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Trop Life Sci Res ; 33(3): 107-127, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36545050


Ten nests were collected from Kerachut and Teluk Kampi, Penang Island between 2 August 2009 and 9 December 2009, and each one nest was split into three small clutch sizes for incubation at three nesting depths (45 cm, 55 cm and 65 cm), with a total of 30 modified nests for this experiment. Three important objectives were formulated; to observe on the survival hatchings among the three nesting depths, to study on the effects of sand temperature on incubation period among the three nesting depths, and to investigate the influence of sand temperature on hatchling's morphology. Main result shows that the mean survival of the hatchlings was 25.40% at 45 cm nesting depth, followed by mean 17.60% at 55 cm nesting depth, and lastly, the mean was 21.50% at 65 cm nesting depth. Overall, there are 56.63% survival hatchlings, 10.97% dead hatchlings and 32.40% unhatched eggs were produced. The incubation period was also found to be significantly correlated with sand temperature, p > 0.001, and nesting depth, p < 0.001. The hatchling's length and weight varies is sizes across the nesting depths, p < 0.001. However, the small difference in hatchling sizes per nesting depths are not strong enough to prove the significant correlation with sand temperature, p > 0.05. This article provides a basic knowledge from the splitting clutch design method. A sum of 50%-60% survivals hatchlings produced were incubating under small range of clutch sizes, 29 to 49 eggs. This article provides basic result on the survival hatchlings, eggs survivorship, incubation period, temperature, hatchling's morphology and discussion on implication of this method on conservation in Malaysia.

Terdapat 10 sarang penyu yang dikutip di pantai Kerachut dan Teluk Kampi, di antara 2 Ogos 2009 hingga 9 Disember 2009, dan setiap satu sarang dibahagikan kepada tiga bahagian kecil yang sama rata untuk proses pengeraman pada tiga kedalaman sarang yang berbeza (45 cm, 55 cm dan 65 cm). Jumlah keseluruhan sarang yang diubahsuai untuk menjalankan eksperimen ini ialah sebanyak 30 sarang. Tiga objektif utama telah diketengahkan; dimana penelitian ke atas anak penyu menetas di tiga kedalaman sarang yang berbeza, untuk mengkaji kesan suhu sarang ke atas masa pengeraman di antara tiga kedalaman sarang yang berbeza, dan kajian pengaruh suhu sarang ke atas morfologi anak penyu yang menetas. Keputusan utama menunjukkan min anak penyu menetas adalah sebanyak 25.40% di kedalaman sarang 45 cm, diikuti min 17.60% di kedalaman sarang 55 cm, dan yang terakhir, min 21.50% di kedalaman sarang 65 cm. Secara keseluruhannya, terdapat 56.63% anak penyu menetas, 10.97% anak penyu mati dan 32.40% telur yang tidak menetas telah dihasilkan. Didapati bahawa tempoh penetasan mempunyai signifikasi korelasi ke atas suhu sarang, p > 0.001 dan kedalaman sarang, p > 0.001. Sementara itu, panjang anak penyu dan berat anak penyu didapati berbeza saiz mengikut kedalaman sarang, p < 0.001. Namun begitu, perbezaan saiz anak penyu yang tidak begitu ketara yang dihasilkan mengikut kedalaman sarang tidak memberi kesan ke atas signifikasi korelasi dengan suhu sarang, p > 0.05. Kajian ini memberikan maklumat asas keputusan daripada kaedah pengasingan telur. Jumlah keseluruhan menunjukkan 50%­60% anak penyu menetas berjaya dihasilkan, walaupun dieramkan dalam jumlah kumpulan telur yang kecil, iaitu sebanyak 29­49 telur. Artikel ini adalah penting untuk memberikan maklumat asas mengenai anak penyu menetas, survival telur, tempoh penetasan, suhu, morfologi anak penyu dan perbincangan implikasi kaedah ini kepada konservasi di Malaysia.

Trop Life Sci Res ; 33(1): 201-214, 2022 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35651637


This study was designed to characterise the cultured and wild populations of Anabas testudineus in Malaysia using morphological parameters. Fish samples from the East and West coast of the country were obtained from fishermen (wild samples) and well-recognised climbing perch farmers in Kedah, Kelantan, Johor and Selangor. The Truss network method was applied to obtain necessary data and analysed to examine phenotypic variation between the cultured and wild stocks. Results obtained suggest that each hatchery population belonged to a distinct stock as revealed by their separate clustering into individual unique groups. However, an extensive overlap was observed in the wild population suggesting similarity of origin. The most important morphological parameters for the discrimination of the two populations are the homologous landmark B (i.e., snout to insertion of the pelvic fin) and C (i.e., above the eye to insertion of the pelvic fin). Genetic characterisation of the A. testudineus is needed to complement the findings of this study and establish a baseline for the development of a selective breeding programme for the fish species in Malaysia.

Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mencirikan populasi Anabas testudineus yang dikultur dan liar di Malaysia menggunakan parameter morfologi. Sampel ikan dari pantai timur dan barat negara ini diperoleh daripada nelayan (sampel liar) dan penternak ikan yang diiktiraf di Kedah, Kelantan, Johor dan Selangor. Kaedah rangkaian Truss digunakan untuk mendapatkan data yang diperlukan dan dianalisis untuk memeriksa variasi fenotip antara stok kultur dan liar. Keputusan yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahawa setiap populasi penetasan tergolong dalam stok yang berbeza seperti yang didedahkan oleh kelompok berasingan ke dalam kumpulan unik individu. Walau bagaimanapun, pertindihan yang luas diperhatikan dalam populasi liar yang mencadangkan persamaan asal. Parameter morfologi yang paling penting untuk diskriminasi kedua-dua populasi ialah mercu tanda homolog B (iaitu, snout untuk memasukkan sirip pelvis) dan C (iaitu, di atas mata untuk memasukkan sirip pelvis). Pencirian genetik A. testudineus diperlukan untuk melengkapkan penemuan kajian ini dan mewujudkan asas untuk pembangunan program pembiakan terpilih untuk spesies ikan di Malaysia.

Heliyon ; 6(11): e05370, 2020 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33204875


Peacock bass (Cichla spp.) originates from the Neotropical environments of Brazil and Venezuela but, through trade and smuggling for aquarium keeping, sport fishing and aquaculture, it is now an emerging concern. Yet, less is known for Cichla spp. distribution and its ability to invade new environments. Aimed to communicate on Cichla spp. ecology, biology and introduction schemes from Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar and also National Centre for Biotechnology Information, this review also contains management strategies for invading fish species. While Cichla spp. can displace native fish populations, this concern is explained using ecological functions, physiological demands, direct and secondary invasion, disease tolerance and parasite spillover. Briefly, Cichla spp. has rapid embryogenesis (72 h) and matures in short periods (11-12 months), giving it an advantage to colonize new environments. With a large appetite, this true piscivore gains territorial control over water bodies by making it their feeding and nursery grounds. Perceived as an emerging concern after becoming introduced, seal-off or sport fishing were used to manage Cichla spp. but, this practice is not sustainable for the entire ecosystem. Hence, we recommend bottom-up management that involves community participation because they interact with the fish and have knowledge about their environment.

Data Brief ; 22: 458-463, 2019 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30619923


The data available in this repository were gathered from Balok, the only most productive spawning site for horseshoe crabs Tachypleus gigas and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda in East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The mangrove horseshoe crab, C. rotundicauda population and spawning data are available in the first table. The horseshoe crabs were retrieved from Balok River using 11.43 cm mesh size gill nets installed at the river mouth, the confluence and last meander. The arthropods were inspected for damage, abnormality and growth before their release into Balok River, particularly at the site of capture. Sediment samples were retrieved at their spawning grounds to ascertain sediment composition and size classifications which were also processed using Logarithmic Method of Moments. Water parameters like temperature, pH and salinity were also investigated during year 2016. All these information are compiled into the second table and arranged according to the period of data availability. The horseshoe crab catch data of years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 were made available by artisanal fisher and compiled in the third and fourth table for inter-species comparison.

J Environ Manage ; 232: 1012-1020, 2019 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33395753


Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda and Tachypleus gigas may co-exist and share common spawning grounds elsewhere but at Balok (East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia), C. rotundicauda is an understudied species. Neglected as research candidate because of inaccessible spawning grounds, smaller size and less commercial value than T. gigas and also, difficulty to attain from the wild has made C. rotundicauda population status remaining unidentified at Balok. This standpoint drove the present attempt because anthropic activities like structure placement and mining are point-source for runoffs that load sediments into Balok River. While erosion-accretion events have altered Balok River width, the shore sediments in Balok Beach were transitioned between medium-fine and fine sand between years 2012 and 2016. Eventually by year 2016, the C. rotundicauda were depositing 5117 eggs in 91 nests from 200 to 1000 m range along this corridor facing South China Sea. From this yield, C. rotundicauda released 2880 eggs in 56 nests during the Southwest monsoon, 1254 eggs in 19 nests during the Northeast monsoon and 983 eggs in 16 nests during the Inter-monsoon seasons. Though female C. rotundicauda opted to lay their eggs in shallow burrows at lower shorelines, the absence of erosion and substantial silt and clay (>20%) deposition facilitates C. rotundicauda embryogenesis with brief periods of temperature and salinity shocks during day-time falling tides. This encourages C. rotundicauda to emerge with increasing abundance and carry out bi-monthly spawning at Balok Beach. In short, shore restoration initiatives like systematic boat docking, proper disposal of nets and waste and, periodic fish-catching operations were effectively led by the Balok fisher citizen scientist. This successful community joint-cooperation proves that citizen-led caretaking of degraded beaches offers marine life protection and are practical for coastal area management especially at areas where other oviparous animals such as turtles and crocodiles are harboured.

Trop Life Sci Res ; 29(1): 155-171, 2018 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29644022


The nesting of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) was monitored from 1998 untill 2013 along the beaches of Pasir Panjang, Segari, Perak. The objective of the study is to assess the nesting status of green turtles in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia in terms of total nests, eggs, survival hatchings, and density of visitors. A total number of green turtle nests found for 16 years were 1,019 nests and varied from 10 to 220 nests per year. Meanwhile, the sum of eggs collected for 16 years were 107,820 eggs, and varied from 553 to 20,881 eggs per year. The temporal pattern of nesting indicates year-round nesting in Perak in most years within the 16 years period. The peak season of nesting was estimated to occur between May and June. Survival hatchlings varied from 23.33% (2,071 hatchlings) to 55.03% (5,018 hatchlings) from 1998 to 2013. The density of visitors was not uniformly distributed among the years, and shows a sign of decline especially from 2006 onwards. This publication provides basic knowledge of green turtle nesting population in Perak, and would be helpful in upgrading the conservation program in Malaysia. In future, we hope 1) for an increase in manpower to obtain accurate nesting records along the nesting beaches during nocturnal survey and, 2) to include the breeding biology data such as nest placement, emergence hour, and morphological characteristics of green turtle.

Saudi J Biol Sci ; 23(1): S142-7, 2016 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26858559


In this review, the characteristics and applications of structural laminated veneer lumber made from planted forest wood is introduced, and its preparation is explained, including various tree species and slab qualities, treatments for multiple effects and reinforced composites. The relevant factors in the bonding technology and pressing processes as well as the mechanical properties, research direction and application prospects of structural laminated veneer lumber made from planted forest wood are discussed.

Saudi J Biol Sci ; 22(3): 332-9, 2015 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25972756


Methyl esters from vegetable oils have attracted a great deal of interest as substitute for petrodiesel to reduce dependence on imported petroleum and provide an alternate and sustainable source for fuel with more benign environmental properties. In the present study biodiesel was prepared from sunflower seed oil by transesterification by alkali-catalyzed methanolysis. The fuel properties of sunflower oil biodiesel were determined and discussed in the light of ASTM D6751 standards for biodiesel. The sunflower oil biodiesel was chemically characterized with analytical techniques like FT-IR, and NMR ((1)H and (13)C). The chemical composition of sunflower oil biodiesel was determined by GC-MS. Various fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) were identified by retention time data and verified by mass fragmentation patterns. The percentage conversion of triglycerides to the corresponding methyl esters determined by (1)H NMR was 87.33% which was quite in good agreement with the practically observed yield of 85.1%.

J Food Drug Anal ; 23(4): 619-629, 2015 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28911477


Chitosan is a promising biopolymer for drug delivery systems. Because of its beneficial properties, chitosan is widely used in biomedical and pharmaceutical fields. In this review, we summarize the physicochemical and drug delivery properties of chitosan, selected studies on utilization of chitosan and chitosan-based nanoparticle composites in various drug delivery systems, and selected studies on the application of chitosan films in both drug delivery and wound healing. Chitosan is considered the most important polysaccharide for various drug delivery purposes because of its cationic character and primary amino groups, which are responsible for its many properties such as mucoadhesion, controlled drug release, transfection, in situ gelation, and efflux pump inhibitory properties and permeation enhancement. This review can enhance our understanding of drug delivery systems particularly in cases where chitosan drug-loaded nanoparticles are applied.