivo a través de relatos de experiencia, con la aplicación de clases prácticas con materiales de bajo costo sobre extracción de ADN. Resultados: En relación a las dificultades enfrentadas en la Educación Básica, esta forma de metodología de trabajo resultó productiva, ya que brindó un espacio de discusión e intercambio de experiencias de los estudiantes asociadas a su vida cotidiana. Conclusión: Esta investigación demostró que el uso de este enfoque didáctico facilitó la comprensión de los contenidos tratados y el diálogo alumno-profesor, destacándolo como una gran herramienta para ser utilizado en el aula.

REVISA (Online) ; 13(Especial 1): 274-283, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538187


Objetivo: Relatar a experiência de professores tutores e professores da Educação Básica, participantes do curso EAD Ensino de Ciências para a Promoção de Saúde na Escola Básica, na construção de um material didático-pedagógico para ser utilizado em sala de aula. Método: Para diversificar a rotina de aulas no ensino de Ciências e Biologia, direcionadas para alunos do ensino médio, os professores da Educação Básica que trabalharam os conteúdos do módulo de Saúde e Educação, desenvolveram um jogo de cartas que aborda a microbiologia, inspirado em Yu-Gi-Oh, uma série animada de mangá (histórias japonesas em quadrinhos), onde os jogadores usam cartas para duelar, em uma batalha simulada. Resultados: O material didático descreve os principais conceitos utilizados nojogo (duelo, pontos de vida, tipos de cartas etc.), as fases do duelo e os passos para iniciar o jogo. As cartas foram adaptadas para os assuntos abordados na microbiologia e continham nome do agente, tipo, descrição, atributo em cores, nível de ação em estrelas, número da carta e os pontos de ataque e de defesa. Conclusão: Espera-se estimular a interação e o aprendizado dos estudantes, através da aquisição de habilidades indispensáveis ao desenvolvimento intelectual e facilitação dos conceitos relacionados à microbiologia.

Objective: Report the experience of tutors and Basic Education teachers, participants in the EAD course Teaching Science for Health Promotion in Basic Schools, in the construction of didactic-pedagogical material to be used in the classroom. Method: To diversify the routine of teaching Science and Biology classes, aimed at high school students, the Basic Education teachers who worked on the contents of the Health and Education module, developed a card game that addresses microbiology, inspired by Yu-Gi-Oh, an animated manga series (Japanese comic books), where players use cards to duel in a simulated battle. Results: The teaching material describes the main concepts used in the game (duel, life points, types of cards, etc.), the phases of the duel and the steps to start the game. The cards were adapted to the subjects covered in microbiology and contained the agent's name, type, description, attribute in colors, action level in stars, card number and attack and defense points. Conclusion: It is expected to stimulate student interaction and learning, through the acquisition of skills essential for intellectual development and facilitation of concepts related to microbiology.

Objetivo: Reportar la experiencia de tutores y docentes de Educación Básica, participantes del curso EADEnseñanza de Ciencias para la Promoción de la Salud en Escuelas Básicas, en la construcción de material didáctico-pedagógico para ser utilizado en aula. Método: Para diversificar la rutina de enseñanza de las clases de Ciencias y Biología, dirigidas a estudiantes de secundaria, los docentes de Educación Básica que trabajaron los contenidos Salud y Educación desarrollaron un juego de cartas que aborda la microbiología, inspirado en Yu-Gi-Oh, una serie animada de manga (cómics japoneses), donde los jugadores usan cartas para batirse en duelo en una batalla simulada. Resultados: El material didáctico describe los principales conceptos utilizados en el juego (duelo, puntos de vida, tipos de cartas, etc.), las fases del duelo y los pasos para iniciar el juego. Las tarjetas estaban adaptadas a los temas tratados en microbiología y contenían el nombre del agente, tipo, descripción, atributo en colores, nivel de acción en estrellas, número de tarjeta y puntos de ataque y defensa. Conclusión: Se espera estimular la interacción y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, a través de la adquisición de habilidades esenciales para el desarrollo intelectual y la facilitación de conceptos relacionados con la microbiología.

REVISA (Online) ; 13(Especial 1): 263-273, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538186


Objetivo: estimular estudantes a serem protagonistas de ações que fomentassem na sua comunidade a popularização das ciências através de oficinas pedagógicas temáticas, colocando-os como construtores dos saberes, assim como, fortalecendo o papel extensionista da Universidade. Método:As atividades tiveram a participação de 80 alunos e foram desenvolvidas no Departamento de Ciências Biológicas (DCBIO) da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS), pelos docentes do NUPEECBio, discentes e monitores. Foi realizada na SNCT (2019) com estudantes do Ensino Fundamental (6° e 7° ano) utilizando oficinas multitemáticas em Ciências. Após essa etapa, foram aplicados questionários e a avaliação qualitativa usando a Escala Likert para realizar uma avaliação qualitativa sobre a participação e adesão dos estudantes. Resultados:A análise dos dados em conjunto nos permitiu avaliar o grau de satisfação, percepção e cognição dos estudantes após cada oficina, demonstrando que as estratégias utilizadas foram exitosas. Conclusão:nessa experiência de interface Universidade e Escola básica, foi possível perceber a relevância da junção de atividades teóricas/práticas por meios de oficinas interdisciplinares no despertamento de curiosidade, motivação e receptividade dos estudantes.

Objective: to encourage students to take the lead in actions that would promote the popularization of science in their community through themed pedagogical workshops, placing them as builders of knowledge, as well as strengthening the university's extension role. Method: 80 students took part in the activities, which were carried out at the Department of Biological Sciences (DCBIO) of the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS) by NUPEECBio teachers, students and monitors. It was held during SNCT (2019) with elementary school students (6th and 7th grade) using multi-thematic science workshops. After this stage, questionnaires and the Likert Scale were applied to carry out a qualitative assessment of student participation and adherence. Results:Analyzing the data together allowed us to assess the degree of satisfaction, perception and cognition of the students after each workshop, demonstrating that the strategies used were successful. Conclusion: in this experience of the interface between university and elementaryschool, it was possible to see the relevance of combining theoretical/practical activities through interdisciplinary workshops in arousing curiosity, motivation and receptivity in the students.

Objetivo: incentivar a los estudiantes a protagonizar acciones que promuevan la popularización de la ciencia en su comunidad a través de talleres educativos temáticos, convirtiéndolos en constructores de conocimiento y fortaleciendo el papel de extensión de la universidad. Método: 80 estudiantes participaron en las actividades, que se llevaron a cabo en el Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas (DCBIO) de la Universidad Estatal de Feira de Santana (UEFS) por profesores, estudiantes y monitores de NUPEECBio. Se llevó a cabo durante el SNCT (2019) con estudiantes de la escuela primaria (6º y 7º grado) utilizando talleres de ciencias multitemáticas. Después de esta etapa, se aplicaron cuestionarios y la Escala de Likert para llevar a cabo una evaluación cualitativa de la participación y la adhesión de los estudiantes. Resultados: El análisis conjunto de los datos nos permitió evaluar el grado de satisfacción, percepción y cognición de los alumnos luego de cada taller, demostrando que las estrategias utilizadas fueron exitosas. Conclusión: en esta experiencia de interfaz entre la universidad y la escuela primaria, fue posible constatar la importancia de la combinación de actividades teórico/prácticas a través de talleres interdisciplinares para despertar curiosidad, motivacióny receptividad en los alumnos.

Estudios Interdisciplinarios
REVISA (Online) ; 13(Especial 1): 253-262, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538184


tendo como foco a criação de um recurso pedagógico digital inovador destinado a aprimorar o ensino de fisiologia humana na Escola Básica. Método:Trata-se de um relato de experiência, de caráter descritivo, acerca das vivências de professores da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana e de uma Escola Pública do Estado da Bahia, entre outubro de 2022 a outubro de 2023. As atividades foram organizadas em duas etapas interconectadas: 1) Realização de um Curso de formação de Educação à Distância (EaD) durante a Semana Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia (SNCT). 2) Elaboração de um material didático inovador envolvendo as tecnologias digitais educacionais, como produto final do Curso EaD realizado na SNCT. Resultados:Elaboração do jogo de tabuleiro, intitulado jogo de trilha gamificada denominada "Trilha Corpo Humano: Conhecer para Cuidar". Conclusão:A proposta desenvolvida no presente trabalho vislumbrou a inovação da prática pedagógica, por meio do desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias educacionais, contribuindo para a melhoria do ensino na Escola.

Objective: To report the experience of integrating University and Primary School Teachers, focusing on the creation of an innovative digital pedagogical resource aimed at improving the teaching of human physiology in Primary Schools. Method:This is an experience report, of a descriptive nature, about the experiences of teachers at the State University of Feira de Santana and a Public School in the State of Bahia, between October 2022 and October 2023. The activities were organized in two interconnected stages: 1) Carrying out a Distance Education (EaD) training course during National Science and Technology Week (SNCT). 2) Creation of innovative teaching material involving digital educational technologies, as the final product of the Distance Learning Courseheld at SNCT. Results:Preparation of the board game, entitled gamified trail game called "Human Body Trail: Knowing to Care". Conclusion: The proposal developed in this work envisioned the innovation of pedagogical practice, through the development of new educational technologies, contributing to the improvement of teaching at School.

Objetivo: Reportar la experiencia de integración de Profesores Universitarios y de Educación Primaria, centrándose en la creación de un recurso pedagógico digital innovador orientado a mejorar la enseñanza de la fisiología humana en la Escuela Primaria. Método: Se trata de un relato de experiencia, de carácter descriptivo, sobre las vivencias de docentes de la Universidad Estatal de Feira de Santana y de una Escuela Pública del Estado de Bahía, entre octubre de 2022 y octubre de 2023. Las actividades se organizaron en dos espacios interconectados. etapas: 1) Realización de un curso de capacitación en Educación a Distancia (EaD) durante la Semana Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (SNCT). 2) Desarrollo de material didáctico innovador que involucre tecnologías educativas digitales, como producto final del Curso a Distancia realizado en el SNCT. Resultados:Elaboración del juego de mesa, titulado Juego de Sendero gamificado denominado "Human Body Trail: Saber Cuidar". Conclusión:La propuesta desarrollada en este trabajo vislumbró la innovación de la práctica pedagógica, a través del desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías educativas, contribuyendo a la mejora de la enseñanza en la Escuela.

Universidades , Educación Primaria y Secundaria , Tecnología , Cuerpo Humano
Syst Rev ; 12(1): 201, 2023 10 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37898821


Food-borne diseases are a global public health issue with 1 in 10 people falling ill after eating contaminated food every year. In response, the food industry has implemented several new pathogen control strategies, such as biotechnological tools using the direct application of bacteriophages for biological control. We have undertaken a systematic review and meta-analysis that evaluated the efficiency of patented phages as a biological control for food-borne pathogens and determined the physical-chemical characteristics of the antimicrobial effect. Included and excluded criteria was developed. Included criteria: Phage patent files with an application in biological control on food and scientific articles and book chapters that used phages patented for food biological control. Excluded criteria: Patent documents, scientific articles, and book chapters that included phage therapy in humans, animals, and biological control on plants but did not have an application on food were not considered in our study. The systematic analysis identified 77 documents, 46 scientific articles, and 31 documents of patents and 23 articles was included in the meta-analysis. Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella sp. comprised most of the targets identified in the screening, so that we focused on these strains to do the meta-analysis. There are a total of 383 and 192 experiments for Listeria and Salmonella phages for quantitative data analysis.Indexing databases for the bibliographic search (Scopus, Web of Science (WoS) and PubMed (Medline) were addressed by an automated script written in Python 3 Python Core Team (2015) and deposited on GitHub ( ).A random-effects meta-analysis revealed (i) significant antimicrobial effect of Listeria phages in apple, apple juice, pear, and pear juice, (ii) significant antimicrobial effect of Salmonella phages in eggs, apple, and ready-to-eat chicken, (iii) no heterogeneity was identified in either meta-analysis, (iv) publication bias was detected for Listeria phages but not for Salmonella phages. (v) ListShield and Felix01 phages showed the best result for Listeria and Salmonella biological control, respectively, (vi) concentration of phage and bacteria, time and food had significant effect in the biological control of Listeria, (vii) temperature and time had a significant effect on the antimicrobial activity of Salmonella phages. The systematic review and meta-analyses to determine the efficiency of bacteriophages previously patented against pathogenic bacteria on dairy products, meat, fruits and vegetables. Besides, the discovering of key factors for efficacy, so that future applications of phage biotechnology in foods can be optimally deployed.

Antiinfecciosos , Bacteriófagos , Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos , Listeria monocytogenes , Bacteriófagos/fisiología , Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos/prevención & control , Carne
Front Microbiol ; 13: 994524, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36406426


Cocoa beans fermentation is a spontaneous process, essential for the generation of quality starting material for fine chocolate production. The understanding of this process has been studied by the application of high-throughput sequencing technologies, which grants a better assessment of the different microbial taxa and their genes involved in this microbial succession. The present study used shotgun metagenomics to determine the enzyme-coding genes of the microbiota found in two different groups of cocoa beans varieties during the fermentation process. The statistical evaluation of the most abundant genes in each group and time studied allowed us to identify the potential metabolic pathways involved in the success of the different microorganisms. The results showed that, albeit the distinction between the initial (0 h) microbiota of each varietal group was clear, throughout fermentation (24-144 h) this difference disappeared, indicating the existence of selection pressures. Changes in the microbiota enzyme-coding genes over time pointed to the distinct ordering of fermentation at 24-48 h (T1), 72-96 h (T2), and 120-144 h (T3). At T1, the significantly more abundant enzyme-coding genes were related to threonine metabolism and those genes related to the glycolytic pathway, explained by the abundance of sugars in the medium. At T2, the genes linked to the metabolism of ceramides and hopanoids lipids were clearly dominant, which are associated with the resistance of microbial species to extreme temperatures and pH values. In T3, genes linked to trehalose metabolism, related to the response to heat stress, dominated. The results obtained in this study provided insights into the potential functionality of microbial community succession correlated to gene function, which could improve cocoa processing practices to ensure the production of more stable quality end products.

Microorganisms ; 11(1)2022 Dec 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36677403


In Brazil, Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis is a significant health threat. Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis SE3 was isolated from soil at the Subaé River in Santo Amaro, Brazil, a region contaminated with heavy metals and organic waste. Illumina HiSeq and Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION sequencing were used for de novo hybrid assembly of the Salmonella SE3 genome. This approach yielded 10 contigs with 99.98% identity with S. enterica serovar Enteritidis OLF-SE2-98984-6. Twelve Salmonella pathogenic islands, multiple virulence genes, multiple antimicrobial gene resistance genes, seven phage defense systems, seven prophages and a heavy metal resistance gene were encoded in the genome. Pangenome analysis of the S. enterica clade, including Salmonella SE3, revealed an open pangenome, with a core genome of 2137 genes. Our study showed the effectiveness of a hybrid sequence assembly approach for environmental Salmonella genome analysis using HiSeq and MinION data. This approach enabled the identification of key resistance and virulence genes, and these data are important to inform the control of Salmonella and heavy metal pollution in the Santo Amaro region of Brazil.

J Biomol Struct Dyn ; 40(14): 6330-6339, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33554764


Functional annotation of Trametes villosa genome was performed to search Class II peroxidase proteins in this white-rot fungus, which can be valuable for several biotechnological processes. After sequence identification and manual curation, five proteins were selected to build 3 D models by comparative modeling. Analysis of sequential and structural sequences from selected targets revealed the presence of two putative Lignin Peroxidase and three putative Manganese Peroxidase on this fungal genome. All 3 D models had a similar folding pattern from selected 3 D structure templates. After minimization and validation steps, the best 3 D models were subjected to docking studies and molecular dynamics to identify structural requirements and the interactions required for molecular recognition. Two reliable 3 D models of Class II peroxidases, with typical catalytic site and architecture, and its protein sequences are indicated to recombinant production in biotechnological applications, such as bioenergy.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.

Polyporaceae , Trametes , Colorantes , Lignina/química , Lignina/metabolismo , Peroxidasa , Peroxidasas/metabolismo , Polyporaceae/metabolismo , Trametes/genética , Trametes/metabolismo
Food Microbiol ; 93: 103608, 2021 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32912581


Cocoa beans used for chocolate production are fermented seeds of Theobroma cacao obtained by a natural fermentation process. The flavors and chemical compounds produced during the fermentation process make this step one of the most important in fine chocolate production. Herein, an integrative analysis of the variation of microbial community structure, using a shotgun metagenomics approach and associated physicochemical features, was performed during fermentation of fine cocoa beans. Samples of Forastero variety (FOR) and a mixture of two hybrids (PS1319 and CCN51) (MIX) from Bahia, Brazil, were analyzed at 7 different times. In the beginning (0 h), the structures of microbial communities were very different between FOR and MIX, reflecting the original plant-associated microbiomes. The highest change in microbial community structures occurred at the first 24 h of fermentation, with a marked increase in temperature and acetic acid concentration, and pH decrease. At 24-48 h both microbial community structures were quite homogenous regarding temperature, acetic acid, succinic acid, pH, soluble proteins and total phenols. During 72-96 h, the community structure resembles an acidic and warmer environment, prevailing few acetic acid bacteria. Taxonomic richness and abundance at 72-144 h exhibited significant correlation with temperature, reducing sugars, succinic, and acetic acids. Finally, we recommend that dominant microbial species of spontaneous fine cocoa fermentations should be considered as inoculum in accordance with the farm/region and GMP to maintain a differential organoleptic feature for production of fine chocolate. In our study, a starter inoculum composed of Acetobacter pausterianus and Hanseniaspora opuntiae strains is indicated.

Cacao/microbiología , Fermentación , Alimentos Fermentados , Microbiología de Alimentos , Metagenómica/métodos , Ácido Acético/metabolismo , Acetobacter/metabolismo , Bacterias/metabolismo , Brasil , Chocolate , Aromatizantes , Hanseniaspora/genética , Hanseniaspora/metabolismo , Microbiota/genética , Semillas/microbiología
Biotechnol Appl Biochem ; 68(5): 1033-1043, 2021 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32918838


The protease was produced extracellularly in submerged fermentation by the yeast Rhodotorula oryzicola using different sources of nitrogen and maximum activity (6.54 × 10-3 U/mg) was obtained in medium containing 2% casein (w/v). Purification of the protease by gel filtration chromatography resulted in a 3.07-fold increase of specific protease activity. The optimal pH and temperature for enzyme activity were 6.51 and 63.04 °C, respectively. Incubation in the presence of some salts enhanced enzyme activity, which peaked under 0.01 M BaCl2 . The enzyme retained about 90% of enzymatic activity at temperatures 50-60 °C. The commercially available enzyme carriers evaluated, silica gel, Celite 545, and chitosan effectively immobilized the protease. The enzyme immobilized in Celite 545 retained 73.53% of the initial activity after 15 reuse cycles. These results are quite promising for large-scale production and immobilization of protease from R. oryzicola, as the high operational stability of the immobilized enzyme lowers production costs in biotechnological applications that require high enzymatic activity and stability under high temperatures.

Péptido Hidrolasas/metabolismo , Rhodotorula/enzimología , Biotecnología , Enzimas Inmovilizadas/química , Enzimas Inmovilizadas/metabolismo , Concentración de Iones de Hidrógeno , Péptido Hidrolasas/química , Temperatura
REVISA (Online) ; 9(3): 529-538, 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1122987


Objetivo: relatar uma experiência didática envolvendo diálogo entre a Universidade e a Escola Pública, por meio da aplicação da oficina pedagógica denominada "Brincando de Geneticista: descobrindo o DNA". Método: A oficina direcionada para alunos da Educação Básica foi realizada na Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, durante a Semana Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia do ano de 2019. A atividade pedagógica foi fundamentada na extração de material genético. Foram utilizados materiais de baixo custo e fácil acesso. Resultados: 80 estudantes Ensino Fundamental II participaram da oficina. Os alunos foram divididos em pequenos grupos, possibilitando maior interação entre estudantes e professor. A oficina de caráter participativo possibilitou que os estudantes pudessem compreender a importância da genética para a vida, além de estimular a interação dos escolares com a Universidade. Ademais, foi observado que muitos escolares apresentam dificuldades para transpor e contextualizar assuntos relacionados a conteúdos celulares e moleculares. Conclusão: No presente trabalho, o uso dessa abordagem didática ampliou a receptividade dos alunos aos conteúdos trabalhados, facilitou o diálogo aluno-professor e se mostrou uma ótima ferramenta de interface entre universidade e escola básica.

Objective: to report a didactic experience involving dialogue between the University and the Public School, through the application of the pedagogical workshop called "Playing Geneticist: discovering the DNA". Method: The workshop directed to students of Basic Education was held at the State University of Feira de Santana, during the National Week of Science and Technology of the year 2019. The pedagogical activity was based on the extraction of genetic material. Low-cost and easy-to-access materials were used. Results: 80 elementary school students participated in the workshop. The students were divided into small groups (12 to 15 students), allowing greater interaction between students and the teacher. The participatory workshop enabled students to understand the importance of genetics for life, in addition to stimulating the interaction of students with the University. Furthermore, it was observed that many students have difficulties in transposing and contextualizing issues related to cellular and molecular content. Conclusion: In the present work, the use of this didactic approach increased the students' receptivity to the contents worked on, facilitated the student-teacher dialogue and proved to be a great interface tool between university and basic school.

Objetivo: reportar una experiencia didáctica que involucra el diálogo entre la Universidad y la Escuela Pública, a través de la aplicación del taller pedagógico llamado "Jugando Genetista: descubriendo el ADN". Método: El taller dirigido a estudiantes de Educación Básica se realizó en la Universidad Estatal de Feira de Santana, durante la Semana Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología del año 2019. La actividad pedagógica se basó en la extracción de material genético. Se utilizaron materiales de bajo costo y de fácil acceso. Resultados: 80 estudiantes de primaria participaron en el taller. Los alumnos se dividieron en pequeños grupos (de 12 a 15 alumnos), lo que permitió una mayor interacción entre los alumnos y el profesor. El taller participativo permitió a los estudiantes comprender la importancia de la genética para la vida, además de estimular la interacción de los estudiantes con la Universidad. Además, se observó que muchos estudiantes tienen dificultades para transponer y contextualizar cuestiones relacionadas con el contenido celular y molecular. Conclusión: En el presente trabajo, el uso de este enfoque didáctico aumentó la receptividad de los estudiantes a los contenidos trabajados, facilitó el diálogo estudiante-maestro y demostró ser una gran herramienta de interfaz entre la universidad y la escuela básica.

Educación Compensatoria , Universidades , ADN , Educación Primaria y Secundaria
J Mol Model ; 24(11): 314, 2018 Oct 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30327889


Leishmaniasis is caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania spp. and is considered the second most important protozoa in the world due to the number of cases and mortality. Despite its importance in terms of public health, the treatment of patients is limited and has mostly low levels of efficacy and safety. Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase (FPPS) acts in the early stages of isoprenoid synthesis, and is important for maintaining the integrity of the lipid bilayer of the parasite that causes the disease. The aim of this work was to identify one potential inhibitor of the FPPS of Leishmania major through virtual screening by pharmacophore modeling and docking. A total of 85,000 compounds from a natural products database (ZINC15) was submitted for virtual hierarchical screening, and the top ranked molecule in both methods was analyzed by intermolecular interaction profile and 20 ns molecular dynamics simulations. These results showed a promising compound from natural products that mimic the major interactions present in the substrate/inhibitor.

Diseño de Fármacos , Inhibidores Enzimáticos/farmacología , Geraniltranstransferasa/antagonistas & inhibidores , Leishmania major/enzimología , Simulación del Acoplamiento Molecular , Simulación de Dinámica Molecular , Geraniltranstransferasa/metabolismo , Leishmania major/efectos de los fármacos , Ligandos
Data Brief ; 18: 1581-1587, 2018 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29904660


Herein, we present the draft genome of Trametes villosa isolate CCMB561, a wood-decaying Basidiomycota commonly found in tropical semiarid climate. The genome assembly was 57.98 Mb in size with an L50 of 691. A total of 16,711 putative protein-encoding genes was predicted, including 590 genes coding for carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZy), directly involved in the decomposition of lignocellulosic materials. This is the first genome of this species of high interest in bioenergy research. The draft genome of Trametes villosa isolate CCMB561 will provide an important resource for future investigations in biofuel production, bioremediation and other green technologies.

Int J Biol Macromol ; 102: 323-330, 2017 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28380332


The lectin from Platypodium elegans seeds (PELa) was purified by affinity chromatography in a mannose-agarose column. The lectin agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes and the agglutinating effect was inhibited by previous incubation with the glycoprotein fetuin, along with N-acetyl-d-glucosamine, D-mannose and its derivatives. The lectin maintained complete activity in temperatures ranging from 40 to 60°C and pH values ranging from 9 to 10. As a glycoprotein, PELa has a carbohydrate content of 2.2%, and its activity requires divalent cations such as Ca2+ and Mn2+. Based on SDS-PAGE, PELa displays a profile similar to that of other Dalbergieae lectins with the main chain of molecular mass around 30kDa and two subunits of 19kDa and 10 kDa each. Two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis revealed the presence of isoforms with different isoelectric points, and high-performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) was performed to confirm the purity of the sample. The lectin was immobilized in CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B and successfully captured fetuin in solution, demonstrating that this lectin remains active and capable of binding carbohydrates. PELa showed effects different from those of its recombinant form in both pro- and anti-inflammatory tests.

Edema/inducido químicamente , Fabaceae/química , Proteínas Inmovilizadas/farmacología , Lectinas de Plantas/farmacología , Proteínas Recombinantes/farmacología , Semillas/química , Sefarosa/química , Animales , Eritrocitos/efectos de los fármacos , Eritrocitos/inmunología , Hemaglutinación/efectos de los fármacos , Proteínas Inmovilizadas/química , Masculino , Lectinas de Plantas/química , Conejos , Ratas , Proteínas Recombinantes/química
J Microbiol Biotechnol ; 27(1): 179-188, 2017 Jan 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27713214


White-rot basidiomycetes are the organisms that decompose lignin most efficiently, and Trametes villosa is a promising species for ligninolytic enzyme production. There are several publications on T. villosa applications for lignin degradation regarding the expression and secretion of laccase and manganese peroxidase (MnP) but no reports on the identification and characterization of lignin peroxidase (LiP), a relevant enzyme for the efficient breakdown of lignin. The object of this study was to identify and partially characterize, for the first time, gDNA, mRNA, and the corresponding lignin peroxidase (TvLiP) protein from T. villosa strain CCMB561 from the Brazilian semiarid region. The presence of ligninolytic enzymes produced by this strain grown in inducer media was qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by spectrophotometry, qPCR, and dye fading using Remazol Brilliant Blue R. The spectrophotometric analysis showed that LiP activity was higher than that of MnP. The greatest LiP expression as measured by qPCR occurred on the 7th day, and the ABSA medium (agar, sugarcane bagasse, and ammonium sulfate) was the best that favored LiP expression. The amplification of the TvLiP gene median region covering approximately 50% of the T. versicolor LPGIV gene (87% identity); the presence of Trp199, Leu115, Asp193, Trp199, and Ala203 in the translated amplicon of the T. villosa mRNA; and the close phylogenetic relationship between TvLiP and T. versicolor LiP all indicate that the target enzyme is a lignin peroxidase. Therefore, T. villosa CCMB561 has great potential for use as a LiP, MnP, and Lac producer for industrial applications.

Fundam Clin Pharmacol ; 27(2): 201-9, 2013 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21895762


The objective of this study was to evaluate the antinociceptive effects of a lectin from Canavalia brasiliensis (ConBr) when administered orally to murine models of chemical and thermal nociception. ConBr up to 100 mg/kg produced significant and dose-dependent antinociceptive effects: 81% reduction in abdominal writhing induced by 0.6% acetic acid; 26 and 52% reduction in early- and late-stage paw licking, respectively, induced by 2.5% formalin; and 155% increase in reaction latency (heightened thermal pain threshold). In all models, the antinociceptive effect was reversed by the lectin-binding carbohydrate α-d-methyl-mannoside and by the nonselective opioid antagonist naloxone. The antinociceptive effect observed in the formalin test was inhibited by the δ-selective antagonist naltrindole and the κ-selective antagonist nor-binaltorphimine but not by the µ-selective antagonist cyprodime. In conclusion, when administered orally to Swiss mice, the ConBr lectin displayed antinociceptive activity, both peripheral and central, mediated by the opioid system and involving δ-and κ-receptors and the lectin domain.

Analgésicos Opioides/farmacología , Analgésicos/farmacología , Canavalia/química , Nocicepción/efectos de los fármacos , Lectinas de Plantas/farmacología , Administración Oral , Analgésicos/aislamiento & purificación , Analgésicos Opioides/aislamiento & purificación , Animales , Ratones , Morfinanos/farmacología , Naloxona/farmacología , Naltrexona/análogos & derivados , Naltrexona/farmacología , Dimensión del Dolor/métodos , Lectinas de Plantas/química , Lectinas de Plantas/aislamiento & purificación , Receptores Opioides delta/antagonistas & inhibidores , Receptores Opioides kappa/antagonistas & inhibidores , Semillas/química
Molecules ; 16(6): 5087-103, 2011 Jun 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21694673


DwL, a lectin extracted from the seeds of Dioclea wilsonii, is a metalloprotein with strong agglutinating activity against rabbit and ABO erythrocytes, inhibited by glucose and mannose. DwL was purified by affinity chromatography on a Sephadex G-50 column and ion exchange chromatography on a HiTrap SP XL column. SDS-PAGE revealed three electrophoretic bands corresponding to the α (25,634 ± 2 Da), ß (12,873 ± 2 Da) and γ (12,779 ± 2 Da) chains. Protein sequencing was done by Tandem Mass Spectrometry. The primary sequence featured 237 amino acids and was highly homologous to other reported Diocleinae lectins. A complete X-ray dataset was collected at 2.0 Å for X-Man-complexed DWL crystals produced by the vapor diffusion method. The crystals were orthorhombic and belonged to the space group I222, with the unit-cell parameters a = 59.6, b = 67.9 and c = 109.0 Å. DWL differed in potency from other ConA-like lectins and was found to induce neutrophil migration in rats, making it particularly useful in structural/functional studies of this class of proteins.

Dioclea/química , Mediadores de Inflamación/química , Lectinas de Plantas/química , Semillas/química , Secuencia de Aminoácidos , Animales , Movimiento Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Secuencia Conservada , Cristalización , Eritrocitos/efectos de los fármacos , Humanos , Mediadores de Inflamación/aislamiento & purificación , Mediadores de Inflamación/farmacología , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Neutrófilos/efectos de los fármacos , Lectinas de Plantas/aislamiento & purificación , Lectinas de Plantas/farmacología , Estabilidad Proteica , Conejos , Ratas , Ratas Wistar , Alineación de Secuencia
Biochem Biophys Res Commun ; 408(4): 566-70, 2011 May 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21530490


Diocleinae lectins are highly homologous in their primary structure which features metal binding sites and a carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD). Differences in the biological activity of legume lectins have been widely investigated using hemagglutination inhibition assays, isothermal titration microcalorimetry and co-crystallization with mono- and oligosaccharides. Here we report a new lectin crystal structure (ConBr) extracted from seeds of Canavalia brasiliensis, predict dimannoside binding by docking, identify the α-aminobutyric acid (Abu) binding pocket and compare the CRD of ConBr to that of homologous lectins. Based on the hypothesis that the carbohydrate affinity of lectins depends on CRD configuration, the relationship between tridimensional structure and endothelial NO synthase activation was used to clarify differences in biological activity. Our study established a correlation between the position of CRD amino acid side chains and the stimulation of NO release from endothelium.

Canavalia/metabolismo , Óxido Nítrico Sintasa de Tipo III/química , Lectinas de Plantas/química , Carbohidratos , Cristalografía por Rayos X , Activación Enzimática , Conformación Proteica
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19255467


Plant lectins are the most studied group of carbohydrate-binding proteins. Despite the high similarity between the members of the Diocleinae subtribe (Leguminosae) group, they present differing biological activities. Canavalia boliviana lectin (Cbol) was purified using a Sephadex G-50 column and crystallized in the presence of X-Man by hanging-drop vapour diffusion at 293 K. After optimization, crystals suitable for diffraction were obtained under the condition 0.1 M HEPES pH 7.5 and 3.0 M sodium formate. The crystal belonged to the monoclinic space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 126.70, b = 66.64, c = 64.99 A, alpha = 90.0, beta = 120.8, gamma = 90.0 degrees . Assuming the presence of a dimer in the asymmetric unit, the solvent content was estimated to be about 46%. A complete data set was collected at 1.5 A resolution.

Canavalia/química , Lectinas de Plantas/química , Semillas/química , Cromatografía de Afinidad , Cristalización , Cristalografía por Rayos X , Electroforesis en Gel de Poliacrilamida , Lectinas de Plantas/análisis