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Odontoestomatol ; 25(41)2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440708


El bruxismo del sueño ha sido extensamente estudiado en las últimas décadas pero aún persiste una considerable controversia científica en relación al bruxismo de la vigilia. El presente trabajo de revisión se focalizó en este tema, incluyendo 45 artículos publicados entre los años 2011 al año 2020. Los consensos internacionales plantean avances en nuevas clasificaciones diagnósticas, que contemplan herramientas como cuestionarios, examen clínico, electromiografía, polisomnografía, evaluación ecológica momentánea y métodos de muestreo de experiencias. Se considera al bruxismo de la vigilia un problema comportamental, pasible de ser tratado mediante terapias comportamentales que lo controlen. La evaluación ecológica momentánea permite capturar información comportamental en tiempo real y se presenta como una herramienta valiosa para el diagnóstico y evaluación del bruxismo de la vigilia. A pesar de numerosos avances presentados en esta revisión, aún se requieren estudios que exploren esta área del conocimiento, especialmente en los mecanismos fisiopatológicos y los posibles tratamientos.

O bruxismo do sono tem sido amplamente estudado nas últimas décadas, mas ainda persiste considerável controvérsia científica em relação ao bruxismo de vigília. O presente trabalho de revisão focou nesse tema, incluindo 45 artigos publicados entre 2011 e 2020. Consensos internacionais propõem avanços em novas classificações diagnósticas, que incluem ferramentas como questionários, exame clínico, eletromiografia, polissonografia, avaliação ecológica momentânea e métodos de amostragem de experiência. O bruxismo de vigília é considerado um problema comportamental, que pode ser tratado por terapias comportamentais que o controlam. A avaliação ecológica momentânea permite capturar informações comportamentais em tempo real e se apresenta como uma ferramenta valiosa para o diagnóstico e avaliação do bruxismo em vigília. Apesar dos inúmeros avanços apresentados nesta revisão, ainda são necessários estudos para explorar essa área do conhecimento, principalmente nos mecanismos fisiopatológicos e possíveis tratamentos.

J Neurosurg ; 131(1): 165-174, 2018 Aug 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30141757


OBJECTIVE: In this study, the authors sought to identify the relationship between breathing and elbow flexion in patients with a traumatic brachial plexus injury (TBPI) who undergo a phrenic nerve (PN) transfer to restore biceps flexion. More specifically, the authors studied whether biceps strength and the maximal range of active elbow flexion differ between full inspiration and expiration, and whether electromyography (EMG) activity in the biceps differs between forced maximum breathing during muscular rest, normal breathing during rest, and at maximal biceps contraction. All these variables were studied in a cohort with different intervals of follow-up, as the authors sought to determine if the relationship between breathing movements and elbow flexion changes over time. METHODS: The British Medical Research Council muscle-strength grading system and a dynamometer were used to measure biceps strength, which was measured 1) during a maximal inspiratory effort, 2) during respiratory repose, and 3) after a maximal expiratory effort. The maximum range of elbow flexion was measured 1) after maximal inspiration, 2) during normal breathing, and 3) after maximal expiration. Postoperative EMG testing was performed 1) during normal breathing with the arm at rest, 2) during sustained maximal inspiration with the arm at rest, and 3) during maximal voluntary biceps contraction. Within-group (paired) comparisons, and both correlation and regression analyses were performed. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients fit the study inclusion criteria. The mean interval from trauma to surgery was 5.5 months, and the mean duration of follow-up 2.6 years (range 10 months to 9.6 years). Mean biceps strength was 0.21 after maximal expiration versus 0.29 after maximal inspiration, a difference of 0.08 (t = 4.97, p < 0.001). Similarly, there was almost a 21° difference in maximum elbow flexion, from 88.8° after expiration to 109.5° during maximal inspiration (t = 5.05, p < 0.001). Involuntary elbow flexion movement during breathing was present in 18/21 patients (86%) and averaged almost 20°. Measuring involuntary EMG activity in the biceps during rest and contraction, there were statistically significant direct correlations between readings taken during normal and deep breathing, which were moderate (r = 0.66, p < 0.001) and extremely strong (r = 0.94, p < 0.001), respectively. Involuntary activity also differed significantly between normal and deep breathing (2.14 vs 3.14, t = 4.58, p < 0.001). The degrees of involuntary flexion were significantly greater within the first 2.6 years of follow-up than later. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the impact of breathing on elbow function is considerable after PN transfer for elbow function reconstruction following a TBPI, both clinically and electromyographically, but also that there may be some waning of this influence over time, perhaps secondary to brain plasticity. In the study cohort, this waning impacted elbow range of motion more than biceps muscle strength and EMG recordings.