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Front Neural Circuits ; 17: 1020487, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36874945


Neurons in vitro connect to each other and form neural networks that display emergent electrophysiological activity. This activity begins as spontaneous uncorrelated firing in the early phase of development, and as functional excitatory and inhibitory synapses mature, the activity typically emerges as spontaneous network bursts. Network bursts are events of coordinated global activation among many neurons interspersed with periods of silencing and are important for synaptic plasticity, neural information processing, and network computation. While bursting is the consequence of balanced excitatory-inhibitory (E/I) interactions, the functional mechanisms underlying their evolution from physiological to potentially pathophysiological states, such as decreasing or increasing in synchrony, are still poorly understood. Synaptic activity, especially that related to maturity of E/I synaptic transmission, is known to strongly influence these processes. In this study, we used selective chemogenetic inhibition to target and disrupt excitatory synaptic transmission in in vitro neural networks to study functional response and recovery of spontaneous network bursts over time. We found that over time, inhibition resulted in increases in both network burstiness and synchrony. Our results indicate that the disruption in excitatory synaptic transmission during early network development likely affected inhibitory synaptic maturity which resulted in an overall decrease in network inhibition at later stages. These findings lend support to the importance of E/I balance in maintaining physiological bursting dynamics and, conceivably, information processing capacity in neural networks.

Cognición , Neuronas , Inhibición Psicológica , Redes Neurales de la Computación , Transmisión Sináptica
Front Comput Neurosci ; 15: 611183, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33643017


It has been hypothesized that the brain optimizes its capacity for computation by self-organizing to a critical point. The dynamical state of criticality is achieved by striking a balance such that activity can effectively spread through the network without overwhelming it and is commonly identified in neuronal networks by observing the behavior of cascades of network activity termed "neuronal avalanches." The dynamic activity that occurs in neuronal networks is closely intertwined with how the elements of the network are connected and how they influence each other's functional activity. In this review, we highlight how studying criticality with a broad perspective that integrates concepts from physics, experimental and theoretical neuroscience, and computer science can provide a greater understanding of the mechanisms that drive networks to criticality and how their disruption may manifest in different disorders. First, integrating graph theory into experimental studies on criticality, as is becoming more common in theoretical and modeling studies, would provide insight into the kinds of network structures that support criticality in networks of biological neurons. Furthermore, plasticity mechanisms play a crucial role in shaping these neural structures, both in terms of homeostatic maintenance and learning. Both network structures and plasticity have been studied fairly extensively in theoretical models, but much work remains to bridge the gap between theoretical and experimental findings. Finally, information theoretical approaches can tie in more concrete evidence of a network's computational capabilities. Approaching neural dynamics with all these facets in mind has the potential to provide a greater understanding of what goes wrong in neural disorders. Criticality analysis therefore holds potential to identify disruptions to healthy dynamics, granted that robust methods and approaches are considered.
