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J Anim Ecol ; 93(8): 1123-1134, 2024 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38877697


Metacommunity processes have the potential to determine most features of the community structure. However, species diversity has been the dominant focus of studies. Nestedness, modularity and checkerboard distribution of species occurrences are main components of biodiversity organisation. Within communities, these patterns emerge from the interaction between functional diversity, spatial heterogeneity and resource availability. Additionally, the connectivity determines the pool of species for community assembly and, eventually, the pattern of species co-occurrence within communities. Despite the recognised theoretical expectations, the change in occurrence patterns within communities along ecological gradients has seldom been considered. Here, we analyse the spatial occurrence of animal species along sampling units within 18 temporary ponds and its relationship with pond environments and geographic isolation. Isolated ponds presented a nested organisation of species with low spatial segregation-modularity and checkerboard-and the opposite was found for communities with high connectivity. A pattern putatively explained by high functional diversity in ponds with large connectivity and heterogeneity, which determines that species composition tracks changes in microhabitats. On the contrary, nestedness is promoted in dispersal-limited communities with low functional diversity, where microhabitat filters mainly affect richness without spatial replacement between functional groups. Vegetation biomass promotes nestedness, probably due to the observed increase in spatial variance in biomass with the mean biomass. Similarly, the richness of vegetation reduced the spatial segregation of animals within communities. This result may be due to the high plant diversity of the pond that is observed similarly along all sampling units, which promotes the spatial co-occurrence of species at this scale. In the study system, the spatial arrangement of species within communities is related to local drivers as heterogeneity and metacommunity processes by means of dispersal between communities. Patterns of species co-occurrence are interrelated with community biodiversity and species interactions, and consequently with most functional and structural properties of communities. These results indicate that understanding the interplay between metacommunity processes and co-occurrence patterns is probably more important than previously thought to understand biodiversity assembly and functioning.

Los procesos metacomunitarios tienen el potencial de determinar la mayoría de las características de la estructura de las comunidades. Sin embargo, los trabajos se han enfocado principalmente en los patrones de diversidad de especies. El anidamiento, la modularidad y la distribución en damero de la ocurrencia espacial de las especies son propiedades básicas de las comunidades. Estos patrones surgen de la interacción entre la diversidad funcional, la heterogeneidad espacial y la disponibilidad de recursos dentro de las comunidades. Además, el pool de especies disponibles para el ensamblaje está determinado por la conectividad de la comunidad, afectando así su patrón de co­ocurrencia de especies. A pesar de las reconocidas expectativas teóricas, el cambio en los patrones de ocurrencia dentro de las comunidades a lo largo de gradientes ecológicos ha sido poco considerado. Aquí, analizamos la ocurrencia espacial de especies animales dentro de 18 charcos temporales y su relación con las características ambientales y el aislamiento geográfico de los charcos. Los charcos aislados presentaron alto anidamiento espacial mientras que los charcos de alta conectividad una distribución de ocurrencias modular y en damero. Por un lado, la baja diversidad funcional en charcos aislados, determinaría que los filtros microambientales afecten la riqueza de especies sin reemplazo espacial entre grupos funcionales, promoviendo un arreglo anidado de ocurrencias. Por otro lado, la alta diversidad funcional en charcos con alta conectividad y heterogeneidad permitiría el reemplazo espacial de especies en gradientes microambientales, determinando los patrones de segregación observados. La biomasa vegetal promueve el anidamiento, probablemente debido al aumento observado en la variación espacial de la biomasa con la biomasa media. La riqueza vegetal también redujo la segregación espacial de los animales dentro de las comunidades. Este resultado puede deberse a que la alta diversidad de plantas de los charcos es también observada a nivel de unidades muestreales, favoreciendo esto la coexistencia espacial de especies. El arreglo espacial de especies dentro de las comunidades estudiadas estaría determinado tanto por factores locales como la heterogeneidad, como por procesos regionales operando a través de la dispersión de individuos entre comunidades. Los patrones de co­ocurrencia de especies están interrelacionados con la diversidad comunitaria y las interacciones bióticas, y consecuentemente con la mayoría de las propiedades estructurales y funcionales de las comunidades. Este estudio evidencia la importancia de la conexión entre procesos metacomunitarios y la co­ocurrencia espacial de especies para comprender el ensamblaje y funcionamiento de la biodiversidad.

Biodiversidad , Estanques , Animales , Ecosistema , Biomasa
Biol Lett ; 19(6): 20220618, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37340811


The dispersal-body mass association has been highlighted as a main determinant of biodiversity patterns in metacommunities. However, less attention has been devoted to other well-recognized determinants of metacommunity diversity: the scaling in density and regional richness with body size. Among active dispersers, the increase in movement with body size may enhance local richness and decrease ß-diversity. Nevertheless, the reduction of population size and regional richness with body mass may determine a negative diversity-body size association. Consequently, metacommunity assembly probably emerges from a balance between the effect of these scalings. We formalize this hypothesis by relating the exponents of size-scaling rules with simulated trends in α-, ß- and γ-diversity with body size. Our results highlight that the diversity-body size relationship in metacommunities may be driven by the combined effect of different scaling rules. Given their ubiquity in most terrestrial and aquatic biotas, these scaling rules may represent the basic determinants-backbone-of biodiversity, over which other mechanisms operate determining metacommunity assembly. Further studies are needed, aimed at explaining biodiversity patterns from functional relationships between biological rates and body size, as well as their association with environmental conditions and species interactions.

Biodiversidad , Biota , Densidad de Población , Movimiento , Ecosistema
Proc Biol Sci ; 281(1792)2014 Oct 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25143039


A long-standing question in community ecology is what determines the identity of species that coexist across local communities or metacommunity assembly. To shed light upon this question, we used a network approach to analyse the drivers of species co-occurrence patterns. In particular, we focus on the potential roles of body size and trophic status as determinants of metacommunity cohesion because of their link to resource use and dispersal ability. Small-sized individuals at low-trophic levels, and with limited dispersal potential, are expected to form highly linked subgroups, whereas large-size individuals at higher trophic positions, and with good dispersal potential, will foster the spatial coupling of subgroups and the cohesion of the whole metacommunity. By using modularity analysis, we identified six modules of species with similar responses to ecological conditions and high co-occurrence across local communities. Most species either co-occur with species from a single module or are connectors of the whole network. Among the latter are carnivorous species of intermediate body size, which by virtue of their high incidence provide connectivity to otherwise isolated communities playing the role of spatial couplers. Our study also demonstrates that the incorporation of network tools to the analysis of metacommunity ecology can help unveil the mechanisms underlying patterns and processes in metacommunity assembly.

Artrópodos/fisiología , Tamaño Corporal , Carnivoría , Ecosistema , Herbivoria , Lagartos/fisiología , Animales , Chile , Clima Desértico , Modelos Logísticos , Dinámica Poblacional
J Theor Biol ; 265(1): 18-26, 2010 Jul 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20417646


Vegetation pattern formation is a striking characteristic of several water-limited ecosystems around the world. Typically, they have been described on runoff-based ecosystems emphasizing local interactions between water, biomass interception, growth and dispersal. Here, we show that this situation is by no means general, as banded patterns in vegetation can emerge in areas without rainfall and in plants without functional root (the Bromeliad Tillandsia landbeckii) and where fog is the principal source of moisture. We show that a simple model based on the advection of fog-water by wind and its interception by the vegetation can reproduce banded patterns which agree with empirical patterns observed in the Coastal Atacama Desert. Our model predicts how the parameters may affect the conditions to form the banded pattern, showing a transition from a uniform vegetated state, at high water input or terrain slope to a desert state throughout intermediate banded states. Moreover, the model predicts that the pattern wavelength is a decreasing non-linear function of fog-water input and slope, and an increasing function of plant loss and fog-water flow speed. Finally, we show that the vegetation density is increased by the formation of the regular pattern compared to the density expected by the spatially homogeneous model emphasizing the importance of self-organization in arid ecosystems.

Ecosistema , Modelos Biológicos , Tillandsia/crecimiento & desarrollo , Tiempo (Meteorología) , Chile , Análisis Numérico Asistido por Computador