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Chaos ; 34(4)2024 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558046


Accurate prediction of electricity day-ahead prices is essential in competitive electricity markets. Although stationary electricity-price forecasting techniques have received considerable attention, research on non-stationary methods is comparatively scarce, despite the common prevalence of non-stationary features in electricity markets. Specifically, existing non-stationary techniques will often aim to address individual non-stationary features in isolation, leaving aside the exploration of concurrent multiple non-stationary effects. Our overarching objective here is the formulation of a framework to systematically model and forecast non-stationary electricity-price time series, encompassing the broader scope of non-stationary behavior. For this purpose, we develop a data-driven model that combines an N-dimensional Langevin equation (LE) with a neural-ordinary differential equation (NODE). The LE captures fine-grained details of the electricity-price behavior in stationary regimes but is inadequate for non-stationary conditions. To overcome this inherent limitation, we adopt a NODE approach to learn, and at the same time predict, the difference between the actual electricity-price time series and the simulated price trajectories generated by the LE. By learning this difference, the NODE reconstructs the non-stationary components of the time series that the LE is not able to capture. We exemplify the effectiveness of our framework using the Spanish electricity day-ahead market as a prototypical case study. Our findings reveal that the NODE nicely complements the LE, providing a comprehensive strategy to tackle both stationary and non-stationary electricity-price behavior. The framework's dependability and robustness is demonstrated through different non-stationary scenarios by comparing it against a range of basic naïve methods.

J Chem Phys ; 159(10)2023 Sep 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37702356


The swift progression and expansion of machine learning (ML) have not gone unnoticed within the realm of statistical mechanics. In particular, ML techniques have attracted attention by the classical density-functional theory (DFT) community, as they enable automatic discovery of free-energy functionals to determine the equilibrium-density profile of a many-particle system. Within classical DFT, the external potential accounts for the interaction of the many-particle system with an external field, thus, affecting the density distribution. In this context, we introduce a statistical-learning framework to infer the external potential exerted on a classical many-particle system. We combine a Bayesian inference approach with the classical DFT apparatus to reconstruct the external potential, yielding a probabilistic description of the external-potential functional form with inherent uncertainty quantification. Our framework is exemplified with a grand-canonical one-dimensional classical particle ensemble with excluded volume interactions in a confined geometry. The required training dataset is generated using a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation where the external potential is applied to the grand-canonical ensemble. The resulting particle coordinates from the MC simulation are fed into the learning framework to uncover the external potential. This eventually allows us to characterize the equilibrium density profile of the system by using the tools of DFT. Our approach benchmarks the inferred density against the exact one calculated through the DFT formulation with the true external potential. The proposed Bayesian procedure accurately infers the external potential and the density profile. We also highlight the external-potential uncertainty quantification conditioned on the amount of available simulated data. The seemingly simple case study introduced in this work might serve as a prototype for studying a wide variety of applications, including adsorption, wetting, and capillarity, to name a few.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36374895


Finding the dynamical law of observable quantities lies at the core of physics. Within the particular field of statistical mechanics, the generalized Langevin equation (GLE) comprises a general model for the evolution of observables covering a great deal of physical systems with many degrees of freedom and an inherently stochastic nature. Although formally exact, GLE brings its own great challenges. It depends on the complete history of the observables under scrutiny, as well as the microscopic degrees of freedom, all of which are often inaccessible. We show that these drawbacks can be overcome by adopting elements of machine learning from empirical data, in particular coupling a multilayer perceptron (MLP) with the formal structure of GLE and calibrating the MLP with the data. This yields a powerful computational tool capable of describing noisy complex systems beyond the realms of statistical mechanics. It is exemplified with a number of representative examples from different fields: from a single colloidal particle and particle chains in a thermal bath to climatology and finance, showing in all cases excellent agreement with the actual observable dynamics. The new framework offers an alternative perspective for the study of nonequilibrium processes opening also a new route for stochastic modeling.

Vaccines (Basel) ; 9(7)2021 Jul 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34358151


The number of new daily SARS-CoV-2 infections experienced an abrupt increase during the last quarter of 2020 in almost every European country. The phenomenological explanation offered was a new mutation of the virus, first identified in the UK. We use publicly available data in combination with a time-delayed controlled SIR model, which captures the effects of preventive measures on the spreading of the virus. We are able to reproduce the waves of infection occurred in the UK with a unique transmission rate, suggesting that the new SARS-CoV-2 variant is as transmissible as previous strains. Our findings indicate that the sudden surge in cases was, in fact, related to the relaxation of preventive measures and social awareness. We also simulate the combined effects of restrictions and vaccination campaigns in 2021, demonstrating that lockdown policies are not fully effective to flatten the curve. For effective mitigation, it is critical that the public keeps on high alert until vaccination reaches a critical threshold.

J Chem Phys ; 150(21): 214705, 2019 Jun 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31176311


Strongly confined fluids exhibit inhomogeneous properties due to atomistic structuring in close proximity to a solid surface. State variables and transport coefficients at a solid-fluid interface vary locally and become dependent on the properties of the confining walls. However, the precise mechanisms for these effects are not known as of yet. Here, we make use of nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations to scrutinize the local fluid properties at the solid-fluid interface for a range of surface conditions and temperatures. We also derive microscopic relations connecting fluid viscosity and density profiles for dense fluids. Moreover, we propose empirical ready-to-use relations to express the average density and viscosity in the channel as a function of temperature, wall interaction strength, and bulk density or viscosity. Such relations are key to technological applications such as micro-/nanofluidics and tribology but also natural phenomena.

J Stat Phys ; 174(3): 579-604, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30880838


Thin liquid films are ubiquitous in natural phenomena and technological applications. They have been extensively studied via deterministic hydrodynamic equations, but thermal fluctuations often play a crucial role that needs to be understood. An example of this is dewetting, which involves the rupture of a thin liquid film and the formation of droplets. Such a process is thermally activated and requires fluctuations to be taken into account self-consistently. In this work we present an analytical and numerical study of a stochastic thin-film equation derived from first principles. Following a brief review of the derivation, we scrutinise the behaviour of the equation in the limit of perfectly correlated noise along the wall-normal direction, as opposed to the perfectly uncorrelated limit studied by Grün et al. (J Stat Phys 122(6):1261-1291, 2006). We also present a numerical scheme based on a spectral collocation method, which is then utilised to simulate the stochastic thin-film equation. This scheme seems to be very convenient for numerical studies of the stochastic thin-film equation, since it makes it easier to select the frequency modes of the noise (following the spirit of the long-wave approximation). With our numerical scheme we explore the fluctuating dynamics of the thin film and the behaviour of its free energy in the vicinity of rupture. Finally, we study the effect of the noise intensity on the rupture time, using a large number of sample paths as compared to previous studies.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(1): 015501, 2016 Jan 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26799026


Crystals grow by laying down new layers of material which can either correspond in size to the height of one unit cell (elementary steps) or multiple unit cells (macrosteps). Surprisingly, experiments have shown that macrosteps can grow under conditions of low supersaturation and high impurity density such that elementary step growth is completely arrested. We use atomistic simulations to show that this is due to two effects: the fact that the additional layers bias fluctuations in the position of the bottom layer towards growth and by a transition, as step height increases, from a 2D to a 3D nucleation mechanism.

Cristalización , Modelos Químicos , Cinética , Procesos Estocásticos
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26465482


Classical nucleation theory (CNT) is the most widely used framework to describe the early stage of first-order phase transitions. Unfortunately, the different points of view adopted to derive it yield different kinetic equations for the probability density function, e.g., Zeldovich-Frenkel or Becker-Döring-Tunitskii equations. Starting from a phenomenological stochastic differential equation, a unified equation is obtained in this work. In other words, CNT expressions are recovered by selecting one or another stochastic calculus. Moreover, it is shown that the unified CNT thus obtained produces the same Fokker-Planck equation as that from a recent update of CNT [J. F. Lutsko and M. A. Durán-Olivencia, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 244908 (2013)10.1063/1.4811490] when mass transport is governed by diffusion. Finally, we derive a general induction-time expression along with specific approximations of it to be used under different scenarios, in particular, when the mass-transport mechanism is governed by direct impingement, volume diffusion, surface diffusion, or interface transfer.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 27(23): 235101, 2015 Jun 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25993497


A two-variable stochastic model for diffusion-limited nucleation is developed using a formalism derived from fluctuating hydrodynamics. The model is a direct generalization of the standard classical nucleation theory (CNT). The nucleation rate and pathway are calculated in the weak-noise approximation and are shown to be in good agreement with direct numerical simulations for the weak-solution/strong-solution transition in globular proteins. We find that CNT underestimates the time needed for the formation of a critical cluster by two orders of magnitude and that this discrepancy is due to the more complex dynamics of the two variable model and not, as often is assumed, a result of errors in the estimation of the free energy barrier.

Hidrodinámica , Modelos Teóricos , Difusión , Termodinámica
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25768513


Classical nucleation theory has been recently reformulated based on fluctuating hydrodynamics [J. F. Lutsko and M. A. Durán-Olivencia, Classical nucleation theory from a dynamical approach to nucleation, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 244908 (2013). The present work extends this effort to the case of nucleation in confined systems such as small pores and vesicles. The finite available mass imposes a maximal supercritical cluster size and prohibits nucleation altogether if the system is too small. We quantity the effect of system size on the nucleation rate. We also discuss the effect of relaxing the capillary-model assumption of zero interfacial width resulting in significant changes in the nucleation barrier and nucleation rate.

Nat Commun ; 5: 5598, 2014 Dec 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25465441


It is widely accepted that many phase transitions do not follow nucleation pathways as envisaged by the classical nucleation theory. Many substances can traverse intermediate states before arriving at the stable phase. The apparent ubiquity of multi-step nucleation has made the inverse question relevant: does multistep nucleation always dominate single-step pathways? Here we provide an explicit example of the classical nucleation mechanism for a system known to exhibit the characteristics of multi-step nucleation. Molecular resolution atomic force microscopy imaging of the two-dimensional nucleation of the protein glucose isomerase demonstrates that the interior of subcritical clusters is in the same state as the crystalline bulk phase. Our data show that despite having all the characteristics typically associated with rich phase behaviour, glucose isomerase 2D crystals are formed classically. These observations illustrate the resurfacing importance of the classical nucleation theory by re-validating some of the key assumptions that have been recently questioned.

J Chem Phys ; 138(24): 244908, 2013 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23822275


It is shown that diffusion-limited classical nucleation theory (CNT) can be recovered as a simple limit of the recently proposed dynamical theory of nucleation based on fluctuating hydrodynamics [J. F. Lutsko, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 034509 (2012)]. The same framework is also used to construct a more realistic theory in which clusters have finite interfacial width. When applied to the dilute solution/dense solution transition in globular proteins, it is found that the extension gives corrections to the nucleation rate even for the case of small supersaturations due to changes in the monomer distribution function and to the excess free energy. It is also found that the monomer attachment/detachment picture breaks down at high supersaturations corresponding to clusters smaller than about 100 molecules. The results also confirm the usual assumption that most important corrections to CNT can be achieved by means of improved estimates of the free energy barrier. The theory also illustrates two topics that have received considerable attention in the recent literature on nucleation: the importance sub-dominant corrections to the capillary model for the free energy and of the correct choice of the reaction coordinate.

Langmuir ; 29(26): 8213-21, 2013 Jul 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23735159


In this work, the efficiency of bioinspired citrate-functionalized nanocrystalline apatites as nanocarriers for delivery of doxorubicin (DOXO) has been assessed. The nanoparticles were synthesized by thermal decomplexing of metastable calcium/citrate/phosphate solutions both in the absence (Ap) and in the presence (cAp) of carbonate ions. The presence of citrate and carbonate ions in the solution allowed us to tailor the size, shape, carbonate content, and surface chemistry of the nanoparticles. The drug-loading efficiency of the two types of apatite was evaluated by means of the adsorption isotherms, which were found to fit a Langmuir-Freundlich behavior. A model describing the interaction between apatite surface and DOXO is proposed from adsorption isotherms and ζ-potential measurements. DOXO is adsorbed as a dimer by means of a positively charged amino group that electrostatically interacts with negatively charged surface groups of nanoparticles. The drug-release profiles were explored at pHs 7.4 and 5.0, mimicking the physiological pH in the blood circulation and the more acidic pH in the endosome-lysosome intracellular compartment, respectively. After 7 days at pH 7.4, cAp-DOXO released around 42% less drug than Ap-DOXO. However, at acidic pH, both nanoassemblies released similar amounts of DOXO. In vitro assays analyzed by confocal microscopy showed that both drug-loaded apatites were internalized within GTL-16 human carcinoma cells and could release DOXO, which accumulated in the nucleus in short times and exerted cytotoxic activity with the same efficiency. cAp are thus expected to be a more promising nanocarrier for experiments in vivo, in situations where intravenous injection of nanoparticles are required to reach the targeted tumor, after circulating in the bloodstream.

Antibióticos Antineoplásicos/administración & dosificación , Apatitas/química , Citrato de Calcio/química , Carbonatos/química , Doxorrubicina/administración & dosificación , Portadores de Fármacos , Nanopartículas/química , Antibióticos Antineoplásicos/farmacología , Línea Celular Tumoral , Supervivencia Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Doxorrubicina/farmacología , Composición de Medicamentos , Humanos , Concentración de Iones de Hidrógeno , Cinética , Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión , Nanopartículas/ultraestructura , Electricidad Estática , Termodinámica