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Rev Esp Sanid Penit ; 24(1): 23-32, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35411909


INTRODUCTION: There is currently sufficient evidence that health can be created through certain strategies combined and maintained long enough to produce measurable results: this is what is called health promotion. The World Health Organization has promoted programs based on healthy environments; among them we highlight healthy prisons. Living conditions in a penitentiary are extraordinarily specific, and involve limitations that can have significant health consequences. However, prisons can be environments for health, since there is the effective possibility of promoting it. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the implementation of health promotion in prisons in Catalonia. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Retrospective and observational cross-sectional multi-centre study, carried out on a sample of 29 nurses who worked in the closed-regime prisons in Catalonia between 2019 and 2020. The information collection instrument is made up of an ad-hoc questionnaire (Annex 1). A descriptive analysis of the socio-demographic variables and the variables of the study was carried out. A comparative analysis is performed using correlation and linear regression models. RESULTS: 82.8% of those surveyed state that a health promotion project is being carried out in the prison where they work, with mental health being the most carried out programs, followed by tobacco and drug cessation. DISCUSSION: The results show that health promotion policies are currently being developed in the Catalan prison environment.

Prisioneros , Prisiones , Estudios Transversales , Promoción de la Salud , Humanos , Prisioneros/psicología , Estudios Retrospectivos , España
Rev. esp. sanid. penit ; 24(1): 25-34, 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-211186


Introducción: Actualmente existen pruebas suficientes de que la salud puede crearse a través de ciertas estrategias combinadasy mantenidas el tiempo suficiente para que produzcan resultados medibles: esto es lo que se llama promoción de la salud (PS).La Organización Mundial de la Salud ha impulsado programas basados en entornos saludables, entre ellos, destacamos las prisiones saludables. Las condiciones de vida en un centro penitenciario (CP) son extraordinariamente específicas, e implican unaslimitaciones que pueden tener importantes consecuencias sobre la salud. Sin embargo, las prisiones pueden ser entornos para lasalud, ya que en ellas existe la posibilidad efectiva de promocionarla.Objetivos: Analizar la implementación de la PS en los CP de Cataluña.Material y método: Estudio multicéntrico transversal retrospectivo y observacional, realizado a una muestra de 29 enfermeros/as que trabajan en los diferentes CP de régimen cerrado de Cataluña entre 2019 y 2020. El instrumento de recogida de la información está integrado por un cuestionario ad hoc. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables sociodemográficas y lasvariables propias del estudio. Se hace un análisis comparativo mediante correlación y modelos de regresión lineal.Resultados: Un 82,8% de los encuestados manifiestan que se realiza algún proyecto de promoción de la salud en la prisióndonde trabajan, siendo los programas más realizados el de salud mental seguido por el de deshabituación al tabaco y drogas.Discusión: Los resultados demuestran que actualmente se están desarrollando políticas de PS en el medio penitenciario catalán. (AU)

Introduction: There is currently sufficient evidence that health can be created through certain strategies combined andmaintained long enough to produce measurable results: this is what is called health promotion. The World Health Organization has promoted programs based on healthy environments; among them we highlight healthy prisons. Living conditionsin a penitentiary are extraordinarily specific, and involve limitations that can have significant health consequences. However,prisons can be environments for health, since there is the effective possibility of promoting it.Objectives: To analyze the implementation of health promotion in prisons in Catalonia.Material and method: Retrospective and observational cross-sectional multi-centre study, carried out on a sample of 29 nurseswho worked in the closed-regime prisons in Catalonia between 2019 and 2020. The information collection instrument is madeup of an ad-hoc questionnaire (Annex 1). A descriptive analysis of the socio-demographic variables and the variables of thestudy was carried out. A comparative analysis is performed using correlation and linear regression models.Results: 82.8% of those surveyed state that a health promotion project is being carried out in the prison where they work,with mental health being the most carried out programs, followed by tobacco and drug cessation.Discussion: The results show that health promotion policies are currently being developed in the Catalan prison environment. (AU)

Humanos , Promoción de la Salud , Prisioneros/psicología , Prisiones , Organización Mundial de la Salud , Salud , Estudios Transversales , Estudios Retrospectivos , España