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Healthcare (Basel) ; 12(10)2024 May 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38786388


BACKGROUND: Lockdowns and other health protective measures, such as social distancing, imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic nurtured unprecedented levels of stress and social isolation around the world. This scenario triggered an increase in suicide thoughts and self-harm behaviours among children and young people. However, the longer-term impact of the pandemic on children's and adolescents' mental health, especially with regard to self-harm, is still to be fully discovered. METHODS: We carried out a retrospective study where we collected data related to suicide ideation and self-harm behaviours in all patients aged under 18 that required on-call psychiatric services at the General Hospital Accident and Emergency (A&E) department in Salamanca, Spain, during 2019 (pre-pandemic) and in both 2021 and 2022 to capture possible variation at different time points during the post-pandemic period. RESULTS: A total of 316 patients aged under 18 were seen by on-call psychiatric services at the A&E department during the three time periods: 78 in 2019, 98 in 2021 and 140 in 2022. The mean age was 15.12 (SD 2.25) and females represented more than twice the number of males each year. More than half of all patients assessed during 2022 disclosed suicide thoughts, whilst in 2019, it was near 25%. This increase in suicide ideation rates was more marked among females (X2 = 15.127; p = 0.001), those aged over 15 (X2 = 16.437; p < 0.001) and/or those with a previous history of mental health problems (X2 = 17.823; p < 0.001). We identified an increase in the proportion of males with suicide ideas, especially between 2021 and 2022 (X2 = 8.396; p = 0.015). CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that children's and adolescents' demand for urgent mental healthcare and their clinical presentations in A&E departments with suicide thoughts and/or self-injuries do not seem to be declining after the pandemic but increasing over time. More research is warranted to understand possible factors involved in this sustained upward trend.

Pers. bioet ; 17(2): 216-226, jul.-dic. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-700512


El término limitación de esfuerzos terapéuticos se refiere al hecho de no iniciar o retirar un tratamiento médico a un paciente (con o sin capacidad de decidir) que no se beneficia clínicamente de él. Lo que justifica este tipo de conducta es el sentido de desproporción entre los fines y los medios terapéuticos. Describir las actitudes, los conocimientos y las prácticas de profesionales del área de la salud que laboran en un hospital universitario. Estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal. Se les pidió a diferentes profesionales del área de la salud que realizan labores en dicho hospital que respondieran una encuesta sobre los conocimientos, las actitudes y las prácticas que tienen frente a la limitación de esfuerzos terapéuticos en pacientes hospitalizados. 412 personas respondieron la encuesta. El 50% de los encuestados eran auxiliares de enfermería y 25% médicos. Solo el 14,6% conocía el significado de limitación de esfuerzos terapéuticos y el 62,4% de los médicos admitieron tener dificultad para tomar estas decisiones. No obstante la importancia y la polémica que este asunto plantea desde el punto de vista personal y profesional, es bajo el nivel de conocimiento que poseen los profesionales de la salud frente a este importante tema de la bioética. Se requiere mayor capacitación y sensibilización frente al tema.

Limitation of therapeutic efforts refers to the decision not to initiate or to withdraw medical treatment for a patient (with or without the ability to decide) who will not benefit clinically from it. What justifies this behavior is the sense of disproportion between the end and the therapeutic means. The purpose of this article is to describe the attitudes, knowledge and practices of health professionals working at a university hospital. A descriptive, transversal study was conducted in which a number of health professionals who work at the hospital in question were asked to complete a questionnaire on their knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning the limitation of therapeutic efforts for hospitalized patients. A total of 412 persons responded to the questionnaire, Fifty percent (50%) of those surveyed were nursing aids and 25% were physicians. Only 14.6% knew what "limitation of therapeutic efforts" means, and 62.4% of the physicians admitted having difficulty making such decisions. Despite the importance of this bioethical issue and the controversy it provokes from a personal and professional standpoint, health professionals know little about it. More training and awareness in this respect are needed.

A expressão limitação de esforços terapêuticos se refere ao fato de não iniciar ou retirar um tratamento médico a um paciente (com ou sem capacidade de decidir) que não se beneficia clinicamente dele. O que justifica esse tipo de conduta é o sentido de desproporção entre os fins e os meios terapêuticos. O objetivo do presente artigo é descrever as atitudes, os conhecimentos e as práticas de profissionais da área da saúde que trabalham em um hospital universitário. Consiste de um estudo descritivo, de corte transversal, no qual foi pedido a diferentes profissionais da área de saúde que realizam trabalhos nesse hospital que respondessem a uma pesquisa sobre os conhecimentos, as atitudes e as práticas que eles têm diante da limitação de esforços terapêuticos em pacientes hospitalizados. Um total de 412 pessoas respondeu a pesquisa. 50% dos entrevistados eram auxiliares de enfermagem e 25%, médicos. Somente 14,6% conheciam o significado de limitação de esforços terapêuticos e 62,4% dos médicos admitiram ter dificuldade para tomar essas decisões. Contudo, a importância e a polêmica que esse assunto apresenta, sob o ponto de vista pessoal e profissional, é baixo o nível de conhecimento que os profissionais de saúde possuem ante esse importante tema da bioética. Requer-se maior capacitação e sensibilização sobre o tema.

Humanos , Pacientes , Sociedades , Terapéutica , Ética Médica , Personas