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J Anal Psychol ; 67(4): 939-961, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36165301


The paper explores the phenomenology of major depression and suicidal ideation in children, offering a brief overview of relevant findings in psychiatry, with particular reference to statistical evidence, and outlining psychoanalytic models, including Jungian as well as the post-Kleinian and Bionian vertices. Bowlby's seminal contribution to the understanding of mourning processes in relation to Freud's theory is also considered. The case of an eight-year-old boy is examined, with particular attention to a series of drawings that the patient produced over the two years of his psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The therapy was interrupted abruptly by his parents.

Cet article explore la phénoménologie de la dépression grave et de l'idéation suicidaire chez les enfants. Il offre un rapide aperçu des découvertes sur ce sujet en psychiatrie, faisant particulièrement référence aux données statistiques, et donnant les grandes lignes des modèles psychanalytiques, notamment les perspectives Jungiennes ainsi que post-Kleiniennes et Bionniennes. L'apport majeur de Bowlby pour la compréhension des processus de deuil en relation avec la théorie freudienne est également pris en compte. Le cas d'un garçon de huit ans est étudié, en s'appuyant sur une série de dessins que le patient produisit au cours de deux années de psychothérapie psychanalytique. La thérapie fut interrompue abruptement par ses parents.

El presente trabajo explora la fenomenología de la depresión mayor y la ideación suicida en niños, ofreciendo una breve reseña de las conclusiones relevantes en psiquiatría, particularmente en lo referente a evidencia estadística, y describiendo modelos psicoanalíticos, incluyendo una perspectiva Junguiana, así como post-Kleiniana y Bioniana. También se considera la contribución seminal de Bion a la comprensión de los procesos de duelo en relación con la teoría de Freud. Se explora el caso de un niño de ocho años, con particular atención a una serie de dibujos que el paciente produjo a lo largo de dos años de psicoterapia psicoanalítica. La terapia fue interrumpida abruptamente por sus padres.

Teoría Junguiana , Psicoanálisis , Niño , Depresión , Fantasía , Humanos , Masculino , Psicoterapia , Ideación Suicida
J Anal Psychol ; 67(2): 434-444, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35856536


This paper explores some features of the theoretical and clinical problem of narcissism in the light of Bion's model of the mind, with particular reference to the distinction between narcissism and 'social-ism'. This model is compared and contrasted to Jung's speculations on the relationship between adaptation and individuation as a process implying a sense of guilt. Jung's highlighting of the element of guilt is directly connected to his subjective experience depicted in the Red Book in the episode of the 'Murder of the hero'. Aspects of pathological narcissism are also explored in the paper, through briefly analysing some passages of Pasolini's movie Salò or the 120 days of Sodom.

Cet article étudie quelques caractéristiques du problème théorique et clinique du narcissisme, à la lumière du modèle de l'esprit de Bion, en faisant particulièrement référence à la distinction entre narcissisme et 'social-isme'. Ce modèle est comparé et mis en contraste avec les spéculations de Jung concernant la relation entre adaptation et individuation, en tant que processus impliquant un sentiment de culpabilité. L'accent que met Jung sur l'élément de culpabilité est directement relié à son expérience subjective décrite dans le Livre Rouge dans l'épisode du « Meurtre du héros¼. L'article explore également des aspects du narcissisme pathologique, en analysant brièvement des passages du film de Pasolini « Salo, ou les 120 journées de Sodome ¼.

El presente trabajo explora algunos rasgos del problema teórico y clínico del narcisismo a la luz del modelo de la mente de Bion, con particular referencia a la distinción entre narcisismo y 'social-ismo'. Este modelo es comparado y contrastado con la especulación de Jung sobre la relación entre adaptación e individuación como un proceso que implica un sentimiento de culpa. La acentuación de Jung del elemento de culpa está directamente conectada con su experiencia subjetiva ilustrada en el Libro Rojo, en el episodio de la 'Muerte del héroe'. Se exploran también aspectos del narcisismo patológico, a través de un breve análisis de algunos pasajes de la película de Pasolini: Saló o los 120 días de Sodoma.

Este artigo explora algumas características do problema teórico e clínico do narcisismo à luz do modelo mental de Bion, com particular referência à distinção entre narcisismo e "socialismo". Esse modelo é comparado e contrastado com as especulações de Jung sobre a relação entre adaptação e individuação como um processo que implica um sentimento de culpa. O destaque de Jung sobre o elemento de culpa está diretamente ligado à sua experiência subjetiva descrita no Livro Vermelho no episódio do 'Assassinato do herói'. Aspectos do narcisismo patológico também são explorados no artigo, analisando brevemente algumas passagens do filme Salò de Pasolini ou os 120 dias de Sodoma.

Narcisismo , Psicoanálisis , Humanos , Individualismo , Psicoterapia
J Anal Psychol ; 65(5): 818-838, 2020 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33202046


This paper explores Bion's theory of links, L, H, K (Love, Hate and Knowledge) and their minus counterparts, -L, -H, -K, which are not conceivable as simply opposite to or as a lack of L, H, K. Rather, they correspond to a way of experiencing Love, Hatred and Knowledge in terms of absoluteness, and in terms of a radical impossibility of acknowledging loss, relativeness and absence. The theory of links is also examined in its evolution towards the conceptualization of three types of container/contained configurations (commensal, symbiotic and parasitic). These Bionian models are compared and referred to the way Jung articulates the coexistence of 'good' and 'evil', and the paradoxical nature of mental functioning in relation to the individuation process. The images taken from the Rosarium Philosophorum, particularly the Fons Mercurialis, examined by Jung in 'The psychology of the transference' (1946), are explored in the paper. Theory is examined with a particular focus on the adolescent mind and its dramatic phenomenology. Two excerpts taken from the analytic work with a mid-adolescent female patient and a late-adolescent male patient are presented to describe minus-Hate as a form of absolute love, and minus-Love as a form of absolute hatred.

Cet article explore la théorie Bionienne des liens, A, H, C (Amour, Haine, Connaissance) et de leurs contreparties, -A, -H, -C, qui ne sont pas concevables simplement comme l'opposé de, ou le manque de A, H ou C. Elles correspondent plutôt à une manière de faire l'expérience d'Amour, Haine et Connaissance en termes d'absolus, et en termes d'une impossibilité radicale d'admettre la perte, l'aspect relatif des choses, et l'absence. La théorie des liens est également étudiée dans son évolution vers la conceptualisation de trois types de configurations « contenant/contenu ¼ (commensal, symbiotique et parasitique). Ces modèles Bioniens sont comparés et mis en rapport avec la manière dont Jung articule la coexistence du « bien ¼ et du « mal ¼, et la nature paradoxale du fonctionnement mental en relation avec le processus d'individuation. Les images du Rosarium Philosophorum, et particulièrement celle de Fons Mercurialis, que Jung étudie dans « La psychologie du transfert ¼ (1946), sont explorées dans cet article. La théorie est étudiée avec un accent particulier sur l'esprit adolescent et sa phénoménologie spectaculaire. Avec deux passages d'un travail analytique, l'un avec une patiente au milieu de l'adolescence, et l'autre avec un patient en fin d'adolescence, je décris moins-Haine comme une forme d'amour absolu, et moins-Amour comme une forme de haine absolue.

El presente trabajo explora la teoría de los vínculos de Bion, L,H,K (Amor, Odio y Conocimiento) y sus contrapartidas negativas, -L, -H, -K, las cuales no son concebidas como simples oposiciones de, o como ausencia de L,H,K. Sino que corresponden a un modo de experimentar Amor, Odio y Conocimiento en términos absolutos, y en términos de la imposibilidad radical de considerar la pérdida, la relatividad y la ausencia. La teoría de los vínculos es examinada a partir de su evolución hacia la conceptualización de tres tipos de configuraciones contenedor/contenido (comensal, simbiótico y parasitario). Estos modelos Bionianos son comparados en referencia al modo en el que Jung articula la coexistencia del 'bien' y el 'mal', y la naturaleza paradójica del funcionamiento mental con relación al proceso de individuación. Se exploran, las imágenes tomadas del Rosarium Philosophorum, particularmente, la Fons Mercurialis, descripta por Jung en 'La Psicología de la Transferencia' (1946). La teoría es explorada con el foco particular en la mente adolescente y su dramática fenomenología. Se presentan dos fragmentos tomados del trabajo analítico con una paciente en su adolescencia media, y con un paciente en su adolescencia tardía, para describir el negativo-del-Odio como forma de amor absoluto, y el negativo-del-Amor como forma de odio absoluto.

Conducta del Adolescente/psicología , Odio , Adolescente , Femenino , Humanos , Teoría Junguiana , Masculino , Psicoanálisis , Adulto Joven
J Anal Psychol ; 63(5): 599-618, 2018 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30308105


The paper is a reflection on the conflictual relationship between adaptation and subjectivity, persona and individuation, starting from Jung's seminal writings, and their developing features in contemporary society. With reference to sociologist Zygmunt Bauman's speculations on so called liquid society and retrotopia, concepts like nostalgia are examined in the article. A case of a manic and violent nine-year-old child, a millennial-to-be boy treated in the mid-nineties, is presented to describe issues like shame, object promiscuity, consumerism and overexcitement, and suggests questions on whether and how these patterns would be different for patients belonging to the Generations Z (born between 1996 and 2010) and Alpha (born after 2010). The case material shows how the construction of a suitable persona was the only aim of the child's family, in terms of a merely quantitative regulation, their model being that of being adequately capable of consuming and being consumed, using each other for utilitarian purposes, and essentially avoiding the sense of self-and-other as live objects. Psychoanalysis is theoretically and clinically challenged and confronted with the conflict between the new features of adaptation and a dimension of subjectivity whose traits are more and more difficult to detect.

Adaptación Psicológica , Trastornos de la Conducta Infantil/psicología , Relaciones Familiares/psicología , Individualismo , Relaciones Profesional-Paciente , Terapia Psicoanalítica/métodos , Adulto , Niño , Trastornos de la Conducta Infantil/terapia , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino
J Anal Psychol ; 58(5): 615-635, 2013 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24237207


This paper offers a contribution towards furthering our understanding of a theme more usually associated with the Freudian tradition, namely the role and function of words as action, particularly in relation to the representational process and its somatic roots. Some reference to neuroscience research will be offered in this respect. It also considers the value of differentiating Empathy from Empathism, as defined by the Italian psychoanalyst Stefano Bolognini who distinguishes informing complementary countertransference from states of over-concordance. Two analytic sessions taken from the intensive analysis of a deeply deprived late-latency child showing violent behaviour are provided with the aim of illustrating the application of these concepts. It is argued that, given the same elaboration of the countertransference and the adequate empathic position on the part of the analyst, the difference in the outcome of the interpretation was made by the specific use of words-in this case the use or not of the personal pronoun-in the two sessions. As the case material is taken from the clinical work of a supervisee, some elements regarding the supervisory situation are also discussed in the paper.

Afecto/fisiología , Contratransferencia , Empatía/fisiología , Interpretación Psicoanalítica , Terapia Psicoanalítica/métodos , Niño , Humanos , Masculino , Terapia Psicoanalítica/normas
Int J Psychoanal ; 93(3): 667-92, 2012 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22671255


Although the psychogenetic hypotheses on child autism have been superseded, psychoanalysis can still reflect on the relational exchange and its sensory aspects in concomitance with the mental development of these patients. Without making generalizations as regards the pathogenesis, but considering the specific features of each autistic child, it may be possible to achieve an integration of those islands of competence that make up these patients' limited personal heritage. Such integration may be reached through the analysis of representational, emotional and relational transformations. The first part of this article describes the case of an autistic child in treatment from the age of four on a four-times-weekly basis who, during puberty, developed severe formal thought disorders together with delusional and hallucinatory formations. The second part develops some post-Jungian theoretical contributions, such as the concept of self as nothingness and the idea of the unsaturated archetype, so as to evaluate the function of some a-priori concepts in support of the analyst's position. These concepts are considered in relation to Bion's model of transformation, and to the formulations on dimensional awareness, especially on the shift from a two-dimensionality to three-dimensionality view, as well as to the rhythm of the object's presence and absence.

Trastorno Autístico/psicología , Deluciones/psicología , Ego , Desarrollo de la Personalidad , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Pubertad/psicología , Adolescente , Arteterapia , Trastorno Autístico/terapia , Niño , Preescolar , Comunicación , Conducta Cooperativa , Deluciones/terapia , Emociones , Alucinaciones/psicología , Alucinaciones/terapia , Humanos , Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje/psicología , Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje/terapia , Cuidados a Largo Plazo , Masculino , Apego a Objetos , Responsabilidad Parental/psicología , Grupo de Atención al Paciente , Relaciones Profesional-Familia , Interpretación Psicoanalítica , Simbolismo
J Anal Psychol ; 55(2): 254-72, 2010 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20518968


This contribution describes some aspects of the work with a four-year-old autistic child who was treated for many years with four times weekly sessions of psychotherapy. The fluctuations between the symbolic and non-symbolic use of external objects are described, as well as the ever changing quality of the child's object relations. The rhythmical element in the analysand-analyst interplay is of great importance: the construction of the temporal shapes (Alvarez) and the modulation of presence and absence are relevant as regards the progressive capacity to name aspects of external reality and subjective experience. From a theoretical point of view, the contributions of both the post-Jungian, including Michael Fordham, and the post-Kleinian traditions are outlined. The notions of pre-conception (Bion) and of archetype (Jung) are immensely helpful in working with autistic children as they actually help the analyst in assuming that some proto-trace of representational potential is always present in the individual.

Trastorno Autístico/terapia , Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Terapia Psicoanalítica , Niño , Preescolar , Humanos , Masculino , Prueba de Realidad , Transferencia Psicológica