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J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 14(4): 100779, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37556864


In the era of globalization and evidence-based medicines, a systematic documentation of information by compiling the studies carried out in different parts of India could be useful for the clinicians of Ayurveda and to the ailing community. In this review, an attempt has been made to compile all such clinical research works carried out on Vrana Ropana (wound healing). A grey literature of post graduate (PG) and Doctorate (PhD) researches on Vrana Ropana from various Ayurvedic institutes were collected in the form of soft or/and hard copy as per the availability. The studies were found to be a combination of drug/drug formulations and various procedures mentioned under Shashti Upakramas in Sushruta Samhitha. The use of the Lepa (topical application), Avachoornana (sprinkling of medicated powder), Raktamokshana (bloodletting) like Jalauokavacharana (medicinal leech application) and Kshalana (therapeutic procedure in which the wounds are cleansed with medicated liquids) were cross reviewed from various research works. All these works were mainly targeted to find the best Shodhana (cleaning) and Ropana (healing) drugs for the treatment of wound. On the basis of the clinical evidences on the same drug with positive outcomes, one should further try it in multi-centres and develop that drug for wound management. Hence this review study would help to know the previous research works carried out on wound healing and design further trials on specific parameters or treatment protocol as a whole with local as well systemic management of wounded patients.

Ayu ; 40(3): 164-170, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33281393


INTRODUCTION: Parikartika resembles fissure­in­ano which is one of the common painful disease among the anorectal disorders. Ksharasutra which is a para­surgical procedure is effective in the management of Parikartika. AIM: To compare the efficacy of Apamarga Ksharasutra and open lateral internal sphincterotomy (OLIS) in the management of Parikartika (chronic fissure­in­ano). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Total 30 patients having signs and symptoms of Parikartika (chronic fissure­in­ano) were selected and randomly divided into two groups. In Group A (n = 15), Ksharasutra ligation after anal stretching was carried out while in Group B (n = 15), OLIS with excision of skin tag was carried out under local anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. Relief in postoperative symptoms and complications if any was recorded for 4 weeks and follow­up was done for the period of 1 month. RESULTS: In both the groups, significant results were obtained, but the difference among groups was statistically insignificant. Duration required for relief in postoperative pain, bleeding, swelling, and wound healing was found to be more in Group A (Ksharasutra) than Group B (OLIS). CONCLUSION: OLIS provided better results compared to Ksharasutra ligation in the management of Parikartika (chronic fissure­in­ano).

Ayu ; 39(4): 213-219, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31367143


BACKGROUND: Anorectal disorders are progressively increasing in the society. Out of many of the causes, some important are sedentary lifestyle, irregular and inappropriate diet, prolonged sitting or standing, and certain psychological disturbances. The prime cause of anorectal disorders is the instability of Jatharagni (digestive system), which further leads to constipation. AIM AND OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy of Apamarga Kshara application (AKA) and sclerotherapy (SCL) in the management of Arsha (1st and 2nd degree piles). MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this study, 50 patients of Arsha (1st and 2nd degree piles) were selected and randomly allocated into two groups. In group AKA (n = 25), Apamarga Tikshna Kshara (alkaline of Achyranthes aspera linn.) application was done and in group SCL (n = 25), SCL was done in 1st and 2nd degree piles. The study was open prospective interventional clinical trial. Patients were assessed for relief in signs and symptoms at weekly interval for a month and another 1 month as follow-up period. RESULTS: Patients of group SCL took more time than the patients of group AKA to get reduction in size of pile mass. In group SCL, maximum relief in bleeding as well as discharge per rectum was reported. AKA provided better results in ceasing the bleeding per rectum as well as reducing prolapse piles, than SCL. CONCLUSION: The study concluded that AKA is a effective procedure of choice for the management of 1st and 2nd degree internal piles as compared to SCL.

Ayu ; 38(1-2): 46-51, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29861592


BACKGROUND: Parikartika is a common painful condition among anorectal diseases which resembles with fissure-in-ano. In the present era, due to changing lifestyle such as sedentary work pattern, increased stress, improper dietary and sleep habits, various lifestyle disorders are increasing continuously. AIM AND OBJECTIVE: The aim is to assess the effect of Yashtimadhu Ghrita in comparison with lignocaine-nifedipine ointment in the management of Parikartika (Acute fissure-in-ano). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 36 patients of acute fissure-in-ano were selected and randomly allocated into two groups (18 in each group). In Group A (n = 18), local application of Yashtimadhu Ghrita in fissure bed (Parikartika) twice a day after sitz bath for 4 weeks was given. In Group B (n = 18), local application of lignocaine-nifedipine ointment in fissure bed (Parikartika) twice a day after sitz bath for 4 weeks was given. RESULTS: Patients of Group A (Yashtimadhu Ghrita) taken more time than the patients of Group B (lignocaine-nifedipine ointment) to get relief from pain in ano. Ulcer in ano healed earlier in patients of Group A (Yashtimadhu Ghrita) in comparison with patients treated with lignocaine-nifedipine ointment application. Patients of both groups have taken similar time to get relieved from bleeding PR. Complete remission of symptoms of Parikartika was more in patients treated with Yashtimadhu Ghrita than lignocaine-nifedipine ointment. CONCLUSION: Both the interventions Yashtimadhu Ghrita and lignocaine-nifedipine ointment are equally effective in symptomatic relief in Parikartika (acute fissure-in-ano).

Ayu ; 38(3-4): 122-126, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30254391


INTRODUCTION: In anorectal disorders, incidences of piles and fissures are increasing in Indian population due to western lifestyle. Many surgical methods are available to cure anorectal disorders, but now a days, demand for Ayurveda and herbal preparation is increasing in society. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this study, Apamarga Kshara application, infrared coagulation (IRC) procedure and Arshohara Vati (AV) tablet were administered for the management of internal hemorrhoid (Arsha). This study was an open labelled, prospective, interventional study, in which patients of piles [n = 30 (10 each group)] were selected from OPD of Institutional hospital. Apamarga Kshara application (AKA) was done on the internal piles for 1-3 sittings as per requirement, IRC was applied at the base of piles for one sitting and two tablets (500 mg each tablet) of AV were given orally thrice a day for 15 days. In all the three groups, the patients were assessed every week for 1 month and were followed up for another 1 month for relief in signs and symptoms. RESULTS: Obtained results were analyzed and encouraging results were observed after completion of the treatment. CONCLUSION: The study concluded that Apamarga Kshara application is the most effective treatment for the management of internal hemorrhoid of 1st and 2nd degree in comparison to IRC procedure and administration of Arshohara Vati.

Ayu ; 37(1): 38-44, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28827954


BACKGROUND: Sandhivata is a disease described under Vatavyadhi and resembles osteoarthritis (OA) in respect to etiology, pathology, and clinical features. Knee joints are more prone to be affected by this disease because it is the most frequently involved joint in daily works. Acharya Sushruta has indicated Agnikarma, when severe pain occurs in Twak, Mamsa, Sira, Snayu, Sandhi, and Asthi due to Vata Prakopa. Panchatikta Guggulu is a formulation mentioned in Chakradatta and Bhaishajya Ratnavali in the context of Kushtha Roga where it is also indicated for Sandhigata Vata and Asthigata Vata. AIMS: The aim of this study is to evaluate the comparative effect of Agnikarma alone and Agnikarma along with Panchatikta Guggulu orally in Janugata Sandhivata (OA of knee joint). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-three patients of Janugata Sandhivata were registered and randomly divided into two groups. In Group A (n = 18), Agnikarma was done with Panchadhatu Shalaka once every week for one month while in Group B (n = 15), Agnikarma along with Panchatikta Guggulu orally was given for one month. Weekly assessment was done for relief in Sandhishula (pain), Sparshaasahyata (tenderness), Sandhisphutana (crepitus), Sandhigraha (stiffness) by subjective gradation, and range of movement (ROM) was recorded in research proforma. RESULTS: In Sandhishula, 86% relief was found in Group A whereas 77.78% relief was obtained in Group B. Sparshaasahyata was reduced by 69% in Group A while 87.78% in Group B. Nearly 39% improvement was seen in Sandhisphutana in Group A while 46.67% in Group B. In Sandhigraha, 63% relief was obtained in each of the groups. The patients got relief from the pain after first sitting of Agnikarma in both the groups. The relief was sustained for more than 3 months in most of the patients. There was no significant difference in radiological findings before and after treatment in both the groups. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that Agnikarma is effective in the management of pain in the Sandhivata. However, the addition of Panchatikta Guggulu in the treatment provides better efficacy on joint stiffness and crepitus. Further analysis showed that better relief in pain was observed in Group A while relief in tenderness, crepitus, and stiffness was found better in Group B.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 5(1): 60-3, 2014 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24812478


In acute and chronic wounds, Katupila (Securinega leucopyrus) (Willd.) Muell is a commonly used folklore remedy in Sri Lanka and Saurashtra region of India. We report a case of Madhumehajanya Dushta Vrana (chronic diabetic wound) that was treated with local application of S. leucopyrus in paste form once daily. Wound healed within a month with normal pigmentation and minimal scar. This case also demonstrated possible antimicrobial potential in the treatment of Dushta Vrana.
