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Phys Rev Lett ; 131(26): 264001, 2023 Dec 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38215383


Starting from the classical formulation of the weak turbulence theory in a density stratified fluid, we derive a simplified version of the kinetic equation of internal gravity wave turbulence. This equation allows us to uncover scaling laws for the spatial and temporal energy spectra of internal wave turbulence which are consistent with typical scaling exponents observed in the oceans. The keystone of our description is the assumption that the energy transfers are dominated by a class of nonlocal resonant interactions, known as the "induced diffusion" triads, which conserve the ratio between the wave frequency and vertical wave number. Our analysis remarkably shows that the internal wave turbulence cascade is associated to an apparent constant flux of wave action.

Soft Matter ; 18(31): 5857-5866, 2022 Aug 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35904067


The debonding criterion of fibrils of soft adhesive materials is a key element regarding the quantitative modelisation of pressure sensitive adhesive tapes' peeling energy. We present in this article an experimental study of the detachment of a commercial acrylic adhesive tape from the top surface of a single micrometric pillar of PDMS elastomer. During an experiment, the pillar and the adhesive, after being put in contact, are separated at a constant displacement rate, resulting in the formation, the elongation and the final detachment of a fibril of adhesive material. A systematic study allows us to uncover power laws for the maximum force and the critical elongation of the fibril at debonding as a function of the diameter of the cylindrical pillar which controls the diameter of the fibril. The scaling law evidenced for the critical elongation appears as a first step toward the understanding of the debonding criterion of fibrils of soft adhesive materials. In addition, viscoelastic digitation at the triple debonding line is observed during detachment for large pillar diameters. The wavelength and penetration length of the fingers that we report appear to be consistent with existing models based on pure elastic mechanical response.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(12): 124501, 2020 Mar 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32281840


We report on laboratory experiments of wave-driven rotating turbulence. A set of wave makers produces inertial-wave beams that interact nonlinearly in the central region of a water tank mounted on a rotating platform. The forcing thus injects energy into inertial waves only. For moderate forcing amplitude, part of the energy of the forced inertial waves is transferred to subharmonic waves, through a standard triadic resonance instability. This first step is broadly in line with the theory of weak turbulence. Surprisingly however, stronger forcing does not lead to an inertial-wave turbulence regime. Instead, most of the kinetic energy condenses into a vertically invariant geostrophic flow, even though the latter is unforced. We show that resonant quartets of inertial waves can trigger an instability-the "quartetic instability"-that leads to such spontaneous emergence of geostrophy. In the present experiment, this instability sets in as a secondary instability of the classical triadic instability.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(25): 254502, 2020 Dec 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33416336


We report the quantitative experimental observation of the weak inertial-wave turbulence regime of rotating turbulence. We produce a statistically steady homogeneous turbulent flow that consists of nonlinearly interacting inertial waves, using rough top and bottom boundaries to prevent the emergence of a geostrophic flow. As the forcing amplitude increases, the temporal spectrum evolves from a discrete set of peaks to a continuous spectrum. Maps of the bicoherence of the velocity field confirm such a gradual transition between discrete wave interactions at weak forcing amplitude and the regime described by weak turbulence theory (WTT) for stronger forcing. In the former regime, the bicoherence maps display a near-zero background level, together with sharp localized peaks associated with discrete resonances. By contrast, in the latter regime, the bicoherence is a smooth function that takes values of the order of the Rossby number in line with the infinite-domain and random-phase assumptions of WTT. The spatial spectra then display a power-law behavior, both the spectral exponent and the spectral level being accurately predicted by WTT at high Reynolds number and low Rossby number.

Soft Matter ; 12(20): 4537-48, 2016 05 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27050487


We present an experimental characterization of the detachment front unstable dynamics observed during the peeling of pressure sensitive adhesives. We use an experimental set-up specifically designed to control the peeling angle θ and the peeled tape length L, while peeling an adhesive tape from a flat substrate at a constant driving velocity V. High-speed imaging allows us to report the evolution of the period and amplitude of the front oscillations, as well as the relative durations of their fast and slow phases, as a function of the control parameters V, L and θ. Our study shows that, as the driving velocity or the peeling angle increases, the oscillations of the peeling front progressively evolve from genuine "stick-slip" oscillations, made of alternating long stick phases and very brief slip phases, to sinusoidal oscillations of amplitude twice the peeling velocity. We propose a model which, taking into account the peeling angle-dependent kinetic energy cost to accelerate and decelerate the peeled tape, explains the transition from the "stick-slip" to the "inertial" regime of the dynamical instability. Using independent direct measurements of the effective fracture energy of the adhesive-substrate joint, we show that our model quantitatively accounts for the two regimes of the unstable dynamics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(12): 128301, 2015 Sep 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26431019


Using a high-speed camera, we follow the propagation of the detachment front during the peeling of an adhesive tape from a flat surface. In a given range of peeling velocity, this front displays a multiscale unstable dynamics, entangling two well-separated spatiotemporal scales, which correspond to microscopic and macroscopic dynamical stick-slip instabilities. While the periodic release of the stretch energy of the whole peeled ribbon drives the classical macro-stick-slip, we show that the micro-stick-slip, due to the regular propagation of transverse dynamic fractures discovered by Thoroddsen et al. [Phys. Rev. E 82, 046107 (2010)], is related to a high-frequency periodic release of the elastic bending energy of the adhesive ribbon concentrated in the vicinity of the peeling front.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25974589


We present a spatiotemporal analysis of a statistically stationary rotating-turbulence experiment, aiming to extract a signature of inertial waves and to determine the scales and frequencies at which they can be detected. The analysis uses two-point spatial correlations of the temporal Fourier transform of velocity fields obtained from time-resolved stereoscopic particle image velocimetry measurements in the rotating frame. We quantify the degree of anisotropy of turbulence as a function of frequency and spatial scale. We show that this space-time-dependent anisotropy is well described by the dispersion relation of linear inertial waves at large scale, while smaller scales are dominated by the sweeping of the waves by fluid motion at larger scales. This sweeping effect is mostly due to the low-frequency quasi-two-dimensional component of the turbulent flow, a prominent feature of our experiment that is not accounted for by wave-turbulence theory. These results question the relevance of this theory for rotating turbulence at the moderate Rossby numbers accessible in laboratory experiments, which are relevant to most geophysical and astrophysical flows.

Soft Matter ; 11(17): 3480-91, 2015 May 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25791135


The modelling of the adherence energy during peeling of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives (PSA) has received much attention since the 1950's, uncovering several factors that aim at explaining their high adherence on most substrates, such as the softness and strong viscoelastic behaviour of the adhesive, the low thickness of the adhesive layer and its confinement by a rigid backing. The more recent investigation of adhesives by probe-tack methods also revealed the importance of cavitation and stringing mechanisms during debonding, underlining the influence of large deformations and of the related non-linear response of the material, which also intervenes during peeling. Although a global modelling of the complex coupling of all these ingredients remains a formidable issue, we report here some key experiments and modelling arguments that should constitute an important step forward. We first measure a non-trivial dependence of the adherence energy on the loading geometry, namely through the influence of the peeling angle, which is found to be separable from the peeling velocity dependence. This is the first time to our knowledge that such adherence energy dependence on the peeling angle is systematically investigated and unambiguously demonstrated. Secondly, we reveal an independent strong influence of the large strain rheology of the adhesives on the adherence energy. We complete both measurements with a microscopic investigation of the debonding region. We discuss existing modellings in light of these measurements and of recent soft material mechanics arguments, to show that the adherence energy during peeling of PSA should not be associated to the propagation of an interfacial stress singularity. The relevant deformation mechanisms are actually located over the whole adhesive thickness, and the adherence energy during peeling of PSA should rather be associated to the energy loss by viscous friction and by rate-dependent elastic hysteresis.

Soft Matter ; 10(48): 9637-43, 2014 Dec 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25363615


The influence of peeling angle on the dynamics observed during the stick-slip peeling of an adhesive tape has been investigated. This study relies on a new experimental setup for peeling at a constant driving velocity while keeping constant the peeling angle and peeled tape length. The thresholds of the instability are shown to be associated with a subcritical bifurcation and bistability of the system. The velocity onset of the instability is moreover revealed to strongly depend on the peeling angle. This could be the consequence of peeling angle dependance of either the fracture energy of the adhesive-substrate joint or the effective stiffness at play between the peeling front and the point at which the peeling is enforced. The shape of the peeling front velocity fluctuations is finally shown to progressively change from typical stick-slip relaxation oscillations to nearly sinusoidal oscillations as the peeling angle is increased. We suggest that this transition might be controlled by inertial effects possibly associated with the propagation of the peeling force fluctuations through elongation waves in the peeled tape.

Soft Matter ; 10(1): 132-8, 2014 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24651387


We consider the classical problem of the stick-slip dynamics observed when peeling a roller adhesive tape at a constant velocity. From fast imaging recordings, we extract the dependence of the stick and slip phase durations on the imposed peeling velocity and peeled ribbon length. Predictions of Maugis and Barquins [in Adhesion 12, edited by K. W. Allen, Elsevier ASP, London, 1988, pp. 205-222] based on a quasistatic assumption succeed to describe quantitatively our measurements of the stick phase duration. Such a model however fails to predict the full stick-slip cycle duration, revealing strong dynamical effects during the slip phase.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23496538


We study experimentally the fracture dynamics during the peeling at a constant velocity of a roller adhesive tape mounted on a freely rotating pulley. Thanks to a high speed camera, we measure, in an intermediate range of peeling velocities, high frequency oscillations between phases of slow and rapid propagation of the peeling fracture. This so-called stick-slip regime is well known as the consequence of a decreasing fracture energy of the adhesive in a certain range of peeling velocity coupled to the elasticity of the peeled tape. Simultaneously with stick slip, we observe low frequency oscillations of the adhesive roller angular velocity which are the consequence of a pendular instability of the roller submitted to the peeling force. The stick-slip dynamics is shown to become intermittent due to these slow pendular oscillations which produce a quasistatic oscillation of the peeling angle while keeping constant the peeling fracture velocity (averaged over each stick-slip cycle). The observed correlation between the mean peeling angle and the stick-slip amplitude questions the validity of the usually admitted independence with the peeling angle of the fracture energy of adhesives.

Adhesividad , Adhesivos/química , Membranas Artificiales , Modelos Químicos , Cinta Quirúrgica , Simulación por Computador , Fricción
Phys Rev Lett ; 107(2): 024503, 2011 Jul 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21797611


We investigate experimentally the influence of a background rotation on the energy transfers in decaying grid turbulence. The anisotropic energy flux density F(r) = <δu(δu)²>, where δu is the vector velocity increment over separation r, is determined for the first time by using particle image velocimetry. We show that rotation induces an anisotropy of the energy flux ∇·F, which leads to an anisotropy growth of the energy distribution E(r) = <(δu)²>, in agreement with the von Kármán-Howarth-Monin equation. Surprisingly, our results prove that this anisotropy growth is essentially driven by a nearly radial, but orientation-dependent, energy flux density F(r).

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(17): 174502, 2008 Oct 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18999751


We experimentally characterize the fluctuations of the nonhomogeneous nonisotropic turbulence in an axisymmetric von Kármán flow. We show that these fluctuations satisfy relations, issued from the Euler equation, which are analogous to classical fluctuation-dissipation relations in statistical mechanics. We use these relations to estimate statistical temperatures of turbulence.

Phys Rev Lett ; 99(20): 205502, 2007 Nov 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18233157


We study experimentally the slow growth of a single crack in polycarbonate films submitted to uniaxial and constant imposed stress. For this viscoplastic material, we uncover a dynamical law that describes the dependence of the instantaneous crack velocity with experimental parameters. The law involves a Dugdale-Barenblatt static description of crack tip plastic zones associated to an Eyring's law and an empirical dependence with the crack length that may come from a residual elastic field.