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Chem Sci ; 15(29): 11604-11616, 2024 Jul 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39055023


Neutral radical bis(dithiolene) gold complexes [Au(dt)2]˙ are known to exhibit a strong absorption in the 1400-2000 nm NIR absorption range. Here, we demonstrate that the NIR signature of mixed-ligand bis(dithiolene) gold complexes [Au(dtA)(dtD)]˙ associating two different dithiolene, dtA and dtD, is found at higher energy, out of the range of the homoleptic analogs [Au(dtA)2]˙ and [Au(dtD)2]˙, in the looked-after NIR-II 1000-1400 nm absorption range. An efficient synthetic approach towards precursor mixed-ligand monoanionic gold bis(dithiolene) complexes [Au(dtA)(dtD)]-1 is reported. Using this strategy, no symmetrical complexes are formed and, upon electrocrystallization, no scrambling was observed in solution, allowing for the isolation of radical gold bis(dithiolene) complex such as [Au(bdt)(Et-thiazdt)]˙ (bdt: benzene-1,2-dithiolate; Et-thiazdt: N-ethyl-thiazoline-2-thione-3,4-dithiolate), which behaves as a single-component conductor. It is shown from theoretical calculations that the spin polarization induced by electron repulsions leads to a strong localization of the spin-orbitals, and provides a sound basis to understand, (i) the different ligand-based oxidation potentials, (ii) the NIR optical absorption at notably higher energies and (iii) the larger potential difference of the two redox processes than in the parent symmetric complexes. The solid-state properties of the radical complex [Au(bdt)(Et-thiazdt)]˙ are the consequence of a strongly 1D electronic structure with weakly dimerized chains and electronic localization favoring a semiconducting behavior, stable under pressures up to 18.2 GPa. Altogether, the versatility of the preparation method of [Au(dtA)(dtD)]-1 salts opens the route for a wide library of different mixed-ligand radical complexes [Au(dtA)(dtD)]˙ with simultaneously an adaptable absorption in the NIR-II range and the rich structural chemistry of single-component conductors.

Rep Prog Phys ; 87(2)2024 Jan 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38052072


The charge density wave (CDW) instability, usually occurring in low-dimensional metals, has been a topic of interest for longtime. However, some very fundamental aspects of the mechanism remain unclear. Recently, a plethora of new CDW materials, a substantial fraction of which is two-dimensional or even three-dimensional, has been prepared and characterised as bulk and/or single-layers. As a result, the need for revisiting the primary mechanism of the instability, based on the electron-hole instability established more than 50 years ago for quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) conductors, has clearly emerged. In this work, we consider a large number of CDW materials to revisit the main concepts used in understanding the CDW instability, and emphasise the key role of the momentum dependent electron-phonon coupling in linking electronic and structural degrees of freedom. We argue that for quasi-1D systems, earlier weak coupling theories work appropriately and the energy gain due to the CDW and the concomitant periodic lattice distortion (PLD) remains primarily due to a Fermi surface nesting mechanism. However, for materials with higher dimensionality, intermediate and strong coupling regimes are generally at work and the modification of the chemical bonding network by the PLD is at the heart of the instability. We emphasise the need for a microscopic approach blending condensed matter physics concepts and state-of-the-art first-principles calculations with quite fundamental chemical bonding ideas in understanding the CDW phenomenon in these materials.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 127(15): 7162-7171, 2023 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37113456


A density functional theory study of the electronic structure of nanostructures based on the hexagonal layers of LuI3 is reported. Both bulk and slabs with one to three layers exhibit large and indirect bandgaps. Different families of nanotubes can be generated from these layers. Semiconducting nanotubes of two different chiralities have been studied. The direct or indirect nature of the optical gaps depends on the chirality, and a simple rationalization of this observation based on band folding arguments is provided. Remarkably, a metastable form of the armchair LuI3 nanotubes can be obtained under a structural rearrangement such that some iodine atoms are segregated toward the center of the nanotube forming chains of dimerized iodines. These nanotubes having an Lu2N I5N backbone are predicted to be metallic and should be immune toward a Peierls distortion. The iodine chains in the inner part of the nanotubes are weakly bound to the backbone so that it should be possible to remove these chains to generate a new series of neutral Lu2N I5N nanotubes which could exhibit interesting magnetic behavior. Because the LuI3 structure occurs for a large number of lanthanide and actinide trihalides, a tuning of the optical, transport, and probably magnetic properties of these new families of nanotubes can be a challenging prospect for future experimental studies.

Small ; 19(29): e2300262, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37029707


Polymorphic phases and collective phenomena-such as charge density waves (CDWs)-in transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) dictate the physical and electronic properties of the material. Most TMDs naturally occur in a single given phase, but the fine-tuning of growth conditions via methods such as molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) allows to unlock otherwise inaccessible polymorphic structures. Exploring and understanding the morphological and electronic properties of new phases of TMDs is an essential step to enable their exploitation in technological applications. Here, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is used to map MBE-grown monolayer (ML) TaTe2 . This work reports the first observation of the 1H polymorphic phase, coexisting with the 1T, and demonstrates that their relative coverage can be controlled by adjusting synthesis parameters. Several superperiodic structures, compatible with CDWs, are observed to coexist on the 1T phase. Finally, this work provides theoretical insight on the delicate balance between Te…Te and Ta-Ta interactions that dictates the stability of the different phases. The findings demonstrate that TaTe2 is an ideal platform to investigate competing interactions, and indicate that accurate tuning of growth conditions is key to accessing metastable states in TMDs.

Inorg Chem ; 62(10): 4197-4209, 2023 Mar 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36827469


Highly conducting, mixed-valence, multi-component nickel bis(diselenolene) salts were obtained by electrocrystallization of the monoanionic species [Ni(Me-thiazds)2]-1 (Me-thiazds: N-methyl-1,3-thiazoline-2-thione-4,5-diselenolate), with 1:2 and 1:3 stoichiometries depending of the counter ion used (Et4N+ and nBu4N+ vs Ph4P+, respectively). This behavior strongly differs from that of the corresponding monoanionic dithiolene complexes whose oxidation afforded the single component neutral species. This provides additional rare examples of mixed-valence conducting salts of nickel diselenolene complexes, only known in two examples with the dsit (1,3-dithiole-2-thione-4,5-diselenolate) and dsise (1,3-dithiole-2-selone-4,5-diselenolate) ligands. The mixed-valence salts form highly dimerized or trimerized bi- and trimetallic units, rarely seen with such nickel complexes. Transport measurements under a high pressure (up to 10 GPa) and band structure calculations confirm the semiconducting character of [Ph4P][Ni(Me-thiazds)2]3 and the quasi metallic character of [Et4N][Ni(Me-thiazds)2]2 and [NBu4]x[Ni(Me-thiazds)2]2 salts (0 < x < 1).

Chemistry ; 29(8): e202203138, 2023 Feb 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36349992


Novel coordination polymers embedding electroactive moieties present a high interest in the development of porous conducting materials. While tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) based metal-organic frameworks were reported to yield through-space conducting frameworks, the use of S-enriched scaffolds remains elusive in this field. Herein is reported the employment of bis(vinylenedithio)-tetrathiafulvalene (BVDT-TTF) functionalized with pyridine coordinating moieties in coordination polymers. Its combination with various transition metals yielded four isostructural networks, whose conductivity increased upon chemical oxidation with iodine. The oxidation was confirmed in a single-crystal to single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiment for the Cd(II) coordination polymer. Raman spectroscopy measurements and DFT calculations confirmed the oxidation state of the bulk materials, and band structure calculations assessed the ground state as an electronically localized antiferromagnetic state, while the conduction occurs in a 2D manner. These results are shedding light to comprehend how to improve through-space conductivity thanks to sulfur enriched ligands.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(48)2021 Sep 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34479227


NbSe3and monoclinic-TaS3(m-TaS3) are quasi-1D metals containing three different types of chains and undergoing two different charge density wave Peierls transitions atTP1andTP2associated with type III and type I chains, respectively. The nature of these transitions is discussed on the basis of first-principles DFT calculation of their Fermi surface (FS) and electron-hole response function. Because of the stronger inter-chain interactions, the FS and electron-hole response function are considerably more complex for NbSe3thanm-TaS3; however a common scenario can be put forward to rationalize the results. The intra-chain inter-band nesting processes dominate the strongest response for both type I and type III chains of the two compounds. Two well-defined maxima of the electron-hole response for NbSe3are found with the (0a*, 0c*) and (1/2a*, 1/2c*) transverse components atTP1andTP2, respectively, whereas the second maximum is not observed form-TaS3atTP2. Analysis of the different inter-chain coupling mechanisms leads to the conclusion that FS nesting effects are only relevant to set the transversea*components in NbSe3. The strongest inter-chain Coulomb coupling mechanism must be taken into account for the transverse coupling alongc*in NbSe3and along botha*andc*form-TaS3. Phonon spectrum calculations reveal the formation of a giant 2kFKohn anomaly form-TaS3. All these results support a weak coupling scenario for the Peierls transition of transition metal trichalcogenides.

J Am Chem Soc ; 142(49): 20624-20630, 2020 Dec 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33236891


Recent interest in potassium-doped p-terphenyl has been fueled by reports of superconductivity at Tc values surprisingly high for organic compounds. Despite these interesting properties, studies of the structure-function relationships within these materials have been scarce. Here, we isolate a phase-pure crystal of potassium-doped p-terphenyl: [K(222)]2[p-terphenyl3]. Emerging antiferromagnetism in the anisotropic structure is studied in depth by magnetometry and electron spin resonance. Combining these experimental results with density functional theory calculations, we describe the antiferromagnetic coupling in this system that occurs in all 3 crystallographic directions. The strongest coupling was found along the ends of the terphenyls, where the additional electron on neighboring p-terphenyls antiferromagnetically couple. This delocalized bonding interaction is reminiscent of the doubly degenerate resonance structure depiction of polyacetylene. These findings hint toward magnetic fluctuation-induced superconductivity in potassium-doped p-terphenyl, which has a close analogy with high Tc cuprate superconductors. The new approach described here is very versatile as shown by the preparation of two additional salts through systematic changing of the building blocks.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(8): 085705, 2020 Feb 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33091886


The first-principles electron-hole Lindhard response function has been calculated and analyzed in detail for two (TMTSF)2 X (X = ClO4 and NO3) Bechgaard salts undergoing different anion-ordering (AO) transitions. The calculation was carried out using the real triclinic low-temperature structures. The evolution of the electron-hole response with temperature for both relaxed and quenched salts is discussed. It is shown that the 2k F response of the quenched samples of both salts display a low temperature curved and tilted triangular continuum of maxima. This is not the case for the relaxed samples. (TMTSF)2ClO4 in the AO state exhibits a more quasi-1D response than in the non AO state and relaxed (TMTSF)2NO3 shows a sharp maximum. The curved triangular plateau of the quenched samples results from multiple nesting of the warped quasi-1D Fermi surface which implies the existence of a large q range of electron-hole fluctuations. This broad maxima region is around 1% of the Brillouin zone area for the X = ClO4 salt (and X = PF6) but only 0.1% for the X = NO3 salt. It is suggested that the strong reduction of associated SDW fluctuations could explain the non detection of the SDW-mediated superconductivity in (TMTSF)2NO3. The calculated maxima of the Lindhard response nicely account for the modulation wave vector experimentally determined by NMR in the SDW ground state of the two salts. The critical AO wave vector for both salts is located in regions where the Lindhard response is a minimum so that they are unrelated to any electron-hole instability. The present first-principles calculation reveals 3D effects in the Lindhard response of the two salts at low temperature which are considerably more difficult to model in analytical approaches.

Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater ; 76(Pt 4): 581-590, 2020 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32831277


Here, the first accurate study is presented of the room-temperature and 100 K structures of one of the first organic spin liquids, κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Ag2(CN)3. It is shown that the monoclinic structure determined previously is only the average one. It is shown that the exact structure presents triclinic symmetry with two non-equivalent dimers in the unit cell. But surprisingly this does not lead to a sizeable charge disproportionation between dimers. The difference from the analogue compound κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3 which also presents a spin liquid phase is discussed in detail. The data provided here show the importance of the anionic layer and in particular the transition metal position in the process of symmetry breaking. The possible impact of the symmetry breaking, albeit weak, on the spin-liquid mechanism and the influence of various disorders on the physical properties of this system is also discussed.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 59(42): 18395-18399, 2020 Oct 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32649790


Non-centrosymmetric polar compounds have important technological properties. Reported perovskite oxynitrides show centrosymmetric structures, and for some of them high permittivities have been observed and ascribed to local dipoles induced by partial order of nitride and oxide. Reported here is the first hexagonal perovskite oxynitride BaWON2 , which shows a polar 6H polytype. Synchrotron X-ray and neutron powder diffraction, and annular bright-field in scanning transmission electron microscopy indicate that it crystalizes in the non-centrosymmetric space group P63 mc, with a total order of nitride and oxide at two distinct coordination environments in cubic and hexagonal packed BaX3 layers. A synergetic second-order Jahn-Teller effect, supported by first principle calculations, anion order, and electrostatic repulsions between W6+ cations, induce large distortions at two inequivalent face-sharing octahedra that lead to long-range ordered dipoles and spontaneous polarization along the c axis. The new oxynitride is a semiconductor with a band gap of 1.1 eV and a large permittivity.

Adv Mater ; 32(36): e2002811, 2020 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32715564


The relationship between chirality and superconductivity is an intriguing question. The two enantiomeric crystalline radical cation salts κ-[(S,S)-DM-BEDT-TTF]2 ClO4 and κ-[(R,R)-DM-BEDT-TTF]2 ClO4 , showing κ-type arrangement of the organic layers, are investigated in search for superconducting chiral molecular materials following a 1992 report indicating the occurrence of a superconducting transition in the former compound. While the initial interpretation is presently challenged through in-depth temperature and pressure dependent single crystal resistivity measurements combined with band structure calculations, the two chiral conductors show metal like behavior with room temperature conductivities of 10-30 S cm-1 at ambient pressure and stabilization of the metallic state down to the lowest temperatures under moderate pressures. Moreover, their structural and theoretical investigations reveal an original feature, namely the existence of two different κ layers with 1D and 2D electronic dimensionality, respectively, as a consequence of an interlayer charge transfer. The resistivity drop observed for one sample below 1 K and insensitive to magnetic field, possibly results from mixing in-plane and out-of-plane contributions to the measured resistance and suggests current induced charge order melting. This feature contradicts the occurrence of superconductivity in these chiral molecular conductors and leaves open the discovery of the first chiral molecular superconductors.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 32(34): 345701, 2020 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32235047


We report the first-principles DFT calculation of the electron-hole Lindhard response function of the (TMTSF)2PF6 Bechgaard salt using the real triclinic low-temperature structure. The Lindhard response is found to change considerably with temperature. Near the 2k F spin density wave (SDW) instability it has the shape of a broad triangular plateau as a result of the multiple nesting associated with the warped quasi-one-dimensional Fermi surface. The evolution of the 2k F broad maximum as well as the effect of pressure and deuteration is calculated and analyzed. The thermal dependence of the electron-hole coherence length deduced from these calculations compares very well with the experimental thermal evolution of the 2k F bond order wave correlation length. The existence of a triangular plateau of maxima in the low-temperature electron-hole Lindhard response of (TMTSF)2PF6 should favor a substantial mixing of q-dependent fluctuations which can have important consequences in understanding the phase diagram of the 2k F SDW ground state, the mechanism of superconductivity and the magneto-transport of this paradigmatic quasi-one-dimensional material. The first-principles DFT Lindhard response provides a very accurate and unbiased approach to the low-temperature instabilities of (TMTSF)2PF6 which can take into account in a simple way 3D effects and subtle structural variations, thus providing a very valuable tool in understanding the remarkable physics of molecular conductors.

Nanoscale ; 12(15): 8294-8302, 2020 Apr 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32236227


We report a study where Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations and variable-temperature (30-300 K) 1H spin-lattice relaxation time experiments nicely complement each other to characterize the dynamics within a set of four crystalline 1,4-diethynylbicyclo[2.2.2]octane (BCO) rotors assembled in the metal-organic rotor, {Li+4(-CO2-Ph-BCO-py)4(H2O)8}·2DMF. The remarkable finding of this work is that, despite the individual rotational barriers of four rotors being indiscernible and superimposed in a broad relaxation process, we were able to unravel a strongly interrelated series of rotational motions involving disrotatory and conrotatory motions in pairs as well as rotational steps of single rotators, all three processes with similar, sizeable rotational barriers of 6 kcal mol-1. It is noteworthy that DFT molecular dynamics simulations and variable-temperature (30-300 K) proton spin-lattice relaxation time experiments deliver the same high value for the rotational barriers stressing the potential of the combined use of the two techniques in understanding rotational motion at the nanoscale.

Faraday Discuss ; 222(0): 217-239, 2020 Jun 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32108213


Silicon nanocrystals and nanowires have been extensively studied because of their novel properties and their applications in electronic, optoelectronic, photovoltaic, thermoelectric and biological devices. Here we discuss results from ab initio calculations for undoped and doped Si nanocrystals and nanowires, showing how theory can aid and improve comprehension of the structural, electronic and optical properties of these systems.

Chem Sci ; 11(37): 10078-10091, 2020 Aug 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34094269


The occurrence of isostructural conducting radical cation salts of diversely substituted tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) precursors with the same anion is most often limited to very similar derivatives such as tetramethyl-tetrathiafulvalene (TMTTF) and tetramethyl-tetraselenafulvalene (TMTSF). Here we show that the use of the oxo-bis[pentafluorotantalate(v)] dianion [Ta2F10O]2- affords upon electrocrystallization of TMTTF, TMTSF, bis(ethylenedithio)-tetrathiafulvalene (BEDT-TTF), racemic dimethyl-ethylenedithio-tetrathiafulvalene ((rac)-DM-EDT-TTF), and enantiopure (S,S)-DM-EDT-TTF a series of mixed valence crystalline radical cation salts with the same 3 : 1 stoichiometry. The donor layers show similar features in the five materials, such as alternation of trimeric units within stacks which arrange in parallel columns of ß-type. The anion arranges either parallel or perpendicular to the stack direction and establishes numerous intermolecular CH⋯F hydrogen bonds. Thus, the [Ta2F10O]2- dianion, most likely because of its shape and propensity to engage in hydrogen bonding, is the first one to be able to induce the same type of structural arrangement for a broad series of different donors, a result which is important in the crystal engineering of molecular conductors. All the compounds are band gap semiconductors, according to single crystal resistivity measurements and extended Hückel band structure calculations. The room temperature conductivity values are relatively high, i.e. 0.25-1.1 S cm-1, except for the TMTTF salt, whose conductivity value is two orders of magnitude smaller than its isostructural TMTSF counterpart, in agreement with the band gap energy value. As a general feature of these materials, variations in the inter- and intra-trimer interactions modulate their band structure, i.e. energy dispersion and band gaps. The preparation of this series of radical cation salts with a sturdy 3 : 1 stoichiometry might question previous assignments of the anion as [Ta2F11]- in radical cation salts of TMTSF and BEDT-TTF.

Inorg Chem ; 58(22): 15359-15370, 2019 Nov 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31657914


Electrocrystallization of the bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene (BEDT-TTF) organic donor in the presence of the [Fe(ClCNAn)3]3- tris(chlorocyananilato)ferrate(III) paramagnetic anion in different stoichiometric ratios and solvent mixtures afforded two different hybrid systems formulated as [BEDT-TTF]4[Fe(ClCNAn)3]·3H2O (1) and [BEDT-TTF]5[Fe(ClCNAn)3]2·2CH3CN (2) (An = anilato). Compounds 1 and 2 present unusual structures without the typical segregated organic and inorganic layers, where layers of 1 are formed by Λ and Δ enantiomers of the anionic paramagnetic complex together with mixed-valence BEDT-TTF tetramers, while layers of 2 are formed by Λ and Δ enantiomers of the paramagnetic complex together with dicationic BEDT-TTF dimers and monomers. Compounds 1 and 2 show semiconducting behaviors with room-temperature conductivities of ca. 6 × 10-3 S cm-1 (ambient pressure) and 1 × 10-3 S cm-1 (under applied pressure of 12.1 GPa), respectively, due to strong dimerization between the donors. Magnetic measurements performed on compound 1 indicate weak antiferromagnetic coupling between high-spin FeIII (SFe = 5/2) and mixed-valence radical cation diyads (BEDT-TTF)2+ (Srad = 1/2) mediated by the anilate ligands, together with an important Pauli paramagnetism typical for conducting systems.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(40): 22639-22646, 2019 Oct 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31592522


A 1 : 1 metallic charge-transfer salt is obtained by cosublimation of (Z,E)-(SMe)2Me2TTF and TCNQ. X-ray diffraction studies confirm the formation of segregated stacks comprising donor and acceptor molecules in [(E)-(SMe)2Me2TTF](TCNQ). The crystal packing features lateral SS interactions between TTF stacks, which is in sharp contrast to that in (TTF)(TCNQ). Structural analysis and theoretical studies afford a partial charge-transfer (ρ ≈ 0.52), leading to a system with the electronic structure close to quarter-filled. Resistivity measurements reveal that this material behaves as a metal down to 56 K and 22 K at 1 bar and 14.9 kbar, respectively. The thermopower is negative in the metallic regime, indicating the dominant role of the acceptor stacks for the observed conducting behavior. Analysis of single-crystal EPR spectra shows the remaining spin susceptibility at 4.3 K, suggesting the importance of the Hubbard U correction. These results highlight the judicious engineering of electronic and geometrical effects on the TTF core; the combined use of methyl and thiomethyl groups has decreased the TCNQ bandwidth while maintaining the segregated stacks, converting the metal to insulator (M-I) transition to more 4kF like. In addition, the enhanced SS contacts between the TTF stacks lead to more rapidly decreasing M-I transition temperature under various pressures.

Inorg Chem ; 58(16): 10656-10664, 2019 Aug 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31380643


The series of salts ß''-(BEDT-TTF)2[(H2O)(NH4)2M(C2O4)3]·18-crown-6 show ambient-pressure superconductivity when M = Cr, Rh. Evidence indicates that the previously reported Cr and Rh salts show a bulk Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless superconducting transition. The isostructural ruthenium and iridium salts are reported here. The Ir salt represents the first radical-cation salt to contain a 5d tris(oxalato)metalate anion. The Ru and Ir salts do not show superconductivity but instead undergo a broad chemically induced metal to insulator transition at 155 K for ruthenium and at 100 K for iridium. The c axes of the Ru and Ir salts are much shorter than those of the Rh and Cr salts. Thus, the more stable metallic state of the Cr and Rh salts is associated with the more strongly 2D electronic systems. The different low-temperature behavior of the Ru and Ir salts, which exhibit a smaller interlayer spacing, could originate from a structural change in the anionic layer which thus can be easily transmitted to the donor layers and generate a localized state. However, another possibility is that it originates from Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless effects.

Inorg Chem ; 58(10): 7026-7035, 2019 May 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31046261


The electronic structure of AgCuO2, and more specifically the possible charge delocalization and its implications for the transport properties, has been the object of debate. Here the problem is faced by means of first-principles density functional theory calculations of the electron and phonon band structures as well as molecular dynamics simulations for different temperatures. It is found that both Cu and Ag exhibit noninteger oxidation states, in agreement with previous spectroscopic studies. The robust CuO2 chains impose a relatively short contact distance to the silver atoms, which are forced to partially use their d z2 orbitals to build a band. This band is partially emptied through overlap with a band of the CuO2 chain, which should be empty if copper were in a Cu3+ oxidation state. In that way, although structural correlations could roughly be consistent with an Ag+Cu3+O2 formulation, the appropriate oxidation states for the silver and copper atoms become Ag(1+δ)+ and Cu(3-δ)+, and as a consequence, the stoichiometric material should be metallic. The study of the electronic structure suggests that Ag atoms form relatively stable chains that can easily slide despite the linear coordination with oxygen atoms of the CuO2 chains. Phonon dispersion calculations and molecular dynamics simulations confirm the stability of the structure although pointing out that sliding of the silver chains is an easy motion that does not lead to substantial modifications of the electronic structure around the Fermi level and, thus, should not alter the good conductivity of the system. However, this sliding of the silver atoms from the equilibrium position explains the observed large thermal factors.