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Nature ; 453(7197): 903-5, 2008 Jun 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18509332


The recent synthesis of the superconductor LaFeAsO(0.89)F(0.11) with transition temperature T(c) approximately 26 K (refs 1-4) has been quickly followed by reports of even higher transition temperatures in related compounds: 41 K in CeFeAsO(0.84)F(0.16) (ref. 5), 43 K in SmFeAsO(0.9)F(0.1) (ref. 6), and 52 K in NdFeAsO(0.89)F(0.11) and PrFeAsO(0.89)F(0.11) (refs 7, 8). These discoveries have generated much interest in the mechanisms and manifestations of unconventional superconductivity in the family of doped quaternary layered oxypnictides LnOTMPn (Ln: La, Pr, Ce, Sm; TM: Mn, Fe, Co, Ni; Pn: P, As), because many features of these materials set them apart from other known superconductors. Here we report resistance measurements of LaFeAsO(0.89)F(0.11) at high magnetic fields, up to 45 T, that show a remarkable enhancement of the upper critical field B(c2) compared to values expected from the slopes dB(c2)/dT approximately 2 T K(-1) near T(c), particularly at low temperatures where the deduced B(c2)(0) approximately 63-65 T exceeds the paramagnetic limit. We argue that oxypnictides represent a new class of high-field superconductors with B(c2) values surpassing those of Nb(3)Sn, MgB(2) and the Chevrel phases, and perhaps exceeding the 100 T magnetic field benchmark of the high-T(c) copper oxides.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(16): 167002, 2006 Apr 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16712261


We report an extensive investigation of magnetic vortex lattice (VL) structures in single crystals of pure niobium with the magnetic field applied parallel to a fourfold symmetry axis, so as to induce frustration between the cubic crystal symmetry and hexagonal VL coordination expected in an isotropic situation. We observe new VL structures and phase transitions; all the VL phases observed (including those with an exactly square unit cell) spontaneously break some crystal symmetry. One phase even has the lowest possible symmetry of a two-dimensional Bravais lattice. This is quite unlike the situation in high-Tc or borocarbide superconductors, where VL structures orient along particular directions of high crystal symmetry. The causes of this behavior are discussed.

Science ; 311(5769): 1911-4, 2006 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16574864


We demonstrated short segments of a superconducting wire that meets or exceeds performance requirements for many large-scale applications of high-temperature superconducting materials, especially those requiring a high supercurrent and/or a high engineering critical current density in applied magnetic fields. The performance requirements for these varied applications were met in 3-micrometer-thick YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) films epitaxially grown via pulsed laser ablation on rolling assisted biaxially textured substrates. Enhancements of the critical current in self-field as well as excellent retention of this current in high applied magnetic fields were achieved in the thick films via incorporation of a periodic array of extended columnar defects, composed of self-aligned nanodots of nonsuperconducting material extending through the entire thickness of the film. These columnar defects are highly effective in pinning the superconducting vortices or flux lines, thereby resulting in the substantially enhanced performance of this wire.

Science ; 265(5181): 2074-7, 1994 Sep 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17811410


Pulsed-laser deposition was used to synthesize artificially layered high-temperature superconductors. Thin-film compounds were formed when the constraint of epitaxy was used to stabilize SrCuO(2)-BaCuO(2) superlattices in the infinite layer structure. Using this approach, two new structural families, Ba(2)Srn-1,Cun+1 O2n+2+delta and Ba(4)Srn-1 Cun+3O2n+6+delta have been synthesized; these families superconduct at temperatures as high as 70 kelvin.