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Science ; 382(6677): 1411-1416, 2023 12 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38127762


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contain ≲20% of the carbon in the interstellar medium. They are potentially produced in circumstellar environments (at temperatures ≳1000 kelvin), by reactions within cold (~10 kelvin) interstellar clouds, or by processing of carbon-rich dust grains. We report isotopic properties of PAHs extracted from samples of the asteroid Ryugu and the meteorite Murchison. The doubly-13C substituted compositions (Δ2×13C values) of the PAHs naphthalene, fluoranthene, and pyrene are 9 to 51‰ higher than values expected for a stochastic distribution of isotopes. The Δ2×13C values are higher than expected if the PAHs formed in a circumstellar environment, but consistent with formation in the interstellar medium. By contrast, the PAHs phenanthrene and anthracene in Ryugu samples have Δ2×13C values consistent with formation by higher-temperature reactions.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(46)2021 11 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34750257


When and how Earth's earliest continents-the cratons-first emerged above the oceans (i.e., emersion) remain uncertain. Here, we analyze a craton-wide record of Paleo-to-Mesoarchean granitoid magmatism and terrestrial to shallow-marine sedimentation preserved in the Singhbhum Craton (India) and combine the results with isostatic modeling to examine the timing and mechanism of one of the earliest episodes of large-scale continental emersion on Earth. Detrital zircon U-Pb(-Hf) data constrain the timing of terrestrial to shallow-marine sedimentation on the Singhbhum Craton, which resolves the timing of craton-wide emersion. Time-integrated petrogenetic modeling of the granitoids quantifies the progressive changes in the cratonic crustal thickness and composition and the pressure-temperature conditions of granitoid magmatism, which elucidates the underlying mechanism and tectonic setting of emersion. The results show that the entire Singhbhum Craton became subaerial ∼3.3 to 3.2 billion years ago (Ga) due to progressive crustal maturation and thickening driven by voluminous granitoid magmatism within a plateau-like setting. A similar sedimentary-magmatic evolution also accompanied the early (>3 Ga) emersion of other cratons (e.g., Kaapvaal Craton). Therefore, we propose that the emersion of Earth's earliest continents began during the late Paleoarchean to early Mesoarchean and was driven by the isostatic rise of their magmatically thickened (∼50 km thick), buoyant, silica-rich crust. The inferred plateau-like tectonic settings suggest that subduction collision-driven compressional orogenesis was not essential in driving continental emersion, at least before the Neoarchean. We further surmise that this early emersion of cratons could be responsible for the transient and localized episodes of atmospheric-oceanic oxygenation (O2-whiffs) and glaciation on Archean Earth.

J Geophys Res Planets ; 126(7): e2021JE006828, 2021 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34422534


Magnesium carbonates have been identified within the landing site of the Perseverance rover mission. This study reviews terrestrial analog environments and textural, mineral assemblage, isotopic, and elemental analyses that have been applied to establish formation conditions of magnesium carbonates. Magnesium carbonates form in five distinct settings: ultramafic rock-hosted veins, the matrix of carbonated peridotite, nodules in soil, alkaline lake, and playa deposits, and as diagenetic replacements within lime-and dolostones. Dominant textures include fine-grained or microcrystalline veins, nodules, and crusts. Microbial influences on formation are recorded in thrombolites, stromatolites, crinkly, and pustular laminites, spheroids, and filamentous microstructures. Mineral assemblages, fluid inclusions, and carbon, oxygen, magnesium, and clumped isotopes of carbon and oxygen have been used to determine the sources of carbon, magnesium, and fluid for magnesium carbonates as well as their temperatures of formation. Isotopic signatures in ultramafic rock-hosted magnesium carbonates reveal that they form by either low-temperature meteoric water infiltration and alteration, hydrothermal alteration, or metamorphic processes. Isotopic compositions of lacustrine magnesium carbonate record precipitation from lake water, evaporation processes, and ambient formation temperatures. Assessment of these features with similar analytical techniques applied to returned Martian samples can establish whether carbonates on ancient Mars were formed at high or low temperature conditions in the surface or subsurface through abiotic or biotic processes. The timing of carbonate formation processes could be constrained by 147Sm-143Nd isochron, U-Pb concordia, 207Pb-206Pb isochron radiometric dating as well as 3He, 21Ne, 22Ne, or 36Ar surface exposure dating of returned Martian magnesium carbonate samples.