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Opt Express ; 25(20): 24312-24325, 2017 Oct 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29041376


We demonstrate and characterize polarization-division multiplexed (PDM) DWDM data transmission for the first time in a range of systems incorporating a net-gain polarization-insensitive fiber optical parametric amplifier (PI-FOPA) for loss compensation. The PI-FOPA comprises a modified diversity-loop architecture to achieve 15dB net-gain, and up to 2.3THz (~18nm) bandwidth. Three representative systems are characterized using a 100Gb/s PDM-QPSK signal in conjunction with emulated DWDM neighbouring channels: (a) a 4x75km in-line fiber transmission system incorporating multiple EDFAs and a single PI-FOPA (b) N cascaded PI-FOPA amplification stages in an unlevelled Nx25km recirculating loop arrangement, with no EDFAs used within the loop signal path, and (c) M cascaded PI-FOPA amplification stages as part of an Mx75.6km gain-flattened recirculating loop system with the FOPA compensating for the transmission fiber loss, and EDFA compensation for loop switching and levelling loss. For the 4x75km in-line system (a), we transmit 45x50GHz-spaced signals ('equivalent' data-rate of 4.5Tb/s) with average OSNR penalty of 1.3dB over the band at 10-3 BER. For the unlevelled 'FOPA-only' 25.2km cascaded system (b), we report a maximum of eight recirculations for all 10x100GHz-spaced signals, and five recirculations for 20x50GHz-spaced signals. For the 75.6km levelled system

Opt Express ; 25(9): 10597-10609, 2017 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28468432


A black-box polarization insensitive fiber optical parametric amplifier (PI-FOPA) is characterized for the first time using a commercial 127 Gb/s polarization-division multiplexed PDM-QPSK transponder within a multiplex of twenty-two equivalent DWDM signals across a 2.3 THz bandwidth portion of the C-band. The PI-FOPA employs a recently demonstrated diversity loop arrangement comprising two lengths of highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) with the parametric pump being removed after the first HNLF in both directions about the loop. This arrangement is named the Half-Pass Loop FOPA or HPL-FOPA. In total, a record equivalent 2.3 Tb/s of data is amplified within the HPL-FOPA for three different pump power regimes producing net-gains of 10 dB, 15 dB and 20 dB (averaged over all signals). For the latter two regimes, the gain bandwidth is observed to extend considerably beyond the C-band, illustrating the potential for this design to amplify signals over bandwidths commensurate with the EDFA and beyond. Under the 15 dB gain condition, the average OSNR penalty to achieve 10-3 bit error rate for all twenty three signals was found to be 0.5 ± 0.3 dB. Worst case penalty was 0.8 ± 0.3 dB, verifying the use of the architecture for polarization insensitive operation. The growth of four-wave mixing signal-signal crosstalk is additionally characterized and found to be gain independent for a fixed output power per signal. A simple effective length model is developed which predicts this behavior and suggests a new configuration for significantly reduced crosstalk.

Opt Express ; 25(5): 4810-4818, 2017 Mar 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28380750


We experimentally optimize a single pump fiber optical parametric amplifier in terms of gain spectral bandwidth and gain variation (GV). We find that optimal performance is achieved with the pump tuned to the zero-dispersion wavelength of dispersion stable highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). We demonstrate further improvement of parametric gain bandwidth and GV by decreasing the HNLF length. We discover that Raman and parametric gain spectra produced by the same pump may be merged together to enhance overall gain bandwidth, while keeping GV low. Consequently, we report an ultra-flat gain of 9.6 ± 0.5 dB over a range of 111 nm (12.8 THz) on one side of the pump. Additionally, we demonstrate amplification of a 60 Gbit/s QPSK signal tuned over a portion of the available bandwidth with OSNR penalty less than 1 dB for Q2 below 14 dB.

Opt Express ; 23(21): 27240-9, 2015 Oct 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26480384


We perform an extensive numerical analysis of Raman-Assisted Fibre Optical Parametric Amplifiers (RA-FOPA) in the context of WDM QPSK signal amplification. A detailed comparison of the conventional FOPA and RA-FOPA is reported and the important advantages offered by the Raman pumping are clarified. We assess the impact of pump power ratios, channel count, and highly nonlinear fibre (HNLF) length on crosstalk levels at different amplifier gains. We show that for a fixed 200 m HNLF length, maximum crosstalk can be reduced by up to 7 dB when amplifying 10x58Gb/s QPSK signals at 20 dB net-gain using a Raman pump of 37 dBm and parametric pump of 28.5 dBm in comparison to a standard single-pump FOPA using 33.4 dBm pump power. It is shown that a significant reduction in four-wave mixing crosstalk is also obtained by reducing the highly nonlinear fibre interaction length. The trend is shown to be generally valid for different net-gain conditions and channel grid size. Crosstalk levels are additionally shown to strongly depend on the Raman/parametric pump power ratio, with a reduction in crosstalk seen for increased Raman pump power contribution.

Opt Express ; 23(2): 902-11, 2015 Jan 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25835850


We experimentally demonstrate a Raman-Assisted Fibre Optical Parametric Amplifier (RA-FOPA) with 20dB net gain using wavelength division multiplexed signals. We report amplification of 10x58Gb/s 100GHz-spaced QPSK signals and show that by appropriate tuning of the parametric pump power and frequency, gain improvement of up to 5dB can be achieved for the RA-FOPA compared with combined individual contributions from the parametric and Raman pumps. We compare the RA-FOPA with an equivalent-gain conventional FOPA and find that four-wave mixing crosstalk is substantially reduced by up to 5.8 ± 0.4dB using the RA-FOPA. Worst-case performance penalty of the RA-FOPA is found to be only 1.0 ± 0.2dB over all measured OSNRs, frequencies and input powers, making it an attractive proposal for future communications systems.

Opt Lett ; 39(21): 6308-11, 2014 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25361341


We have revisited soliton transmission in the new context of coherent optical detection optimizing and comparing digital backward propagation and in-line optical filtering as a means to suppress soliton timing and phase jitter. We find that in-line optical filtering allows one to improve the reach of the soliton system by up to the factor of 2. Our results show that nonlinear propagation can lead to performance beyond the nonlinear Shannon limit.

Opt Express ; 22(16): 19810-7, 2014 Aug 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25321063


We investigate the energy optimization (minimization) for amplified links. We show that using the using a well-established analytic nonlinear signal-to-noise ratio noise model that for a simple amplifier model there are very clear, fiber independent, amplifier gains which minimize the total energy requirement. With a generalized amplifier model we establish the spacing for the optimum power per bit as well as the nonlinear limited optimum power. An amplifier spacing corresponding to 13 dB gain is shown to be a suitable compromise for practical amplifiers operating at the optimum nonlinear power.

Opt Express ; 22(10): 11840-8, 2014 May 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24921305


Optical phase conjugation (OPC) of a polarization-multiplexed comb of 10x114Gb/s DP-QPSK signals has been demonstrated for the first time, occupying a spectral bandwidth of >1 THz (~9 nm). The nonlinear element employed for the OPC was highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) optimized for the suppression of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) and configured in a bi-directional loop offering polarization diversity. Pump power (each way about the loop) and input signal power to the OPC subsystem were optimized at 29.7 dBm and + 3 dBm respectively producing a Q(2) penalty of ≤ 0.9 dB over all conjugate wavelengths, polarizations and output OSNR (up to 20 dB).

Opt Express ; 22(9): 10975-86, 2014 May 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24921795


A number of critical issues for dual-polarization single- and multi-band optical orthogonal-frequency division multiplexing (DP-SB/MB-OFDM) signals are analyzed in dispersion compensation fiber (DCF)-free long-haul links. For the first time, different DP crosstalk removal techniques are compared, the maximum transmission-reach is investigated, and the impact of subcarrier number and high-level modulation formats are explored thoroughly. It is shown, for a bit-error-rate (BER) of 10(-3), 2000 km of quaternary phase-shift keying (QPSK) DP-MB-OFDM transmission is feasible. At high launched optical powers (LOP), maximum-likelihood decoding can extend the LOP of 40 Gb/s QPSK DP-SB-OFDM at 2000 km by 1.5 dB compared to zero-forcing. For a 100 Gb/s DP-MB-OFDM system, a high number of subcarriers contribute to improved BER but at the cost of digital signal processing computational complexity, whilst by adapting the cyclic prefix length the BER can be improved for a low number of subcarriers. In addition, when 16-quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM) is employed the digital-to-analogue/analogue-to-digital converter (DAC/ADC) bandwidth is relaxed with a degraded BER; while the 'circular' 8QAM is slightly superior to its 'rectangular' form. Finally, the transmission of wavelength-division multiplexing DP-MB-OFDM and single-carrier DP-QPSK is experimentally compared for up to 500 Gb/s showing great potential and similar performance at 1000 km DCF-free G.652 line.

Opt Lett ; 25(14): 1010-2, 2000 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18064256


We show through detailed numerical simulations that stable dispersion-managed solitons exist in short-period dispersion maps characterized by a dispersion-management period that is less than the amplifier spacing. These pulses show regular dynamics within the amplifier span and have greater energy enhancement than the conventional dispersion-managed soliton. We also show that greater interaction is obtained in this regime as a result of this increased enhancement.

Opt Lett ; 24(12): 802-4, 1999 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18073859


We show experimentally and numerically that in high-speed strongly dispersion-managed standard fiber soliton systems nonlinear interactions limit the propagation distance. We present results that show that the effect of these interactions can be significantly reduced by appropriate location of the amplifier within the dispersion map. Using this technique, we have been able to extend the propagation distance of 10-Gbit/s 2(31)-1pseudorandom binary sequence soliton data to 16, 500 km over standard fiber by use of dispersion compensation. To our knowledge this distance is the farthest transmission over standard fiber without active control ever reported, and it was achieved with the amplifier placed after the dispersion-compensating fiber in a recirculating loop.

Opt Lett ; 24(24): 1871-3, 1999 Dec 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18079959


We show from an elementary symmetry analysis that, in dispersion-compensated systems for which a lossless model is valid, nonlinearity requires a chirp-free point at the center of symmetry (if such exists) of the map for any kind of unique periodic solution. We also present an example of a more-complex map when the periodic solution is not unique.

Opt Lett ; 23(12): 900-2, 1998 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18087377


We determine the power dependence of dispersion-managed solitons on map strength and average dispersion, using a combination of numerical simulations and the variational approach. In particular, we investigate the behavior near zero dispersion and identify the region of existence of dispersion-managed solitons in the average normal-dispersion regime.

Opt Lett ; 23(17): 1354-6, 1998 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18091783


We investigate collisions between solitons in a lossless two-channel wavelength-division multiplexed system with strong dispersion management. Numerical results show that the net frequency shift that is due to interchannel collisions is at least 1 order of magnitude smaller than predicted by adiabatic theories. A modified theoretical analysis is presented and shown to be in good agreement with the numerical results.

Opt Lett ; 23(19): 1523-5, 1998 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18091834


We demonstrate, through numerical simulations, the possibility of transmitting solitonlike pulses over 2000 km of standard fiber at a single-channel data rate of 40 Gbits/s. The system used here employs a novel dispersion map to overcome the large fiber dispersion. The longest transmission distance was achieved with pulses that did not exhibit the enhanced energy normally associated with dispersion management and indeed had lower energy than an equivalent average soliton.

Opt Lett ; 23(21): 1674-6, 1998 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18091880


We present an analytic description of dispersion-managed soliton propagation based on split-step and variational models. Using these models, we derive the threshold map strength for the existence of dispersion-managed solitons in the normal dispersion regime and obtain a bound on the maximum normal average dispersion.

Opt Lett ; 22(9): 600-2, 1997 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18185603


Residual frequency shifts that are due to two-soliton collisions in stepwise exponentially dispersion-tapered fiber are calculated. Two-step dispersion profiles to minimize the frequency shifts and associated timing jitter are specifically identified. These profiles will improve the performance of wavelength-division-multiplexed soliton systems and permit operation with longer amplifier spans over an increased bandwidth.

Opt Lett ; 22(17): 1326-8, 1997 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18188228


We demonstrate simultaneous demultiplexing, data regeneration and clock recovery at 10Gbits/s, using a single semiconductor optical amplifier-based nonlinear-optical loop mirror in a phase-locked loop configuration.

Opt Lett ; 22(22): 1695-7, 1997 Nov 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18188338


We show that collision-induced frequency shifts in wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) soliton transmission systems are strongly suppressed with increasing dispersion management. We predict new oscillations in the residual frequency shift response, owing to the relative motion induced by the dispersion map, and demonstrate a direct correlation between these oscillations and the modified soliton-collision dynamics. Simple analytical expressions for the oscillation minima are obtained, and implications for WDM soliton system design are discussed.

Opt Lett ; 21(7): 459-61, 1996 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19865438


We propose the use of a dispersive medium with a negative nonlinear refractive-index coefficient as a way to compensate for the dispersion and the nonlinear effects resulting from pulse propagation in an optical fiber. The undoing of pulse interaction might allow for increased bit rates.