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Rev. argent. cardiol ; 86(6): 27-32, dic. 2018. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003234


RESUMEN Introducción: No disponemos de datos nacionales que informen la realidad del uso de ecocardiograma transesofágico en nuestro país. Objetivos: El objetivo principal fue evaluar la tasa de complicaciones del ecocardiograma transesofágico en centros de nuestro país. Objetivos secundarios: Relevar características de los laboratorios, nivel de formación de los operadores, tasa de uso de sedación y anestesia, identificar los principales motivos de solicitud y analizar la pertinencia de las indicaciones y el aporte del método al manejo clínico del paciente. Método: Registro prospectivo, multicéntrico, de todos los ecocardiogramas transesofágicos realizados en 46 centros de Argentina entre noviembre de 2016 y septiembre de 2018. Resultados: Fueron analizados 2562 ecocardiogramas transesofágicos, la edad media fue de 61,4 (±16) años; el 61% de los pacientes era de sexo masculino. La duración media resultó de 14,5 min (±11). Los estudios ambulatorios constituyeron el 50,5%. La tasa de uso de sedación fue del 28,7% y el 8,4% se realizó bajo anestesia. Indicaciones más frecuentes: endocarditis: 22,7%, fuente embolígena: 21,5%, valvulopatía: 20,3% y fibrilación auricular/aleteo auricular: 17,2%. Se registraron complicaciones menores en 30 casos (1,17%) y complicaciones respiratorias o cardiovasculares, en 25 estudios (0,98%). Se registró 1 caso de lesión de mucosa gástrica (0,039%) sin perforación. Se reportaron hallazgos clínicamente significativos en 1296 estudios (50,6%); agregó información adicional al ecocardiograma transtorácico en 1600 (62,5%) y se describieron hallazgos no sospechados en 282 (11%), mientras que el 82,7% de los estudios tuvieron una indicación apropiada. Conclusiones: Este es el primer registro multicéntrico sobre ecocardiograma transesofágico en nuestro país. Entre los resultados obtenidos, se destacan una alta tasa de indicación apropiada, un considerable rédito diagnóstico y la baja tasa de complicaciones.

ABSTRACT Background: There is currently no data regarding the utilization of transesophageal echocardiography in Argentina. Objective: The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the complication rate of transesophageal echocardiography in our country Other objectives were to identify the characteristics of the laboratories, the operators' training level, the rate of sedation and/or anesthesia and the main reasons for itis request, and to analyze the suitability of the indications and the contribution of the method to the clinical management of patientis. Methods: A prospective, multicenter registry was conducted of all the transesophageal echocardiographies performed in 46 centers in Argentina between November 2016 and September 2018. Resultis: A total of 2,562 transesophageal echocardiograms were analyzed. Patientis' mean age was 61.4 (±16) years and 61% were men. Mean study duration was 14.5 minutes (±11). Ambulatory echocardiograms constituted 50.5% of cases. The rate of sedation was 28.7% and 8.4% were performed under anesthesia. The most frequent indications were: endocarditis 22.7%, embolic source 21.5%, heart valve disease 20.3% and atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter 17.2%. Minor complications were regis-tered in 30 cases (1.17%) and respiratory or cardiovascular complications in 25 studies (0.98%). There was 1 case of gastric mucosal lesion (0.039%) without perforation. Clinically significant findings were reported in 1,296 studies (50.6%), additional information to transthoracic echocardiography was provided in 1,600 cases (62.5%), unsuspected findings were described in 282 studies (11%), and 82.7% of the studies had an adequate indication. Conclusions: This is the first multicenter registry on transesophageal echocardiography in our country. The resultis highlight a high rate of adequate indication, a considerable diagnostic yield and low complication rate.

Eur Cardiol ; 13(1): 29-34, 2018 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30310467


Neurohormonal systems are activated in the early phase of acute coronary syndromes to preserve circulatory homeostasis, but prolonged action of these stress hormones might be deleterious. Cortisol reaches its peak at 8 hours after the onset of symptoms, and individuals who have continued elevated levels present a worse prognosis. Catecholamines reach 100-1,000-fold their normal plasma concentration within 30 minutes of ischaemia, therefore inducing the propagation of myocardial damage. Stress hyperglycaemia induces inflammation and endothelial dysfunction, and also has procoagulant and prothrombotic effects. Patients with hyperglycaemia and no diabetes elevated in-hospital and 12-month mortality rates. Hyperglycaemia in patients without diabetes has been shown to be an appropriate independent mortality prognostic factor in this type of patient.