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Langmuir ; 20(17): 7313-22, 2004 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15301521


Electron paramagnetic resonance, viscosity, and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements have been used to study the interaction of mixed anionic/nonionic surfactant micelles with the polyampholytic protein gelatin. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and the nonionic surfactant dodecylmalono-bis-N-methylglucamide (C12BNMG) were chosen as "interacting" and "noninteracting" surfactants, respectively; SDS micelles bind strongly to gelatin but C12BNMG micelles do not. Further, the two surfactants interact synergistically in the absence of the gelatin. The effects of total surfactant concentration and surfactant mole fraction have been investigated. Previous work (Griffiths et al. Langmuir 2000, 16 (26), 9983-9990) has shown that above a critical solution mole fraction, mixed micelles bind to gelatin. This critical mole fraction corresponds to a micelle surface that has no displaceable water (Griffiths et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 2001, 105 (31), 7465). On binding of the mixed micelle, the bulk solution viscosity increases, with the viscosity-surfactant concentration behavior being strongly dependent on the solution surfactant mole fraction. The viscosity at a stoichiometry of approximately one micelle per gelatin molecule observed in SDS-rich mixtures scales with the surface area of the micelle occupied by the interacting surfactant, SDS. Below the critical solution mole fraction, there is no significant increase in viscosity with increasing surfactant concentration. Further, the SANS behavior of the gelatin/mixed surfactant systems below the critical micelle mole fraction can be described as a simple summation of those arising from the separate gelatin and binary mixed surfactant micelles. By contrast, for systems above the critical micelle mole fraction, the SANS data cannot be described by such a simple approach. No signature from any unperturbed gelatin could be detected in the gelatin/mixed surfactant system. The gelatin scattering is very similar in form to the surfactant scattering, confirming the widely accepted picture that the polymer "wraps" around the micelle surface. The gelatin scattering in the presence of deuterated surfactants is insensitive to the micelle composition provided the composition is above the critical value, suggesting that the viscosity enhancement observed arises from the number and strength of the micelle-polymer contact points rather than the gelatin conformation per se.

Langmuir ; 20(4): 1161-7, 2004 Feb 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15803691


The interaction of a partially fluorinated alkyl sulfate, sodium 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyl sulfate (C6F13CH2CH2OSO3Na), with the polyampholyte gelatin has been examined in aqueous solution using surface tension and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). The 19F chemical shift of each fluorine environment in the surfactant is unaltered by the addition of gelatin, indicating that there is no contact between the gelatin and the fluorocarbon core of the micelle. The chemical shift of the two methylene groups closest to the headgroup is altered when gelatin is present, disclosing the location of the polymer. The critical micelle concentration (cmc) of the surfactant, cmc = 17+/-1 mM, corresponds to an effective alkyl chain (CnH2n+1) length of n = 11. In the presence of gelatin, the cmc is substantially reduced as expected, cmc(1) = 4+/-1 mM, which is also consistent with an effective alkyl chain length of n = 11. In the presence of the fluorosurfactant, the monotonic decay of the SANS from the gelatin-only system is replaced by a substantial peak at an intermediate Q value mirroring the micellar interaction. At low ionic strengths, the gelatin/micelle complex can be described by an ellipsoid. At higher ionic strengths, the electrostatic interaction between the micelles is screened and the peak in the gelatin scattering disappears. The correlation length describing the network structure decreases with increasing SDS concentration as the bound micelles promote a collapse of the network.