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Front Plant Sci ; 11: 121, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32158455


Numerous plant-derived volatile organic compounds (VOCs) induce the expression of resistance-related genes and thereby cause an "associational resistance" in neighbouring plants. However, VOCs can also be sequestered by plant cuticular waxes. In case that they maintain their biological activity, such sequestered VOCs could generate a "passive" associational resistance that is independent of any gene expression in the receiver. As a proof of concept, we used major components of the cuticular wax layers of the tree, Parkinsonia praecox, and conidia of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, a fungal pathogen that has not been reported to infect P. praecox. Wax layers were re-constituted on glass slides and exposed to each of 20 pure VOCs for 1 d and then to ambient air for 1 d or 15 d. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses showed that all 20 VOCs were sequestered by the re-constituted wax layers. Exposure to 18 of the VOCs significantly inhibited the germination of C. lindemuthianum conidia on these wax layers after 1 day of exposure to ambient air. Four of the VOCs: 4Z-heptenol, farnesene, limonene, and 2E-decenal, inhibited germination rates to less than 25% of the controls. After 15 d, all VOCs were still detectable, although at strongly reduced concentrations, and no significant inhibition of conidial germination could be detected anymore. Exogenous VOCs can be sequestered by the components of plant cuticular waxes and maintain their biological activity, at least over a certain time span: an effect that could generate a transient "passive associational resistance" to pathogens.

Front Plant Sci ; 9: 1031, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30174673


Psittacanthus calyculatus is a hemiparasitic plant that infects a wide range of trees. Mainly the biology reproduction of this mistletoe lies in bright colored flower development. Furthermore, it uses the nectar secretion as the only reward to engage different flower visitors. We investigated the physiological mechanisms of the flower phenology per hour and per day to analyze the spatial-temporal patterns of the nectar secretion, Cell Wall Invertase Activity (key enzyme in the quality of nectar), nectar chemistry, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission, synthesis of carotenoids and frequency of floral visitors. Flowers lasted 4 days, total nectar was loaded just before the anthesis and the secretion was maintained over day 1 and 2, decreased on day 3, and stopped on day 4. The diurnal nectar secretion dynamic per hour on day 1 and 2 showed similar patterns with high production on the morning and a decrease in the afternoon, the secretion declined on day 3 and ceased on day 4. On the other hand, CWIN activity per day was less before the anthesis and increased on day 1 and 2, this enzymatic activity decreased on the old flower phenology. Moreover, diurnal CWIN activities showed different patterns in the morning, noon, and lastly in the afternoon. Nectar chemistry varied significantly throughout of the flower lifetime, sucrose decreased along the flower phenology increasing glucose and fructose. Amino acids showed the prevalence of proline and oxo-proline, both increased on the day 1 and diminished in subsequent old flower stages. The spatial VOCs emission showed the presence of 11 compounds being ß-ocimene the main volatile; its release increased on day 1 and remained constant in the flower lifetime. Lutein, lycopene, and ß-carotene were concentrated in old stages of the flowers. In field, the most frequent flower visitors were the hummingbirds that usually foraging in all phenologic flower stage and their foraging events decreased with the phenological flower lifetimes. The results showed that these traits presented by P. calyculatus flowers are able to engage and manipulate the behavior of flower visitors and contribute to the reproduction of the parasitic plant.