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Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 22(3): 477-488, Sep.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557952


Resumen Objetivo: Caracterización antropométrica y alimentaria de personas adultas mayores venezolanas según su estratificación socioeconómica, determinando su adecuación nutricional en función a las referencias nacionales. Materiales y métodos: A través de la técnica de Graffar se categorizaron socioeconómicamente 484 personas adultas mayores; evaluando su patrón de consumo a través de la técnica combinada de R24H y FCCA, para compararlo cualitativamente con los valores de referencia ponderados de macro y micronutrientes venezolanos. Resultados: El 35.3% (n=171) cursaban con déficit y no se reportó obesidad en el grupo. Solo el subgrupo etario de 60-69 años demostró un perfil energético ajustado a las referencias nacionales; los mayores de 70 años promediaron una dieta de insuficiencia energética y proteica. Todos los subgrupos etarios mostraron inadecuación para Ca, Mg, Zn y vitaminas A y C. La inadecuación se describió más amplia en la misma proporción que se incrementaba la edad. Las dietas más pobres en energía demostraron ser las de menor diversidad dietética. Conclusiones: Se muestra ampliamente la vulnerabilidad alimentaria-nutricional actual de este grupo de población, especialmente en los estratos sociales y niveles educativos más bajos.

Abstract Objective: Anthropometric and dietary characterization of elderly Venezuelans according to their socioeconomic stratification, determining their nutritional adequacy based on national references. Materials and methods: Through the Graffar technique, 484 older adults were categorized socioeconomically; evaluating their intake pattern through the combined technique of R24H and FCCA, to compare it qualitatively with the weighted reference values of Venezuelan macro and micronutrients. Results: 35.3% (n=171) had deficits and no obesity was reported in the group. Only the 60-69 age subgroup demonstrated an energy profile adjusted to national references; those older than 70 years averaged a diet of insufficient energy and protein. All age subgroups showed inadequacy for Ca, Mg, Zn and vitamins A and C. The inadequacy was described more extensively in the same proportion as age increased. The most energy-poor diets proved to be those with the least dietary diversity. Conclusions: The current food-nutritional vulnerability of this population group is widely shown, especially in the lower social strata and educational levels.

Nutrients ; 15(12)2023 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37375649


Dietary acid load (DAL) is an important determinant of the acid-base balance in humans and has been associated with several chronic non-communicable diseases. Plant-based diets, including vegetarian and vegan diets, decrease DAL-although their alkalizing potential varies substantially. Their net effect on common DAL scores, including potential renal acid load and net endogenous acid production, has been insufficiently quantified and is poorly understood-particularly in populations outside of Europe and North America. We assessed the associations between three plant-based dietary patterns (flexitarian vs. lacto-ovo-vegetarian vs. vegan diet) and DAL scores in a healthy Venezuelan population in the metropolitan area of Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela. Substantial differences in DAL scores were observed, whereby the vegan diet yielded the highest alkalizing potential, followed by the lacto-ovo-vegetarian and the flexitarian diet. DAL scores were substantially lower in comparison to European and North American plant-based populations, probably due to the higher potassium intake (exceeding 4000 mg/d in vegans), the higher magnesium intake (390.31 ± 1.79 mg/d in vegans) and the lower intake of protein in vegans and lacto-ovo-vegetarians. Additional studies in other non-industrialized populations are warranted to allow for a better understanding of the (numeric) impact of plant-based dietary patterns on DAL scores, potentially allowing for an establishment of reference ranges in the near future.

Benchmarking , Dieta , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , Venezuela , Vegetarianos , Dieta Vegana , Dieta Vegetariana