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Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 48: e57, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38859812


Objective: To assess changes in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) in Haiti from August 2018 to September 2021, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A retrospective study using surveillance data from the Haitian Unique Health Information System, examining two periods: pre- and peri-COVID-19 pandemic. Health indicators at the national level in the two periods were compared using two-sample t-tests for proportions, and average absolute monthly changes were calculated using variance-weighted regression. Results: There was a statistically significant decline in the proportion of most of the indicators assessed from the pre- to the peri-COVID-19 pandemic period. However, the most affected indicators were the proportions of pregnant women with four antenatal care visits, with five antenatal care visits or more, and those who received a second dose of tetanus vaccine, which decreased by over 4 percentage points during the two periods. Likewise, the proportions of children who received diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP), BCG, polio, pentavalent, and rotavirus vaccines also all declined by over 8 percentage points. In contrast, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine increased by over 4 percentage points. A statistically significant decrease was also observed in the average absolute monthly changes of several reproductive and child health indicators assessed. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed to the decline observed in several RMNCAH indicators in Haiti. However, the role played by the sociopolitical crisis and control exercised by armed groups over the population in the last three years cannot be ruled out.

Artículo en Inglés | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-60079


[ABSTRACT]. Objective. To assess changes in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) in Haiti from August 2018 to September 2021, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods. A retrospective study using surveillance data from the Haitian Unique Health Information System, examining two periods: pre- and peri-COVID-19 pandemic. Health indicators at the national level in the two periods were compared using two-sample t-tests for proportions, and average absolute monthly changes were calculated using variance-weighted regression. Results. There was a statistically significant decline in the proportion of most of the indicators assessed from the pre- to the peri-COVID-19 pandemic period. However, the most affected indicators were the proportions of pregnant women with four antenatal care visits, with five antenatal care visits or more, and those who received a second dose of tetanus vaccine, which decreased by over 4 percentage points during the two periods. Likewise, the proportions of children who received diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP), BCG, polio, pentavalent, and rotavirus vaccines also all declined by over 8 percentage points. In contrast, pneu- mococcal conjugate vaccine increased by over 4 percentage points. A statistically significant decrease was also observed in the average absolute monthly changes of several reproductive and child health indicators assessed. Conclusions. The COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed to the decline observed in several RMNCAH indicators in Haiti. However, the role played by the sociopolitical crisis and control exercised by armed groups over the population in the last three years cannot be ruled out.

[RESUMEN]. Objetivo. Evaluar los cambios en materia de salud reproductiva, materna, neonatal, infantil y adolescente que se produjeron en Haití desde agosto del 2018 hasta septiembre del 2021, antes de la pandemia de COVID-19 y durante ella. Metodología. Estudio retrospectivo basado en datos de vigilancia del sistema único de información de salud de Haití para estudiar los periodos pre y peripandémico. La comparación de los indicadores de salud a nivel nacional de estos dos periodos se realizó mediante pruebas de t de dos muestras para comparar proporciones, y se calculó el promedio de la variación mensual absoluta mediante una regresión ponderada por la varianza. Resultados. Al comparar el periodo prepandémico con el peripandémico, se observó un descenso estadísticamente significativo de la mayoría de los indicadores porcentuales evaluados. Sin embargo, los indicadores porcentuales más afectados fueron los de mujeres embarazadas con cuatro visitas de atención prenatal, con cinco visitas de atención prenatal o más, o que recibieron una segunda dosis de la vacuna contra el tétanos; estos indicadores disminuyeron en más de cuatro puntos porcentuales en el segundo periodo en comparación con el primero. Asimismo, las proporciones de niños y niñas que recibieron las vacunas contra la difteria, el tétanos y la tosferina (DTPa), contra la poliomielitis, antirrotavírica, BCG, y pentavalente también disminuyeron en más de ocho puntos porcentuales. En cambio, la proporción de niños y niñas que recibieron la vacuna antineumocócica conjugada aumentó en más de cuatro puntos porcentuales. También se observó un descenso estadísticamente significativo en el promedio de la variación mensual absoluta de varios indicadores de salud reproductiva e infantil. Conclusiones. La pandemia de COVID-19 puede haber contribuido al descenso observado en varios indica- dores relacionados con la salud reproductiva, materna, neonatal, infantil y adolescente en Haití. Sin embargo, no se puede descartar el papel que ha desempeñado en dicho descenso la crisis sociopolítica y el control ejercido por los grupos armados sobre la población en los últimos tres años.

[RESUMO]. Objetivo. Avaliar mudanças na saúde reprodutiva, materna, neonatal, da criança e do adolescente no Haiti entre agosto de 2018 e setembro de 2021, antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos. Estudo retrospectivo usando dados de vigilância do Sistema Único de Informações de Saúde do Haiti, examinando dois períodos, antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Os indicadores de saúde do país nos dois períodos foram comparados por meio de testes t de duas amostras para proporções, e as variações mensais absolutas médias foram calculadas por meio de regressão linear ponderada. Resultados. Entre o período anterior e o período durante a pandemia de COVID-19, houve uma queda estatisticamente significante na proporção da maioria dos indicadores avaliados. Os indicadores mais afetados, porém, foram as proporções de gestantes com quatro consultas de pré-natal, gestantes com cinco ou mais consultas de pré-natal e gestantes que receberam uma segunda dose de vacina antitetânica, que sofreram uma diminuição de mais de 4 pontos percentuais na comparação entre os dois períodos. Similarmente, as proporções de crianças que receberam vacinas contra difteria, tétano e pertússis (DTPa), BCG, poliomielite, pentavalente e rotavírus também diminuíram em mais de 8 pontos percentuais. Por outro lado, no caso da vacina pneumocócica conjugada houve um aumento de mais de 4 pontos percentuais. Além disso, foi observada uma redução estatisticamente significante nas variações mensais absolutas médias de vários indicadores de saúde reprodutiva e infantil avaliados. Conclusões. A pandemia de COVID-19 pode ter contribuído para a piora observada em vários indicadores de saúde reprodutiva, materna, neonatal, da criança e do adolescente no Haiti. No entanto, não se pode descartar o papel desempenhado pela crise sociopolítica e pelo controle exercido por grupos armados sobre a população nos últimos três anos.

Salud Infantil , Servicios de Planificación Familiar , Salud Materna , Salud Reproductiva , Servicios de Salud para Mujeres , COVID-19 , Haití , Salud Infantil , Servicios de Planificación Familiar , Salud Materna , Salud Reproductiva , Servicios de Salud para Mujeres , Haití , Salud Infantil , Servicios de Planificación Familiar , Salud Materna , Salud Reproductiva , Servicios de Salud para Mujeres
Artículo en Español | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-49547


[RESUMEN]. Objetivo. El Sistema Informático Perinatal (SIP) ha marcado un hito en el uso de información sistematizada en la Región de las Américas. Lo que se ha aprendido ha contribuido al desarrollo de un modelo basado en un conjunto mínimo de indicadores (CMI). El objetivo del estudio fue describir el proceso histórico y metodológico de desarrollo, implementación y escalamiento territorial de un CMI para monitorizar y evaluar políticas, programas y servicios de salud de la mujer y perinatal orientado a la gestión (SIP-GESTIÓN). Métodos. El estudio se llevó a cabo en dos etapas: 1) validación en cuatro fases de un CMI en una red de hospitales: a) construcción del modelo teórico de indicadores, b) implementación de la investigación operativa, c) selección final de indicadores, y d) definición de patrones de referencia, y 2) escalamiento territorial. Resultados. Se identificaron 17 modelos de indicadores. El modelo inicial incluyó 177 indicadores agrupados en siete dimensiones (contexto, hábitos, accesibilidad, uso de servicios, calidad de cuidados, impacto materno-fetal, e impacto materno-neonatal) que se redujeron a 21 tras tres rondas Delphi. El modelo final (SIP-GESTIÓN) incluyó 40 indicadores. Se analizaron 240 021 partos (79,1%) de un total de 303 559 atendidos en las 122 maternidades seleccionadas en 24 Jurisdicciones (100%) de Argentina. La información se presenta a nivel nacional y desagregada por región sanitaria, provincia y hospital. Conclusiones. Este modelo permitió alcanzar altos niveles de cobertura y calidad de la información y escalamiento territorial y es útil para la gestión, la investigación y la reorientación de programas y políticas.

[ABSTRACT]. Objective. The Perinatal Information System (SIP) represents a milestone in the use of systematized information in the Region of the Americas. What has been learned from the system has contributed to the development of a model based on a set of core indicators (SCI). The objective of the study was to describe the historical and methodological process involved in the development, implementation, and territorial scaling-up of an SCI to monitor and evaluate women’s and perinatal health policies, programs, and services geared to management (SIP-GESTIÓN). Methods. The study was conducted in two stages: 1) a four-phase validation of an SCI in a hospital network: a) construction of the theoretical indicator model, b) operations research, c) final selection of the indicators, and d) the definition of reference standards; and 2) territorial scaling-up. Results. A total of 17 indicator models were identified. The initial model included 177 indicators divided into seven dimensions (context, habits, accessibility, use of services, quality of care, maternal and fetal impact, and maternal and neonatal impact), with 21 indicators remaining after three Delphi rounds. The final model (SIPGESTIÓN), which included 40 indicators, was then used to study 240,021 (79.1%) of the 303,559 deliveries attended in 122 selected maternity facilities in 24 jurisdictions (100%) in Argentina. The information is presented in national terms and by health region, province, and hospital. Conclusions. This model has made it possible to achieve high levels of information coverage and quality and territorial scaling-up and is useful for management, research, and the reorientation of programs and policies.

[RESUMO]. Objetivo. O Sistema de Informação Perinatal (SIP) é um marco no uso de informação sistematizada na Região das Américas. A experiência obtida contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de um modelo baseado em um conjunto mínimo de indicadores (CMI). O objetivo do estudo foi descrever o processo histórico e metodológico do desenvolvimento, implementação e dimensionamento territorial do CMI para monitorar e avaliar políticas, programas e serviços de saúde materna e perinatal orientado à gestão (SIP-gestão). Métodos. O estudo foi realizado em duas etapas. A primeira etapa consistiu da validação em quatro fases de um CMI em uma rede de hospitais: a) construção do modelo teórico de indicadores, b) implementação da pesquisa operacional, c) seleção final dos indicadores e d) definição dos padrões de referência. A segunda etapa consistiu da determinação da escala territorial. Resultados. Foram identificados 17 modelos de indicadores. O modelo inicial incluiu 177 indicadores agrupados em sete dimensões (contexto, hábitos, acessibilidade, utilização de serviços, qualidade do atendimento, impacto materno-fetal e impacto materno-neonatal) que foram reduzidas a 21 após três rodadas de aplicação da técnica Delphi. O modelo final (SIP-gestão) inclui 40 indicadores. Foram analisados 240.021 partos (79,1%) de um número total de 303.559 casos atendidos nas 122 maternidades selecionadas em 24 jurisdições (100%) da Argentina. Os dados são apresentados ao nível nacional e desagregados por região de saúde, província e hospital. Conclusões. O modelo desenvolvido atingiu altos níveis de cobertura e qualidade da informação e determinação da escala territorial, e pode ser usado na gestão, pesquisa e reorientação de programas e políticas.

Gestión de la Información en Salud , Uso de la Información Científica en la Toma de Decisiones en Salud , Salud de la Mujer , Centro Latinoamericano de Perinatología, Salud de la Mujer y Reproductiva , Sistemas de Información , Perinatología , Argentina , Gestión de la Información en Salud , Uso de la Información Científica en la Toma de Decisiones en Salud , Sistemas de Información , Salud de la Mujer , Perinatología , Centro Latinoamericano de Perinatología, Salud de la Mujer y Reproductiva , Perinatología , Gestión de la Información en Salud , Uso de la Información Científica en la Toma de Decisiones en Salud , Sistemas de Información , Salud de la Mujer , Centro Latinoamericano de Perinatología, Salud de la Mujer y Reproductiva
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 42: e148, 2018.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31093176


OBJECTIVE: The Perinatal Information System (SIP) represents a milestone in the use of systematized information in the Region of the Americas. What has been learned from the system has contributed to the development of a model based on a set of core indicators (SCI). The objective of the study was to describe the historical and methodological process involved in the development, implementation, and territorial scaling-up of an SCI to monitor and evaluate women's and perinatal health policies, programs, and services geared to management (SIP-GESTIÓN). METHODS: The study was conducted in two stages: 1) a four-phase validation of an SCI in a hospital network: a) construction of the theoretical indicator model, b) operations research, c) final selection of the indicators, and d) the definition of reference standards; and 2) territorial scaling-up. RESULTS: A total of 17 indicator models were identified. The initial model included 177 indicators divided into seven dimensions (context, habits, accessibility, use of services, quality of care, maternal and fetal impact, and maternal and neonatal impact), with 21 indicators remaining after three Delphi rounds. The final model (SIP-GESTIÓN), which included 40 indicators, was then used to study 240,021 (79.1%) of the 303,559 deliveries attended in 122 selected maternity facilities in 24 jurisdictions (100%) in Argentina. The information is presented in national terms and by health region, province, and hospital. CONCLUSIONS: This model has made it possible to achieve high levels of information coverage and quality and territorial scaling-up and is useful for management, research, and the reorientation of programs and policies.

OBJETIVO: O Sistema de Informação Perinatal (SIP) é um marco no uso de informação sistematizada na Região das Américas. A experiência obtida contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de um modelo baseado em um conjunto mínimo de indicadores (CMI). O objetivo do estudo foi descrever o processo histórico e metodológico do desenvolvimento, implementação e dimensionamento territorial do CMI para monitorar e avaliar políticas, programas e serviços de saúde materna e perinatal orientado à gestão (SIP-gestão). MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado em duas etapas. A primeira etapa consistiu da validação em quatro fases de um CMI em uma rede de hospitais: a) construção do modelo teórico de indicadores, b) implementação da pesquisa operacional, c) seleção final dos indicadores e d) definição dos padrões de referência. A segunda etapa consistiu da determinação da escala territorial. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 17 modelos de indicadores. O modelo inicial incluiu 177 indicadores agrupados em sete dimensões (contexto, hábitos, acessibilidade, utilização de serviços, qualidade do atendimento, impacto materno-fetal e impacto materno-neonatal) que foram reduzidas a 21 após três rodadas de aplicação da técnica Delphi. O modelo final (SIP-gestão) inclui 40 indicadores. Foram analisados 240.021 partos (79,1%) de um número total de 303.559 casos atendidos nas 122 maternidades selecionadas em 24 jurisdições (100%) da Argentina. Os dados são apresentados ao nível nacional e desagregados por região de saúde, província e hospital. CONCLUSÕES: O modelo desenvolvido atingiu altos níveis de cobertura e qualidade da informação e determinação da escala territorial, e pode ser usado na gestão, pesquisa e reorientação de programas e políticas.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 42: e148, 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-978829


RESUMEN Objetivo El Sistema Informático Perinatal (SIP) ha marcado un hito en el uso de información sistematizada en la Región de las Américas. Lo que se ha aprendido ha contribuido al desarrollo de un modelo basado en un conjunto mínimo de indicadores (CMI). El objetivo del estudio fue describir el proceso histórico y metodológico de desarrollo, implementación y escalamiento territorial de un CMI para monitorizar y evaluar políticas, programas y servicios de salud de la mujer y perinatal orientado a la gestión (SIP-GESTIÓN). Métodos El estudio se llevó a cabo en dos etapas: 1) validación en cuatro fases de un CMI en una red de hospitales: a) construcción del modelo teórico de indicadores, b) implementación de la investigación operativa, c) selección final de indicadores, y d) definición de patrones de referencia, y 2) escalamiento territorial. Resultados Se identificaron 17 modelos de indicadores. El modelo inicial incluyó 177 indicadores agrupados en siete dimensiones (contexto, hábitos, accesibilidad, uso de servicios, calidad de cuidados, impacto materno-fetal, e impacto materno-neonatal) que se redujeron a 21 tras tres rondas Delphi. El modelo final (SIP-GESTIÓN) incluyó 40 indicadores. Se analizaron 240 021 partos (79,1%) de un total de 303 559 atendidos en las 122 maternidades seleccionadas en 24 Jurisdicciones (100%) de Argentina. La información se presenta a nivel nacional y desagregada por región sanitaria, provincia y hospital. Conclusiones Este modelo permitió alcanzar altos niveles de cobertura y calidad de la información y escalamiento territorial y es útil para la gestión, la investigación y la reorientación de programas y políticas.

ABSTRACT Objective The Perinatal Information System (SIP) represents a milestone in the use of systematized information in the Region of the Americas. What has been learned from the system has contributed to the development of a model based on a set of core indicators (SCI). The objective of the study was to describe the historical and methodological process involved in the development, implementation, and territorial scaling-up of an SCI to monitor and evaluate women's and perinatal health policies, programs, and services geared to management (SIP-GESTIÓN). Methods The study was conducted in two stages: 1) a four-phase validation of an SCI in a hospital network: a) construction of the theoretical indicator model, b) operations research, c) final selection of the indicators, and d) the definition of reference standards; and 2) territorial scaling-up. Results A total of 17 indicator models were identified. The initial model included 177 indicators divided into seven dimensions (context, habits, accessibility, use of services, quality of care, maternal and fetal impact, and maternal and neonatal impact), with 21 indicators remaining after three Delphi rounds. The final model (SIP-GESTIÓN), which included 40 indicators, was then used to study 240,021 (79.1%) of the 303,559 deliveries attended in 122 selected maternity facilities in 24 jurisdictions (100%) in Argentina. The information is presented in national terms and by health region, province, and hospital. Conclusions This model has made it possible to achieve high levels of information coverage and quality and territorial scaling-up and is useful for management, research, and the reorientation of programs and policies.

RESUMO Objetivo O Sistema de Informação Perinatal (SIP) é um marco no uso de informação sistematizada na Região das Américas. A experiência obtida contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de um modelo baseado em um conjunto mínimo de indicadores (CMI). O objetivo do estudo foi descrever o processo histórico e metodológico do desenvolvimento, implementação e dimensionamento territorial do CMI para monitorar e avaliar políticas, programas e serviços de saúde materna e perinatal orientado à gestão (SIP-gestão). Métodos O estudo foi realizado em duas etapas. A primeira etapa consistiu da validação em quatro fases de um CMI em uma rede de hospitais: a) construção do modelo teórico de indicadores, b) implementação da pesquisa operacional, c) seleção final dos indicadores e d) definição dos padrões de referência. A segunda etapa consistiu da determinação da escala territorial. Resultados Foram identificados 17 modelos de indicadores. O modelo inicial incluiu 177 indicadores agrupados em sete dimensões (contexto, hábitos, acessibilidade, utilização de serviços, qualidade do atendimento, impacto materno-fetal e impacto materno-neonatal) que foram reduzidas a 21 após três rodadas de aplicação da técnica Delphi. O modelo final (SIP-gestão) inclui 40 indicadores. Foram analisados 240.021 partos (79,1%) de um número total de 303.559 casos atendidos nas 122 maternidades selecionadas em 24 jurisdições (100%) da Argentina. Os dados são apresentados ao nível nacional e desagregados por região de saúde, província e hospital. Conclusões O modelo desenvolvido atingiu altos níveis de cobertura e qualidade da informação e determinação da escala territorial, e pode ser usado na gestão, pesquisa e reorientação de programas e políticas.

Perinatología , Centro Latinoamericano de Perinatología, Salud de la Mujer y Reproductiva , Salud de la Mujer , Argentina , Sistemas de Información/estadística & datos numéricos , Gestión del Conocimiento para la Investigación en Salud , Uso de la Información Científica en la Toma de Decisiones en Salud , Gestión de la Información en Salud/organización & administración
Recurso Educacional Abierto en Español | CVSP - Argentina | ID: oer-1157


El lunes 5 de junio iniciaron las X Jornadas Internacionales de Salud Pública 2017 “Salud y Ambiente para el Desarrollo Sostenible” organizadas por la La Secretaría de Salud Pública y Ambiente de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Dentro del marco de dichas Jornadas dio su conferencia la representante de la OPS en Argentina Dra. Maureen Birmingham.

17627 , Judicialización de la Salud , Equidad en Salud
WHO South East Asia J Public Health ; 3(3-4): 266-272, 2014 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26693144


INTRODUCTION: Thailand conducted a national laboratory assessment of core capacities related to the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005), and thereby established a baseline to measure future progress. The assessment was limited to public laboratories found within the Thai Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food, National Institute of Health and regional medical science centres. METHODS: The World Health Organization (WHO) laboratory assessment tool was adapted to Thailand through a participatory approach. This adapted version employed a specific scoring matrix and comprised 16 modules with a quantitative output. Two teams jointly performed the on-site assessments in December 2010 over a two-week period, in 17 public health laboratories in Thailand. The assessment focused on the capacity to identify and accurately detect pathogens mentioned in Annex 2 of the IHR (2005) in a timely manner, as well as other public health priority pathogens for Thailand. RESULTS: Performance of quality management, budget and finance, data management and communications was considered strong (>90%); premises quality, specimen collection, biosafety, public health functions, supplies management and equipment availability were judged as very good (>70% but ≤90%); while microbiological capacity, staffing, training and supervision, and information technology needed improvement (>60% but ≤70%). CONCLUSIONS: This assessment is a major step in Thailand towards development of an optimized and standardized national laboratory network for the detection and reporting of infectious disease that would be compliant with IHR (2005). The participatory strategy employed to adapt an international tool to the Thai context can also serve as a model for use by other countries in the Region. The participatory approach probably ensured better quality and ownership of the results, while providing critical information to help decision-makers determine where best to invest finite resources.

Emerg Infect Dis ; 18(7): 1058-64, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22709628


In 2009, Thailand experienced rapid spread of the pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus. The national response came under intense public scrutiny as the number of confirmed cases and associated deaths increased. Thus, during July-December 2009, the Ministry of Public Health and the World Health Organization jointly reviewed the response efforts. The review found that the actions taken were largely appropriate and proportionate to need. However, areas needing improvement were surveillance, laboratory capacity, hospital infection control and surge capacity, coordination and monitoring of guidelines for clinical management and nonpharmaceutical interventions, risk communications, and addressing vulnerabilities of non-Thai displaced and migrant populations. The experience in Thailand may be applicable to other countries and settings, and the lessons learned may help strengthen responses to other pandemics or comparable prolonged public health emergencies.

Brotes de Enfermedades/prevención & control , Subtipo H1N1 del Virus de la Influenza A/patogenicidad , Gripe Humana , Pandemias , Vigilancia de la Población/métodos , Antivirales/farmacología , Antivirales/uso terapéutico , Adhesión a Directriz , Humanos , Control de Infecciones/métodos , Subtipo H1N1 del Virus de la Influenza A/efectos de los fármacos , Gripe Humana/diagnóstico , Gripe Humana/tratamiento farmacológico , Gripe Humana/epidemiología , Gripe Humana/prevención & control , Capacidad de Reacción , Tailandia/epidemiología , Organización Mundial de la Salud
Health Expect ; 15(1): 87-96, 2012 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21281413


AIM: This paper aims to describe and disseminate the process and initial outcomes of the first National Health Assembly (NHA) in Thailand, as an innovative example of health policy making. SETTING: The first NHA, held in December 2008 in Bangkok, brought together over 1500 people from government agencies, academia, civil society, health professionals and the private sector to discuss key health issues and produce resolutions to guide policy making. It adapted the approach used at the World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization. METHOD: Findings are derived from a literature review, document analysis, and the views and experiences of the authors, two of whom contributed to the organization of the NHA and two of whom were invited external observers. RESULTS: Fourteen agenda items were discussed and resolutions passed. Potential early impacts on policy making have included an increase in the 2010 public budget for Thailand's universal health coverage scheme as total public expenditure has decreased; cabinet endorsement of proposed Strategies for Universal Access to Medicines for Thai People; and establishment of National Commissions on Health Impact Assessment and Trade and Health. DISCUSSION: The NHA was successful in bringing together various actors and sectors involved in the social production of health, including groups often marginalized in policy making. It provides an innovative model of how governments may be able to increase public participation and intersectoral collaboration that could be adapted in other contexts. Significant challenges remain in ensuring full participation of interested groups and in implementing, and monitoring the impact of, the resolutions passed.

Congresos como Asunto , Política de Salud , Formulación de Políticas , Política Pública , Humanos , Entrevistas como Asunto , Tailandia
J Infect Dis ; 200 Suppl 1: S9-S15, 2009 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19817620


BACKGROUND: As new rotavirus vaccines are being introduced in immunization programs, global and national estimates of disease burden, especially rotavirus-associated mortality, are needed to assess the potential health benefits of vaccination and to monitor vaccine impact. METHODS: We identified 76 studies that were initiated after 1990, lasted at least 1 full year, and examined rotavirus among >100 children hospitalized with diarrhea. The studies were assigned to 5 groups (A-E) with use of World Health Organization classification of countries by child mortality and geography. For each group, the mean rotavirus detection rate was multiplied by diarrhea-related mortality figures from 2004 for countries in that group to yield estimates of rotavirus-associated mortality. RESULTS: Overall, rotavirus accounted for 527,000 deaths (95% confidence interval, 475,000-580,000 deaths) annually or 29% of all deaths due to diarrhea among children <5 years of age. Twenty-three percent of deaths due to rotavirus disease occurred in India, and 6 countries (India, Nigeria, Congo, Ethiopia, China, and Pakistan) accounted for more than one-half of deaths due to rotavirus disease. CONCLUSIONS: The high mortality associated with rotavirus disease underscores the need for targeted interventions, such as vaccines. To realize the full life-saving potential of vaccines, it will be vital to ensure that they reach children in countries with high mortality. These baseline figures will allow future assessment of vaccine impact on rotavirus-associated mortality.

Infecciones por Rotavirus/mortalidad , Niño , Preescolar , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Infecciones por Rotavirus/epidemiología , Infecciones por Rotavirus/prevención & control , Vacunas contra Rotavirus/inmunología , Factores de Tiempo , Vacunación , Organización Mundial de la Salud
Bull World Health Organ ; 87(7): 535-41, 2009 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19649368


WHO and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) annually review data on immunization coverage to estimate national coverage with routine service delivery of the following vaccines: bacille Calmette-Guérin; diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, first and third doses; either oral polio vaccine or inactivated polio vaccine, third dose of either; hepatitis B, third dose; Haemophilus influenzae type b, third dose; and a measles virus-containing vaccine, either for measles alone or in the form of a combination vaccine, one dose. The estimates are based on government reports submitted to WHO and UNICEF and are supplemented by survey results from the published and grey literature. Local experts, primarily national immunization system managers and WHO/UNICEF regional and national staff, are consulted for additional information on the performance of specific immunization systems. Estimates are derived through a country-by-country review of available data informed and constrained by a set of heuristics; no statistical or mathematical models are used. Draft estimates are made, sent to national authorities for review and comment and modified in light of their feedback. While the final estimates may not differ from reported data, they constitute an independent technical assessment by WHO and UNICEF of the performance of national immunization systems. These country-specific estimates, available from 1980 onward, are updated annually.

Programas de Inmunización/organización & administración , Naciones Unidas , Organización Mundial de la Salud , Recolección de Datos , Humanos , Programas de Inmunización/tendencias , Lactante , Vacunas/administración & dosificación
Int J Epidemiol ; 38(1): 192-205, 2009 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19188207


BACKGROUND: Global deaths from measles have decreased notably in past decades, due to both increases in immunization rates and decreases in measles case fatality ratios (CFRs). While some aspects of the reduction in measles mortality can be monitored through increases in immunization coverage, estimating the level of measles deaths (in absolute terms) is problematic, particularly since incidence-based methods of estimation rely on accurate measures of measles CFRs. These ratios vary widely by geographic and epidemiologic context and even within the same community from year-to-year. METHODS: To understand better the variations in CFRs, we reviewed community-based studies published between 1980 and 2008 reporting age-specific measles CFRs. RESULTS: The results of the search consistently document that measles CFRs are highest in unvaccinated children under age 5 years; in outbreaks; the lowest CFRs occur in vaccinated children regardless of setting. The broad range of case and death definitions, study populations and geography highlight the complexities in extrapolating results for global public health planning. CONCLUSIONS: Values for measles CFRs remain imprecise, resulting in continued uncertainty about the actual toll measles exacts.

Sarampión/mortalidad , Factores de Edad , Niño , Preescolar , Países en Desarrollo , Femenino , Humanos , Inmunización/estadística & datos numéricos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Desnutrición/complicaciones , Sarampión/complicaciones , Sarampión/prevención & control , Vacuna Antisarampión/administración & dosificación , Factores de Riesgo , Deficiencia de Vitamina A/complicaciones
J Infect Dis ; 197(10): 1427-35, 2008 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18419577


BACKGROUND: After the 2001-2002 poliomyelitis outbreak due to recombinant vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs) in the Toliara province of Madagascar, another outbreak reoccurred in the same province in 2005. METHODS: We conducted epidemiological and virological investigations for each polio case patient and for their contacts. RESULTS: From May to August 2005, a total of 5 cases of acute flaccid paralysis were reported among unvaccinated or partially vaccinated children 2-3 years old. Type-3 or type-2 VDPV was isolated from case patients and from healthy contacts. These strains were classified into 4 recombinant lineages that showed complex mosaic genomic structures originating from different vaccine strain serotypes and probably from human enterovirus C (HEV-C) species. Genetic relatedness could be observed among these 4 lineages. Vaccination coverage of the population was very low (<50%). CONCLUSIONS: The broad distribution of VDPVs in the province and their close genetic relationship indicate intense and rapid cocirculation and coevolution of the vaccine strains and of their related HEV-C strains. The occurrence of an outbreak due to VDPV 3 years after a previous outbreak indicates that a short period with low vaccination coverage is enough to create favorable conditions for the emergence of VDPV in this setting.

Brotes de Enfermedades , Poliomielitis/epidemiología , Vacunas contra Poliovirus/efectos adversos , Preescolar , Enterovirus Humano C/genética , Humanos , Madagascar/epidemiología , Masculino , Filogenia , Poliomielitis/virología , Poliovirus/clasificación , Poliovirus/genética , Poliovirus/aislamiento & purificación , Vacunas contra Poliovirus/aislamiento & purificación , ARN Viral/genética , Recombinación Genética , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN , Vacunas Sintéticas/efectos adversos
Ann Epidemiol ; 17(8): 628-33, 2007 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17553701


The goal of the Data Quality Audit (DQA) is to assess whether the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization-funded countries are adequately reporting the number of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunizations given, on which the "shares" are awarded. Given that this sampling design is a modified two-stage cluster sample (modified because a stratified, rather than a simple, random sample of health facilities is obtained from the selected clusters); the formula for the calculation of the standard error for the estimate is unknown. An approximated standard error has been proposed, and the first goal of this simulation is to assess the accuracy of the standard error. Results from the simulations based on hypothetical populations were found not to be representative of the actual DQAs that were conducted. Additional simulations were then conducted on the actual DQA data to better access the precision of the DQ with both the original and the increased sample sizes.

Vacuna contra Difteria, Tétanos y Tos Ferina/administración & dosificación , Revisión de la Utilización de Medicamentos/métodos , Adhesión a Directriz/estadística & datos numéricos , Programas de Inmunización/estadística & datos numéricos , Vacunación/estadística & datos numéricos , África Occidental , Burkina Faso , Análisis por Conglomerados , Simulación por Computador , Países en Desarrollo/estadística & datos numéricos , Vacuna contra Difteria, Tétanos y Tos Ferina/provisión & distribución , Humanos , Programas de Inmunización/organización & administración , Pakistán , Probabilidad , Control de Calidad , Proyectos de Investigación/estadística & datos numéricos , Organización Mundial de la Salud
Am J Public Health ; 97 Suppl 1: S15-22, 2007 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17413077


With the emergence of epidemic Neisseria meningitidis W135 meningitis in Burkina Faso during early 2002, the public health community was faced with the challenge of providing access to an appropriate and affordable vaccine in time for the upcoming 2003 epidemic season. Recognizing the implications of the emergent threat, the World Health Organization developed a strategy, established a public-private partnership to provide the needed vaccine, and then ensured that a stockpile was available for future use. The trivalent N meningitidis ACW135 polysaccharide vaccine that resulted is now one of the primary tools for epidemic response in African meningitis belt countries. It will remain so for the foreseeable future and until appropriate and affordable conjugate vaccines become part of national immunization programs in the region.

Enfermedades Transmisibles Emergentes/prevención & control , Planificación en Desastres/organización & administración , Meningitis Meningocócica/prevención & control , Vacunas Meningococicas/provisión & distribución , Neisseria meningitidis Serogrupo W-135/aislamiento & purificación , Burkina Faso/epidemiología , Enfermedades Transmisibles Emergentes/epidemiología , Brotes de Enfermedades , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , Humanos , Programas de Inmunización , Meningitis Meningocócica/epidemiología , Meningitis Meningocócica/inmunología , Vacunas Meningococicas/inmunología , Neisseria meningitidis Serogrupo W-135/inmunología , Vigilancia de la Población , Sector Privado , Sector Público , Organización Mundial de la Salud
Int J Epidemiol ; 33(3): 551-7, 2004 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15155708


BACKGROUND: In China during 1995-1996 widespread tetanus toxoid (TT) mass vaccination of women of childbearing age in high-risk areas was conducted and neonatal tetanus (NT) surveillance was initiated as part of NT elimination efforts. Despite a subsequent decrease in the estimated rate of NT, the NT disease burden remains high in poorer areas of China. METHODS: To describe the recent epidemiology of NT in China and estimate its risk, we analysed national surveillance data in China 1996-2001 and conducted a case-control study in one high-risk county (Bobai): 60 hospitalized cases were sex- and calendar-birth year matched to 60 controls from the same or neighbouring villages. RESULTS: Reported national annual NT incidence decreased from 0.21/1000 live births (LB) in 1997 to 0.16/1000 LB in 2001. Case mothers were more likely to be aged >30 years (odds ratio [OR] = 6; 95% CI: 2.2, 20.2), unschooled (OR = 3.2; 95% CI: 1.1, 11.6), and with an annual income of <1000 yuan ($125 USD) (OR = 6.0; 95% CI: 1.9, 25.6). Only 28% of control mothers and 12% of case mothers reported any TT vaccination. In multivariate analysis, relative to hospital delivery, cases had a 64-fold increased odds of home delivery by a family member or neighbour (95% CI: 8.4, 982.2), and a 13-fold increased odds of home delivery by a traditional birth attendant (95% CI: 1.6, 322.6). CONCLUSIONS: Improved access to clean deliveries in high-risk areas is critically needed in China. Nonetheless, targeted TT vaccination appears to have helped reduce NT incidence in China.

Tétanos/epidemiología , China/epidemiología , Métodos Epidemiológicos , Femenino , Parto Domiciliario , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Edad Materna , Factores de Riesgo , Distribución por Sexo , Toxoide Tetánico/uso terapéutico , Vacunación