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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(16): 11418-11429, 2018 Apr 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29645035


Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) can be applied to enhance the sensitivity of solid-state NMR experiments by several orders of magnitude due to microwave-driven transfer of spin polarization from unpaired electrons to nuclei. While the underlying quantum mechanical aspects are sufficiently well understood on a microscopic level, the exact description of the large-scale spin dynamics, usually involving hundreds to thousands of nuclear spins per electron, is still lacking consensus. Generally, it is assumed that nuclear hyperpolarization can only be observed on nuclei which do not experience strong influence of the unpaired electrons and thus being significantly removed from the paramagnetic polarizing agents. At the same time, sufficiently strong hyperfine interaction is required for DNP transfer. Therefore, efficient nuclear spin diffusion from the strongly-interacting nuclei to the NMR-observable bulk is considered to be essential for efficient nuclear hyperpolarization. Based on experimental results obtained on the endohedral fullerene N@C60 as a polarizing agent sparsely diluted in C60, we discuss the effect of the spin-diffusion barrier. We introduce electron-driven spin diffusion (EDSD) as a novel mechanism for nuclear polarization transfer in the proximity of an electron spin which is particularly relevant under magic-angle spinning (MAS) DNP conditions.

J Magn Reson ; 289: 45-54, 2018 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29471275


We describe a frequency-agile gyrotron which can generate frequency-chirped microwave pulses. An arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) within the NMR spectrometer controls the microwave frequency, enabling synchronized pulsed control of both electron and nuclear spins. We demonstrate that the acceleration of emitted electrons, and thus the microwave frequency, can be quickly changed by varying the anode voltage. This strategy results in much faster frequency response than can be achieved by changing the potential of the electron emitter, and does not require a custom triode electron gun. The gyrotron frequency can be swept with a rate of 20 MHz/µs over a 670 MHz bandwidth in a static magnetic field. We have already implemented time-domain electron decoupling with dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) magic angle spinning (MAS) with this device. In this contribution, we show frequency-swept DNP enhancement profiles recorded without changing the NMR magnet or probe. The profile of endofullerenes exhibits a DNP profile with a <10 MHz linewidth, indicating that the device also has sufficient frequency stability, and therefore phase stability, to implement pulsed DNP mechanisms such as the frequency-swept solid effect. We describe schematics of the mechanical and vacuum construction of the device which includes a novel flanged sapphire window assembly. Finally, we discuss how commercially available continuous-wave gyrotrons can potentially be converted into similar frequency-agile high-power microwave sources.