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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(37): 18239-18244, 2019 Sep 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29925603


Magnetic flux ropes are structures that are common in the corona of the sun and presumably all stars. They can be thought of as the building blocks of solar structures. They have been observed in Earth's magnetotail and near Mars and Venus. When multiple flux ropes are present magnetic field line reconnection, which converts magnetic energy to other forms, can occur when they collide. The structure of multiple magnetic ropes, the interactions between multiple ropes, and their topological properties such as helicity and writhing have been studied theoretically and in laboratory experiments. Here, we report on spiky potential and magnetic fields associated with the ropes. We show that the potential structures are chaotic for a range of their temporal half-widths and the probability density function (PDF) of their widths resembles the statistical distribution of crumpled paper. The spatial structure of the magnetic spikes is revealed using a correlation counting method. Computer simulation suggests that the potential structures are the nonlinear end result of an instability involving relative drift between ions and electrons.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(2): 025105, 2016 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26931889


In 1991 a manuscript describing an instrument for studying magnetized plasmas was published in this journal. The Large Plasma Device (LAPD) was upgraded in 2001 and has become a national user facility for the study of basic plasma physics. The upgrade as well as diagnostics introduced since then has significantly changed the capabilities of the device. All references to the machine still quote the original RSI paper, which at this time is not appropriate. In this work, the properties of the updated LAPD are presented. The strategy of the machine construction, the available diagnostics, the parameters available for experiments, as well as illustrations of several experiments are presented here.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 81(10): 10E503, 2010 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21034031


Charge-injection devices (CIDs) are being used to image x rays in laser-fusion experiments on the University of Rochester's OMEGA Laser System. The CID cameras are routinely used up to the maximum neutron yields generated (∼10(14) DT). The detectors are deployed in x-ray pinhole cameras and Kirkpatrick-Baez microscopes. The neutron fluences ranged from ∼10(7) to ∼10(9) neutrons/cm(2) and useful x-ray images were obtained even at the highest fluences. It is intended to use CID cameras at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) as a supporting means of recording x-ray images. The results of this work predict that x-ray images should be obtainable on the NIF at yields up to ∼10(15), depending on distance and shielding.