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Nat Commun ; 12(1): 1175, 2021 Feb 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33608546


Interference patterns provide direct measurement of coherent propagation of matter waves in quantum systems. Superfluidity in Bose-Einstein condensates of excitons can enable long-range ballistic exciton propagation and can lead to emerging long-scale interference patterns. Indirect excitons (IXs) are formed by electrons and holes in separated layers. The theory predicts that the reduced IX recombination enables IX superfluid propagation over macroscopic distances. Here, we present dislocation-like phase singularities in interference patterns produced by condensate of IXs. We analyze how exciton vortices and skyrmions should appear in the interference experiments and show that the observed interference dislocations are not associated with these phase defects. We show that the observed interference dislocations originate from the moiré effect in combined interference patterns of propagating condensate matter waves. The interference dislocations are formed by the IX matter waves ballistically propagating over macroscopic distances. The long-range ballistic IX propagation is the evidence for IX condensate superfluidity.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 2158, 2018 06 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29867086


The Pancharatnam-Berry phase is a geometric phase acquired over a cycle of parameters in the Hamiltonian governing the evolution of the system. Here, we report on the observation of the Pancharatnam-Berry phase in a condensate of indirect excitons (IXs) in a GaAs-coupled quantum well structure. The Pancharatnam-Berry phase is directly measured by detecting phase shifts of interference fringes in IX interference patterns. Correlations are found between the phase shifts, polarization pattern of IX emission, and onset of IX spontaneous coherence. The evolving Pancharatnam-Berry phase is acquired due to coherent spin precession in IX condensate and is observed with no decay over lengths exceeding 10 µm indicating long-range coherent spin transport.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(24): 246403, 2013 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25165944


We report the observation of spin currents in a coherent gas of indirect excitons. The realized long-range spin currents originate from the formation of a coherent gas of bosonic pairs--a new mechanism to suppress the spin relaxation. The spin currents result in the appearance of a variety of polarization patterns, including helical patterns, four-leaf patterns, spiral patterns, bell patterns, and periodic patterns. We demonstrate control of the spin currents by a magnetic field. We also present a theory of coherent exciton spin transport that describes the observed exciton polarization patterns and indicates the trajectories of the spin currents.

Nature ; 483(7391): 584-8, 2012 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22437498


If bosonic particles are cooled down below the temperature of quantum degeneracy, they can spontaneously form a coherent state in which individual matter waves synchronize and combine. Spontaneous coherence of matter waves forms the basis of a number of fundamental phenomena in physics, including superconductivity, superfluidity and Bose-Einstein condensation. Spontaneous coherence is the key characteristic of condensation in momentum space. Excitons--bound pairs of electrons and holes--form a model system to explore the quantum physics of cold bosons in solids. Cold exciton gases can be realized in a system of indirect excitons, which can cool down below the temperature of quantum degeneracy owing to their long lifetimes. Here we report measurements of spontaneous coherence in a gas of indirect excitons. We found that spontaneous coherence of excitons emerges in the region of the macroscopically ordered exciton state and in the region of vortices of linear polarization. The coherence length in these regions is much larger than in a classical gas, indicating a coherent state with a much narrower than classical exciton distribution in momentum space, characteristic of a condensate. A pattern of extended spontaneous coherence is correlated with a pattern of spontaneous polarization, revealing the properties of a multicomponent coherent state. We also observed phase singularities in the coherent exciton gas. All these phenomena emerge when the exciton gas is cooled below a few kelvin.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(2): 028701, 2011 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21405256


Using the unique features of the electronic band structure of GaN(x)As(1-x) alloys, we have designed, fabricated and tested a multiband photovoltaic device. The device demonstrates an optical activity of three energy bands that absorb, and convert into electrical current, the crucial part of the solar spectrum. The performance of the device and measurements of electroluminescence, quantum efficiency and photomodulated reflectivity are analyzed in terms of the band anticrossing model of the electronic structure of highly mismatched alloys. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using highly mismatched alloys to engineer the semiconductor energy band structure for specific device applications.

Phys Rev Lett ; 90(7): 076807, 2003 Feb 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12633263


In situ control of spin-orbit coupling in coherent transport using a clean GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas is realized, leading to a gate-tunable crossover from weak localization to antilocalization. The necessary theory of 2D magnetotransport in the presence of spin-orbit coupling beyond the diffusive approximation is developed and used to analyze experimental data. With this theory the Rashba contribution and linear and cubic Dresselhaus contributions to spin-orbit coupling are separately estimated, allowing the angular dependence of spin-orbit precession to be extracted at various gate voltages.

Phys Rev Lett ; 89(27): 276803, 2002 Dec 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12513231


We investigate antilocalization due to spin-orbit coupling in ballistic GaAs quantum dots. Antilocalization that is prominent in large dots is suppressed in small dots, as anticipated theoretically. Parallel magnetic fields suppress both antilocalization and also, at larger fields, weak localization, consistent with random matrix theory results once orbital coupling of the parallel field is included. In situ control of spin-orbit coupling in dots is demonstrated as a gate-controlled crossover from weak localization to antilocalization.

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(21): 216804, 2001 Nov 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11736364


We present the first measurements of the dispersion relation of a quasi-2D magnetoexciton. We demonstrate that the magnetoexciton effective mass is determined by the coupling between the center-of-mass motion and internal structure and becomes overwhelmingly larger than the sum of the electron and hole masses in high magnetic fields.

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(1): 017002, 2001 Jul 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11461486


We measure the effect of dissipation on the minimum zero-bias conductance, G(min)0, of a superconducting single electron transistor (sSET) capacitively coupled to a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. Depleting the 2DEG with a back gate voltage decreases the dissipation experienced by the sSET in situ. We find that G(min)0 increases as the dissipation is increased or the temperature is reduced; the functional forms of these dependences are compared with the model of Wilhelm et al. in which the leads coupled to the sSET are represented by lossy transmission lines.

Phys Rev Lett ; 86(24): 5608-11, 2001 Jun 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11415313


We observe and analyze strongly nonlinear photoluminescence kinetics of indirect excitons in GaAs/AlGaAs coupled quantum wells at low bath temperatures, > or = 50 mK. The long recombination lifetime of indirect excitons promotes accumulation of these Bose particles in the lowest energy states and allows the photoexcited excitons to cool down to temperatures where the dilute 2D gas of indirect excitons becomes statistically degenerate. Our main result--a strong enhancement of the exciton scattering rate to the low-energy states with increasing concentration of the indirect excitons--reveals bosonic stimulation of exciton scattering, which is a signature of a degenerate Bose-gas of excitons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 84(4): 725-8, 2000 Jan 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11017357


We investigate the double-layer electron system in a parabolic quantum well at filling factor nu=2 in a tilted magnetic field using capacitance spectroscopy. The competition between two ground states is found at the Zeeman splitting appreciably smaller than the symmetric-antisymmetric splitting. Although at the transition point the system breaks up into domains of the two competing states, the activation energy turns out to be finite, signaling the occurrence of a new insulator-insulator quantum phase transition. We interpret the obtained results in terms of a predicted canted antiferromagnetic phase.

Science ; 283(5409): 1905-8, 1999 Mar 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10082462


A quantum pumping mechanism that produces dc current or voltage in response to a cyclic deformation of the confining potential in an open quantum dot is reported. The voltage produced at zero current bias is sinusoidal in the phase difference between the two ac voltages deforming the potential and shows random fluctuations in amplitude and direction with small changes in external parameters such as magnetic field. The amplitude of the pumping response increases linearly with the frequency of the deformation. Dependencies of pumping on the strength of the deformations, temperature, and breaking of time-reversal symmetry were also investigated.