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J Maxillofac Oral Surg ; 21(2): 335-339, 2022 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35712430


Introduction: The fibula free flap (FFF) is considered a gold standard for maxillary reconstructions, and in the last few decades, this flap has been widely used for mandibular defects, with a range of modifications, which have allowed the improvement and greater success. The reconstructions of the maxilla and midface are less reported than mandibular reconstructions, despite the remarkable evolution over the years. In the reconstruction of type IIIa maxillary defects using FFF, some authors report that it may not provide enough height to support the orbit in class 3 and 4 defects. Others also encountered several difficulties, mainly in modeling fibular bone (FB) for the zygomatic-maxilla complex reconstruction and orbital floor, due to the difficulty in rotating the soft tissues, pedicle, orientation of the (FB) segments. Objective: To show this new technique presents another option for maxillary reconstruction with a FFF in type IIIa defects. Methods: After harvesting FFF in the standard fashion, differentiated osteotomies, modeling, and arrangement of the fibular bone segments are performed. Results and Conclusion: This new technique presented has the advantage of requiring only one flap, promoting the resolution of the technical difficulties previously reported.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455970


This research analyzes histologic alterations in allogenic bone graft from rats wich were prepared in two different ways. In one group (n=6), metatarsic-l bones not descalcified were stored at -70°C. In the other (n=6), the bones were desminerlised and freeze-drying. The bones were grafted into the groin region of rats and studied 30 days after. In the macroscopic evaluation, the bones not descalcified and stored at -70°C were surrounded by a thin capsule with consistency of cortical bone. Microscopically, it was observed reabsorption of endostal area with a decrease in the cortical thickness, and increase in the intracortical cavity. The bones descalcified and freeze-drying, in a macroscopic evaluation, were surrounded by a thick capsule and the consistency of the bone was softened. Microscopically, the bone showed a tissue without cells and vases, wich was very similar to cartilage; and a thick and fibrous capsule with inflamatory cells. Therefore, there were histologic differences in the allogenic bone grafts, and these differences depend on the way the bone was prepared and stored.

Esta pesquisa analisa as alterações histológicas de enxerto ósseo homógeno preparado de diferentes modos. Em um grupo, ossos metatársicos-l de ratos foram armazenados a -70° Celsius e em outro grupo, os ossos foram descalcificados e estocados em temperatura ambiente após terem sido liofilizados. Esses ossos foram enxertados nas regiões inguinais de ratos e retirados para estudo histológico no trigésimo dia de pós-operatório. Macroscopicamente os ossos não descalcificados e armazenados a -70°C estavam envoltos por uma cápsula delgada, facilmente desprendida e apresentavam consistência de osso cortical. Microscopicamente observou-se absorção da superfície endostal com diminuição da camada cortical e aumento da cavidade medular. A cortical estava sofrendo processo de reabsorção e a superfície óssea externa possuía uma cápsula fibrosa delgada e células inflamatórias. Os ossos descalcificados e liofilizados, na macroscopia, apresentavam-se de consistência amolecida e estavam envoltos por uma cápsula espessa e firmemente aderida. Microscopicamente, a maior parte da arquitetura óssea estava preenchida por material acelular e avascular, muito semelhante à cartilagem e envolvendo o tecido, uma cápsula fibrosa espessa com células inflamatórias. Portanto, existiam diferenças histológicas dos enxertos ósseos homógenos, dependendo do preparo e do armazenamento do osso.