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PhytoKeys ; 235: 21-29, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38020471


A new lithophytic species, Paraboeazunyiensis T.Deng, F.Wen & R.B.Zhang (Gesneriaceae), inhabiting Karst rocks in northern Guizhou, China, is introduced and depicted in this study. It bears a resemblance to P.crassifolia (Hemsl.) B.L. Burtt, yet is distinguishable by its shorter filaments and staminodes, triangular ovate calyx segments, and ovaries surpassing the styles in length. Moreover, the phylogenetic tree constructed from nuclear DNA (ITS) and plastid DNA (trnL-F) data firmly support the differentiation of this novel species from P.crassifolia.

PhytoKeys ; 139: 13-20, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31997894


Paraphlomis kuankuoshuiensis (Lamiaceae), a new species found in the limestone areas of northern Guizhou, China, is described and illustrated in this paper. Based on its tubular-campanulate calyx, this taxon should be a member of sect. Paraphlomis Prain. The new species resembles P. patentisetulosa C.Y. Wu & H. W. Li, P. hispida C.Y. Wu, and P. hirsutissima C.Y. Wu & H.W. Li, but differs from these three taxa in the following aspects: the stems are very short (<7 cm), with one or two short internodes, giving the impression of having a tuft of basal leaves; it has sparsely setose hairs on the outer surface of the calyces and short fruiting calyces. The florescence, fruit period, habitat, and the geographical distribution of P. kuankuoshuiensis are also quite different from the three closely related species.

PhytoKeys ; 134: 125-133, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31719777


We describe and illustrate Sedum lipingense (Crassulaceae), a new species of stonecrop found in the limestone areas of SE Guizhou, China. Based on the presence of adaxially gibbous carpels and follicles, this taxon belongs to sect. Sedum S.H. Fu. The new species superficially resembles S. subtile Miquel and S. bulbiferum Makino but differs from these two taxa in its development of a basal leaf rosette during florescence. The nrDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences also support the claim that this plant is a new species in the Sedum genus.