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PeerJ ; 7: e7279, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31341739


Clipperton Atoll (Île de La Passion) is the only atoll in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) ecoregion and, owing to its isolation, possesses several endemic species and is likely an important stepping stone between Oceania, the remainder of the TEP, including other oceanic islands and the west coast of Central America. We describe the biodiversity at this remote atoll from shallow water to depths greater than one thousand meters using a mixture of technologies (SCUBA, stereo baited remote underwater video stations, manned submersible, and deep-sea drop cameras). Seventy-four unique taxa of invertebrates were identified during our expedition. The majority (70%) of these taxa were confined to the top 400 m and consisted mostly of sessile organisms. Decapod crustaceans and black corals (Antipatharia) had the broadest depth ranges, 100-1,497 m and 58-967 m, respectively. Decapods were correlated with the deepest depths, while hard corals were correlated with the shallow depths. There were 96 different fish taxa from 41 families and 15 orders, of which 70% were restricted to depths <200 m. While there was a decreasing trend in richness for both fish and invertebrate taxa with depth, these declines were not linear across the depth gradient. Instead, peaks in richness at ∼200 m and ∼750 m coincided with high turnover due to the appearance of new taxa and disappearance of other taxa within the community and is likely associated with the strong oxygen minimum zone that occurs within the region. The overall depth effect was stronger for fishes compared with invertebrates, which may reflect ecological preferences or differences in taxonomic resolution among groups. The creation of a no-take marine reserve 12 nautical miles around the atoll in 2016 will help conserve this unique and relatively intact ecosystem, which possesses high predator abundance.

Rev. biol. trop ; 60(supl.3): 257-273, nov. 2012. ilus, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-672094


Isla del Coco is an oceanic island 500km off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. It is a National Park and its marine fauna has been relatively well protected. The island is famous for its elasmobranch (sharks, rays and skates) sightings in shallow waters. Here we present a catalogue of the deepwater elasmobranchs observed with the DeepSee submersible. Five species of sharks, six species of skates and one ray have been observed between 45 and 330m depth. Triaenodon obesus, the white tip reef shark, was commonly observed between 80 and 301m, but only in the afternoons. Sphyrna lewini, the scalloped hammerhead shark, was observed as deep a 303m, but commonly between 45 and 90m, and close to the island. Odontaspis ferox, the smalltooth sand tiger shark, was observed between 82 and 316m. Echinorhinus cookei, the prickly shark, was observed between 91 and 320m. Rhincodon typus, the whale shark, was observed only close to the island, between 77 and 80m. Taeniura meyeni, the marbled ray, was observed only close to the island, between 45 and 90m. A Dasyatis sp., similar to the the diamond stingray, was observed only once close to the island at 60m; this is the first report of this genus at Isla del Coco National Park. Manta birostris, the giant manta, was only observed close to the island at 90m. Mobula tarapacana, the sicklefin devil ray, was observed between 60 and 326m, extending its maximum depth almost 10 times what has been reported. Aetobatus narinari, the spotted eagle ray, was observed only close to the island between 60 and 82m. Torpedo peruana, the Peruvian torpedo ray, was observed only once at 313m, and is the first record of this species from Isla del Coco National Park.

La Isla del Coco es una isla oceánica a 500km de la costa Pacífica de Costa Rica. Es un Parque Nacional donde la fauna marina ha estado relativamente bien protegida. La isla es famosa por los elasmobranquios (tiburones y rayas) en aguas poco profundas. Aquí presentamos un catálogo de elasmobranquios observados con el sumergible DeepSee. Cinco especies de tiburones y siete especies de rayas han sido observadas entre 45 y 330m de profundidad. Triaenodon obesus, tiburón punta blanca de arrecifes o tiburón cazón coralero, observado comúnmente entre 80 y 301m pero solo en las tardes. Sphyrna lewini, el tiburón martillo o cornuda común, registrado hasta 303m, pero comúnmente entre 45 y 90m, y cerca de la Isla del Coco. Odontaspis ferox, tiburón solrayo, visto entre 82 y 316m. Echinorhinus cookei, tiburón negro espinoso, avistado entre 91 y 320m. Rhincodon typus, tiburón ballena, observado solamente cerca de la isla, entre 77 y 80m. Taeniura meyeni, raya moteada, vista solamente cerca de la isla, entre 45 y 90m. Dasyatis sp., parecida a la raya látigo, registrada solamente una vez, cerca de la isla a 60m; este es el primer informe de esta especie en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco. Manta birostris, manta gigante, observada únicamente cerca de la isla a 90m. Mobula tarapacana, manta cornuda o manta moruma, vista entre 60 y 326m, extendiendo su profundidad máxima casi 10 veces a lo informado en la literatura. Aetobatus narinari, chucho pintado o raya águila, observada solamente cerca de la isla entre 60 y 82m. Por último, Torpedo peruana, raya torpedo eléctrico o raya peruana, solamente vista una vez a 313m y es el primer informe de esta especie en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco.

Tiburones/anatomía & histología , Rajidae/clasificación , Elasmobranquios/clasificación , Biodiversidad , Costa Rica