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J Phys Chem A ; 128(37): 7830-7842, 2024 Sep 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39231027


The successful use of molecular dyes for solar energy conversion requires efficient charge injection, which in turn requires the formation of states with sufficiently long lifetimes (e.g., triplets). The molecular structure elements that confer this property can be found empirically, however computational predictions using ab initio electronic structure methods are invaluable to identify structure-property relations for dye sensitizers. The primary challenge for simulations to elucidate the electronic and nuclear origins of these properties is a spin-orbit interaction which drives transitions between electronic states. In this work, we present a computational analysis of the spin-orbit corrected linear absorption cross sections and intersystem crossing rate coefficients for a derivative set of phosphonated tris(2,2'-bipyridine)ruthenium(2+) dye molecules. After sampling the ground state vibrational distributions, the predicted linear absorption cross sections indicate that the mixture between singlet and triplet states plays a crucial role in defining the line shape of the metal-to-ligand charge transfer bands in these derivatives. Additionally, an analysis of the intersystem crossing rate coefficients suggests that transitions from the singlet into the triplet manifolds are ultrafast with rate coefficients on the order of 1013 s-1 for each dye molecule.

J Chem Phys ; 159(17)2023 Nov 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37916588


The quantum chemistry community has developed analytic forces for approximate electronic excited states to enable walking on excited state potential energy surfaces (PES). One can thereby computationally characterize excited state minima and saddle points. Always implicit in using this machinery is the fact that an excited state PES only exists within the realm of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, where the nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom separate. This work demonstrates through ab initio calculations and simple nonadiabatic dynamics that some excited state minimum structures are fantastical: they appear to exist as stable configurations only as a consequence of the PES construct, rather than being physically observable. Each fantastical structure exhibits an unphysically high predicted harmonic frequency and associated force constant. This fact can serve as a valuable diagnostic of when an optimized excited state structure is non-observable. The origin of this phenomenon can be attributed to the coupling between different electronic states. As PESs approach one another, the upper surface can form a minimum that is very close to a near-touching point. The force constant, evaluated at this minimum, relates to the strength of the electronic coupling rather than to any characteristic excited state vibration. Nonadiabatic dynamics results using a Landau-Zener model illustrate that fantastical excited state structures have extremely short lifetimes on the order of a few femtoseconds. Their appearance in a calculation signals the presence of a nearby conical intersection through which the system will rapidly cross to a lower surface.

J Chem Phys ; 157(22): 224105, 2022 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36546794


This work develops and illustrates a new method of calculating "chemically accurate" electronic wavefunctions (and energies) via a truncated full configuration interaction (CI) procedure, which arguably circumvents the large matrix diagonalization that is the core problem of full CI and is also central to modern selective CI approaches. This is accomplished simply by following the standard/ubiquitous Davidson method in its "direct" form-wherein, in each iteration, the electronic Hamiltonian operator is applied directly in second quantization to the Ritz vector/wavefunction from the prior iteration-except that (in this work) only a small portion of the resultant expansion vector is actually even computed (through the application of only a similarly small portion of the Hamiltonian). Specifically, at each iteration of this truncated Davidson approach, the new expansion vector is taken to be twice as large as that from the prior iteration. In this manner, a small set of highly truncated expansion vectors (say 10-30) of increasing precision is incrementally constructed, forming a small subspace within which diagonalization of the Hamiltonian yields clear, consistent, and monotonically variational convergence to the approximate full CI limit. The good efficiency in which convergence to the level of chemical accuracy (1.6 mhartree) is achieved suggests, at least for the demonstrated problem sizes-Hilbert spaces of 1018 and wavefunctions of 108 determinants-that this truncated Davidson methodology can serve as a replacement of standard CI and complete-active space approaches in circumstances where only a few chemically significant digits of accuracy are required and/or meaningful in view of ever-present basis set limitations.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(8): 4820-4831, 2022 Feb 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35156112


Sodium hydride (NaH) in the gas phase presents a seemingly simple electronic structure making it a potentially tractable system for the detailed investigation of nonadiabatic molecular dynamics from both computational and experimental standpoints. The single vibrational degree of freedom, as well as the strong nonadiabatic coupling that arises from the excited electronic states taking on considerable ionic character, provides a realistic chemical system to test the accuracy of quasi-classical methods to model population dynamics where the results are directly comparable against quantum mechanical benchmarks. Using a simulated pump-probe type experiment, this work presents computational predictions of population transfer through the avoided crossings of NaH via symmetric quasi-classical Meyer-Miller (SQC/MM), Ehrenfest, and exact quantum dynamics on realistic, ab initio potential energy surfaces. The main driving force for population transfer arises from the ground vibrational level of the D1Σ+ adiabatic state that is embedded in the manifold of near-dissociation C1Σ+ vibrational states. When coupled through a sharply localized first-order derivative coupling most of the population transfers between t = 15 and t = 30 fs depending on the initially excited vibronic wavepacket. While quantum mechanical effects are expected due to the reduced mass of NaH, predictions of the population dynamics from both the SQC/MM and Ehrenfest models perform remarkably well against the quantum dynamics benchmark. Additionally, an analysis of the vibronic structure in the nonadiabatically coupled regime is presented using a variational eigensolver methodology.

J Chem Phys ; 155(23): 234106, 2021 Dec 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34937349


Quantum computation promises to provide substantial speedups in many practical applications with a particularly exciting one being the simulation of quantum many-body systems. Adiabatic state preparation (ASP) is one way that quantum computers could recreate and simulate the ground state of a physical system. In this paper, we explore a novel approach for classically simulating the time dynamics of ASP with high accuracy and with only modest computational resources via an adaptive sampling configuration interaction scheme for truncating the Hilbert space to only the most important determinants. We verify that this truncation introduces negligible error and use this new approach to simulate ASP for sets of small molecular systems and Hubbard models. Furthermore, we examine two approaches to speeding up ASP when performed on quantum hardware: (i) using the complete active space configuration interaction (CASCI) wave function instead of the Hartree-Fock initial state and (ii) a nonlinear interpolation between the initial and target Hamiltonians. We find that starting with a CASCI wave function with a limited active space yields substantial speedups for many of the systems examined, while nonlinear interpolation does not. In additional, we observe interesting trends in the minimum gap location (based on the initial state) as well as how state preparation time can depend on certain molecular properties, such as the number of valence electrons. Importantly, we find that the required state preparation times do not show an immediate exponential wall that would preclude an efficient run of ASP on actual hardware.

J Chem Phys ; 154(12): 121101, 2021 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33810679


Photo-emission spectroscopy directly probes individual electronic states, ranging from single excitations to high-energy satellites, which simultaneously represent multiple quasiparticles (QPs) and encode information about electronic correlation. The first-principles description of the spectra requires an efficient and accurate treatment of all many-body effects. This is especially challenging for inner valence excitations where the single QP picture breaks down. Here, we provide the full valence spectra of small closed-shell molecules, exploring the independent and interacting quasiparticle regimes, computed with the fully correlated adaptive sampling configuration interaction method. We critically compare these results to calculations with the many-body perturbation theory, based on the GW and vertex corrected GWΓ approaches. The latter explicitly accounts for two-QP quantum interactions, which have often been neglected. We demonstrate that for molecular systems, the vertex correction universally improves the theoretical spectra, and it is crucial for the accurate prediction of QPs as well as capturing the rich satellite structures of high-energy excitations. GWΓ offers a unified description across all relevant energy scales. Our results suggest that the multi-QP regime corresponds to dynamical correlations, which can be described via perturbation theory.

J Chem Phys ; 150(19): 194110, 2019 May 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31117780


An electronic zero-point energy (ZPE) adjustment protocol is presented within the context of the symmetrical quasiclassical (SQC) quantization of the electronic oscillator degrees of freedom (DOF) in classical Meyer-Miller (MM) vibronic dynamics for the molecular dynamics treatment of electronically nonadiabatic processes. The "adjustment" procedure maintains the same initial and final distributions of coordinates and momenta in the electronic oscillator DOF as previously given by the SQC windowing protocol but modifies the ZPE parameter in the MM Hamiltonian, on a per trajectory basis, so that the initial nuclear forces are precisely those corresponding to the initial electronic quantum state. Examples demonstrate that this slight modification to the standard SQC/MM approach significantly improves treatment of the multistate nonadiabatic dynamics following a Franck-Condon type vertical excitation onto a highly repulsive potential energy surface as is typical in the photodissociation context.

J Chem Phys ; 150(10): 104101, 2019 Mar 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30876359


In the previous work of Cotton and Miller [J. Chem. Phys. 145, 144108 (2016)], an improved symmetrical quasi-classical (SQC) windowing model for the molecular dynamics treatment of electronically non-adiabatic processes was developed in order to extend the original SQC approach to the regime of weak-coupling between the electronic states. The improved SQC model-based on triangular-shaped window functions-handled the weak-coupling limit as intended and, as a bonus, was shown to be universally superior to the original square/histogram SQC windowing model over all coupling regimes, but only for treating systems of two electronic states, as no higher-dimensional generalization was evident. This paper, therefore, provides a generalized version for treating an arbitrary number of electronic states. By construction, the benefits of the two-state triangle model-seamless treatment of weak-coupling and improved accuracy in all coupling regimes-carry over to the generalized version. Far more significant, however, is that the new model provides vastly improved windowing statistics in higher dimensions, enabling the SQC simulation of electronically non-adiabatic processes involving many more relevant electronic states than was previously practical. Capabilities are demonstrated with respect to a 24 pigment trimer model of the Fenna-Matthews-Olson light-harvesting complex, as well as treating similar 48- and 96-electronic state model problems, illustrating the scaling properties of the new method.

J Chem Phys ; 149(4): 044101, 2018 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30068189


In the last several years, a symmetrical quasi-classical (SQC) windowing model applied to the classical Meyer-Miller (MM) vibronic Hamiltonian has been shown to be a simple, efficient, general, and quite-accurate method for treating electronically nonadiabatic processes at the totally classical level. Here, the SQC/MM methodology is applied to ultrafast exciton dynamics in a Frenkel/site-exciton model of oligothiophene (OT) as a model of organic semiconductor polymers. In order to keep the electronic representation as compact and efficient as possible, the adiabatic version of the MM Hamiltonian was employed, with dynamical calculations carried out in the recently developed "kinematic momentum" representation, from which site/monomer-specific (diabatic) excitation probabilities were extracted using a new procedure developed in this work. The SQC/MM simulation results are seen to describe coherent exciton transport driven by planarization of a central torsion defect in the OT oligomer as well as to capture exciton self-trapping effects in good agreement with benchmark quantum calculations using the multi-layer multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree approach. The SQC/MM calculations are also seen to significantly outperform the standard Ehrenfest approach, which shows serious discrepancies. These results are encouraging, not only because they illustrate a significant further application of the SQC/MM approach and its utility, but because they strongly suggest that classical mechanical simulations (with the potential for linear scaling efficiency) can be used to capture, quantitatively, important dynamical features of electronic excitation energy transfer in semiconducting polymers.

J Chem Phys ; 147(6): 064112, 2017 Aug 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28810754


The Meyer-Miller (MM) classical vibronic (electronic + nuclear) Hamiltonian for electronically non-adiabatic dynamics-as used, for example, with the recently developed symmetrical quasiclassical (SQC) windowing model-can be written in either a diabatic or an adiabatic representation of the electronic degrees of freedom, the two being a canonical transformation of each other, thus giving the same dynamics. Although most recent applications of this SQC/MM approach have been carried out in the diabatic representation-because most of the benchmark model problems that have exact quantum results available for comparison are typically defined in a diabatic representation-it will typically be much more convenient to work in the adiabatic representation, e.g., when using Born-Oppenheimer potential energy surfaces (PESs) and derivative couplings that come from electronic structure calculations. The canonical equations of motion (EOMs) (i.e., Hamilton's equations) that come from the adiabatic MM Hamiltonian, however, in addition to the common first-derivative couplings, also involve second-derivative non-adiabatic coupling terms (as does the quantum Schrödinger equation), and the latter are considerably more difficult to calculate. This paper thus revisits the adiabatic version of the MM Hamiltonian and describes a modification of the classical adiabatic EOMs that are entirely equivalent to Hamilton's equations but that do not involve the second-derivative couplings. The second-derivative coupling terms have not been neglected; they simply do not appear in these modified adiabatic EOMs. This means that SQC/MM calculations can be carried out in the adiabatic representation, without approximation, needing only the PESs and the first-derivative coupling elements. The results of example SQC/MM calculations are presented, which illustrate this point, and also the fact that simply neglecting the second-derivative couplings in Hamilton's equations (and presumably also in the Schrödinger equation) can cause very significant errors.

Faraday Discuss ; 195: 9-30, 2016 12 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27828549


Both classical and quantum mechanics (as well as hybrids thereof, i.e., semiclassical approaches) find widespread use in simulating dynamical processes in molecular systems. For large chemical systems, however, which involve potential energy surfaces (PES) of general/arbitrary form, it is usually the case that only classical molecular dynamics (MD) approaches are feasible, and their use is thus ubiquitous nowadays, at least for chemical processes involving dynamics on a single PES (i.e., within a single Born-Oppenheimer electronic state). This paper reviews recent developments in an approach which extends standard classical MD methods to the treatment of electronically non-adiabatic processes, i.e., those that involve transitions between different electronic states. The approach treats nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom (DOF) equivalently (i.e., by classical mechanics, thereby retaining the simplicity of standard MD), and provides "quantization" of the electronic states through a symmetrical quasi-classical (SQC) windowing model. The approach is seen to be capable of treating extreme regimes of strong and weak coupling between the electronic states, as well as accurately describing coherence effects in the electronic DOF (including the de-coherence of such effects caused by coupling to the nuclear DOF). A survey of recent applications is presented to illustrate the performance of the approach. Also described is a newly developed variation on the original SQC model (found universally superior to the original) and a general extension of the SQC model to obtain the full electronic density matrix (at no additional cost/complexity).

J Chem Phys ; 145(14): 144108, 2016 Oct 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27782507


Previous work has shown how a symmetrical quasi-classical (SQC) windowing procedure can be used to quantize the initial and final electronic degrees of freedom in the Meyer-Miller (MM) classical vibronic (i.e, nuclear + electronic) Hamiltonian, and that the approach provides a very good description of electronically non-adiabatic processes within a standard classical molecular dynamics framework for a number of benchmark problems. This paper explores application of the SQC/MM approach to the case of very weak non-adiabatic coupling between the electronic states, showing (as anticipated) how the standard SQC/MM approach used to date fails in this limit, and then devises a new SQC windowing scheme to deal with it. Application of this new SQC model to a variety of realistic benchmark systems shows that the new model not only treats the weak coupling case extremely well, but it is also seen to describe the "normal" regime (of electronic transition probabilities ≳ 0.1) even more accurately than the previous "standard" model.

J Chem Phys ; 145(8): 081102, 2016 Aug 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27586896


It is pointed out that the classical phase space distribution in action-angle (a-a) variables obtained from a Wigner function depends on how the calculation is carried out: if one computes the standard Wigner function in Cartesian variables (p, x), and then replaces p and x by their expressions in terms of a-a variables, one obtains a different result than if the Wigner function is computed directly in terms of the a-a variables. Furthermore, the latter procedure gives a result more consistent with classical and semiclassical theory-e.g., by incorporating the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition (quantum states defined by integer values of the action variable) as well as the Heisenberg correspondence principle for matrix elements of an operator between such states-and has also been shown to be more accurate when applied to electronically non-adiabatic applications as implemented within the recently developed symmetrical quasi-classical (SQC) Meyer-Miller (MM) approach. Moreover, use of the Wigner function (obtained directly) in a-a variables shows how our standard SQC/MM approach can be used to obtain off-diagonal elements of the electronic density matrix by processing in a different way the same set of trajectories already used (in the SQC/MM methodology) to obtain the diagonal elements.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 12(3): 983-91, 2016 Mar 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26761191


In a recent series of papers, it has been illustrated that a symmetrical quasi-classical (SQC) windowing model applied to the Meyer-Miller (MM) classical vibronic Hamiltonian provides an excellent description of a variety of electronically non-adiabatic benchmark model systems for which exact quantum results are available for comparison. In this paper, the SQC/MM approach is used to treat energy transfer dynamics in site-exciton models of light-harvesting complexes, and in particular, the well-known 7-state Fenna-Mathews-Olson (FMO) complex. Again, numerically "exact" results are available for comparison, here via the hierarchical equation of motion (HEOM) approach of Ishizaki and Fleming, and it is seen that the simple SQC/MM approach provides very reasonable agreement with the previous HEOM results. It is noted, however, that unlike most (if not all) simple approaches for treating these systems, because the SQC/MM approach presents a fully atomistic simulation based on classical trajectory simulation, it places no restrictions on the characteristics of the thermal baths coupled to each two-level site, e.g., bath spectral densities (SD) of any analytic functional form may be employed as well as discrete SD determined experimentally or from MD simulation (nor is there any restriction that the baths be harmonic), opening up the possibility of simulating more realistic variations on the basic site-exciton framework for describing the non-adiabatic dynamics of photosynthetic pigment complexes.

J Phys Chem A ; 119(50): 12138-45, 2015 Dec 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26299361


A recent series of papers has shown that a symmetrical quasi-classical (SQC) windowing procedure applied to the Meyer-Miller (MM) classical vibronic Hamiltonian provides a very good treatment of electronically nonadiabatic processes in a variety of benchmark model systems, including systems that exhibit strong quantum coherence effects and some which other approximate approaches have difficulty in describing correctly. In this paper, a different classical electronic Hamiltonian for the treatment of electronically nonadiabatic processes is proposed (and "quantized" via the SQC windowing approach), which maps the dynamics of F coupled electronic states to a set of F spin-(1)/2 degrees of freedom (DOF), similar to the Fermionic spin model described by Miller and White (J. Chem. Phys. 1986, 84, 5059). It is noted that this spin-mapping (SM) Hamiltonian is an exact Hamiltonian if treated as a quantum mechanical (QM) operator-and thus QM'ly equivalent to the MM Hamiltonian-but that an analytically distinct classical analogue is obtained by replacing the QM spin-operators with their classical counterparts. Due to their analytic differences, a practical comparison is then made between the MM and SM Hamiltonians (when quantized with the SQC technique) by applying the latter to many of the same benchmark test problems successfully treated in our recent work with the SQC/MM model. We find that for every benchmark problem the MM model provides (slightly) better agreement with the correct quantum nonadiabatic transition probabilities than does the new SM model. This is despite the fact that one might expect, a priori, a more natural description of electronic state populations (occupied versus unoccupied) to be provided by DOF with only two states, i.e., spin-(1)/2 DOF, rather than by harmonic oscillator DOF which have an infinite manifold of states (though only two of these are ever occupied).

J Chem Phys ; 142(13): 131103, 2015 Apr 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25854221


It is noted that the recently developed symmetrical quasi-classical (SQC) treatment of the Meyer-Miller (MM) model for the simulation of electronically non-adiabatic dynamics provides a good description of detailed balance, even though the dynamics which results from the classical MM Hamiltonian is "Ehrenfest dynamics" (i.e., the force on the nuclei is an instantaneous coherent average over all electronic states). This is seen to be a consequence of the SQC windowing methodology for "processing" the results of the trajectory calculation. For a particularly simple model discussed here, this is shown to be true regardless of the choice of windowing function employed in the SQC model, and for a more realistic full classical molecular dynamics simulation, it is seen to be maintained correctly for very long time.

J Chem Phys ; 141(8): 084104, 2014 Aug 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25173002


It has recently been shown [S. J. Cotton and W. H. Miller, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 234112 (2013)] that a symmetrical windowing quasi-classical (SQC) approach [S. J. Cotton and W. H. Miller, J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 7190 (2013)] applied to the Meyer-Miller model [H.-D. Meyer and W. H. Miller, J. Chem. Phys. 70, 3214 (1979)] for the electronic degrees of freedom in electronically non-adiabatic dynamics is capable of quantitatively reproducing quantum mechanical results for a variety of test applications, including cases where "quantum" coherence effects are significant. Here we apply this same SQC methodology, within a flux-side correlation function framework, to calculate thermal rate constants corresponding to several proposed models of electron transfer processes [P. Huo, T. F. Miller III, and D. F. Coker, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 151103 (2013); A. R. Menzeleev, N. Ananth, and T. F. Miller III, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 074106 (2011)]. Good quantitative agreement with Marcus Theory is obtained over several orders of magnitude variation in non-adiabatic coupling. Moreover, the "inverted regime" in thermal rate constants (with increasing bias) known from Marcus Theory is also reproduced with good accuracy by this very simple classical approach. The SQC treatment is also applied to a recent model of photoinduced proton coupled electron transfer [C. Venkataraman, A. V. Soudackov, and S. Hammes-Schiffer, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 154502 (2009)] and population decay of the photoexcited donor state is found to be in reasonable agreement with results calculated via reduced density matrix theory.

Electrones , Teoría Cuántica , Simulación por Computador , Transporte de Electrón , Modelos Químicos , Protones , Solventes/química , Termodinámica
J Chem Phys ; 139(23): 234112, 2013 Dec 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24359357


A recently described symmetrical windowing methodology [S. J. Cotton and W. H. Miller, J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 7190 (2013)] for quasi-classical trajectory simulations is applied here to the Meyer-Miller [H.-D. Meyer and W. H. Miller, J. Chem. Phys. 70, 3214 (1979)] model for the electronic degrees of freedom in electronically non-adiabatic dynamics. Results generated using this classical approach are observed to be in very good agreement with accurate quantum mechanical results for a variety of test applications, including problems where coherence effects are significant such as the challenging asymmetric spin-boson system.

J Phys Chem A ; 117(32): 7190-4, 2013 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23432081


A microscopically reversible approach toward computing reaction probabilities via classical trajectory simulation has been developed that bins trajectories symmetrically on the basis of their initial and final classical actions. The symmetrical quasi-classical (SQC) approach involves defining a classical action window function centered at integer quantum values of the action, choosing a width parameter that is less than unit quantum width, and applying the window function to both initial reactant and final product vibrational states. Calculations were performed using flat histogram windows and Gaussian windows over a range of width parameters. Use of the Wigner distribution function was also investigated as a possible choice. It was demonstrated for collinear H + H2 reactive scattering on the BKMP2 potential energy surface that reaction probabilities computed via the SQC methodology using a Gaussian window function of 1/2 unit width produces good agreement with quantum mechanical results over the 0.4-0.6 eV energy range relevant to the ground vibrational state to the ground vibrational state reactive transition.