The prevalence of diabetes mellitus among patients treated for end-stage renal failure by dialysis in France was studied in two stages (UREMIDIAB Study). The first stage consisted of a questionnaire which was mailed to all dialysis centres in mainland France. The response rate was 80.8%, resulting in a study population of 12,903 patients. Of these patients 884 were declared diabetic (6.9%). Later 295 of them were interviewed by seven specially-trained physicians who checked the medical records together with the nephrologist in charge. Plasma C-peptide was measured in almost all of the patients. Effectively, 1.4% were found to have Type 1 diabetes and 5.5%, Type 2. Diabetic nephropathy was found to be the only primary renal diagnosis among 93.9% of Type 1 diabetic patients and 36.8% of Type 2. Of the latter 51.6% had a non-diabetic cause of renal failure. In the second stage a survey was later conducted in 13 of 14 dialysis centres located in the remote overseas French territories. Among 934 patients 1.04% were Type 1 diabetic and 19.67% Type 2 (22.9% altogether). Type 2 diabetic patients treated overseas were essentially non-Caucasians (92.6%). The sex ratio was 0.54 in the overseas territories vs 1.4 in the mainland. We conclude that the prevalence of diabetes among people on dialysis is low in mainland France. But there are striking differences in the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes among dialysis patients in mainland France and its overseas territories. These differences are not related to access to dialysis facilities.