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Langmuir ; 40(27): 13950-13956, 2024 Jul 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38917097


The plasma-surface interface has sparked interest due to its potential of creating alternative reaction pathways not available in typical gas-surface reactions. Currently, there are a limited number of in situ studies investigating the plasma-surface interface, restricting the development of its application. Here, we report the use of in situ ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in tandem with an optical spectrometer to characterize the hydrogen plasma's interaction with metal surfaces. Our results demonstrate the possibility to monitor changes on the metal foil surface in situ in a plasma environment. We observed an intermediate state from the metal oxide to an -OH species during the plasma environment, indicative of reactive hydrogen radicals at room temperature. Furthermore, the formation of metal-carbides in the hydrogen plasma environment was detected, a characteristic absent in gas and vacuum environments. These findings illustrate the significance of performing in situ investigations of the plasma-surface interface to better understand and utilize its ability to create reactive environments at low temperature.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 3066, 2023 Feb 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36810512


Fluorescence lifetime determination has proven to be useful, e.g. identification of molecules, quantitative estimation of species concentration and determination of temperatures. Lifetime determination of exponentially decaying signals is challenging if signals of different decay rates are being mixed, resulting in erroneous results. Such issues occur when the contrast of the measurement object is low, which can be limiting in applied measurements due to spurious light scattering. A solution is presented here where structured illumination is used to enhance image contrast in fluorescence lifetime wide-field imaging. Lifetime imaging determination was carried out using Dual Imaging Modeling Evaluation (DIME), and spatial lock-in analysis was used for removing spurious scattered signal to enable fluorescence lifetime imaging through scattering media.

Opt Lett ; 46(22): 5723-5726, 2021 Nov 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34780446


Periodic shadowing, a concept used in spectroscopy for stray light reduction, has been implemented to improve the temporal contrast of streak camera imaging. The capabilities of this technique are first proven by imaging elastically scattered picosecond laser pulses and are further applied to fluorescence lifetime imaging, where more accurate descriptions of fluorescence decay curves were observed. This all-optical approach can be adapted to various streak camera imaging systems, resulting in a robust technique to minimize space-charge induced temporal dispersion in streak cameras while maintaining temporal coverage and spatial information.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 20454, 2021 10 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34650144


Fluorescence-based multispectral imaging of rapidly moving or dynamic samples requires both fast two-dimensional data acquisition as well as sufficient spectral sensitivity for species separation. As the number of fluorophores in the experiment increases, meeting both these requirements becomes technically challenging. Although several solutions for fast imaging of multiple fluorophores exist, they all have one main restriction; they rely solely on spectrally resolving either the excitation- or the emission characteristics of the fluorophores. This inability directly limits how many fluorophores existing methods can simultaneously distinguish. Here we present a snapshot multispectral imaging approach that not only senses the excitation and emission characteristics of the probed fluorophores but also all cross term combinations of excitation and emission. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the only snapshot multispectral imaging method that has this ability, allowing us to even sense and differentiate between light of equal wavelengths emitted from the same fluorescing species but where the signal components stem from different excitation sources. The current implementation of the technique allows us to simultaneously gather 24 different spectral images on a single detector, from which we demonstrate the ability to visualize and distinguish up to nine fluorophores within the visible wavelength range.

Opt Express ; 29(5): 7232-7246, 2021 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33726229


Stray light is a known strong interference in spectroscopic measurements. Photons from high-intensity signals that are scattered inside the spectrometer, or photons that enter the detector through unintended ways, will be added to the spectrum as an interference signal. A general experimental solution to this problem is presented here by introducing a customized fiber for signal collection. The fiber-mount to the spectrometer consists of a periodically arranged fiber array that, combined with lock-in analysis of the data, is capable of suppressing stray light for improved spectroscopy. The method, which is referred to as fiber-based periodic shadowing, was applied to Raman spectroscopy in combustion. The fiber-based stray-light suppression method is implemented in an experimental setup with a high-power high-repetition-rate laser system used for Raman measurements in different room-temperature gas mixtures and a premixed flame. It is shown that the stray-light level is reduced by up to a factor of 80. Weak spectral lines can be distinguished, and therefore better molecular species identification, as well as concentration and temperature evaluation, were performed. The results show that the method is feasible and efficient in practical use and that it can be employed as a general tool for improving spectroscopic accuracy.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 16650, 2020 Oct 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33024207


Many important scientific questions in physics, chemistry and biology rely on high-speed optical imaging techniques for their investigations. These techniques are either passive, relying on the rapid readout of photoactive elements, or active, relying on the illumination properties of specially designed pulse trains. Currently, MHz imaging speeds are difficult to realize; passive methods, being dictated by electronics, cause the unification of high spatial resolution with high frame rates to be very challenging, while active methods rely on expensive and complex hardware such as femto- and picosecond laser sources. Here we present an accessible temporally resolved imaging system for shadowgraphy based on multiplexed LED illumination that is capable of producing four images at MHz frame rates. Furthermore as the LEDs are independent of each other, any light burst configuration can be obtained, allowing for instance the simultaneous determination of low- and high speed events in parallel. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the fastest high speed imaging system that does not rely on pulsed lasers or fast detectors, in this case reaching up to 4.56 MHz.

Opt Lett ; 44(22): 5477-5480, 2019 Nov 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31730087


In this Letter, we have investigated 845 nm lasing generation in atomic oxygen, present in a lean methane-air flame, using two-photon pumping with femtosecond 226 nm laser pulses, particularly focusing on the impact of nanosecond repetitively pulsed glow discharges forcing on the backward lasing signal. Characterizations of the backward lasing pulse, in terms of its spectrum, beam profile, pump pulse energy dependence, and divergence, were conducted to establish the presence of lasing. With plasma forcing of the flame, the backward lasing signal was observed to be enhanced significantly, ∼50%. The vertical concentration profile of atomic oxygen was revealed by measuring the backward lasing signal strength as a function of height in the flame. The results are qualitatively consistent with results obtained with two-dimensional femtosecond two-photon-absorption laser-induced fluorescence, suggesting that the backward lasing technique can be a useful tool for studies of plasma-assisted combustion processes, particularly in geometries requiring single-ended standoff detection.

Opt Express ; 25(17): 20243-20257, 2017 Aug 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29041707


Translational, rotational, vibrational and electron temperatures of a gliding arc discharge in atmospheric pressure air were experimentally investigated using in situ, non-intrusive optical diagnostic techniques. The gliding arc discharge was driven by a 35 kHz alternating current (AC) power source and operated in a glow-type regime. The two-dimensional distribution of the translational temperature (Tt) of the gliding arc discharge was determined using planar laser-induced Rayleigh scattering. The rotational and vibrational temperatures were obtained by simulating the experimental spectra. The OH A-X (0, 0) band was used to simulate the rotational temperature (Tr) of the gliding arc discharge whereas the NO A-X (1, 0) and (0, 1) bands were used to determine its vibrational temperature (Tv). The instantaneous reduced electric field strength E/N was obtained by simultaneously measuring the instantaneous length of the plasma column, the discharge voltage and the translational temperature, from which the electron temperature (Te) of the gliding arc discharge was estimated. The uncertainties of the translational, rotational, vibrational and electron temperatures were analyzed. The relations of these four different temperatures (Te>Tv>Tr >Tt) suggest a high-degree non-equilibrium state of the gliding arc discharge.

Appl Spectrosc ; 71(7): 1578-1585, 2017 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28195498


In the present work, the spectral properties of gaseous ozone (O3) have been investigated aiming to perform quantitative concentration imaging of ozone by using a single laser pulse at 248 nm from a KrF excimer laser. The O3 molecule is first photodissociated by the laser pulse into two fragments, O and O2. Then the same laser pulse electronically excites the O2 fragment, which is vibrationally hot, whereupon fluorescence is emitted. The fluorescence intensity is found to be proportional to the concentration of ozone. Both emission and absorption characteristics have been investigated, as well as how the laser fluence affects the fluorescence signal. Quantitative ozone imaging data have been achieved based on calibration measurements in known mixtures of O3. In addition, a simultaneous study of the emission intensity captured by an intensified charge-coupled device (ICCD) camera and a spectrograph has been performed. The results show that any signal contribution not stemming from ozone is negligible compared to the strong fluorescence induced by the O2 fragment, thus proving interference-free ozone imaging. The single-shot detection limit has been estimated to ∼400 ppm. The authors believe that the presented technique offers a valuable tool applicable in various research fields, such as plasma sterilization, water and soil remediation, and plasma-assisted combustion.

Appl Spectrosc ; 71(3): 341-366, 2017 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28155328


Gaining information of species, temperature, and velocity distributions in turbulent combustion and high-speed reactive flows is challenging, particularly for conducting measurements without influencing the experimental object itself. The use of optical and spectroscopic techniques, and in particular laser-based diagnostics, has shown outstanding abilities for performing non-intrusive in situ diagnostics. The development of instrumentation, such as robust lasers with high pulse energy, ultra-short pulse duration, and high repetition rate along with digitized cameras exhibiting high sensitivity, large dynamic range, and frame rates on the order of MHz, has opened up for temporally and spatially resolved volumetric measurements of extreme dynamics and complexities. The aim of this article is to present selected important laser-based techniques for gas-phase diagnostics focusing on their applications in combustion and aerospace engineering. Applicable laser-based techniques for investigations of turbulent flows and combustion such as planar laser-induced fluorescence, Raman and Rayleigh scattering, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, laser-induced grating scattering, particle image velocimetry, laser Doppler anemometry, and tomographic imaging are reviewed and described with some background physics. In addition, demands on instrumentation are further discussed to give insight in the possibilities that are offered by laser flow diagnostics.

Opt Express ; 25(1): 212-222, 2017 Jan 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28085814


We present an optical solution called DMD-PS to boost the dynamic range of 2D imaging spectroscopic measurements up to 22 bits by incorporating a digital micromirror device (DMD) prior to detection in combination with the periodic shadowing (PS) approach. In contrast to high dynamic range (HDR), where the dynamic range is increased by recording several images at different exposure times, the current approach has the potential of improving the dynamic range from a single exposure and without saturation of the CCD sensor. In the procedure, the spectrum is imaged onto the DMD that selectively reduces the reflection from the intense spectral lines, allowing the signal from the weaker lines to be increased by a factor of 28 via longer exposure times, higher camera gains or increased laser power. This manipulation of the spectrum can either be based on a priori knowledge of the spectrum or by first performing a calibration measurement to sense the intensity distribution. The resulting benefits in detection sensitivity come, however, at the cost of strong generation of interfering stray light. To solve this issue the Periodic Shadowing technique, which is based on spatial light modulation, is also employed. In this proof-of-concept article we describe the full methodology of DMD-PS and demonstrate - using the calibration-based concept - an improvement in dynamic range by a factor of ~100 over conventional imaging spectroscopy. The dynamic range of the presented approach will directly benefit from future technological development of DMDs and camera sensors.

Light Sci Appl ; 6(9): e17045, 2017 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30167293


Many important scientific questions in physics, chemistry and biology require effective methodologies to spectroscopically probe ultrafast intra- and inter-atomic/molecular dynamics. However, current methods that extend into the femtosecond regime are capable of only point measurements or single-snapshot visualizations and thus lack the capability to perform ultrafast spectroscopic videography of dynamic single events. Here we present a laser-probe-based method that enables two-dimensional videography at ultrafast timescales (femtosecond and shorter) of single, non-repetitive events. The method is based on superimposing a structural code onto the illumination to encrypt a single event, which is then deciphered in a post-processing step. This coding strategy enables laser probing with arbitrary wavelengths/bandwidths to collect signals with indiscriminate spectral information, thus allowing for ultrafast videography with full spectroscopic capability. To demonstrate the high temporal resolution of our method, we present videography of light propagation with record high 200 femtosecond temporal resolution. The method is widely applicable for studying a multitude of dynamical processes in physics, chemistry and biology over a wide range of time scales. Because the minimum frame separation (temporal resolution) is dictated by only the laser pulse duration, attosecond-laser technology may further increase video rates by several orders of magnitude.

Opt Lett ; 40(21): 5019-22, 2015 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26512508


A laser method to suppress background interferences in pump-probe measurements is presented and demonstrated. The method is based on structured illumination, where the intensity profile of the pump beam is spatially modulated to make its induced photofragment signal distinguishable from that created solely by the probe beam. A spatial lock-in algorithm is then applied on the acquired data, extracting only those image components that are characterized by the encoded structure. The concept is demonstrated for imaging of OH photofragments in a laminar methane/air flame, where the signal from the OH photofragments produced by the pump beam is spatially overlapping with that from the naturally present OH radicals. The purpose was to perform for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, single-shot imaging of HO(2) in a flame. These results show an increase in signal-to-interference ratio of about 20 for single-shot data.

Appl Opt ; 54(5): 1058-64, 2015 Feb 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25968022


A laser diagnostic concept for measurement of potassium chloride (KCl) and potentially other alkali compounds in large-scale boilers and furnaces of limited optical access is presented. Single-ended, range-resolved, quantitative detection of KCl is achieved by differential absorption light detection and ranging (DIAL) based on picosecond laser pulses. Picosecond DIAL results have been compared experimentally with line-of-sight measurements using a commercial instrument, the in situ alkali chloride monitor (IACM), utilizing differential optical absorption spectroscopy. For centimeter-scale range resolution and a collection distance of 2.5 m, picosecond DIAL allowed for measurement of KCl concentrations around 130 ppm at 1200 K, in good agreement with values obtained by IACM. The DIAL data indicate a KCl detection limit of around 30 ppm for the present experimental conditions. In addition, a double-pulse DIAL setup has been developed and demonstrated for measurements under dynamic conditions with strong Mie scattering. The picosecond DIAL results are discussed and related to possible implementations of the method for measurements in industrial environments.

Opt Express ; 22(7): 7711-21, 2014 Apr 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24718147


It is well known that spectroscopic measurements suffer from an interference known as stray light, causing spectral distortion that reduces measurement accuracy. In severe situations, stray light may even obscure the existence of spectral lines. Here a novel general method is presented, named Periodic Shadowing, that enables effective stray light elimination in spectroscopy and experimental results are provided to demonstrate its capabilities and versatility. Besides its efficiency, implementing it in a spectroscopic arrangement comes at virtually no added experimental complexity.

Opt Express ; 20(3): 3043-56, 2012 Jan 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22330541


A novel technique, designated dual imaging and modeling evaluation (DIME), for evaluating single-laser shot fluorescence lifetimes is presented. The technique is experimentally verified in a generic gas mixing experiment to provide a clear demonstration of the rapidness and sensitivity of the detector scheme. Single-laser shot fluorescence lifetimes of roughly 800 ps with a standard deviation of ~120 ps were determined. These results were compared to streak camera measurements. Furthermore, a general fluorescence lifetime determination algorithm is proposed. The evaluation algorithm has an analytic, linear relationship between the fluorescence lifetime and detector signal ratio. In combination with the DIME detector scheme, it is a faster, more accurate and more sensitive approach for rapid fluorescence lifetime imaging than previously proposed techniques. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to analyze the sensitivity of the detector scheme as well as to compare the proposed evaluation algorithm to previously presented rapid lifetime determination algorithms.

Algoritmos , Aumento de la Imagen/instrumentación , Aumento de la Imagen/métodos , Interpretación de Imagen Asistida por Computador/instrumentación , Interpretación de Imagen Asistida por Computador/métodos , Rayos Láser , Microscopía Fluorescente/instrumentación , Diseño de Equipo , Análisis de Falla de Equipo
Appl Opt ; 48(12): 2373-87, 2009 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19381191


A temporal filtering technique, complementary to spectral filtering, has been developed for laser-induced fluorescence measurements. The filter is applicable in cases where the laser-induced interfering signals and the signal of interest have different temporal characteristics. For the interfering-signal discrimination a picosecond laser system along with a fast time-gated intensified CCD camera were used. In order to demonstrate and evaluate the temporal filtering concept two measurement situations were investigated; one where toluene fluorescence was discriminated from interfering luminescence of an aluminum surface, and in the other one Mie scattering signals from a water aerosol were filtered out from acetone fluorescence images. A mathematical model was developed to simulate and evaluate the temporal filter for a general measurement situation based on pulsed-laser excitation together with time-gated detection. Using system parameters measured with a streak camera, the model was validated for LIF imaging of acetone vapor inside a water aerosol. The results show that the temporal filter is capable of efficient suppression of interfering signal contributions. The photophysical properties of several species commonly studied by LIF in combustion research have been listed and discussed to provide guidelines for optimum use of the technique.

Appl Opt ; 48(4): B65-72, 2009 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19183583


In the present work, a picosecond lidar system aiming at single-ended combustion diagnostics in full-scale combustion devices with limited optical access, such as power plants, is described. The highest overall range resolution of the system was found to be <0.5 cm. A demonstration has been made in a nonsooty and sooty Bunsen burner flame. A well-characterized ethylene flame on a McKenna burner was evaluated for different equivalence ratios using Rayleigh thermometry. The results indicate both that picosecond lidar might be applicable for single-shot Rayleigh thermometry, even two-dimensional, and that there is a possibility to qualitatively map soot occurrence. Furthermore, differential absorption lidar has been investigated in acetone vapor jets for fuel visualization purposes.