BACKGROUND: There has been debate over whether the existing World Health Organization (WHO) criteria accurately represent the severity of maternal near misses. OBJECTIVE: This study assessed the diagnostic accuracy of two WHO clinical and laboratory organ dysfunction markers for determining the best cutoff values in a Latin American setting. METHODS: A prospective multicenter cohort study was conducted in five Latin American countries. Patients with severe maternal complications were followed up from admission to discharge. Organ dysfunction was determined using clinical and laboratory data, and participants were classified according to severe maternal outcomes. This study compares the diagnostic criteria of Latin American Centre for Perinatology, Network for Adverse Maternal Outcomes (CLAP/NAMO) to WHO standards. RESULTS: Of the 698 women studied, 15.2% had severe maternal outcomes. Most measured variables showed significant differences between individuals with and without severe outcomes (all P-values <0.05). Alternative cutoff values suggested by CLAP/NAMOs include pH ≤7.40, lactate ≥2.3 mmol/L, respiratory rate ≥ 24 bpm, oxygen saturation ≤ 96%, PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 342 mmHg, platelet count ≤189 × 109 × mm3, serum creatinine ≥0.8 mg/dL, and total bilirubin ≥0.67 mg/dL. No significant differences were found when comparing the diagnostic performance of the CLAP/NAMO criteria to that of the WHO standards. CONCLUSION: The CLAP/NAMO values were comparable to the WHO maternal near-miss criteria, indicating that the WHO standards might not be superior in this population. These findings suggest that maternal near-miss thresholds can be adapted regionally, improving the identification and management of severe maternal complications in Latin America.
[ABSTRACT]. Objective. To assess changes in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) in Haiti from August 2018 to September 2021, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods. A retrospective study using surveillance data from the Haitian Unique Health Information System, examining two periods: pre- and peri-COVID-19 pandemic. Health indicators at the national level in the two periods were compared using two-sample t-tests for proportions, and average absolute monthly changes were calculated using variance-weighted regression. Results. There was a statistically significant decline in the proportion of most of the indicators assessed from the pre- to the peri-COVID-19 pandemic period. However, the most affected indicators were the proportions of pregnant women with four antenatal care visits, with five antenatal care visits or more, and those who received a second dose of tetanus vaccine, which decreased by over 4 percentage points during the two periods. Likewise, the proportions of children who received diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP), BCG, polio, pentavalent, and rotavirus vaccines also all declined by over 8 percentage points. In contrast, pneu- mococcal conjugate vaccine increased by over 4 percentage points. A statistically significant decrease was also observed in the average absolute monthly changes of several reproductive and child health indicators assessed. Conclusions. The COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed to the decline observed in several RMNCAH indicators in Haiti. However, the role played by the sociopolitical crisis and control exercised by armed groups over the population in the last three years cannot be ruled out.
[RESUMEN]. Objetivo. Evaluar los cambios en materia de salud reproductiva, materna, neonatal, infantil y adolescente que se produjeron en Haití desde agosto del 2018 hasta septiembre del 2021, antes de la pandemia de COVID-19 y durante ella. Metodología. Estudio retrospectivo basado en datos de vigilancia del sistema único de información de salud de Haití para estudiar los periodos pre y peripandémico. La comparación de los indicadores de salud a nivel nacional de estos dos periodos se realizó mediante pruebas de t de dos muestras para comparar proporciones, y se calculó el promedio de la variación mensual absoluta mediante una regresión ponderada por la varianza. Resultados. Al comparar el periodo prepandémico con el peripandémico, se observó un descenso estadísticamente significativo de la mayoría de los indicadores porcentuales evaluados. Sin embargo, los indicadores porcentuales más afectados fueron los de mujeres embarazadas con cuatro visitas de atención prenatal, con cinco visitas de atención prenatal o más, o que recibieron una segunda dosis de la vacuna contra el tétanos; estos indicadores disminuyeron en más de cuatro puntos porcentuales en el segundo periodo en comparación con el primero. Asimismo, las proporciones de niños y niñas que recibieron las vacunas contra la difteria, el tétanos y la tosferina (DTPa), contra la poliomielitis, antirrotavírica, BCG, y pentavalente también disminuyeron en más de ocho puntos porcentuales. En cambio, la proporción de niños y niñas que recibieron la vacuna antineumocócica conjugada aumentó en más de cuatro puntos porcentuales. También se observó un descenso estadísticamente significativo en el promedio de la variación mensual absoluta de varios indicadores de salud reproductiva e infantil. Conclusiones. La pandemia de COVID-19 puede haber contribuido al descenso observado en varios indica- dores relacionados con la salud reproductiva, materna, neonatal, infantil y adolescente en Haití. Sin embargo, no se puede descartar el papel que ha desempeñado en dicho descenso la crisis sociopolítica y el control ejercido por los grupos armados sobre la población en los últimos tres años.
[RESUMO]. Objetivo. Avaliar mudanças na saúde reprodutiva, materna, neonatal, da criança e do adolescente no Haiti entre agosto de 2018 e setembro de 2021, antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos. Estudo retrospectivo usando dados de vigilância do Sistema Único de Informações de Saúde do Haiti, examinando dois períodos, antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Os indicadores de saúde do país nos dois períodos foram comparados por meio de testes t de duas amostras para proporções, e as variações mensais absolutas médias foram calculadas por meio de regressão linear ponderada. Resultados. Entre o período anterior e o período durante a pandemia de COVID-19, houve uma queda estatisticamente significante na proporção da maioria dos indicadores avaliados. Os indicadores mais afetados, porém, foram as proporções de gestantes com quatro consultas de pré-natal, gestantes com cinco ou mais consultas de pré-natal e gestantes que receberam uma segunda dose de vacina antitetânica, que sofreram uma diminuição de mais de 4 pontos percentuais na comparação entre os dois períodos. Similarmente, as proporções de crianças que receberam vacinas contra difteria, tétano e pertússis (DTPa), BCG, poliomielite, pentavalente e rotavírus também diminuíram em mais de 8 pontos percentuais. Por outro lado, no caso da vacina pneumocócica conjugada houve um aumento de mais de 4 pontos percentuais. Além disso, foi observada uma redução estatisticamente significante nas variações mensais absolutas médias de vários indicadores de saúde reprodutiva e infantil avaliados. Conclusões. A pandemia de COVID-19 pode ter contribuído para a piora observada em vários indicadores de saúde reprodutiva, materna, neonatal, da criança e do adolescente no Haiti. No entanto, não se pode descartar o papel desempenhado pela crise sociopolítica e pelo controle exercido por grupos armados sobre a população nos últimos três anos.
Salud Infantil , Servicios de Planificación Familiar , Salud Materna , Salud Reproductiva , Servicios de Salud para Mujeres , COVID-19 , Haití , Salud Infantil , Servicios de Planificación Familiar , Salud Materna , Salud Reproductiva , Servicios de Salud para Mujeres , Haití , Salud Infantil , Servicios de Planificación Familiar , Salud Materna , Salud Reproductiva , Servicios de Salud para MujeresRESUMEN
Objective: To assess changes in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) in Haiti from August 2018 to September 2021, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A retrospective study using surveillance data from the Haitian Unique Health Information System, examining two periods: pre- and peri-COVID-19 pandemic. Health indicators at the national level in the two periods were compared using two-sample t-tests for proportions, and average absolute monthly changes were calculated using variance-weighted regression. Results: There was a statistically significant decline in the proportion of most of the indicators assessed from the pre- to the peri-COVID-19 pandemic period. However, the most affected indicators were the proportions of pregnant women with four antenatal care visits, with five antenatal care visits or more, and those who received a second dose of tetanus vaccine, which decreased by over 4 percentage points during the two periods. Likewise, the proportions of children who received diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP), BCG, polio, pentavalent, and rotavirus vaccines also all declined by over 8 percentage points. In contrast, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine increased by over 4 percentage points. A statistically significant decrease was also observed in the average absolute monthly changes of several reproductive and child health indicators assessed. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed to the decline observed in several RMNCAH indicators in Haiti. However, the role played by the sociopolitical crisis and control exercised by armed groups over the population in the last three years cannot be ruled out.
[RESUMEN]. Objetivo. Describir la metodología de la búsqueda intencionada y reclasificación de muertes maternas (BIRMM), que permite identificar y corregir la clasificación errónea y el subregistro de defunciones maternas. Métodos. Se utiliza la metodología BIRMM, desarrollada inicialmente en México en el 2003 y difundida en otros países de América Latina a partir del 2012. La BIRMM consta de cuatro componentes clave: i) reclasificación de muertes maternas confirmadas; ii) identificación e investigación de casos sospechosos de muerte materna; iii) confronta con otras fuentes de información; y iv) publicación de resultados y análisis estadístico de la mortalidad materna. Resultados. La aplicación de la BIRMM permie identificar y analizar las muertes maternas en comités de mortalidad materna, lo que ha facilitado la implementación de planes de respuesta efectivos, contribuyendo a una reducción sostenida de la mortalidad materna en los países. Conclusiones. La metodología BIRMM es una herramienta efectiva para corregir el subregistro y la mala clasificación de muertes maternas, lo que permite una mejor vigilancia y respuesta a este problema. Su adopción y ejecución rutinaria son esenciales para mejorar la calidad de la información sobre mortalidad materna reducir las muertes maternas en la Región de las Américas. La sostenibilidad de esta metodología depende del compromiso institucional y la voluntad política en los países.
[ABSTRACT]. Objective. To describe the methodology of the intentional search and reclassification of maternal deaths (BIRMM, acronym in Spanish), which allows the identification and correction of misclassification and underreporting of maternal deaths. Methods. The BIRMM methodology, initially developed in Mexico in 2003 and disseminated in other Latin American countries since 2012, was used. BIRMM consists of four key components: i) reclassification of confirmed maternal deaths; ii) identification and investigation of suspected cases of maternal death; iii) cross-referencing with other information sources; and iv) publication of results and statistical analysis. Results. The application of BIRMM made it possible to identify and analyze maternal deaths in maternal mortality committees, which has facilitated the implementation of effective response plans, contributing to a sustained reduction in maternal mortality in the countries. Conclusions. The BIRMM methodology is an effective tool for correcting underreporting and misclassification of maternal deaths, allowing better surveillance and response to this problem. Its adoption and routine implementation are essential to improve the quality of maternal mortality information and reduce maternal deaths in the Region of the Americas. The sustainability of this methodology depends on institutional commitment and political will in the countries.
[RESUMO]. Objetivo. Descrever a metodologia da busca intencional e reclassificação de mortes maternas (BIRMM), que permite identificar e corrigir erros de classificação e subnotificação de mortes maternas. Método. Foi utilizada a metodologia BIRMM, desenvolvida inicialmente no México em 2003 e disseminada em outros países da América Latina a partir 2012. A BIRMM consiste em quatro componentes principais: i) reclassificação de mortes maternas confirmadas; ii) identificação e investigação de mortes maternas suspeitas; iii) confrontação com outras fontes de informação; e iv) publicação de resultados e análise estatística. Resultados. A aplicação da BIRMM possibilitou a identificação e a análise das mortes maternas em comitês de mortalidade materna, o que facilitou a implementação de planos de resposta eficazes, contribuindo para uma redução sustentada da mortalidade materna nos países. Conclusões. A metodologia BIRMM é uma ferramenta eficaz para corrigir a subnotificação e a classificação incorreta de mortes maternas, permitindo uma melhor vigilância e resposta a este problema. Sua adoção e implementação rotineira são essenciais para melhorar a qualidade da informação sobre mortalidade materna e reduzir as mortes maternas na Região das Américas. A sustentabilidade desta metodologia depende do compromisso institucional e da vontade política dos países.
Mortalidad Materna , Vigilancia Sanitaria , Gestión de la Información en Salud , América Latina , Mortalidad Materna , Vigilancia Sanitaria , Gestión de la Información en Salud , América Latina , Mortalidad Materna , Vigilancia Sanitaria , Gestión de la Información en SaludRESUMEN
INTRODUCTION: Timely access to maternity care is critical to saving lives. Digital health may serve to bridge the care chasm and advance health equity. Conducted in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, this cross-sectional mixed-methods study assessed the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in healthcare facilities in nine Latin American and Caribbean countries to understand the landscape of ICT use in maternity care and the barriers and facilitators to its adoption. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between April 2021 and September 2022, we disseminated an online survey in English and Spanish among, mainly public, healthcare institutions that provided maternity care in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guyana, Honduras, Paraguay and Peru. We also interviewed 27 administrators and providers in ministries of health and healthcare institutions. RESULTS: Most of the 1877 institutions that answered the survey reported using ICTs in maternity care (N = 1536, 82%), ranging from 96% in Peru to 64% in the Dominican Republic. Of institutions that used ICTs, 59% reported using them more than before or for the first time since the pandemic began. ICTs were most commonly used to provide family planning (64%) and breastfeeding (58%) counseling, mainly by phone (82%). At the facility level, availability of equipment and internet coverage, coupled with skilled human resources, were the main factors associated with ICT use. At country level, government-led initiatives to develop digital health platforms, alongside national investments in the digital infrastructure, were the determining factors in the adoption of ICTs in healthcare provision. CONCLUSION: Digital health for maternity care provision relied on commonly available technology and did not necessitate highly sophisticated systems, making it a sustainable and replicable strategy. However, disparities in access to digital health remain and many facilities in rural and remote areas lacked connectivity. Use of ICTs in maternity care depended on countries' long-term commitments to achieving universal health and digital coverage.
Salud Digital , Servicios de Salud Materna , Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , América Latina , Estudios Transversales , Pandemias , República Dominicana , ComunicaciónRESUMEN
ABSTRACT Objective. To assess changes in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) in Haiti from August 2018 to September 2021, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods. A retrospective study using surveillance data from the Haitian Unique Health Information System, examining two periods: pre- and peri-COVID-19 pandemic. Health indicators at the national level in the two periods were compared using two-sample t-tests for proportions, and average absolute monthly changes were calculated using variance-weighted regression. Results. There was a statistically significant decline in the proportion of most of the indicators assessed from the pre- to the peri-COVID-19 pandemic period. However, the most affected indicators were the proportions of pregnant women with four antenatal care visits, with five antenatal care visits or more, and those who received a second dose of tetanus vaccine, which decreased by over 4 percentage points during the two periods. Likewise, the proportions of children who received diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP), BCG, polio, pentavalent, and rotavirus vaccines also all declined by over 8 percentage points. In contrast, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine increased by over 4 percentage points. A statistically significant decrease was also observed in the average absolute monthly changes of several reproductive and child health indicators assessed. Conclusions. The COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed to the decline observed in several RMNCAH indicators in Haiti. However, the role played by the sociopolitical crisis and control exercised by armed groups over the population in the last three years cannot be ruled out.
RESUMEN Objetivo. Evaluar los cambios en materia de salud reproductiva, materna, neonatal, infantil y adolescente que se produjeron en Haití desde agosto del 2018 hasta septiembre del 2021, antes de la pandemia de COVID-19 y durante ella. Metodología. Estudio retrospectivo basado en datos de vigilancia del sistema único de información de salud de Haití para estudiar los periodos pre y peripandémico. La comparación de los indicadores de salud a nivel nacional de estos dos periodos se realizó mediante pruebas de t de dos muestras para comparar proporciones, y se calculó el promedio de la variación mensual absoluta mediante una regresión ponderada por la varianza. Resultados. Al comparar el periodo prepandémico con el peripandémico, se observó un descenso estadísticamente significativo de la mayoría de los indicadores porcentuales evaluados. Sin embargo, los indicadores porcentuales más afectados fueron los de mujeres embarazadas con cuatro visitas de atención prenatal, con cinco visitas de atención prenatal o más, o que recibieron una segunda dosis de la vacuna contra el tétanos; estos indicadores disminuyeron en más de cuatro puntos porcentuales en el segundo periodo en comparación con el primero. Asimismo, las proporciones de niños y niñas que recibieron las vacunas contra la difteria, el tétanos y la tosferina (DTPa), contra la poliomielitis, antirrotavírica, BCG, y pentavalente también disminuyeron en más de ocho puntos porcentuales. En cambio, la proporción de niños y niñas que recibieron la vacuna antineumocócica conjugada aumentó en más de cuatro puntos porcentuales. También se observó un descenso estadísticamente significativo en el promedio de la variación mensual absoluta de varios indicadores de salud reproductiva e infantil. Conclusiones. La pandemia de COVID-19 puede haber contribuido al descenso observado en varios indicadores relacionados con la salud reproductiva, materna, neonatal, infantil y adolescente en Haití. Sin embargo, no se puede descartar el papel que ha desempeñado en dicho descenso la crisis sociopolítica y el control ejercido por los grupos armados sobre la población en los últimos tres años.
RESUMO Objetivo. Avaliar mudanças na saúde reprodutiva, materna, neonatal, da criança e do adolescente no Haiti entre agosto de 2018 e setembro de 2021, antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos. Estudo retrospectivo usando dados de vigilância do Sistema Único de Informações de Saúde do Haiti, examinando dois períodos, antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Os indicadores de saúde do país nos dois períodos foram comparados por meio de testes t de duas amostras para proporções, e as variações mensais absolutas médias foram calculadas por meio de regressão linear ponderada. Resultados. Entre o período anterior e o período durante a pandemia de COVID-19, houve uma queda estatisticamente significante na proporção da maioria dos indicadores avaliados. Os indicadores mais afetados, porém, foram as proporções de gestantes com quatro consultas de pré-natal, gestantes com cinco ou mais consultas de pré-natal e gestantes que receberam uma segunda dose de vacina antitetânica, que sofreram uma diminuição de mais de 4 pontos percentuais na comparação entre os dois períodos. Similarmente, as proporções de crianças que receberam vacinas contra difteria, tétano e pertússis (DTPa), BCG, poliomielite, pentavalente e rotavírus também diminuíram em mais de 8 pontos percentuais. Por outro lado, no caso da vacina pneumocócica conjugada houve um aumento de mais de 4 pontos percentuais. Além disso, foi observada uma redução estatisticamente significante nas variações mensais absolutas médias de vários indicadores de saúde reprodutiva e infantil avaliados. Conclusões. A pandemia de COVID-19 pode ter contribuído para a piora observada em vários indicadores de saúde reprodutiva, materna, neonatal, da criança e do adolescente no Haiti. No entanto, não se pode descartar o papel desempenhado pela crise sociopolítica e pelo controle exercido por grupos armados sobre a população nos últimos três anos.
OBJECTIVE: To determine stillbirth ratio and its association with maternal, perinatal, and delivery characteristics, as well as geographic differences in Latin American countries (LAC). METHODS: We analysed data from the Perinatal Information System of the Latin American Center for Perinatology and Human Development (CLAP) between January 2018 and June 2021 in 8 health facilities from five LAC countries (Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic). Maternal, pregnancy, and delivery characteristics, in addition to pregnancy outcomes were reported. Estimates of association were tested using chi-square tests, and P < 0.05 was regarded as significant. Bivariate analysis was conducted to estimate stillbirth risk. Prevalence ratios (PR) with their 95% confidence intervals (CI) for each predictor were reported. RESULTS: In total, 101,852 childbirths comprised the SIP database. For this analysis, we included 99,712 childbirths. There were 762 stillbirths during the study period; the Stillbirth ratio of 7.7/1,000 live births (ranged from 3.8 to 18.2/1,000 live births across the different maternities); 586 (76.9%) were antepartum stillbirths, 150 (19.7%) were intrapartum stillbirths and 26 (3.4%) with an ignored time of death. Stillbirth was significantly associated with women with diabetes (PRadj 2.36; 95%CI [1.25-4.46]), preeclampsia (PRadj 2.01; 95%CI [1.26-3.19]), maternal age (PRadj 1.04; 95%CI [1.02-1.05]), any medical condition (PRadj 1.48; 95%CI [1.24-1.76, and severe maternal outcome (PRadj 3.27; 95%CI [3.27-11.66]). CONCLUSIONS: Pregnancy complications and maternal morbidity were significantly associated with stillbirths. The stillbirth ratios varied across the maternity hospitals, which highlights the importance for individual surveillance. Specialized antenatal and intrapartum care remains a priority, particularly for women who are at a higher risk of stillbirth.
Configuración de Recursos Limitados , Mortinato , Embarazo , Femenino , Humanos , Mortinato/epidemiología , América Latina/epidemiología , Factores de Riesgo , ElectrónicaRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: The burden of maternal morbidity in neonatal outcomes can vary with the adequacy of healthcare provision and tool implementation to improve monitoring. Such information is lacking in Latin American countries, where the decrease in severe maternal morbidity and maternal death remains challenging. OBJECTIVES: To determine neonatal outcomes according to maternal characteristics, including different degrees of maternal morbidity in Latin American health facilities. METHODS: This is a secondary cross-sectional analysis of the Perinatal Information System (SIP) database from eight health facilities in five Latin American and Caribbean countries. Participants were all women delivering from August 2018 to June 2021, excluding cases of abortion, multiple pregnancies and missing information on perinatal outcomes. As primary and secondary outcome measures, neonatal near miss and neonatal death were measured according to maternal/pregnancy characteristics and degrees of maternal morbidity. Estimated adjusted prevalence ratios (PRadj) with their respective 95% CIs were reported. RESULTS: In total 85,863 live births were included, with 1,250 neonatal near miss (NNM) cases and 695 identified neonatal deaths. NNM and neonatal mortality ratios were 14.6 and 8.1 per 1,000 live births, respectively. Conditions independently associated with a NNM or neonatal death were the need for neonatal resuscitation (PRadj 16.73, 95% CI [13.29-21.05]), being single (PRadj 1.45, 95% CI [1.32-1.59]), maternal near miss or death (PRadj 1.64, 95% CI [1.14-2.37]), preeclampsia (PRadj 3.02, 95% CI [1.70-5.35]), eclampsia/HELPP (PRadj 1.50, 95% CI [1.16-1.94]), maternal age (years) (PRadj 1.01, 95% CI [<1.01-1.02]), major congenital anomalies (PRadj 3.21, 95% CI [1.43-7.23]), diabetes (PRadj 1.49, 95% CI [1.11-1.98]) and cardiac disease (PRadj 1.65, 95% CI [1.14-2.37]). CONCLUSION: Maternal morbidity leads to worse neonatal outcomes, especially in women suffering maternal near miss or death. Based on SIP/PAHO database all these indicators may be helpful for routine situation monitoring in Latin America with the purpose of policy changes and improvement of maternal and neonatal health.
Muerte Perinatal , Complicaciones del Embarazo , Embarazo , Recién Nacido , Femenino , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , Resucitación , Mortalidad Infantil , Mortalidad Materna , Sistemas de Información , Complicaciones del Embarazo/epidemiologíaRESUMEN
The sustained reduction in maternal mortality in America underlines the need to analyse women who survived a complication that could have been fatal if appropriate and timely care had not been taken. Analysis of maternal near-miss (MNM) cases, as well as potentially life-threatening conditions (PLTC), are considered indicators for monitoring the quality of maternal care. The specific objective of this study protocol is to develop a surveillance system for PLTC, MNM and maternal mortality, as primary outcomes, in Latin American and Caribbean maternal healthcare institutions. Secondarily, the study was designed to identify factors associated with these conditions and estimate how often key evidence-based interventions were used for managing severe maternal morbidity. This is a multicenter cross-sectional study with prospective data collection. The target population consists of all women admitted to health centres participating in the network during pregnancy, childbirth, or the postpartum period. Variables describing the sequence of events that may result in a PLTC, MNM or maternal death are recorded. Relevant quality control is carried out to ensure the quality of the database and confidentiality. Centres with approximately 2,500 annual deliveries will be included to achieve a sufficient number of cases for calculation of indicators. The frequency of outcome measures for PLTC, MNM and maternal mortality and their confidence intervals and differences between groups will be calculated using the most appropriate statistical tests. Similar procedures will be performed with variables describing the use of evidence-based practices. Networking creates additional possibilities for global information management and interaction between different research groups. Lessons can be learned and shared, generating scientific knowledge to address relevant health problems throughout the region with provision of efficient data management.
Maternidades , Mortalidad Materna , Embarazo , Femenino , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , América Latina/epidemiología , Región del Caribe/epidemiología , Estudios Multicéntricos como AsuntoRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Latin America has the highest Cesarean Section Rates (CSR) in the world. Robson's Ten Group Classification System (RTGCS) was developed to enable understanding the CSR in different groups of women, classified according to obstetric characteristics into one of ten groups. The size of each CS group may provide helpful data on quality of care in a determined region or setting. Data can potentially be used to compare the impact of conditions such as maternal morbidity on CSR. The objective of this study is to understand the impact of Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) on CSR in ten different groups of RTGCS. METHODS: Secondary analysis of childbirth information from 2018 to 2021, including 8 health facilities from 5 Latin American and Caribbean countries (Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic), using a surveillance database (SIP-Perinatal Information System, in Spanish) implemented in different settings across Latin America. Women were classified into one of RTGCS. The frequency of each group and its respective CSR were described. Furthermore, the sample was divided into two groups, according to maternal outcomes: women without SMM and those who experienced SMM, considering Potentially Life-threatening Conditions, Maternal Near Miss and Maternal Death as the continuum of morbidity. RESULTS: Available data were obtained from 92,688 deliveries using the Robson Classification. Overall CSR was around 38%. Group 5 was responsible for almost one-third of cesarean sections. SMM occurred in 6.7% of cases. Among these cases, the overall CSR was almost 70% in this group. Group 10 had a major role (preterm deliveries). Group 5 (previous Cesarean section) had a very high CSR within the group, regardless of the occurrence of maternal morbidity (over 80%). CONCLUSION: Cesarean section rate was higher in women experiencing SMM than in those without SMM in Latin America. SMM was associated with higher Cesarean section rates, especially in groups 1 and 3. Nevertheless, group 5 was the major contributor to the overall CSR.
Cesárea , Tetranitrato de Pentaeritritol , Embarazo , Recién Nacido , Femenino , Humanos , América Latina/epidemiología , Grupos Raciales , Parto , FamiliaRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine incidences of potentially life-threatening conditions (PLTC), maternal near misses (MNM), and maternal deaths (MD) in women who gave birth in participating facilities, and to determine the probability that a pregnancy involving a PLTC would evolve into an MNM and/or an MD. METHODS: This was a multicentric observational study implemented on a maternal network from August 2018 to May 2019 in five Latin-American countries. We summarized categorical variables as frequencies and continuous variables with median, interquartile range, and standard deviations. Positive and negative likelihood ratios were calculated and multivariate predictive models were built. RESULTS: There were 33 901 deliveries and miscarriages, of which 8.0% had at least one PLTC and 0.6% had an MNM. Hypertensive disorder was the most frequent condition to evolve into a severe maternal outcome. CONCLUSION: Identifying PLTC can help to prevent MNM and MD. The inclusion of these predictors in a real-time data registration system like the Perinatal Informatic System could work as a surveillance tool for early detection, leading to a reduction in the rate of worsening conditions.
Muerte Materna , Potencial Evento Adverso , Complicaciones del Embarazo , Embarazo , Femenino , Humanos , Complicaciones del Embarazo/epidemiología , Mortalidad Materna , Familia , Grupos RacialesRESUMEN
Background: Latin America has the highest Cesarean Section Rates (CSR) in the world. Robson's Ten Group Classification System (RTGCS) was developed to enable understanding the CSR in different groups of women, classified according to obstetric characteristics into one of ten groups. The size of each CS group may provide helpful data on quality of care in a determined region or setting. Data can potentially be used to compare the impact of conditions such as maternal morbidity on CSR. The objective of this study is to understand the impact of Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) on CSR in ten different groups of RTGCS. Methods: Secondary analysis of childbirth information from 2018 to 2021, including 8 health facilities from 5 Latin American and Caribbean countries (Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic), using a surveillance database (SIP-Perinatal Information System, in Spanish) implemented in different settings across Latin America. Women were classified into one of RTGCS. The frequency of each group and its respective CSR were described. Furthermore, the sample was divided into two groups, according to maternal outcomes: women without SMM and those who experienced SMM, considering Potentially Life-threatening Conditions, Maternal Near Miss and Maternal Death as the continuum of morbidity. Results: Available data were obtained from 92,688 deliveries using the Robson Classification. Overall CSR was around 38%. Group 5 was responsible for almost one-third of cesarean sections. SMM occurred in 6.7% of cases. Among these cases, the overall CSR was almost 70% in this group. Group 10 had a major role (preterm deliveries). Group 5 (previous Cesarean section) had a very high CSR within the group, regardless of the occurrence of maternal morbidity (over 80%). Conclusion: Cesarean section rate was higher in women experiencing SMM than in those without SMM in Latin America. SMM was associated with higher Cesarean section rates, especially in groups 1 and 3. Nevertheless, group 5 was the major contributor to the overall CSR. (AU)
Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Recién Nacido , Cesárea , Tetranitrato de Pentaeritritol , Parto , América Latina/epidemiologíaRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: The use of caesarean section has steadily increased, with Latin America being the region with the highest rates. Multiple factors account for that increase and the Robson classification is appropriate to compare determinants at the clinical level for caesarean section rates over time. The purpose of this study is to describe the evolution of caesarean section rates by Robson groups in Uruguay from 2008 to 2018 using a country level database. METHODS: We included the records of all women giving birth in Uruguay (pregnancies ≥22 weeks and weights ≥500 g) with valid data in the mode of childbirth recorded in the Perinatal Information System database between 2008 and 2018. Caesarean section rates were calculated by Robson groups for each of the years included, disaggregated by care sector (public/private) and by geographical area (Capital City/Non-Capital), with time trends and their significance analyzed using linear regression models. RESULTS: Of the total 485,263 births included in this research, the overall caesarean section rate was 43,1%. In 2018, among the groups at lower risk of caesarean section (1 to 4), the highest rates were seen in women in group 2B (98,8%), followed by those in group 4B (97,9%). A significant increase in the number of caesarean sections was seen in groups 2B (97,9 to 98,8%), 3 (8,36 to 11,1%) and 4 (A (22,7 to 26,9%) and B (95,4 to 97,9%) Significant growth was also observed in groups 5 (74,3 to 78,1%), 8 (90,6 to 95,5%), and 10 (39,1 to 46,7%). The private sector had higher rates of caesarean section for all groups throughout the period, except for women in group 9. The private sector in Montevideo presented the highest rates in the groups with the lowest risk of caesarean section (1, 2A, 3 and 4A), followed by the private sector outside of the capital. CONCLUSION: Uruguay is no exception to the increasing caesarean section trend, even in groups of women who have lower risk of requiring caesarean section. The implementation of interventions aimed at reducing caesarean section in the groups with lower obstetric risk in Uruguay is warranted.
Cesárea , Parto Obstétrico , Bases de Datos Factuales , Femenino , Humanos , Parto , Embarazo , Uruguay/epidemiologíaRESUMEN
Background: This study aimed to describe the clinical characteristics of maternal deaths associated with COVID-19 registered in a collaborative Latin-American multi-country database. Methods: This was an observational study implemented from March 1st 2020 to November 29th 2021 in eight Latin American countries. Information was based on the Perinatal Information System from the Latin American Center for Perinatology, Women and Reproductive Health. We summarized categorical variables as frequencies and percentages and continuous variables into median with interquartile ranges. Findings: We identified a total of 447 deaths. The median maternal age was 31 years. 86·4% of women were infected antepartum, with most of the cases (60·3%) detected in the third trimester of pregnancy. The most frequent symptoms at first consultation and admission were dyspnea (73·0%), fever (69·0%), and cough (59·0%). Organ dysfunction was reported in 90·4% of women during admission. A total of 64·8% women were admitted to critical care for a median length of eight days. In most cases, the death occurred during the puerperium, with a median of seven days between delivery and death. Preterm delivery was the most common perinatal complication (76·9%) and 59·9% were low birth weight. Interpretation: This study describes the characteristics of maternal deaths in a comprehensive multi-country database in Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic. Barriers faced by Latin American pregnant women to access intensive care services when required were also revealed. Decision-makers should strengthen severity awareness, and referral strategies to avoid potential delays. Funding: Latin American Center for Perinatology, Women and Reproductive Health.
Antecedentes: Este estudio tuvo el objetivo de describir las características clínicas de las muertes maternas asociadas a COVID-19 registradas en una base de datos latinoamericana multipaís. Métodos: Se implementó un estudio observacional descriptivo en el que participaron ochos países Latinoamericanos desde el 1ero de marzo 2020 al 29 de noviembre 2021. La información se obtuvo del Sistema Informático Perinatal del Centro Latino Americano de Perinatología, Salud de la Mujer y Reproductiva. Presentamos las variables categóricas como frecuencias y porcentajes y las variables continuas en medianas con rangos inter cuartiles. Resultados: Identificamos un total de 447 muertes. La mediana de edad materna fue de 31 años. 86·4% de las mujeres se infectaron ante del parto, siendo la mayoría de los casos detectados en el tercer trimestre del embarazo (60·3%). Los síntomas más frecuentes en la primera consulta y la admisión fueron disnea (73·0%), fiebre (69·0%), y tos (59·0%). Se reportaron disfunciones orgánicas en 90·4% de las mujeres durante la admisión. Un total de 64·8% de las mujeres fueron ingresadas a cuidados críticos por una mediana de ocho días de estadía. En la mayoría de los casos la muerte ocurrió durante el puerperio, con una media de siete días entre el parto y su ocurrencia. El parto prematuro fue la complicación perinatal más frecuente (76·9%) y 59·9% tuvo bajo peso al nacer. Interpretación: Este estudio describe las características de las muertes maternas durante la pandemia por COVID-19 a partir de una base colaborativa multipaís. Se observaron barreras para el acceso a cuidados intensivos. Los tomadores de decisión deberían trabajar en el fortalecimiento de la conciencia de gravedad, y en estrategias de referencia para evitar potenciales demoras. Financiamiento: Centro Latino Americano de Perinatología, Salud de la Mujer y Reproductiva.
Maternal near-miss (MNM) is a maternal quality care indicator. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as a state in which a woman nearly dies but survives due to a complication during pregnancy, birth, or puerperium. The Latin American Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FLASOG) and the Colombian National Health Institute (INS) established recommendations for the event's epidemiological surveillance; nonetheless, the operational definitions of the cases are different. This retrospective study examined the approaches of FLASOG and INS versus the WHO approach (gold standard) for the assessment of MNM in a high obstetric risk unit. Patients admitted with at least one criterion of the WHO, FLASOG, or INS approach for the definition of MNM from March 2016 to March 2017 were included. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value (PPV, NPV) were evaluated, as well as the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve of the FLASOG and INS. MNM classification compared to WHO system as reference. The results highlight that the WHO classification establishes very high boundaries for some of the diagnostic criteria and the lack of standardization of the MNM criteria among the different proposals in Latin America hinders the applicability in Colombia and other countries with a similar situation.
Servicios de Salud Materna , Potencial Evento Adverso , Complicaciones del Embarazo , Femenino , Humanos , Mortalidad Materna , Embarazo , Complicaciones del Embarazo/diagnóstico , Complicaciones del Embarazo/epidemiología , Estudios RetrospectivosRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: To determine rates and results of maternal Group B streptococcus (GBS) screening during pregnancy and identify sociodemographic characteristics associated with GBS screening in Latin American countries. BACKGROUND: GBS is a primary cause of morbidity and mortality in neonates and is prevented by screening pregnant women for GBS before delivery and intrapartum antibiotic treatment. Yet, data regarding national GBS screening practices and the epidemiology of maternal GBS colonization in Latin America are limited. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective observational study using de-identified records of pregnant women in six Latin American countries from a regional database. 460,328 collected from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2012 met study criteria and were included. Maternal screening rates for GBS were determined, association of demographic variables (ethnicity, age, education level, and civil status) with maternal GBS screening was determined using logistic regression, odds ratios were calculated comparing incidence of adverse neonatal outcomes (sepsis, pneumonia, and meningitis) between countries with high and low rates of GBS screening, maternal GBS colonization prevalence was determined by year and association of demographic variables with maternal GBS colonization was determined using logistic regression. RESULTS: Maternal GBS screening was less than 15% in each country, except Uruguay which screened greater than 65% of women. The final regression model examining maternal screening rates and demographic variables included the covariates ethnicity, maternal age group, education level and civil status. Countries with lower rates of maternal GBS screening had increased odds of neonatal sepsis [OR 23.3; 95% CI (15.2-35.9)] and pneumonia [OR 19.9; 95% CI (12.1-32.6)]. In Uruguay, GBS prevalence over the study period was 18.5%. Black women, older women and women without a primary education had higher rates of GBS colonization (21.3%, 20.4% and 21.9% respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Our study highlights the need for national policy and investments to increase maternal GBS screening and better understand the prevalence of maternal GBS colonization in Latin America. Further research on the burden of neonatal GBS disease within Latin America is needed to inform the introduction of a maternal GBS vaccine, when available.
Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo , Infecciones Estreptocócicas , Anciano , Femenino , Humanos , Recién Nacido , América Latina/epidemiología , Embarazo , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo/diagnóstico , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo/epidemiología , Infecciones Estreptocócicas/diagnóstico , Infecciones Estreptocócicas/epidemiología , Streptococcus agalactiae , Uruguay/epidemiologíaRESUMEN
Maternal mortality is unacceptably high in our region. In 2015, the Latin American Center for Perinatology and Women´s Reproductive Health (CLAP) created a regional network of institutions including 16 countries, committed to improving epidemiological surveillance and healthcare of women in a situation of abortion or near miss event, using a common platform, the Perinatal Information System (SIP). The objective of the current pilot project was to test a new method of study called EviSIP (Evidence from SIP), a method of generating information on maternal near miss and abortion for the region. We describe the implementation of this initiative in reproductive healthcare facilities using SIP. Junior researchers/clinicians from these countries were included, along with expert researchers in reproductive health from across the world. Articles were produced with data on maternal near miss and abortion gathered from the SIP of each participating sentinel center; and recommendations from experts. EviSIP was the first joint workspace to discuss patient outcomes after treatment of abortion or near miss cases, with data analysis of each Sentinel Center; discuss and analyze data among centers, at a country and regional level; discuss the main outcomes and their impact on changing procedures and policies; strengthen the operational research capacity of the centers; develop and encourage the publication of scientific articles. The EviSIP initiative also promoted training of healthcare professionals in research. EviSIP provided a unique opportunity to train for research and mentorship and was pivotal to the production of scientific knowledge of reproductive health in the region.
Mentores , Salud Reproductiva , Aborto Inducido , Adulto , Región del Caribe , Atención a la Salud , Femenino , Servicios de Salud , Humanos , América Latina , Mortalidad Materna , Proyectos Piloto , EmbarazoRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: To describe perinatal and neonatal outcomes in newborns exposed to SARS-CoV-2. METHODS: A systematic review was conducted by searching PubMed Central, LILACS, and Google Scholar using the keywords 'covid ' AND 'newborn' OR 'child' OR 'infant,' on 18 March 2020, and again on 17 April 2020. One researcher conducted the search and extracted data on demographics, maternal outcomes, diagnostic tests, imaging, and neonatal outcomes. RESULTS: Of 256 publications identified, 20 met inclusion criteria and comprised neonatal outcome data for 222 newborns whose mothers were suspected or confirmed to be SARS-CoV-2 positive perinatally (17 studies) or of newborns referred to hospital with infection/pneumonia (3 studies). Most (12 studies) were case-series reports; all were from China, except three (Australia, Iran, and Spain). Of the 222 newborns, 13 were reported as positive for SARS-CoV-2; most of the studies reported no or mild symptoms and no adverse perinatal outcomes. Two papers among those from newborns who tested positive reported moderate or severe clinical characteristics. Five studies using data on umbilical cord blood, placenta, and/or amniotic fluid reported no positive results. Nine studies reported radiographic imaging, including 5 with images of pneumonia, increased lung marking, thickened texture, or high-density nodular shadow. Minor, non-specific changes in biochemical variables were reported. Studies that tested breast milk reported negative SARS-CoV-2 results. CONCLUSIONS: Given the paucity of studies at this time, vertical transmission cannot be confirmed or denied. Current literature does not support abstaining from breastfeeding nor separating mothers and newborns. Further evidence and data collection networks, particularly in the Americas, are needed for establishing definitive guidelines and recommendations.
[Abstract]. Objective. To describe perinatal and neonatal outcomes in newborns exposed to SARS-CoV-2. Methods. A systematic review was conducted by searching PubMed Central, LILACS, and Google Scholar using the keywords ‘covid ’ AND ‘newborn’ OR ‘child’ OR ‘infant,’ on 18 March 2020, and again on 17 April 2020. One researcher conducted the search and extracted data on demographics, maternal outcomes, diagnostic tests, imaging, and neonatal outcomes. Results. Of 256 publications identified, 20 met inclusion criteria and comprised neonatal outcome data for 222 newborns whose mothers were suspected or confirmed to be SARS-CoV-2 positive perinatally (17 studies) or of newborns referred to hospital with infection/pneumonia (3 studies). Most (12 studies) were case-series reports; all were from China, except three (Australia, Iran, and Spain). Of the 222 newborns, 13 were reported as positive for SARS-CoV-2; most of the studies reported no or mild symptoms and no adverse perinatal outcomes. Two papers among those from newborns who tested positive reported moderate or severe clinical characteristics. Five studies using data on umbilical cord blood, placenta, and/or amniotic fluid reported no positive results. Nine studies reported radiographic imaging, including 5 with images of pneumonia, increased lung marking, thickened texture, or high-density nodular shadow. Minor, non-specific changes in biochemical variables were reported. Studies that tested breast milk reported negative SARS-CoV-2 results. Conclusions. Given the paucity of studies at this time, vertical transmission cannot be confirmed or denied. Current literature does not support abstaining from breastfeeding nor separating mothers and newborns. Further evidence and data collection networks, particularly in the Americas, are needed for establishing definitive guidelines and recommendations.
[Resumen]. Objetivo. Describir los resultados perinatales y neonatales de los recién nacidos expuestos al SARS-CoV-2. Métodos. Se realizó una revisión sistemática con búsqueda bibliográfica en PubMed Central, LILACS, y Google Scholar usando las palabras clave 'covid' Y 'newborn' O 'child' O 'infant', el 18 de marzo de 2020, y de nuevo el 17 de abril de 2020. Un investigador llevó a cabo la búsqueda y extrajo datos sobre demografía, resultados maternos, pruebas de diagnóstico, imágenes y resultados neonatales. Resultados. De las 256 publicaciones identificadas, 20 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y comprendían datos de resultados neonatales de 222 recién nacidos cuyas madres eran casos sospechosos o positivos confirmados de SARS-CoV-2 en el período perinatal (17 estudios) o bien recién nacidos internados en el hospital con infección/neumonía (3 estudios). La mayoría (12 estudios) eran informes de series de casos; todos procedían de China, excepto tres (de Australia, España e Irán). De los 222 recién nacidos, 13 tenían resultados positivos para SARS-CoV-2; en la mayoría de los estudios se informó que los recién nacidos eran asintomáticos o tenían síntomas leves y que no se habían producido resultados perinatales adversos. Entre los estudios con recién nacidos positivos, en dos se informaron características clínicas moderadas o graves. En cinco estudios se analizó la sangre del cordón umbilical, la placenta o el líquido amniótico y no se informaron resultados positivos. En nueve estudios se reportaron imágenes radiográficas, entre ellos cinco con imágenes de neumonía, aumento de la trama pulmonar, textura engrosada u opacidades nodulares de alta densidad. Se informaron alteraciones menores e inespecíficas de los parámetros bioquímicos. En los estudios en que se analizó la leche materna se informaron resultados negativos para el SARS-CoV-2.
[Resumo]. Objetivo. Descrever os resultados perinatais e neonatais dos recém-nascidos expostos à SARS-CoV-2. Métodos. Uma revisão sistemática com pesquisa bibliográfica em PubMed Central, LILACS e Google Scholar foi realizada utilizando as palavras-chave 'covid' E ('newborn' OU 'child' OU 'infant') em 18 de março de 2020, e novamente em 17 de abril de 2020 por um pesquisador. Foram analisados dados sobre demografia, resultados maternos, testes de diagnóstico, técnicas de imagem e resultados neonatais. Resultados. Das 256 publicações identificadas, 20 preenchiam os critérios de inclusão e incluíam dados de resultados neonatais de 222 recém-nascidos cujas mães eram suspeitas ou positivas para a SARSCoV-2 no período perinatal (17 estudos) ou recém-nascidos internados no hospital com infecção/pneumonia (3 estudos). A maioria (12 estudos) eram relatos de séries de casos; todos, exceto três (Austrália, Irão e Espanha), eram provenientes da China. Dos 222 recém-nascidos, 13 eram positivos para SARS-CoV-2; a maioria dos estudos relatou que os recém-nascidos eram assintomáticos ou tinham sintomas leves e que não foram observados resultados perinatais adversos. Entre os estudos com recém-nascidos positivos, dois descreviam características clínicas moderadas ou graves. O sangue do cordão umbilical, a placenta ou o líquido amniótico foram analisados em cinco estudos, não tendo sido relatados resultados positivos. Imagens radiográficas foram descritas em nove estudos, incluindo cinco com imagens de pneumonia, aumento da trama pulmonar, espessamento da textura ou opacidades nodulares de alta densidade. Foram relatadas alterações menores e não específicas dos parâmetros bioquímicos. Estudos que analisaram leite materno mostraram resultados negativos para SARS-CoV-2. Conclusões. Dada a escassez de estudos, neste momento a transmissão vertical não pode ser confirmada ou excluída. A literatura atual não apoia a abstenção da amamentação ou a separação dos recém-nascidos das suas mães. São necessárias mais provas e mais dados, especialmente na Região das Américas, para estabelecer orientações e recomendações definitivas.