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Sci Rep ; 13(1): 21068, 2023 11 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38030672


Plankton are key ecological indicators for assessing the impacts of human-induced pressures like climate change and waste-water discharge. Here, 26 years (1988-2015) of biweekly in-situ chlorophyll-a concentration, mesozooplankton biomass and remotely-sensed sea surface temperature (SST) data are utilized to investigate long-term changes of plankton biomass and timing of growth (phenology) in relation to warming, in a coastal region of the Saronikos Gulf (Aegean Sea). A Waste-Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) was established in 1995, leading to decreased nutrient concentrations circa 2004. Overall, the results indicate an interplay between warming and changes in ecological status. During higher nutrient input (1989-2004), a temporal mismatch between zooplankton and phytoplankton, and a positive zooplankton growth-SST association, are evident. Conversely, in the warmer, less mesotrophic period 2005-2015, an earlier timing of zooplankton growth (related to copepod abundance) synchronizes with phytoplankton growth, including a secondary autumn growth period. Concurrently, an abrupt negative interannual relationship between SST and mesozooplankton, and a summer biomass decrease (linked with cladoceran abundance) are observed. This work provides evidence that current warming could alter plankton abundance and phenology in nearshore Eastern Mediterranean ecosystems, suggesting shifts in plankton community composition that could trigger potential cascading effects on higher trophic levels.

Ecosistema , Plancton , Animales , Humanos , Cadena Alimentaria , Fitoplancton , Zooplancton , Biomasa
Adv Mar Biol ; 47: 253-309, 2005.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15596169


We compare the nature of copepod outfluxes of nonliving matter, the factors controlling their rate and their fate, and finally their role, particularly their relative importance in the carbon and nitrogen cycle. Copepods release dissolved matter through excretion and respiration and particulate matter through production of faecal pellets, carcasses, moults, and dead eggs. Excretion liberates several organic C, N, and P compounds and inorganic N and P compounds, with inorganic compounds constituting the larger part. The faecal pellets of copepods are covered by a peritrophic membrane and have a highly variable size and content. There is less information on the nature of other copepod particulate products. The weight-specific rates of posthatch mortality, respiration, excretion, and faecal pellet production have similar C or N levels and are higher than those of moulting and egg mortality. In general, most important factors controlling these rates are temperature, body mass, food concentration, food quality, and faunistic composition. Physical and biological factors govern the vertical fate of copepod products by affecting their sedimentation speed and concentration gradient. The physical factors are sinking speed, advection, stratification, turbulent diffusion, and molecular diffusion. They influence the sedimentation speed and degradation of the copepod products. The biological factors are production, biodegradation (by zooplankton, nekton, and microorganisms) and vertical migration of copepods (diel or seasonal). Physical degradation and biodegradation by zooplankton and nekton are faster than biodegradation by microorganisms. The most important copepod outfluxes are excretion and faecal pellet production. Excretion offers inorganic nutrients that can be directly used by primary producers. Faecal pellets have a more important role in the vertical transport of elements than the other particulate products. Most investigation has focused on carbon burial in the form of copepod faecal pellets, measured by sediment traps, and on the role of ammonia excretion in nutrient recycling. Full evaluation of the role of copepod products in the transport and recycling of elements and compounds requires a quantification of all copepod products and their different fates, particularly detritiphagy, remineralization, and integration as marine snow.

Carbono/metabolismo , Copépodos/metabolismo , Ecosistema , Nitrógeno/metabolismo , Animales , Heces/química , Respiración , Agua de Mar