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Front Microbiol ; 8: 1265, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28769880


Composed of trillions of individual microbes, the human gut microbiota has adapted to the uniquely diverse environments found in the human intestine. Quickly responding to the variances in the ingested food, the microbiota interacts with the host via reciprocal biochemical signaling to coordinate the exchange of nutrients and proper immune function. Host and microbiota function as a unit which guards its balance against invasion by potential pathogens and which undergoes natural selection. Disturbance of the microbiota composition, or dysbiosis, is often associated with human disease, indicating that, while there seems to be no unique optimal composition of the gut microbiota, a balanced community is crucial for human health. Emerging knowledge of the ecology of the microbiota-host synergy will have an impact on how we implement antibiotic treatment in therapeutics and prophylaxis and how we will consider alternative strategies of global remodeling of the microbiota such as fecal transplants. Here we examine the microbiota-human host relationship from the perspective of the microbial community dynamics.

VozAndes ; 28(1): 35-38, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-986880


We reported the case of a 24-year-old male patient that arrived unconscious; with no identifable vital signs, a complete lack of response to pain stimuli and presented an extremely myotic pupils. Due to the report of his relatives we diagnosed an acute self-induced organophosphate (OP) intoxication through the ingestion of a full bottle of malathion. Endotracheal intubation, chest compressions, and manual ventilation were performed until the heart monitor showed slow myocardial activity. The patient was treated with atropine in the absence of specifc antidote (pralidoxime). A continuous peripheral IV infusion of atropine was started at a rate of 2 mg IV every 3 min. Given the constant decline in the patient's heart rate, the dose was constantly increased according to the vital sign chart until complete atropinization was achieved (heart rate over 120'). After administering a total of 760, 1 mg/ml ampules within 12 hours, a signifcant improvement was observed. The patient was discharged from the hospital 8 days later with no further complications

Humanos , Intoxicación , Atropina , Uso de Plaguicidas , Pobreza , Terapéutica