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Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(6)2023 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37862471


We present a simple motorized rotation mount for a half-wave plate that can be used to rapidly change the polarization of light. We use the device to switch a high power laser beam between different optical dipole traps in an ultracold atom experiment. The device uses a stepper motor with a hollow shaft, which allows a beam to propagate along the axis of the motor shaft, minimizing inertia and mechanical complexity. A simple machined adapter is used to mount the wave plate. We characterize the performance of the device, focusing on its capability to switch a beam between the output ports of a polarizing beam splitter cube. We demonstrate a switching time of 15.9(3) ms, limited by the torque of the motor. The mount has a reaction time of 0.52(3) ms and a rotational resolution of 0.45(4)°. The rotation is highly reproducible, with the stepper motor not missing a step in 2000 repeated tests over 11 h.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(47): 27529-27538, 2020 Dec 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33079114


We explore coherent multi-photon processes in 87Rb133Cs molecules using 3-level lambda and ladder configurations of rotational and hyperfine states, and discuss their relevance to future applications in quantum computation and quantum simulation. In the lambda configuration, we demonstrate the driving of population between two hyperfine levels of the rotational ground state via a two-photon Raman transition. Such pairs of states may be used in the future as a quantum memory, and we measure a Ramsey coherence time for a superposition of these states of 58(9) ms. In the ladder configuration, we show that we can generate and coherently populate microwave dressed states via the observation of an Autler-Townes doublet. We demonstrate that we can control the strength of this dressing by varying the intensity of the microwave coupling field. Finally, we perform spectroscopy of the rotational states of 87Rb133Cs up to N = 6, highlighting the potential of ultracold molecules for quantum simulation in synthetic dimensions. By fitting the measured transition frequencies we determine a new value of the centrifugal distortion coefficient Dv = h × 207.3(2) Hz.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(16): 163402, 2020 Apr 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32383932


We show that the lifetime of ultracold ground-state ^{87}Rb^{133}Cs molecules in an optical trap is limited by fast optical excitation of long-lived two-body collision complexes. We partially suppress this loss mechanism by applying square-wave modulation to the trap intensity, such that the molecules spend 75% of each modulation cycle in the dark. By varying the modulation frequency, we show that the lifetime of the collision complex is 0.53±0.06 ms in the dark. We find that the rate of optical excitation of the collision complex is 3_{-2}^{+4}×10^{3} W^{-1} cm^{2} s^{-1} for λ=1550 nm, leading to a lifetime of <100 ns for typical trap intensities. These results explain the two-body loss observed in experiments on nonreactive bialkali molecules.