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Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 19(5): 513-521, sept.-oct. 2009. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-551219


Platelet-activating factor (PAF; 1-O-Alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine) is a ubiquitous phospholipid that is implicated in the mediation of a wide variety of reproductive processes. To better understand the role of PAF in bovine reproduction, it was designed experiments to: (a) determine whether bull spermatozoa express receptors for PAF and (b) study the effect of exogenous PAF on in vitro sperm physiology (i.e., capacitation, acrosome reaction, motility, and fertilizing ability). Bull sperm express PAF receptor as determined by two approaches: RT-PCR and immunofluorescence. However, exposure of spermatozoa to different concentrations of exogenous PAF (10-11-10-6 M) did not affect capacitation, acrosome reaction or motility. Consistent with these findings, coculture of gametes in medium containing increasing concentrations of PAF (1 x 10-8-8 x 10-6 M) did not improve in vitro fertilization outcome as measured by percentage of inseminated oocytes reaching 2-cell stage 48 h after fertilization. In contrast, PAF at 8 x 10-6 M concentration significantly inhibited IVF. In conclusion, although bull sperm have PAF receptors, exposure of bull spermatozoa to exogenous PAF failed to enhance the sperm function parameters measured in this study. Additional studies are warranted to elucidate the biological role of PAF on bull spermatozoa.

El factor activador de plaquetas (PAF; del inglés Platelete Activating Factor; 1-O-Alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine) es un fosfolípido ampliamente distribuido que participa como mensajero mediador en diferentes procesos reproductivos. Para comprender mejor la participación del PAF en la fisiología espermática bovina se diseñaron experimentos para: (a) determinar si los espermatozoides de toro expresan receptores para PAF y (b) estudiar el efecto del PAF sobre el comportamiento de los espermatozoides bovinos in vitro (capacitación, reacción acrosomal y capacidad fertilizante). De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos por RT-PCR e inmunofluorescencia, los espermatozoides de toro expresan receptores para PAF. Sin embargo, la exposición de los espermatozoides a concentraciones crecientes de PAF exógeno (10-11-10-6 M) no afectó la capacitación, reacción de acrosoma ni la motilidad. En concordancia con estos hallazgos, el cocultivo de gametas (ovocitos y espermatozoides) en medio al cual se le había adicionado PAF (1 x 10-8-8 x 10-6 M) no mejoró la tasa de fertilización medida como el porcentaje de ovocitos inseminados que alcanzaron el estadio de 2 células 48 hs después de la inseminación. Por el contrario, PAF a una concentración de 8 x 10-6 M inhibió significativamente la tasa de fertilización. En conclusión, a pesar de que los espermatozoides bovinos poseen receptores para PAF, el agregado de PAF al medio de cultivo no mejora las funciones espermáticas examinadas en el presente trabajo. Otros estudios serán necesarios para dilucidar la participación del PAF en la fisiología espermática del toro.

Bovinos , Animales , Espermatozoides/crecimiento & desarrollo , Fertilización/fisiología , Oocitos/trasplante , Factor de Activación Plaquetaria , Inseminación , Medicina Veterinaria
Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 17(2): 131-135, abr. 2007. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-631012


The objective of this study was to improve sexed bovine embryo production with sorted sperm in chemically defined conditions by supplementing the IVF medium with db-cAMP. Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were matured for 18 h in supplemented TCM-199 and fertilized with X- or Y-bearing sperm in the presence of heparin (10 µg/ml), db-cAMP (1 µM) or no treatment (control). Presumptive zygotes were cultured 54 h in g-SOF. From 72 to 144 h post- insemination (hpi) embryos were cultured in c-SOF+NEA and from 144 to 192 hpi embryos were placed in maturation medium without hormones. No significant differences were found among treatments for Y-sperm when compared to controls. A significant (P<0.01) improvement in the proportion of cleaved oocytes was found for X-sperm treated with db-cAMP (70.83%) compared to the Y-sperm inseminated oocytes treated wit db-cAMP (46.37%). Treatment with db-cAMP enabled a better (P<0.05) blastocyst formation rate (19.29%) compared to control (8.47%) and heparin (10.44%). Treatment of db-cAMP significantly increased the rate of blastocysts in X-sperm inseminated oocytes (30.77%) compared to Y-sperm inseminated oocytes treated the same (9.68%) and compared to X- and Y-sperm treated with heparin (5.88% and 15.15%, respectively) and not treated (9.68% and 7.14%, respectively, P<0.05). These results suggest that db-cAMP may prove to be an effective treatment of sorted sperm for in vitro production of female bovine embryos under chemically defined conditions.

El objetivo de este estudio fue mejorar la producción de embriones bovinos con semen sexado bajo condiciones químicamente definidas mediante la suplementación del medio de fecundación con db-cAMP. Los complejos ovocitos cumulus (COCs) fueron madurados por 18 horas en TCM-199 suplementado y fueron fecundados con espermatozoides X o Y en presencia de heparina (10 g/ml), db-cAMP (1 µM) o sin tratamiento alguno (control). Los presuntivos cigotos fueron cultivados por 54 horas en g-SOF. Desde las 72 a las 144 horas post-inseminación (hpi) los embriones se cultivaron en c-SOF+NEA y desde 144 a 192 hpi fueron colocados en medio de maduración pero sin hormonas. No se observaron diferencias entre tratamientos para los oocitos fecundados con espermatozoides Y cuando se compararon a los controles. Se observó una mejora significativa (P<0,01) en la proporción de ovocitos que se dividieron cuando fueron fecundados con espermatozoides X tratados con db-cAMP (70,83%) en comparación con los fecundados con espermatozoides Y tratados con db-cAMP (46,37%). El tratamiento con db-cAMP fue capaz de inducir una mayor (P<0,05) tasa de formación de blastocistos (19.29%) en comparación a los tratamientos control (8,47%) y heparina (10,44%). El tratamiento con db-cAMP incrementó (P<0,05) la tasa de embriones de cuatro células alcanzando el estadio de blastocisto cuando los oocitos fueron fecundados con espermatozoides X (30,77%) en comparación a cuando la fecundación se realizó con espermatozoides Y (9,68%) y en comparación a cuando se llevó a cabo con espermatozoides X o Y en presencia de heparina (5,88% y 15,15%, respectivamente) o en el tratamiento control (9,68% y 7,14%, respectivamente). Estos resultados sugieren, que el db-cAMP puede ser un tratamiento efectivo para el semen sexado, a fin de incrementar la producción in vitro de embriones bovinos hembra bajo condiciones químicamente definidas.

Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 15(5): 429-436, sep.-oct. 2005. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-503926


En el presente estudio se comparó el desempeño de 56 novillas doble propósito que resultaron preñadas luego de la transferencia directa de embriones producidos in vitro cultivados en un medio suplementado con suero o en uno químicamente definido. No se observaron diferencias en las tasas de aborto (30,43% vs 24,24%), distocias (52,17% vs 51,52%) y parto normal (17,39% vs 24,24%) entre las novillas que recibieron embriones cultivados en el medio suplemento con suero y las que recibieron embriones cultivados en el medio químicamente definido. El sexo de la cría afectó significativamente el porcentaje de distocias, 83,33% para machos y 50% para hembras, (P<0,05). El peso al nacimiento de los becerros tampoco se vio afectado (p>0,05) por la suplementación sérica durante el cultivo (46,86 ± 2,04 kg, para los becerros derivados de los embriones cultivados en el medio suplementado con suero y 46,28 ± 1,42 kg, para los derivados de los embriones cultivados en el medio químicamente definido) ni por el sexo de la cría (machos 47,20 ± 1,50 kg y hembras, 45,45 ± 1,84 kg). El peso de los becerros que nacieron muertos o que murieron luego del nacimiento fue significativamente (P< 0,05) mayor (51,92 ± 1,76 kg) al de los becerros que sobrevivieron (43,88 ± 1,22 kg). La sobrevivencia perinatal no se vió afectada ni la suplementación sérica durante el cultivo embrionario, ni por el sexo de los becerros o el nacimiento de un parto distócico. En conclusión, la presencia de suero en el medio de cultivo no afectó el desempeño de las novillas doble propósito que resultaron preñadas luego de la transferencia de embriones producidos in vitro. En este estudio se observó la presencia de becerros con síndrome del recién nacido gigante evidenciado por un alto peso al nacimiento y una alta tasa de abortos y distocias.

Animales , Bovinos , Estructuras Embrionarias , Técnicas In Vitro , Suero , Síndrome de Bernard-Soulier/embriología , Síndrome de Bernard-Soulier/veterinaria , Venezuela , Medicina Veterinaria
Exp Biol Med (Maywood) ; 230(7): 494-500, 2005 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15985625


Our previous report showed that supernatants of Lactobacillus acidophilus (LS) cultures possessed chemotactic and angiogenic properties. Specifically, LS stimulated gene expression and the secretion of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), the proliferation of immune cells in vitro, and blood vessel formation. Chemotaxis and proliferation of inflammatory cells in vivo were also stimulated by LS. In the current study, we hypothesized that LS stimulates the growth and development of other rapidly dividing cells, including embryonic cells. The stimulatory effects of LS on a neuroblastoma cell line (Neuro-2a), chicken embryos, and bovine embryos were examined. The addition of LS to Neuro-2a cultures caused a proliferation of cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Pretreatment of LS at 56 degrees C for 30 mins did not affect its stimulatory activity. The administration of LS to the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of chicken-embryonated eggs for 1-2 days resulted in extensive thickening of the membrane. The thickening was due to the influx and proliferation of fibroblasts and inflammatory cells, the accumulation of loose connective tissue composed primarily of mucopolysaccharides, and/or the formation of blood vessels. Stimulatory effects of LS on bovine embryos were also observed. The treatment with LS significantly promoted the development of zygotes to the four-cell stage and from the four-cell stage to blastocysts. These results have confirmed our hypothesis that LS exerts a stimulatory effect on the cells of embryonic stages including neuroblastoma cells, the CAM of chicken embryos, and bovine embryos from zygotes to blastocysts.

Inductores de la Angiogénesis/farmacología , Embrión de Mamíferos/efectos de los fármacos , Lactobacillus acidophilus/química , Probióticos/farmacología , Animales , Bioensayo , Vasos Sanguíneos/citología , Vasos Sanguíneos/efectos de los fármacos , Bovinos , Proliferación Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Embrión de Pollo , Membrana Corioalantoides/efectos de los fármacos , Embrión de Mamíferos/citología , Ratones
Fertil Steril ; 83 Suppl 1: 1180-7, 2005 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15831291


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine, with a bovine model, the appropriate interval for xenografted adult and newborn ovarian tissue to develop gonadotropin-responsive follicles. DESIGN: Controlled experiment. SETTING: Academic research laboratory. ANIMAL(S): Male non-obese diabetic (NOD) severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice (n = 20) were hosts of bovine ovarian tissue. Two dairy calves and one adult beef cow were donors of ovarian tissue. INTERVENTION(S): Newborn and adult bovine ovarian cortical pieces were transplanted to the SC space of intact male NOD SCID mice. Grafts were recovered after euthanasia at intervals after transplantation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Microscopic examination of histologic sections to determine proportions of growing follicles. RESULT(S): There was an increase in the proportion of primary and secondary follicles on day 55 after surgery for the cow and on day 124 after surgery for calf tissue compared with nongrafted and xenografted ovarian tissues recovered at previous intervals. These observed increases were accompanied by decreases in proportions of primordial follicles. Results suggest a sudden increase in the proportion of primary and secondary follicles due to progressive development of primordial follicles. CONCLUSION(S): In the NOD SCID mouse, bovine follicles survived xenotransplantation and underwent development. A longer interval was required for ovarian follicular development in calf tissues compared with that in adult cow ovarian tissues after xenotransplantation.

Folículo Ovárico/fisiología , Folículo Ovárico/trasplante , Trasplante Heterólogo/métodos , Animales , Bovinos , Femenino , Supervivencia de Injerto/fisiología , Masculino , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos NOD , Ratones SCID , Oogénesis/fisiología , Folículo Ovárico/crecimiento & desarrollo , Tejido Subcutáneo/cirugía
Fertil Steril ; 81 Suppl 1: 888-92, 2004 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15019825


OBJECTIVE: To study the response of human ovarian xenografts to transplantation into different sites and in different host conditions. DESIGN: Controlled experiment. SETTING: Academic research laboratory. PATIENT(S): Donated ovarian tissue from two young women. INTERVENTION(S): Human ovarian cortical pieces were transplanted either under the kidney capsule or to the subcutaneous space of intact or castrated male nonobese diabetic (NOD) severe combined immune-deficient (SCID) mice. Grafts were recovered after euthanasia. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Microscopic examination of histologic sections to determine proportions of growing follicles, and serum estradiol concentration measurements. RESULT(S): Six months after transplantation, ovarian grafts transplanted under the kidney capsule of intact male mice had significantly higher proportions of growing follicles compared with those recovered from the castrated/kidney capsule and intact/subcutaneous groups. However, no difference was detected between the intact/kidney capsule and the castrated/subcutaneous groups. Mean estradiol concentrations in serum were nonsignificantly increased in mice with ovarian grafts compared with those in mice without a graft. CONCLUSION(S): Follicular development in xenotransplanted human ovarian tissue is influenced by the site of transplantation and the condition of the host.

Riñón/cirugía , Orquiectomía , Folículo Ovárico/fisiopatología , Ovario/trasplante , Inmunodeficiencia Combinada Grave/fisiopatología , Tejido Subcutáneo/cirugía , Trasplante Heterólogo , Trasplante Heterotópico , Animales , Estradiol/sangre , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos NOD , Ratones SCID , Concentración Osmolar , Folículo Ovárico/patología , Inmunodeficiencia Combinada Grave/patología
Theriogenology ; 61(2-3): 581-94, 2004 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14662154


Ovarian cortex cryopreservation and xenotransplantation into immunodeficient mice represents a potential means for female germplasm conservation and an immediate model for investigation of folliculogenesis. The objectives of this study were to: (1) assess follicle survival after cryopreservation and transplantation of cat ovarian tissue into non-obese diabetic severely combined immunodeficient (NOD SCID) mice; and (2) evaluate the effects of gonadotropin treatments on follicular development in the transplanted tissue. Slices from the cat ovarian cortex were frozen and after thawing, transplanted under each kidney capsule of castrated male NOD SCID mice (eight xenografts in four mice). Sixty-two days after surgery, mice were randomly assigned (two per group) to gonadotropin-treated (eCG and hCG 88 h later) or control (saline-treated) groups. Twenty-four hours after the last injection, ovarian tissue was recovered and processed for histology. Fresh ovarian tissue from the same original source was similarly processed. Follicles were counted, measured, and classified as primordial, primary, secondary, or antral. Immunoreactive proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) stain was used to assess follicle viability. Microscopic examination revealed no evidence of necrosis or fibrosis. The grafts were well-vascularized, with follicles at all stages of development. Numbers of follicles in the transplanted tissue were markedly reduced compared to fresh tissue, with approximately 10% of follicles surviving freezing and transplantation procedures. Growing follicles positive for PCNA were found in all xenografts. Gonadotropin treatment did not alter the proportion of resting to growing follicles or mean follicle diameter by comparison with controls from untreated mice. By contrast, luteinization, but not ovulation, of antral follicles was observed only in grafts from treated mice. In summary, frozen-thawed cat ovarian cortex tissue not only survived xenotransplantation, it also contained follicles able to grow to antral stages. Exogenous gonadotropin treatment in this model resulted in luteinization of antral follicles but enhancement of follicular growth and ovulation did not occur.

Criopreservación/veterinaria , Folículo Ovárico/crecimiento & desarrollo , Ovario/trasplante , Trasplante Heterólogo , Animales , Gatos , Femenino , Granulocitos/ultraestructura , Inmunohistoquímica , Masculino , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos NOD , Ratones SCID , Oocitos/química , Folículo Ovárico/química , Folículo Ovárico/ultraestructura , Ovario/fisiología , Progesterona/sangre , Antígeno Nuclear de Célula en Proliferación/análisis
Biol Reprod ; 67(2): 409-15, 2002 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12135874


Pronuclear formation, and the chromosomal constitution and developmental capacity of bovine zygotes formed by intracytoplasmic sperm injection with freeze-dried (lyophilized) spermatozoa were evaluated. Frozen-thawed spermatozoa were selected, freeze-dried, and stored at 4 degrees C until use. After 22-24 h of in vitro maturation oocytes were denuded and injected singly with a lyophilized spermatozoon. Injected oocytes were activated by treatment with 10 microM ionomycin (5 min) alone and in combination with 1.9 mM 6-dimethylaminopurine (DMAP) for 4 h. Ionomycin plus DMAP activation treatment resulted in a significantly higher proportion of sperm-injected oocytes with two pronuclei than was found after activation with ionomycin alone (74% vs. 56%; P < 0.03). The rates of cleavage, morula, and blastocyst development of sperm-injected oocytes treated with ionomycin plus DMAP were higher than after activation with ionomycin alone (63.3%, 34.2%, and 29.6% vs. 44.7%, 18.7%, and 10.6%, respectively; P < 0.05). Seventy-three percent of blastocysts produced with lyophilized sperm were diploid. These results demonstrate that in vitro-matured bovine oocytes can be fertilized with freeze-dried sperm cells, and that resultant zygotes can develop into karyotypically normal blastocysts.

Adenina/análogos & derivados , Blastocisto/fisiología , Oocitos/fisiología , Espermatozoides/fisiología , Adenina/farmacología , Animales , Bovinos , Medios de Cultivo , Técnicas Citológicas , Desarrollo Embrionario y Fetal/fisiología , Femenino , Liofilización , Técnicas In Vitro , Ionomicina/farmacología , Ionóforos/farmacología , Cariotipificación , Masculino , Microinyecciones , Mórula/fisiología , Embarazo , Análisis para Determinación del Sexo , Inyecciones de Esperma Intracitoplasmáticas