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Av. odontoestomatol ; 39(6): 272-276, Oct-Dic, 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-232036


Introducción: En la actualidad existen técnicas quirúrgicas predecibles y reproducibles para los tratamientos en pacientes con atrofias de rebordes maxilares, los implantes cigomáticos son unas de las alternativas. El trabajo interdisciplinario entre el rehabilitador oral y el cirujano maxilofacial es fundamental para el éxito de la rehabilitación del paciente. El presente caso clínico reporta un paciente de sexo femenino de 60 años, sin antecedentes médicos, donde se observa en el conebean atrofia del reborde alveolar por lo que se planifica cuatro implantes cigomáticos. Objetivo: El objetivo del informe clínico es mostrar una alternativa de tratamiento quirúrgico implantologico en paciente con maxilar atrofiado. Resultados: Los resultados demostraron la eficacia de los implantes cigomáticos en pacientes edéntulos con atrofia del reborde alveolar más la colocación de una prótesis inmediata. Conclusión: Unas de las alternativas de tratamiento en maxilares con rebordes atróficos son la colocación de implantes cigomáticos junto a una buena planificación digital. varios estudios han descrito que la tasa de éxito de estos implantes es muy alta, debido a que la técnica es segura, reproducible y genera alta satisfacción en los pacientes. (AU)

Introduction: At present there are predictable and reproducible surgical techniques for treatments in patients with maxillary rim atrophy, zygomatic implants are one of the alternatives. The interdisciplinary work between the oral rehabilitator and the maxillofacial surgeon is fundamental for the success of the patient's rehabilitation. The present clinical case reports a 60 year old female patient, with no medical history, where atrophy of the alveolar ridge was observed in the conebean and four zygomatic implants were planned. Objective: The objective of the clinical report is to show an alternative implantological surgical treatment in a patient with atrophied maxilla. Results: The results demonstrated the efficacy of zygomatic implants in edentulous patients with alveolar ridge atrophy plus immediate prosthesis placement. Conclusion: One of the treatment alternatives in maxillae with atrophic rims is the placement of zygomatic implants together with a good digital planning. Several studies have described that the success rate of these implants is very high, due to the fact that the technique is safe, reproducible and generates high patient satisfaction, (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Cigoma , Arcada Edéntula , Cirujanos Oromaxilofaciales , Rehabilitación Bucal , Atrofia
Av. odontoestomatol ; 39(5)jul.-sep. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-227573


Introducción: Los accidentes o complicaciones durante la colocación de implantes dentales a pesar de la planeación quirúrgica deben ser manejados de manera inmediata y oportuna. Objetivo: Recomendar el mejor protocolo para manejar la lesión del nervio dentario inferior consecuencia de la colocación de implante dentario. Caso Clínico: Paciente asiste a clínica privada pararecibir atención odontológica de especialidad, edad 67 años, sexo femenino, presenta hipertensión arterial, resistencia a la insulina, premedicada con Hidronorol T y Metformina. Paciente informa deexodoncia de cuatro molares, colocaron inmediata de cuatro implantes dentales, sintió un adormecimiento del mentón con la perdida de efecto del anestèsico; 72 horas posterior se procedió a realizar tomografía Cone Bean, observándose implante contactando el nervio dentario inferior, planificándose de forma inmediata el retiro del implante dental. Resultados: Control a 3, 6, 9 meses, 1 , 2 y 3 años posterior a retiro de implante, aplicación de terapia farmacológica a base de corticoides, aines y vitamina B , con resultados favorables en el tratamiento de la parestesia. Conclusiones: La extracción del implante dental antes de las 72 horas y la terapia farmacológica adecuada resulto exitosa en el tratamiento de la lesión del nervio dentario inferior. (AU)

Introduction: Accidents or complications during the placement of dental implants despite surgical planning should be handled immediately and in a timely manner. Objective: To recommend the best protocol to manage the injury of the inferior dental nerve resulting from the placement of dental implant. Clinical Case: Patient attends private clinic to receive specialty dental care, age 67 years, female, presents arterial hypertension, insulin resistance, premedicated with Hydronorol T and Metformin. Pacientereports exodontics of four molars, immediate placement of four dental implants, felt a numbness of the chin with the loss of effct of the anesthetic; 72 hours later proceeded to perform Tomography Cone Bean, observing implant contacting the inferior dental nerve, immediately planning the removal of the dental implant. Results: Control at 3, 6, 9 months, 1, 2 and 3 years after implant removal, application of pharmacological therapy based on corticosteroids, NSAIDs and vitamin B, with favorable results in the treatment of paresthesia. Conclusions: The extraction of the dental implant before 72 hours and the appropriate pharmacological therapy was successful in the treatment of the lesion of the inferior dental nerve. (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Anciano , Implantes Dentales , Traumatismos del Nervio Trigémino/complicaciones , Traumatismos del Nervio Trigémino/cirugía , Parestesia , Cirugía Bucal
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal ; 27(3): e248-e256, 2022 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35368011


BACKGROUND: Oral mucositis is one of the most common side effects in cancer patients receiving systemic antineoplastics. However, the underlying biological mechanisms leading to this condition are still unclear. For this reason, it has been hypothesised that systemic antineoplastics may cause an imbalance on the oral microbiota that subsequently triggers oral mucosa damage. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A systematic review was performed following the PRISMA protocol and the PICO question established was: patients diagnosed with cancer, who are candidates for receiving systemic antineoplastics (P=Patients), that undergo oral microbiome determinations (I=Intervention), before and after systemic antineoplastics administration (C=Comparison), to analyse changes in the oral microbiome composition (O=Outcome). The bibliographic search was carried out in PubMed and other scientific repositories. RESULTS: Out of 166 obtained articles, only 5 met eligibility criteria. Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) was the most frequent type of cancer (40 %) among the participants. Only one of the studies included a control group of healthy subjects. Heterogeneity in the protocols and approaches of the included studies hindered a detailed comparison of the outcomes. However, it was stated that a decrease in bacteria α diversity is often associated with oral mucositis. On the other hand, fungal diversity was not associated with oral mucositis although α diversity was lower at baseline on patients developing oral candidiasis. CONCLUSIONS: There is insufficient scientific evidence of oral microbiological changes in patients undergoing systemic antineoplastics. Further investigations ought to be carried out to identify microorganisms that might play a key role in the pathogenesis of oral mucosa damage in patients undergoing systemic antineoplastics.

Antineoplásicos , Candidiasis Bucal , Microbiota , Neoplasias , Estomatitis , Antineoplásicos/efectos adversos , Candidiasis Bucal/tratamiento farmacológico , Humanos , Neoplasias/complicaciones , Neoplasias/tratamiento farmacológico