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J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 16(Suppl 1): S777-S779, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38595570


Background: Periodontal health is a critical aspect of overall oral health, yet public awareness and education on this topic remain limited. With the increasing prevalence of online health education platforms, it is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of online periodontal health workshops compared with traditional in-person workshops on improving public awareness. Materials and Methods: Study Design: This randomized controlled trial (RCT) aimed to assess the impact of online and in-person periodontal health workshops on public awareness. Participants (N = 500) were randomly assigned to one of two groups: the online workshop group or the in-person workshop group. Online Workshop: Participants in this group accessed an interactive online periodontal health workshop, consisting of video presentations, animations, and quizzes. The workshop covered topics, such as gum disease prevention, oral hygiene, and the importance of regular dental checkups. In-Person Workshop: Participants in this group attended a traditional in-person periodontal health workshop conducted by dental professionals. The content and duration of this workshop mirrored the online version. Pre- and Postworkshop Assessments: Both groups completed pre-workshop and postworkshop assessments, including a knowledge questionnaire and a self-assessment of oral health habits. Arbitrary scores were assigned to quantify knowledge gain (0-100%). Results: Participants in the online workshop group showed a mean knowledge gain of 30% (standard deviation (SD) = 5.2), while those in the in-person workshop group exhibited a mean knowledge gain of 35% (SD = 4.7). The self-assessment of oral health habits indicated an improvement in both groups, with 60% of participants reporting better oral hygiene practices. Conclusion: Both online and in-person periodontal health workshops demonstrated effectiveness in improving public awareness and promoting better oral health habits. Combining both modalities could be an effective strategy for comprehensive public education on periodontal health.

J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 16(Suppl 1): S771-S773, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38595512


Background: In this research study, we delve into the effects of smoking cessation programs on the progression of periodontal disease, particularly focusing on the potential benefits experienced by individuals who successfully quit smoking. Materials And Methods: The research involved the participation of 200 individuals, all of whom were active smokers and exhibited varying degrees of periodontal disease. These participants enrolled in a comprehensive smoking cessation program that included regular counseling sessions and, when necessary, the provision of nicotine replacement therapy to facilitate smoking cessation. Over a 12-month period, the progression of their periodontal disease was systematically monitored through a series of dental check-ups and measurements of critical clinical parameters. These parameters included probing depth (PD), which assesses the spaces between teeth and gums, and clinical attachment level (CAL), which evaluates the attachment of gum tissue to tooth surfaces. Results: After 12 months of active participation in the smoking cessation program, several noteworthy results were observed among the participants. On average, participants experienced a reduction in PD by approximately 1.5 mm, indicating a shallower space between the teeth and gums and, thus, healthier periodontal tissues. In addition, the CAL improved by an average of 1.2 mm, signifying enhanced attachment of gum tissue to the tooth surface, which is essential for dental stability. Participants also exhibited a significant reduction in plaque accumulation on tooth surfaces, indicative of improved oral hygiene practices. Furthermore, gingival inflammation, a common symptom of periodontal disease, notably decreased among participants, suggesting an overall improvement in gum health. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study provides compelling evidence supporting the positive impact of smoking cessation programs on the progression of periodontal disease.