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Biomed Sci Instrum ; 54(1): 308-316, 2018 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30853730


The compositional balance and distribution of trace metals/elements in various body tissues are essential key players in tissue and cellular homeostasis. Low Zn levels as well as overexpression of metalothioneins were implicated in the development and progression of various cancers including the prostate. Nonetheless, wider elemental profiles that relate cancer and normal phenotypes with regards to metal homeostasis were not well elucidated in the literature. Moreover, laboratory animals are currently used as accepted models for studying cancer but the level of their representation of actual cancer tissues was not clear. This study is attempting to assess the relevance of animal models currently in use, as surrogates for cancer and establish their relationship to actual normal and cancer tissues from humans. The major focus of this study was to investigate the differential relationship of metal concentrations and profiles in cancer and normal tissues from cadavers of humans and their comparison to established animal models representing organ cancers. The working hypothesis was that elemental/metal concentrations and profiles seen in post mortem will show significant differences between normal and cancer-derived tissues as well as between various tissue types in humans, rats, and dogs. This study also establishes critical elemental/metal profiles that may be relevant in providing correlations with the development of three major cancers. Normal human and tumor tissues of cadaverous lung, breast, and liver used in this study were obtained from US Biomax Company and relevant animal models (Sprague-dawley and Brown Norwegian rats as well as dogs; were obtained from Jackson Laboratories and the Mississippi State Veterinary Laboratory in Pearl, MS), to analyze for elements and test the hypothesis. Tissue samples were prepared using standardized digestion procedures necessary for use with the Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) to determine the concentrations and profiles of 21 elements including Ag, Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Tl, V, and Zn. Our data supports the notion that metal/elemental homeostasis is essential for normal tissue function and that elemental variations in content, distributions, and ranking are tissue specific as well as carcinoma and species-specific. Analysis of data showed significant variations in elemental content and distribution profiles/ranking between animal models and actual human tissues consistent with the hypothesis. It is concluded that elemental homeostasis is essential for normal tissue function and that shifts in their distribution and content are essential in determining the use of animal models as surrogates for studying cancer. These results are promising and warrant further studies to confirm the relevance of animal models in relation to their use as pre-clinical tools for examining targeted cancer therapeutics.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 53: 120-127, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29033472


The paradoxical role of retinoic acid (All Trans Retinoic Acid; ATRA) in the development of allergic and/or inflammatory complications in contrast to a therapeutic modality for lung pathology is not well understood or established in the literature. As well, the role of Citral (inhibitor of retinoid function; a non-toxic chemical that exists in two forms (diethyl; C1 or cis-trans dimethyl; C2), in the reversal of retinoic acid, ovalbumin and allergic mold spore pathophysiology is also not well ascertained under an in vivo setting. Therefore, it is hypothesized that exposure of F344 lung tissues to supra-physiologic levels of retinoic acid, ovalbumin and mold spores individually or in combination with each other will lead to inflammatory tissue pathology and that Citral 1 and 2 will reverse or ameliorate the related pathological damage to lung tissues. Even though ovalbumin and retinoic acid have been previously applied through intra-tracheal route in cancer prevention and immunological research, the objective of this study was to evaluate the histopathological implications of such exposure in vivo. This IACUC approved in vivo study used Fischer 344 rats (n = 80 ; 229 to 273g), which were randomly assigned to controls as well as ovalbumin and mold-sensitized treatment groups (0.80 mg/kg and 1×109 mold spores combined from 4 strains/100 µl intra-tracheal; all others were dosed by intra-peritoneal injection at days 1 and 7 with 80 mg/kg each of ATRA as well as 20 and 50 mg/kg each of Citrals 1 or 2 individually or in combination to represent all four chemicals and mold spores treatments. Positive and negative controls for each treatment were also included in the study. Animals were housed in rat cages at the JSU Research Animal Core Facilities and were placed on a 12:12 light-dark cycle. A standard rodent diet and water access were provided ad libidum. All animals were sacrificed on day 21 and lung tissues were processed for histopathology. Slides were prepared and were digitized for comparison of tissues pathology. Results showed that exposure of the F344 rats to ovalbumin and ATRA showed various levels of lung tissue damage that was ameliorated by Citral 2 in combination. Mold and ATRA exposure caused various levels of lung tissue damage that was reversed by C1 in combination with each other. Taken together, the study showed that there are variable pathologic inflammatory responses from the interaction of ovalbumin, Citrals, mold spores and retinoic acid, and that the addition of Citrals have reversed lung tissue pathologies. These findings warrants further investigation as to the actual role of these interactions in relation to acute/chronic lung disease and the possibility of reversing retinoid-mediated pathologies in the Fisher rat model.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 53: 320-327, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29033473


The role of retinoic acid (All Trans Retinoic Acid; ATRA) in the development of hypervitaminosis A pathophysiology is not well understood or established in the literature. As well, the role of Citral (inhibitor of retinoid function; a non-toxic chemical that exists in two forms (diethyl; C1 or cis-trans dimethyl; C2).) in the reversal of pathophysiological implications is also not ascertained under an in vivo setting. Therefore, it is hypothesized that ovalbumin exposure will sensitize the body to supra-physiologic levels of retinoic acid leading to a negative pathophysiological impact and that Citrals 1 and 2 will reverse or ameliorate the related damage to the body's pathophysiology. Even though ovalbumin and retinoic have been previously applied through intra-tracheal route in cancer prevention and immunological research, the objective of this study was to evaluate their interaction as a remedy for hypervitaminosis A. This IACUC approved in vivo study used Fischer 344 rats (n = 80 ;229 to 273g), which were randomly assigned to controls as well as ovalbumin and mold-sensitized treatment groups (0.80 mg/kg and 1X109 mold spores combined from 4 strains/100 µl intra-tracheal; all others were dosed by intra-peritoneal injection at days 1 and 7 with 80 mg/kg each of ATRA as well as 20 and 50 mg/kg each of Citrals 1 or 2 individually or in combination to represent all four chemicals and mold spores treatments.. Positive and negative controls for each treatment were also included in the study. Animals were housed in rat cages at the JSU Research Animal Core Facilities and were placed on a 12:12 light dark cycle. A standard rodent diet and water access were provided ad-libidum. Rat weights were recorded on day 1 and 21, all animals were sacrificed on day 21 and blood was collected and processed for hematological parameters. Results showed that even though C1 and C2 were not toxic individually, their combination at high dosing was lethal. Exposure of ovalbumin-sensitized rats to ATRA showed various levels of weight losses and negative hematological implications that were ameliorated by exposure to Citrals at various combinations with retinoic acid. Taken together, the study showed that there are variable pathophysiological responses from the interaction of ovalbumin, mold spores and retinoic acid and that Citrals were found to be individually effective in reversing health-related pathophysiologies. These findings warrants further investigations as to the actual role of these interactions in relation to acute pathophysiologic health implications and the possibility of reversing hypervitaminosis A-mediated health-related impacts.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 52: 104-111, 2016 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28603320


The impact of retinoic acid (All Trans Retinoic Acid; ATRA) and Mold spores (MLD) in the development of lung pathology and in vivo tissue remodeling have not been well established in the literature. In addition, the role of citral (inhibitor of retinoid function) in the improvement of lung pathology has not been ascertained in animal studies. Therefore, it is hypothesized that ATRA and Mold (MLD) exposure will sensitize lung tissues leading to lung tissue pathology and that Citrals (C1 and C2) will reverse, ameliorate or improve the associated pathological damage to lung tissues. The study used an IACUC approved between-subject in vivo randomized split plot factorial design (F344 rat model; N=40). Animals were exposed to seven different treatments including untreated control, MLD, ATRA, Citrals (C1 and C2) and their MLD combinations (MLD+ ATRA+ C1, and MLD+ ATRA+ C2) by intra-peritoneal route. Rat weight and blood data were collected on Days 1 and 21, all animals were sacrificed on day 21, and lung tissues were processed for histopathology. Results from weight and blood data (ANOVA and Duncan) as well as from histopathological analyses supported the findings that exposure of F344 rats to MLD combinations with ATRA and Citrals showed various levels of lung tissue damage that were impacted by either C1 or C2 exposure. This promising study showed impressive responses on the interaction of MLD, Citrals, and ATRA as related to their impact on associated lung tissue pathologies.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 51: 135-42, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25996710


Demineralized bone matrix protein (DBM) was considered highly effective in stimulating bone healing. The objective of the study was to explore the use of tricalcium phosphate (TCP) delivery system to continuously deliver DBM in an osteoporotic condition and to evaluate changes in bone density and preservation of the spine. Ovariectomized Sprague Dawley rats were divided into three equal groups (n=16 per group). Animals in group I served as control, animals in groups II and III were surgically implanted with either empty (SHAM) or DBM filled TCP implants adjacent to L4/L5. Eight animals from each group were euthanized at 2 and 8 weeks post implantation. Femurs were evaluated for changes in density, and the lumbar spine was evaluated for changes in the endplate. Results of this study revealed (1) TCP implants were capable of delivering DBM for long duration, (2) use of sustained delivery of DBM did not induce untoward effects in the vital organs or in the uterus, fallopian tubes, or vaginal tissues, (3) DBM had no effect on chondrocyte differentiation in the spine, and (4) DBM did not increase bone density in osteoporotic female rats.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 51: 362-9, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25996740


The health impact of retinoic acid (All Trans Retinoic Acid; ATRA) in the development of lung pathology and tissue remodeling has not been well established in the literature. Equally, the role of Citral (inhibitor of retinoid function) in the improvement of lung pathology has not been ascertained in vivo. Therefore, it is hypothesized that ATRA and Ovalbumin (Egg albumin; OVA) exposure will sensitize lung tissues leading to lung tissue pathology and that citrals (C1 and C2) will reverse or ameliorate the related pathological damage to lung tissues. The study used an IACUC approved between-subject in vivo randomized split plot factorial design (F344 rat model; N=35). Animals were sensitized to OVA and then exposed to six different treatments; negative control (-ve), ATRA, Citrals (C1 and C2) and their triple combinations (OVA+ ATRA + C1, OVA+ ATRA + C2), by intra-peritoneal route. Rat weight data and blood were collected on Days 1 and 21, all animals were sacrificed on day 21, and lung tissues were processed for histopathology. Results from rat weights and blood (ANOVA and Duncan) as well as from the histopathological analysis of exposing the F344 rats to OVA in combinations with ATRA and citrals, revealed various levels of lung tissue damage that was impacted by exposure to citral. We conclude that OVA+ATRA+C1 combination treatment did improve lung pathology as compared to single individual treatments. However, the OVA+ATRA+C2 combination not only failed to improve these parameters, but even worsened the lung pathology of this model. This promising study showed variable responses on the interaction of Ovalbumin, citrals, and ATRA as related to their damage/improvement of related lung tissue pathologies.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 51: 370-7, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25996741


The impact of retinoic acid (All Trans Retinoic Acid; ATRA) and Mold spores (MLD) in the development of lung pathology and in vivo tissue remodeling have not been well established in the literature. In addition, the role of citral (inhibitor of retinoid function) in the improvement of lung pathology has not been ascertained in animal studies. Therefore, it is hypothesized that ATRA and Mold (MLD) exposure will sensitize lung tissues leading to lung tissue pathology and that Citrals (C1 and C2) will reverse, ameliorate or improve the associated pathological damage to lung tissues. The study used an IACUC approved between-subject in vivo randomized split plot factorial design (F344 rat model; N=40). Animals were exposed to eight different treatments including vehicle, MLD, ATRA, Citrals (C1 and C2) and their MLD combinations (MLD+ ATRA, MLD+ C1, and MLD+ C2) by intra-peritoneal route. Rat weight and blood data were collected on Days 1 and 21, all animals were sacrificed on day 21, and lung tissues were processed for histopathology. Results from weight and blood data (ANOVA and Duncan) as well as from histopathological analyses supported the findings that exposure of F344 rats to MLD combinations with ATRA and Citrals showed various levels of lung tissue damage that were impacted by either C1 or C2. This promising study showed impressive responses on the interaction of MLD, Citrals, and ATRA as related to their impact on associated lung tissue pathologies.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 50: 409-16, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25405452


The experimental impact of retinoic acid (All Trans Retinoic Acid; ATRA), citrals, ovalbumin and mold spores in the development of lung pathology and tissue remodeling are not well established in the literature. As well, the role of these agents in lung pathology was not ascertained under an in vivo setting. Therefore, it is hypothesized that citrals, ATRA, ovalbumin and mold-spore exposure will sensitize lung tissues and will lead to the development of lung tissue pathology in these animals. The study used an IACUC approved between-subject in vivo randomized split plot factorial design (F344 rat model; N=30). Mold spores were applied to animals by intra-tracheal route whereas vehicle, ovalbumin, C1, C2 and ATRA were administered by intra-peritoneal route. Rat weight data and blood were collected on Days 1 and 21. All animals were sacrificed on day 21 and lung tissues were processed for histopathology. Evidence from weights and blood (ANOVA and Duncan) as well as histopatholgical analysis supported the findings that exposure of these animals to C1, C2, ATRA, ovalbumin and mold spores showed different levels of lung tissue damage representing environmental exposure to these agents. This promising study showed variable lung tissue responses to the administration of ATRA, ovalbumin, citrals, and mold spores in the development of various levels of lung tissue pathologies.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 50: 423-30, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25405454


The impact of retinoic acid (All Trans Retinoic Acid; ATRA) in the development of lung pathology and tissue remodeling are not well established in the literature. As well, the role of citral (inhibitor of retinoid function) in the improvement of lung pathology was not ascertained under an in vivo setting. Therefore, it is hypothesized that ATRA and ovalbumin exposure will sensitize lung tissues leading to lung tissue pathology and that citrals (C1 and C2) will reverse or ameliorate the related pathological damage to lung tissues. The study used an IACUC approved between-subject in vivo randomized split plot factorial design (F344 rat model; N=40). Animals were exposed to 8 different treatments including vehicle, OVA, ATRA, citrals (C1 and C2) and their ovalbumin combinations (OVA+ ATRA, OVA+ C1, and OVA+ C2) by intra-peritoneal route. Rat weight data and blood were collected on Days 1 and 21, all animals were sacrificed on day 21 and lung tissues were processed for histopathology. Results from weights and blood (ANOVA and Duncan) as well as from the histopatholgical analysis supported the findings that exposure of F344 rats to OVA combinations with ATRA and citrals showed various levels of lung tissue damage that was improved or worsened by either C1 or C2. This promising study showed variable responses on the interaction of ovalbumin, citrals, and ATRA as related to their damage/improvement of related lung tissue pathologies.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 50: 437-44, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25405456


Surgically repaired tendons are plagued by complications related to the healing response. Adhesion formation between the tendon and its sheath or surrounding tissues inhibits free gliding and results in a loss of excursion. The random orientation of collagen deposition at the site of repair creates a focal area of weakness, rendering the tendon prone to rupture at this point. Even the strongest, most technically precise repair can be negated by either of these complications. Research in tendon injury and healing is primarily focused on the pathogenesis of fibrosis and how to prevent the formation of excessive scar tissue. However, no widely accepted therapy currently exists to promote healing and prevent fibrosis in surgically repaired tendons. The goal of this study was to determine the effects of varying concentrations of transforming growth factor ß1(TGF-ß1), the main constituent of a clinically used treatment, PRP, on fibroblast cells. Cells were treated with low, medium, and high concentrations of TGF-ß1 for periods of 24, 48, and 72 hours and cell proliferation, damage, and morphology were evaluated at each time point. The results show that low dose treatment resulted in significant increases in cell number and cell along with distinct cytological changes within 48 hours of treatment. This information is clinically important and may help to provide an explanation for the inconsistencies seen with use of PRP as an adjuvant for tendon and ligament healing.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 49: 85-93, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23686186


Osteoporosis affects over ten million persons within the United States and is estimated to cost the healthcare system $18 billion dollars a year. Approximately 1.5 million persons will be diagnosed with an osteoporotic fracture and the epidemiological data reflects that prevalence of the osteoporotic fractures is four times more common than having a stroke. The current treatments strategies for osteoporosis are geared toward inhibiting the osteoclast cell resorption of bone, and not on the osteoblast bone formation. The use of demineralized bone matrix proteins (DBM) has been shown to be effective in healing osteoporotic bone fractures within a four week time period. Our goal was to deliver in a sustained manner DBM over an eight week period and compare bone strength and bone histology to osteoporotic untreated animals, osteoporotic animals given sustained delivery of physiological estrogen, as well as naïve control (animals with ovary intact). Our results showed estrogen administered in a sustained fashion was able to reverse the decline in bone strength and re-establish the bone quality similar to ovary intact controls. DBM administered in a sustained manner showed similar bone quality and strength to osteoporotic control animals. Administration of DBM to mature bone in a sustained fashion may be ineffective in inducing osteoblast function or reversing osteoclast activity. It is possible that DBM may be more effective on immature bone cells.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 49: 94-100, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23686187


Glucocorticoids have long been recognized to have beneficial effects in rheumatoid arthritis and asthma. Numerous clinical trials show the efficacy of short term low dose treatment to resolve inflammation. Despite the success of short term use, there is concern regarding chronic use of glucocorticoids because of the development of exogenous Cushing’s syndrome. Chronic variable stress models have detailed the effects of chronic stress exposure on body weight, plasma corticosteroid levels, ACTH levels, and adrenal weights, but limited studies detail the effects of the body systems induced by continuous exposure to glucocorticoids similar to that seen in exogenous Cushing’s syndrome. The present study uses a TCPL drug delivery system to administer corticosterone (CS) continuously in male and female animals for 24 days and evaluates long term chronic use effects on body weight, adrenal weight, and adrenal ultrastructure. Continuous release of CS resulted in slight decreases in body weight in both male and female rats and decreases in adrenal wet weight in the female rats. Ultrastructural changes were seen in the adrenal histology in both female and male rats. Male rat adrenal glands showed atrophy of the zona glomerulosa and hypertrophy of the adrenal medulla. Female rats showed disorganization of all zones within the adrenal gland and an increase in fat around the gland. The information is important for understanding physiological differences in males and females during stress. The continuous release of CS may provide insight into the pathology of exogenous Cushing’s syndrome.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 49: 101-8, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23686188


Lung cancer is a one of the most prevalent and deadly cancers in United States. Experimental evidence support that cancer cells do exhibit higher glycolytic rates than normal cells. To exploit this unique cancer-dependent ATP generation phenomenon, we hypothesize that exposure of cancer cells to organic inhibitors of glycolysis would negatively impact their survival and alter their growth and viability resulting from the vast decrease in their essential glycolytic ATP production; no negative consequences will be seen on normal lung cells. The human lung fibroblast cell line MRC-5 and the human lung alveolar epithelial cancer cell line A549 were used in this study as models for normal lung and lung cancer respectively. Using standard methods, both cell lines were maintained and exposed to honey and D-glucose reagents at concentration levels ranging from 31.3-2,000 µg/ml in 96 well plates in quadruplets and experiments repeated at least three times using MTT (3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide), and cell counting (T4 Cellometer; automated cell counting system) assays as well as phase-contrast photo-imaging. Our results indicate that exposure of both cell lines to these organics lead to concentration dependent cell destruction/cell survival depending on the cell line exposed. Honey and D-glucose showed statistically significant (p<0.05) differential negative effects on the A549 line in comparison to its unexposed control as well as to their effects on the MRC-5 cell line. These findings show a promising role for honey and D-glucose as biotherapeutic metabolites of interest for selective management of cancerous cells.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 49: 109-16, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23686189


Lung cancer is among the most prevalent and deadly cancers in United States. In general, cancer cells are known to exhibit higher rates of glycolysis in comparison to normal cells. In attempting to exploit this unique cancer-dependent ATP generation phenomenon, it was our hypothesis that upon exposure to organic inhibitors of glycolysis, cancer cells would not survive normally and that their growth and viability would be vastly decreased; essential glycolytic ATP production will be exhausted to the point of collapsing energy utilization. Furthermore, we hypothesize that no negative effect would be seen with exposures to organic inhibitors for normal lung cells. The human lung fibroblast MRC-5 and the human A549 alveolar epithelial cell lines were used as in vitro models of normal lung and lung cancers respectively. Using standard methods, both cell lines were maintained and exposed to pyruvic acid, sodium citrate and sodium bicarbonate reagents at concentration levels ranging from 31.3-2,000 µg/ml in 96 well plates in quadruplets and experiments repeated at least three times using MTT, and cell counting (T4 Cellometer) assays as well as phase-contrast photo-imaging for parallel morphological displays of any changes in the course of their vitality and metabolic activities. Our results indicate that exposure of both cell lines to these organics resulted in concentration dependent cell destruction/cell survival depending on the cell line exposed. Pyruvic acid, sodium citrate and sodium bicarbonate showed statistically significant (p<0.05) differential negative effects on the A549 cell line in comparison to its unexposed control as well as to their effects on the MRC-5 cell line, presenting a potential promise for their use as cancer biotherapeutics.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 48: 35-42, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22846262


Bisphosphonates are indicated for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in adults; the treatment and prevention of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis; the treatment of Paget’s disease; and the treatment of multiple myeloma in patients with documented bone metastases. Two long-term trials in cancer patients demonstrated an increase in serum creatinine (SCr) when 8 mg of bisphosphonate was administered, prompting a recommendation to reduce the dose to 4 mg. The risk for renal toxicity remains a possibility following chronic administration of bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis. The goal of the study was to evaluate the kidney of osteoporotic female rats following chronic administration of alendronate using a drug delivery device for 4 weeks and compare the finding with control non-ovariectomized animals, ovariectomized control animals (OVX), and ovariectomized animals with an empty drug delivery system. The results of the study showed significant increases in body weights in the ovariectomized animals compared with non-ovariectomized animals. The organ wet-weights were not statistically different between the control and treatment groups or the ovariectomized and non-ovariectomized animals. Histological and histomorphometric analysis of the kidney revealed significant changes in the glomerular area on alendronate treated animals at 4 weeks when compared with ovx, ovx-sham and control non-ovariectomized animals. The results indicate chronic use of alendronate for osteoporosis may impair renal function or increase renal related problems in patients with existing kidney disease.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 48: 57-64, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22846265


In an effort to increase the number of well trained minority healthcare professionals and basic science researchers, Jackson State University, (JSU, a historically black institution) in partnership with Hinds Community College (HCC, a 2-year college) and consultant biomedical researchers/healthcare professionals at the University of Mississippi Medical Center established a Bridges to the Baccalaureate Degree Program (BBDP). The purpose of the BBDP was to enhance HCC students transfer rates to 4 year institutions and to motivate trainees to seek Baccalaureate and advanced degrees in the biomedical and health sciences areas. The program utilized faculty and administrators at each institution in the planning and implementation of all programmatic aspects, including student selection, advisement procedures and program activities. HCC students (280) were recruited, 94.5 % of whom were African American, and trained in research laboratory methodologies, responsible conduct of research concepts, literature survey mechanisms, and scientific writing techniques during the academic year. Students engaged in specific individualized research projects during the summer and presented their research findings at local scientific seminars and professional meetings e.g., Mississippi Academy of Sciences, ABRCMS, FASEB, and the Endocrine Society. Sixty-five percent of students eligible to transfer actually transferred to Jackson State University and 8 other colleges and universities. Approximately 70% of the transfer students obtained Baccalaureate degrees and many received or are enrolled in masters and doctorate degree programs. HCC science faculty also received additional research training experiences and in 6 cases, initiated or completed terminal degrees in the sciences. In conclusion, it is clear that exposure to research training in the biomedical sciences can enhance community college students transfer rates and potential to seek advanced degrees.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 48: 112-8, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22846272


Lung cancer is a one of the most prevalent and deadly cancers in United States. Research has shown that cancer cells exhibit higher glycolytic rates than normal cells. In attempting to exploit this unique cancer-dependent ATP generation phenomenon, we hypothesize that exposure of cancer cells to organic inhibitors of glycolysis would have a negative impact on their survival and will alter their growth and viability due to a vast decrease in their essential glycolytic ATP production with the resultant energetic collapse and that no negative consequences will be seen on normal lung cells. The human lung fibroblast cell line MRC-5 and the human alveolar epithelial cell line A549 were used in this study as models for normal lung and lung cancer in vitro. Using standard methods, both cell lines were maintained and exposed to FDP and glycerol reagents at concentration levels ranging from 31.3-2,000 µg/ml in 96 well plates in quadruplets and experiments were repeated at least three times using MTT, and cell counting (T4 Cellometer) assays as well as phase-contrast photo-imaging. Our results indicate that exposure of both cell lines to these organics resulted in concentration dependent cell destruction/cell survival depending on the cell line exposed. FDP and glycerol showed statistically significant (p<0.05) differential negative effects on the A549 line in comparison to its unexposed control as well as to their effects on the MRC-5 cell line, presenting promising indicators for their cancer therapeutic potential.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 48: 119-25, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22846273


Lung cancer is a one of the most prevalent and deadly cancers in United States. Research has shown that cancer cells exhibit higher glycolytic rates than normal cells. In attempting to exploit this unique cancer-dependent ATP generation phenomenon (Warburg effect), we hypothesize that exposure of cancer cells to organic inhibitors of glycolysis would have a negative impact on their survival and will alter their growth and viability due to a vast decrease in their essential glycolytic ATP production with the resultant energetic collapse and that no negative consequences will be seen on normal lung cells. The human lung fibroblast cell line MRC-5 and the human alveolar epithelial cell line A549 were used in this study as models for normal lung and lung cancer in vitro. Using standard methods, both cell lines were maintained and exposed to oxalic acid and zinc acetate reagents at concentration levels ranging from 31.3-2,000 µg/ml in 96 well plates in quadruplets and experiments were repeated at least three times using MTT, and cell counting (T4 Cellometer) assays as well as phase-contrast photo-imaging. Our results indicate that exposure of both cell lines to these organics resulted in concentration dependent cell destruction/cell survival depending on the cell line exposed. Oxalic acid and zinc acetate showed statistically significant (p<0.05) differential negative effects on the A549 line in comparison to its unexposed control as well as to their effects on the MRC-5 cell line, presenting promising indicators for their cancer therapeutic potential.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 47: 189-94, 2011.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21525619


Stress has been shown to impair reproduction in many species and the hypothalamic pituitary axis (HPA) has been shown to be the target. Most of the literature evaluated the effects of acute stress and focused solely on the HPA. The literature is lacking in the area of chronic administration of corticosteroid use and effects on the estrous cycle and long term effects on the ovary. The objectives of this study were to use tricalcium phosphate drug delivery systems to deliver corticosterone in a sustained supraphysiological level and follow the estrous cycle over a 28 day period; then, harvest the ovaries to evaluate the morphology. The results indicate prolonged administration of corticosterone in female rats cause alteration in the cyclic activity as evidenced by changes in the estrous as well as morphology of the ovaries. The mechanism appears to be disruption or interference of the HPA axis. Overall, ceramic drug delivery devices can be used effectively to deliver corticosteroid to induce pathophysiological changes associated with stress.

Biomed Sci Instrum ; 43: 384-9, 2007.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17487112


Degenerative disc disease is a leading source of pain as well as increased health care costs in the United States, and research efforts into understanding the pathophysiology of this disease are necessary for the development of new management strategies. Addition of growth factors to stimulate chondrocyte development are on the horizon as new treatment modalities for degenerative disc disease, but increasing growth factor concentrations in the body may have adverse affects on vital organs. The objective of this study was to investigate the use of sustained delivery of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) for treatment of degenerative discs using the adult male rat as a model. The results showed increased chondrocyte proliferation and decreased apoptosis at the traumatized disc after 28 days. Analysis of the vital organs revealed slight increases in kidney wet weights, and closer histomorphometric evaluation of the tissue revealed changes in the proximal tubules. Further investigation to evaluate the potential physiological or pathophysioloigcal effects of the growth factors at the organ levels is warranted before use as therapeutic agent to treat degenerative disc disease.

Condrogénesis/efectos de los fármacos , Modelos Animales de Enfermedad , Factor I del Crecimiento Similar a la Insulina/administración & dosificación , Desplazamiento del Disco Intervertebral/tratamiento farmacológico , Desplazamiento del Disco Intervertebral/patología , Disco Intervertebral/efectos de los fármacos , Disco Intervertebral/patología , Animales , Preparaciones de Acción Retardada/administración & dosificación , Relación Dosis-Respuesta a Droga , Masculino , Ratas , Ratas Sprague-Dawley , Resultado del Tratamiento