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Sci Adv ; 10(19): eadn6206, 2024 May 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38728408


Light carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) holds unique properties and boosts myriad applications in diverse fields. However, the generation of an ultrafast wave packet carrying numerous vortices with various transverse OAM modes, i.e., vortex string, remains challenging, and the corresponding detection method is lacking. Here, we demonstrate that a vortex string with 28 spatiotemporal optical vortices (STOVs) with customizable topological charge (TC) arrangements can be generated in one wave packet. The diffraction rules of STOV strings are revealed theoretically and experimentally. Following these rules, the TC values and positions of all STOVs in a vortex string can be simultaneously recognized from the diffraction pattern. Such STOV strings facilitate STOV-based optical communication. As a proof-of-principle demonstration, the transmission of an image is realized with 16-STOV strings. This work provides guidance for revealing the underlying properties of the transverse OAM light and opens up opportunities for applications of the structured light in optical communication, quantum information processing, etc.

Sci Adv ; 10(16): eadl3503, 2024 Apr 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38640245


Ultrasensitive spectroscopy is an essential component in mid-infrared (MIR) technology. However, the drawbacks of MIR detectors pose challenges to robust MIR spectroscopy at the single-photon level. We propose an MIR single-photon frequency upconversion spectroscopy nonlocally mapping the MIR information to the time domain. Broadband MIR photons from spontaneous parametric downconversion are frequency-upconverted to the near-infrared band with quantum correlation preservation. Via the group delay of fiber, the MIR spectral information within a 1.18-micrometer bandwidth of 2.76 to 3.94 micrometers is then successfully projected to arrival times of correlated photon pairs. Under the conditions of 6.4 × 106 photons per second illumination, the transmission spectra of polymers with single-photon sensitivity are demonstrated using single-pixel detectors. The developed approach circumvents scanning and frequency selection instability, which stands out for its inherent compatibility for evolving environments and scalability for various wavelengths. Because of its high sensitivity and robustness, characterization of biochemical samples and weak measurement of quantum systems are possible to foresee.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(7): e2304821121, 2024 Feb 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38315847


We theoretically propose a multidimensional high-harmonic echo spectroscopy technique which utilizes strong optical fields to resolve coherent electron dynamics spanning an energy range of multiple electronvolts. Using our recently developed semi-perturbative approach, we can describe the coherent valence electron dynamics driven by a sequence of phase-matched and well-separated short few-cycle strong infrared laser pulses. The recombination of tunnel-ionized electrons by each pulse coherently populates the valence states of a molecule, which allows for a direct observation of its dynamics via the high harmonic echo signal. The broad bandwidth of the effective dipole between valence states originated from the strong-field excitation results in nontrivial ultra-delayed partial rephasing echo, which is not observed in standard two-dimensional optical spectroscopic techniques in a two-level molecular systems. We demonstrate the results of simulations for the anionic molecular system and show that the ultrafast valence electron dynamics can be well captured with femtosecond resolution.

Sci Adv ; 9(7): eadd6810, 2023 Feb 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36800426


High harmonic generation (HHG) from solid-state crystals in strong laser fields has been understood by the band structure of the solids, which is based on the periodic boundary condition (PBC) due to translational invariance. For the systems with PBC due to rotational invariance, an analogous Bloch theorem can be applied. Considering a ring-type cluster of cyclo[18]carbon as an example, we develop a quasi-band model and predict the solid state-like HHG in this system. Under the irradiation of linearly polarized laser field, cyclo[18]carbon exhibits solid state-like HHG originated from intraband oscillations and interband transitions, which, in turn, is promising to optically detect the symmetry and geometry of molecular or material structures. Our results based on the Liouville-von Neumann equations are well reproduced by the time-dependent density functional theory calculations and are foundational in providing a connection linking the HHG physics of gases and solids.

J Chem Phys ; 155(4): 044105, 2021 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34340365


Quantum optical theory of absorption properties of interacting atoms is developed. The concept of local absorptance is introduced as a derivative of the logarithm of intensity with respect to the distance in the vicinity of a given spatial point and a moment of time. The intensity is represented by the quantum and statistically averaged normal product of creation and annihilation operators of the electromagnetic field. The development of an analytical method of the estimation for the kinetic and optical parameters for the system is proposed here. The calculation method of the absorption coefficient includes thermal atomic motion, Doppler effect, and the short-range interaction between atoms. The absorption coefficient explicitly takes into account the quantum nature of the optical field. The ability of the system to absorb or emit quanta is quantitatively expressed through the special form of interaction integrals. The specific form of integrals results from the structure of the quantum brackets. The interplay between the collective (virtual photon exchange) and binary (optically induced inter-particle bonding) processes determines the system behavior. The spectral profile of the local absorption coefficient for different atomic densities and time intervals is simulated for realistic parameters.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(33)2021 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34389678


Four-wave mixing (FWM) of optical fields has been extensively used in quantum information processing, sensing, and memories. It also forms a basis for nonlinear spectroscopies such as transient grating, stimulated Raman, and photon echo where phase matching is used to select desired components of the third-order response of matter. Here we report an experimental study of the two-dimensional quantum noise intensity difference spectra of a pair of squeezed beams generated by FWM in hot Rb vapor. The measurement reveals details of the [Formula: see text] susceptibility dressed by the strong pump field which induces an AC Stark shift, with higher spectral resolution compared to classical measurements of probe and conjugate beam intensities. We demonstrate how quantum correlations of squeezed light can be utilized as a spectroscopic tool which unlike their classical counterparts are robust to external noise.

J Chem Phys ; 154(21): 210901, 2021 Jun 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34240992


We survey the inclusion of interferometric elements in nonlinear spectroscopy performed with quantum light. Controlled interference of electromagnetic fields coupled to matter can induce constructive or destructive contributions of microscopic coupling sequences (histories) of matter. Since quantum fields do not commute, quantum light signals are sensitive to the order of light-matter coupling sequences. Matter correlation functions are thus imprinted by different field factors, which depend on that order. We identify the associated quantum information obtained by controlling the weights of different contributing pathways and offer several experimental schemes for recovering it. Nonlinear quantum response functions include out-of-time-ordering matter correlators (OTOCs), which reveal how perturbations spread throughout a quantum system (information scrambling). Their effect becomes most notable when using ultrafast pulse sequences with respect to the path difference induced by the interferometer. OTOCs appear in quantum-informatics studies in other fields, including black hole, high energy, and condensed matter physics.

J Am Chem Soc ; 143(24): 9070-9081, 2021 Jun 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34124903


Entangled photon pairs have been used for molecular spectroscopy in the form of entangled two-photon absorption and in quantum interferometry for precise measurements of light source properties and time delays. We present an experiment that combines molecular spectroscopy and quantum interferometry by utilizing the correlations of entangled photons in a Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interferometer to study molecular properties. We find that the HOM signal is sensitive to the presence of a resonant organic sample placed in one arm of the interferometer, and the resulting signal contains information pertaining to the light-matter interaction. We can extract the dephasing time of the coherent response induced by the excitation on a femtosecond time scale. A dephasing time of 102 fs is obtained, which is relatively short compared to times found with similar methods and considering line width broadening and the instrument entanglement time As the measurement is done with coincidence counts as opposed to simply intensity, it is unaffected by even-order dispersion effects, and because interactions with the molecular state affect the photon correlation, the observed measurement contains only these effects and no other classical losses. The experiments are accompanied by theory that predicts the observed temporal shift and captures the entangled photon joint spectral amplitude and the molecule's transmission in the coincidence counting rate. Thus, we present a proof-of-concept experimental method based of entangled photon interferometry that can be used to characterize optical properties in organic molecules and can in the future be expanded on for more complex spectroscopic studies of nonlinear optical properties.

J Chem Phys ; 154(10): 104116, 2021 Mar 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33722026


Glauber's g(2)-function provides a common measure of quantum field statistics through two-photon coincidence counting in Hanbury Brown-Twiss measurements. Here, we propose to use nonlinear optical signals as a tool for the characterization of quantum light. In particular, we show that Raman measurements provide an alternative direct probe for a different component of the four-point correlation function underlying the g(2)-function. We illustrate this capacity for a specific quantum state obtained from a frequency conversion process. Our work points out how the analysis of controlled optical nonlinear processes can provide an alternative window toward the analysis of quantum light sources.

Opt Express ; 29(4): 4746-4754, 2021 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33726024


It has been demonstrated that electronic coherences across many eV can be detected in pump-probe experiments involving high harmonic sources. An additional degree of control over the phase matching can be employed by investigating a more general class of multi-wave mixing. Non-collinear multi-wave mixing of high harmonics with energy (q1ω1 + q2ω2) can be selectively detected along the direction of (q1k1 + q2k2). Simulations based on a recently developed semi-perturbative approach show that only the specific harmonic signals with q1ω1 close to the energy difference between ground state and excited states are observable when the two input pulses are well separated in time. The coherent dynamics between different states can be selectively tracked by detecting the time-delay dependent signals with different q1k1, which can overcome the potential spectral congestion in real experiments. Additionally, such non-collinear geometry can be used to separate the dephasing induced decay and collision induced recovery behaviors of pump-probe high harmonic signal typically observed in the time-resolved high harmonic pump-probe signals.

Light Sci Appl ; 9: 123, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32699611


A nonlinear optical interferometer based on crystal superlattices has been demonstrated for the first time in a cascade of up to five crystals. The enhanced sensitivity due to quantum interference and correlations makes it a promising tool for sensing, imaging, and spectroscopy.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 11(14): 5504-5509, 2020 Jul 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32539404


The key feature of photon echo-based spectroscopies is a selective elimination of the inhomogeneous broadening. Fast homogeneous dephasing typical for large macromolecules makes it difficult to resolve the congested spectra even if the inhomogeneous component is eliminated. We propose a novel two-dimensional spectroscopy in which a series of temporally separated probe pulses are combined with the strong narrowband control pulse. Using electromagnetically induced transparency originating from the interference between the control and probe pulses, we achieve an observation window for molecular response in narrow spectral intervals significantly smaller than the homogeneous dephasing limit.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(18): 9776-9781, 2020 05 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32300011


Ultrafast spectroscopy is capable of monitoring electronic and vibrational states. For electronic states a few eV apart, an X-ray laser source is required. We propose an alternative method based on the time-domain high-order harmonic spectroscopy where a coherent superposition of the electronic states is first prepared by the strong optical laser pulse. The coherent dynamics can then be probed by the higher-order harmonics generated by the delayed probe pulse. The high nonlinearity typically modeled by the three-step mechanism introduced by Lewenstein and Corkum can serve as a recipe for generation of the coherent excitation with broad bandwidth. The main advantage of the method is that only optical (non-X-ray) lasers are needed. A semiperturbative model based on the Liouville space superoperator approach is developed for the bookkeeping of the different orders of the nonlinear response for the high-order harmonic generation using multiple pulses. Coherence between bound electronic states is monitored in the harmonic spectra from both first- and second-order responses.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(24): 11673-11678, 2019 06 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31123144


We propose a quantum diffraction imaging technique whereby one photon of an entangled pair is diffracted off a sample and detected in coincidence with its twin. The image is obtained by scanning the photon that did not interact with matter. We show that when a dynamical quantum system interacts with an external field, the phase information is imprinted in the state of the field in a detectable way. The contribution to the signal from photons that interact with the sample scales as [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] is the source intensity, compared with [Formula: see text] of classical diffraction. This makes imaging with weak fields possible, providing high signal-to-noise ratio, avoiding damage to delicate samples. A Schmidt decomposition of the state of the field can be used for image enhancement by reweighting the Schmidt modes contributions.

Opt Express ; 27(5): 7147-7159, 2019 Mar 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30876286


Ultrafast pump-high-harmonic-generation-probe spectroscopy aims to provide a unique observation window into electronic dynamics while using the infrared or visible light sources. While it is widely accepted that the role of excited bound states in high-harmonic generation is negligible, its dynamics play a significant role in time-resolved pump-probe measurements. Here we show that the time-resolved pump-high-harmonic-generation-probe measurement may reveal a significant (up to 20%) contribution of the quantum interference in electron ionization and recombination with atomic system, with the initial or the final state being an excited bound state. Interplay of two dephasing mechanisms of electron-ion and electron-atom collisions yields decay and recovery of the time-resolved signal, respectively, signifying the role of the quantum interference involving excited bound states in recovery mode. Our theory, based on the density matrix Liouville space formalism, is supported by experimental measurements in argon gas.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 10(4): 768-773, 2019 Feb 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30676023


Homodyne X-ray diffraction signals produced by classical light and classical detectors are given by the modulus square of the charge density in momentum space |σ(q)|2, missing its phase, which is required in order to invert the signal to real space. We show that quantum detection of the radiation field yields a linear diffraction pattern that reveals σ(q) itself, including the phase. We further show that repeated diffraction measurements with variable delays constitute a novel multidimensional measure of spontaneous charge-density fluctuations. Classical diffraction, in contrast, only reveals a subclass of even-order correlation functions. Simulations of two-dimensional signals obtained by two diffraction events are presented for the amino acid cysteine.

Acc Chem Res ; 51(9): 2207-2214, 2018 09 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30179458


The application of quantum states of light such as entangled photons, for example, created by parametric down conversion, has experienced tremendous progress in the almost 40 years since their first experimental realization. Initially, they were employed in the investigation of the foundations of quantum physics, such as the violation of Bell's inequalities and studies of quantum entanglement. They later emerged as basic platforms for quantum communication protocols and, in the recent experiments on single-photon interactions, in photonic quantum computation. These applications aim at the controlled manipulation of the photonic degrees of freedom, and therefore rely on simple models of matter, where the analysis is simpler. Furthermore, quantum imaging with entangled light can achieve enhanced resolution, and quantum metrology can overcome the shot noise limit for classical light. This Account focuses on an entirely different emerging class of applications using quantum light as a powerful spectroscopic tool to reveal novel information about complex molecules. These applications utilize two appealing properties of quantum light: its distinct intensity fluctuations and its nonclassical bandwidth properties. These give rise to new and surprising behavior of nonlinear optical signals. Nonclassical intensity fluctuations can enhance nonlinear optical signals relative to linear absorption. For instance, the two-photon absorption of entangled photon pairs scales linearly (rather than quadratically) in the photon flux, just like a single photon absorption. This enables nonlinear quantum spectroscopy of photosensitive, for example, biological, samples at low light intensities. We will discuss how the two-photon absorption cross section becomes a function of the photonic quantum state, which can be manipulated by properties of the entangled photon pairs. In addition, the quantum correlations in entangled photon states further influence the nonlinear signals in a variety of ways. Apart from affecting the signal's scaling with intensity, they also constitute an entirely new approach to shaping and controlling excitation pathways in molecular aggregates in a way that cannot be achieved with shaped classical pulses. This is because between the two absorption events in entangled two-photon absorption, the light and material system are entangled. Classical constraints for the simultaneous time and frequency resolution can thus be circumvented, since the two are not Fourier conjugates. Here we review the simplest manifestation of quantum light spectroscopy, two-photon absorption spectroscopy with entangled photons. This will allow us to discuss exemplarily the impact of quantum properties of light on a nonlinear optical signal and explore the opportunities for future applications.

Phys Rev E ; 97(4-1): 042120, 2018 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29758726


Quantum coherence has been demonstrated in various systems including organic solar cells and solid state devices. In this article, we report the lower and upper bounds for the performance of quantum heat engines determined by the efficiency at maximum power. Our prediction based on the canonical three-level Scovil and Schulz-Dubois maser model strongly depends on the ratio of system-bath couplings for the hot and cold baths and recovers the theoretical bounds established previously for the Carnot engine. Further, introducing a fourth level to the maser model can enhance the maximal power and its efficiency, thus demonstrating the importance of quantum coherence in the thermodynamics and operation of the heat engines beyond the classical limit.

Opt Lett ; 43(9): 1970-1973, 2018 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29714774


Plasma is a complex system involving diverse collisional processes and interactions, such as electron-impact excitation, ionization, recombination, etc. One of the most important methods for studying the properties and dynamics of plasma is to analyze the radiations from plasma. Here, we demonstrate the high-order harmonic (HH) spectroscopy for probing the complex electron-atom collision (EAC) dynamics in a laser-induced gas plasma. These measurements were carried out by using an elliptically polarized pump and a time-delayed linearly polarized probe. The HH spectra from argon and krypton plasmas were recorded by scanning the time delay up to hundreds of picoseconds. We found that the delay-dependent HH yield contains three distinct regions, i.e., the first enhancement, the subsequent suppression, and the final restoration regions. A qualitative analysis shows that these features are clear signatures of the EAC processes and interactions involved in the delay-dependent HH spectroscopy.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(7): 1451-1456, 2018 02 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29386388


The strong coupling of atoms and molecules to radiation field modes in optical cavities creates dressed matter/field states known as polaritons with controllable dynamical and energy transfer properties. We propose a multidimensional optical spectroscopy technique for monitoring polariton dynamics. The response of a two-level atom to the time-dependent coupling to a single-cavity mode is monitored through time-and-frequency-resolved single-photon coincidence measurements of spontaneous emission. Polariton population and coherence dynamics and its variation with cavity photon number and controlled by gating parameters are predicted by solving the Jaynes-Cummings model.