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Innovation ; : 97-102, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-686850


@#In order to determine sleep disorders, especially insomnia due to exam stress in medical students, moreover are there any bad effects on performance of mental abilities and emotional competency, we carried out this research. We used Prospective cohort study design, involving III and IV grade 60 students, once these grades are most overloaded courses. The study performed through 2 stages: 1) Just after Final examination of a block, 2) During regular days, after sleeping well. The aim can be divided into three main categories, including evaluation of sleep disorders, estimation of brain performances and emotional competency. An average sleeping time was 3.67±1.45 hours on final exam day, whereas a main sleeping time during regular day was 7.88±1.19 hours. As totally 70% of students were estimated as having insomnia and according to insomnia severity index, 58.3% of them had subthreshold insomnia, 16.7% of them had moderate insomnia. Furthermore, regarding to Epworth sleepiness scale, 36.7% of all participants were evaluated as having mild daytime sleepiness, 13.3% had moderate, and 10% had severe sleepiness, which was more common in male students. The estimation of emotional competency consists of self-awareness, managing emotions, motivating oneself, empathy, and social skill, which were strongly associated with duration of sleep time, as well as, emotion was more stable in 4th grade students. As comparison between mental performances of sufficient and insufficient sleep time, main difference of speed 3428±1249, memory 2984±1063, attention 2472±31, flexibility 4525±1184, and problem solving 945±193 scores.

Innovation ; : 41-44, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975402


Ectopic pregnancy (EP) is a life – threatening emergency, and a significant cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in Ulan – Bator. The aim of this research was to determine and evaluate the incidence, risk factors and treatment of ectopic pregnancies at The First Maternity Hospital in Ulan – Bator.This was a retrospective, descriptive study of EP’s managed in The First Maternity Hospital during the study period 2013, 2014.The medical records of the patients managed for ectopic pregnancy as well as the total birth record and gynecological admission records during the period under review were retrieved, and data were collected with the aid of data-entry forms designed for this purpose. There were 46.147 gynecological admissions and 28.744 deliveries, with 870 cases of ectopic pregnancies. A total 863 cases were suitable for analysis. The relevant collected data were analyzed with SPSS Version 20.0 for windows.Ectopic pregnancies constituted in 3.9% of all gynecological admissions.Majority of patients were in 25-29years age group (64.1%). The average age of patients was 30 +/- 6 years. In 83.8% of patients had previous abortions, inflammatory disease was the most frequent risk factors.521(60.3%) patients were treated surgically while the 342(39.6%) remain patients received conservative treatment.The incidence of ectopic pregnancy increased by 0.8%, which is comparable between 2013(2.5%), 2014(3.3%). In our study the number percentage of organ preserving treatment, such as tubostomy and conservative – treatment by methotrexate increased significantly.

Innovation ; : 49-54, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975403


To detect factors influencing infant’s weight growth during the last few years and to do comparing analysis between mother’s and infant’s weight. 3600 birth histories were chosen and used out of all childbirths happened in 2010-2014 in Ulaanbaatar’s First Maternity hospital using random sampling method. Questionnaires consisting of 21 questions were performed within primiparas, mothers giving birth not for the first time and mothers giving birth by cesarean section. Processing of all the workings were done by using Microsoft Word 8 and Microsoft Excel 2007.According to the results of the research there is a tendency to weight growth of the infants. Comparing weights of the first child of the woman (women giving birth repeatedly and women giving birth by cesarean section) with the second one there is an increasing number of infants with heavier weight. And also as per research done within primiparas there is an increasing number of children born weighting more than 4010 grams during last 5 years. To compare heights of the women giving birth, there is a dominating number of women whose heights are between 155-160,9. However, there is a tendency of birth rate to increase in women whose heights are 161cm. According to the research 63% of all women giving birth were 21-30 years old, average age of women is 28,1 years old. We also detected that there is a dominating number of women giving birth for the 2nd time, but also we concluded that there is an increase in a frequency of women giving birth for the 3rd and 4th times as well. Birth frequency\5 years average\: according to the research we have done we are concluding that 46% of all women are giving birth for the 2nd time, 48%- for the 3rd time, 5% of all women are giving birth for the 4th time and 1% of them are having their 5th child. Significants of cesarean section: 338 are repeated cesarean section, 228 are chronic hypoxia, 131are preeclampsia, beech presentation are171 and other. Childbearing time comparing there is an increase in childbearing of 40-41 weeks.. Comparison between first child’s weight and second child’s weight. As per comparison done between a women’s previous child’s weight and a present child’s weights there is a decrease in a number births of children weights of whose are between 3000-3500 g of 8%, and also an increase in number of births of the children weighting 3510-4000 g by 9,2%, of the children weighting 4010-4500 g by 3% and of the children weighting more than 4510 g by 1,4% was seen. Compare between weights of the first child and second child of the women giving birth by cesarean section done between first and second children’s weights we detected that there is an increase in a number of children weighting 3000-3500 g by 10,4%, weighting 3510-4000 g by 10,2%, weighting 4010-4500 by 12,8% and weighting more than 4510 by 2,59%. Women’s first child’s weight comparison are showing there is a dominating number of children born weighting 3000-4000 grams, however, we also see that there is a slightly increase in number of children born weighting more than 4010 grams. As per research we have done between average heights of the women giving birth in a last 5 years we are concluding following: height of 13% of all women who were involved in a research was 149-154 cm, 39%’s height was 155-160,9 cm, 27%- 161- 166,9 cm and 19% of them were taller than 167cm. According to the research we see dominating number of over weighted women. Despite of sampling method not showing good enough picture of weight index increase we can conclude that number of 2r and 3r levels of overweight mothers are not only staying at the same level but also has some tendency to grow. It was observed that the fact of weight gaining, bad eating habits, not doing sports during pregnancy and increasing of women height acceleration and post-term pregnancy are influencing infant’s weight gain which leads to infant’s morbidity and pathology and to complications during pregnancy and childbirth.When women give birth repeatedly with every birth they give there is an increase in a child’s weight. And also between primiparas there is an increased number of children born weighting more than 4010 grams.Between women involved in a research there is a dominating number of women who are 155-160,9 cm tall, however, it is 46% of them whose heights are more than 161 cm. It shows that average height of Mongolian women is increasing.According to weight index not only women with overweight are dominating, but also number of women with 2 and 3r levels of overweight never goes down and slightly increases. From this we may conclude that overweight problems of women are influencing weight of the baby and also contributes to childbirth and pregnancy complications.