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Nano Lett ; 22(22): 8908-8916, 2022 Nov 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36318695


Auger recombination and thermalization time are detrimental in reducing the gain threshold of optically pumped semiconductor nanocrystal (NC) lasers for future on-chip nanophotonic devices. Here, we report the design strategy of facet engineering to reduce the gain threshold of amplified spontaneous emission by manyfold in NCs of the same concentration and edge length. We achieved this hallmark result by controlling the Auger recombination rates dominated by processes involving NC volume and thermalization time to the emitting states by optimizing the number of facets from 6 (cube) to 12 (rhombic dodecahedron) and 26 (rhombicuboctahedrons) in CsPbBr3 NCs. For instance, we demonstrate a 2-fold reduction in Auger recombination rates and thermalization time with increased number of facets. The gain threshold can be further reduced ∼50% by decreasing the sample temperature to 4 K. Our systematic studies offer a new method to reduce the gain threshold that ultimately forms the basis of nanolasers.

Nano Lett ; 22(2): 808-814, 2022 Jan 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34990139


Nonresonant optical driving of confined semiconductors can open up exciting opportunities for experimentally realizing strongly interacting photon-dressed (Floquet) states through the optical Stark effect (OSE) for coherent modulation of the exciton state. Here we report the first room-temperature observation of the Floquet biexciton-mediated anomalous coherent excitonic OSE in CsPbBr3 quantum dots (QDs). Remarkably, the strong exciton-biexciton interaction leads to a coherent red shift and splitting of the exciton resonance as a function of the drive photon frequency, similar to Autler-Townes splitting in atomic and molecular systems. The large biexciton binding energy of ∼71 meV and exciton-biexciton transition dipole moment of ∼25 D facilitate the hallmark observations, even at large detuning energies of >300 meV. This is accompanied by an unusual crossover from linear to nonlinear fluence dependence of the OSE as a function of the drive photon frequency. Our findings reveal crucial information on the unexplored many-body coherent interacting regime, making perovskite QDs suitable for room temperature quantum devices.

Opt Lett ; 43(19): 4787-4790, 2018 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30272740


We study experimentally and theoretically the intensity-dependent off-resonant ultrafast third-order nonlinear optical response of As2S2 thin films. At low intensity, we observed saturable absorption with a negative (self-defocusing) nonlinear refractive index (n2) which at higher intensity switched over to reverse saturable absorption with a change in the sign of n2 to positive (self-focusing). Our findings constitute compelling evidence on how to dynamically tune the optical response with the intensity that has its origin in the combined effect of two-photon absorption and Pauli blocking. The results were explained with the help of time-resolved measurements and rigorous theoretical and numerical simulations.