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Nat Food ; 5(1): 37-47, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38168785


Improving nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa under increasing climate risks and population growth requires a strong and contextualized evidence base. Yet, to date, few studies have assessed climate-smart agriculture and nutrition security simultaneously. Here we use an integrated assessment framework (iFEED) to explore stakeholder-driven scenarios of food system transformation towards climate-smart nutrition security in Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia. iFEED translates climate-food-emissions modelling into policy-relevant information using model output implication statements. Results show that diversifying agricultural production towards more micronutrient-rich foods is necessary to achieve an adequate population-level nutrient supply by mid-century. Agricultural areas must expand unless unprecedented rapid yield improvements are achieved. While these transformations are challenging to accomplish and often associated with increased greenhouse gas emissions, the alternative for a nutrition-secure future is to rely increasingly on imports, which would outsource emissions and be economically and politically challenging given the large import increases required.

Agricultura , Cambio Climático , Agricultura/métodos , Alimentos , Clima , Malaui
Sci Total Environ ; 860: 160484, 2023 Feb 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36436632


The restoration of degraded lands and minimizing the degradation of productive lands are at the forefront of many environmental land management schemes around the world. A key indicator of soil productivity is soil organic carbon (SOC), which influences the provision of most soil ecosystem services. A major challenge in direct measurement of changes in SOC stock is that it is difficult to detect within a short timeframe relevant to land managers. In this study, we sought to identify suitable early indicators of changes in SOC stock and their drivers. A meta-analytical approach was used to synthesize global data on the impacts of arable land conversion to other uses on total SOC stock, 12 different SOC fractions and three soil structural properties. The conversion of arable lands to forests and grasslands accounted for 91 % of the available land use change datasets used for the meta-analysis and were mostly from Asia and Europe. Land use change from arable lands led to 50 % (32-68 %) mean increase in both labile (microbial biomass C and particulate organic C - POC) and passive (microaggregate, 53-250 µm diameter; and small macroaggregate, 250-2000 µm diameter) SOC fractions as well as soil structural stability. There was also 37 % (24-50 %) mean increase in total SOC stock in the experimental fields where the various SOC fractions were measured. Only the POC and the organic carbon stored in small macroaggregates had strong correlation with total SOC: our findings reveal these two SOC fractions were predominantly controlled by biomass input to the soil rather than climatic factors and are thus suitable candidate indicators of short-term changes in total SOC stock. Further field studies are recommended to validate the predictive power of the equations we developed in this study and the use of the SOC metrics under different land use change scenarios.

Ecosistema , Suelo , Suelo/química , Carbono , Bosques , Biomasa , Secuestro de Carbono
Land Degrad Dev ; 33(14): 2635-2646, 2022 Aug 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36249122


Soil degradation remains a challenge in African highlands, where land management lacks a strong context-specific evidence base. We investigated the impacts of recently implemented soil and water conservation (SWC) practices-farmyard manure addition, incorporation of crop residues in soil and fanya juu terracing under an agroforestry system on soil health indicators in the East Usambara Mountains of Tanzania. Farmers' observations of soil changes were combined with conventional soil testing to assess the initial impacts of SWC practices relative to conventional non-SWC practice. Majority of farmers (66%-83%) reported that combining fanya juu terracing with organic amendments led to soil colour change from red to black and an increase in crop yield. Despite the observed darkening of the soil, there was no significant increase in soil organic carbon stock and the contents of N, P, K. There were important changes in soil physical properties, including greater aggregate stability (mean weight diameter of 1.51-1.71 mm) in the SWC plots, a greater volume of transmission pores (>60 µm) and coarse storage pores (10-60 µm) in the surface soil layer (0-15 cm), and greater volume of fine storage pores (0.2-10 µm) and residual pores (0.2 µm) in the sub-surface layer (15-30 cm) of the SWC plots compared with the conventional plots. These changes indicate that SWC rapidly enhances infiltration and retention of water within the root zone, which are important for increasing crop yields and improving the resilience of the agro-ecosystem to environmental stress. Combining SWC with effective soil fertility management is needed for sustainable highland agriculture.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 29(13): 19496-19507, 2022 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34719764


There are many studies on the relationship between energy consumption and various environmental indicators in Africa, and SANE countries in particular. However, there is a dearth of studies that relate external debt to CO2 emissions, and even the ecological footprint, which is a more comprehensive environmental indicator. As such, this paper applies advanced estimation techniques to explore the role of external debt in the famous energy-growth-environmental nexus in SANE countries from 1970 to 2018. The findings from the Augmented Mean Group estimator indicate that economic growth and energy consumption increase environmental pressure in the SANE countries. On country-level results, the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis, monotonic increase, and monotonic decrease for ecological footprint holds in South Africa, Algeria, and Nigeria, respectively. Also, the results reveal that external debt increases the ecological footprint in South Africa and Algeria. Furthermore, the Kónya (2006) bootstrap country-level Granger causality test shows that ecological footprint is sensitive to economic growth and energy consumption in South Africa and Nigeria, while economic growth is sensitive to the ecological footprint in both Algeria and Nigeria. This study argues that stringent policy suggestions should be centred on reducing the overdependence on non-renewable energy sources since it underscores the major deteriorating state of environmental quality across SANE countries.

Dióxido de Carbono , Desarrollo Económico , Dióxido de Carbono/análisis , Deuda Externa , Políticas , Sudáfrica
Catena (Amst) ; 203: 105336, 2021 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34345115


Improving soil health is necessary for increasing agricultural productivity and providing multiple ecosystem services. In the African Highlands (AH) where conversion of forests to cultivation on steep slopes is leading to soil degradation, sustainable land management practices are vital. Farmers' awareness of soil health indicators (SHI) influences their choice of land management and needs to be better understood to improve communication between land managers and other stakeholders in agricultural systems. This study aims to collate and evaluate case study analyses of farmers' awareness and use of soil health indicators in African Highlands. This is achieved by using a multi-method approach that combines a meta-summary analysis of AH's SHI data from 24 published studies together with farmer interviews in the East Usambara Mountain region of Tanzania (EUM). Our findings show that farmers across the AH use observable attributes of the landscape as SHI. Out of 16 SHI reported by the farmers, vegetation performance/crop yield and soil colour were most frequently used across the AH. These were also the only two SHI that influenced farmers' land management decisions in the EUM, where organic manure addition was the only land management option resulting from observed changes in SHI. Farmers' use of only one or two SHI in land management decisions, as is the case in the EUM, seems to limit their choice and/or adoption of sustainable land management options, highlighting the need to increase awareness and use of more relevant SHI. This could be achieved by sharing SHI knowledge through learning alliances and agricultural extension service. Integration of farmers' observation techniques and conventional soil testing in a hybrid approach is recommended for a more targeted assessment of soil health to inform appropriate and sustainable land management practices.

J Environ Manage ; 286: 112192, 2021 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33636630


The challenges of soil degradation and climate change have led to the emergence of Conservation Agriculture (CA) as a sustainable alternative to tillage-based agriculture systems. Despite the recognition of positive impacts on soil health, CA adoption in Africa has remained low. Previous soil health studies have mainly focused on 'scientific' measurements, without consideration of local knowledge, which influences how farmers interpret CA impacts and future land management decisions. This study, based in Malawi, aims to 1) combine local knowledge and conventional soil science approaches to develop a contextualised understanding of the impact of CA on soil health; and 2) understand how an integrated approach can contribute to explaining farmer decision-making on land management. Key farmers' indicators of soil health were crop performance, soil consistence, moisture content, erosion, colour, and structure. These local indicators were consistent with conventional soil health indicators. By combining farmers' observations with soil measurements, we observed that CA improved soil structure, moisture (Mwansambo 7.54%-38.15% lower for CP; Lemu 1.57%-47.39% lower for CP) and infiltration (Lemu CAM/CAML 0.15 cms-1, CP 0.09 cms-1; Mwansambo CP/CAM 0.14 cms-1, CAML 0.18 cms-1). In the conventional practice, farmers perceived ridges to redistribute nutrients, which corresponded with recorded higher exchangeable ammonium (Lemu CP 76.0 mgkg -1, CAM 49.4 mgkg -1, CAML 51.7 mgkg -1), nitrate/nitrite values (Mwansambo CP 200.7 mgkg -1, CAM 171.9 mgkg -1, CAML 103.3 mgkg -1). This perception contributes to the popularity of ridges, despite the higher yield measurements under CA (Mwansambo CP 3225 kgha-1, CAML 5067 kgha-1, CAM 5160 kgha-1; Lemu CP 2886 kgha-1, CAM 2872 kgha-1, CAML 3454 kgha-1 ). The perceived carbon benefits of residues and ridge preference has promoted burying residues in ridges. Integrated approaches contribute to more nuanced and localized perceptions about land management. We propose that the stepwise integrated soil assessment framework developed in this study can be applied more widely in understanding the role of soil health in farmer-decision making, providing a learning process for downscaling technologies and widening the evidence base on sustainable land management practices.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Suelo , Agricultura , Cambio Climático , Agricultores , Malaui
Soil Tillage Res ; 201: 104639, 2020 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32624633


Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) faces climate change and food insecurity challenges, which require action to create resilient farming systems. Conservation agriculture (CA) is widely promoted across SSA but the impacts on key soil physical properties and functions such as soil structure and hydraulic properties that govern water storage and transmission are not well understood. The aim of this study was to assess the impacts of long term (10-12 years) maize-based CA on soil hydraulic conductivity, water retention and pore size distribution. Root zone (0-30 cm depth) soil total porosity, pore size distribution, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) and plant available water capacity (PAWC) of conventional maize monocrop farming systems (CP) are compared with those of adjacent CA trials with either sole maize or maize intercrop/rotation with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) or velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens L) in trial locations across central and southern Malawi. Results show that maize-based CA systems result in significant changes to soil hydraulic properties that correlate with improved soil structure. Results demonstrate increases of 5-15 % in total porosity, 0.06-0.22 cm/min in Ksat, 3-7 % in fine pores for water storage and 3-6 % in PAWC. Maize monocrop CA had similar effect on the hydraulic properties as the maize-legume associations. The values of Ksat for CA systems were within optimum levels (0.03-0.3 cm/min) whereas PAWC was below optimum (<20 %). There was no significant build-up in soil organic matter (OM) in the CA systems. The results lead to a recommendation that crop residue management should be more pro-actively pursued in CA guidance from agricultural extension staff to increase soil OM levels, increase yields and enhance climate resilience of sub-Saharan African farming systems.

J Environ Manage ; 223: 74-84, 2018 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29906675


Grasslands store about 34% of the global terrestrial carbon (C) and are vital for the provision of various ecosystem services such as forage and climate regulation. About 89% of this grassland C is stored in the soil and is affected by management activities but the effects of these management activities on C storage under different climate settings are not known. In this study, we synthesized the effects of fertilizer (nitrogen and phosphorus) application, liming and grazing regime on the stock of SOC in global grasslands, under different site specific climatic settings using a meta-analysis of 341 datasets. We found an overall significant reduction (-8.5%) in the stock of SOC in global managed grasslands, mainly attributable to grazing (-15.0%), and only partially attenuated by fertilizer addition (+6.7%) and liming (+5.8%), indicating that management to improve biomass production does not contribute sufficient organic matter to replace that lost by direct removal by animals. Management activities had the greatest effect in the tropics (-22.4%) due primarily to heavy grazing, and the least effect in the temperate zone (-4.5%). The negative management effect reduced significantly with increasing mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation in the temperate zone, suggesting that temperate grassland soils are potential C sinks in the face of climate change. For a sustainable management of grasslands that will provide adequate forage for livestock and mitigate climate change through C sequestration, we recommend that future tropical grassland management policies should focus on reducing the intensity of grazing. Also, to verify our findings for temperate grasslands and to better inform land management policy, future research should focus on the impacts of the projected climate change on net greenhouse gas exchange and potential climate feedbacks.

Carbono/análisis , Pradera , Gases de Efecto Invernadero , Suelo/química , Animales , Ecosistema , Fertilizantes
Sci Total Environ ; 637-638: 398-407, 2018 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29753228


Effects of climate change on managed grassland carbon (C) fluxes and biomass production are not well understood. In this study, we investigated the individual and interactive effects of experimental warming (+3 °C above ambient summer daily range of 9-12 °C), supplemental precipitation (333 mm +15%) and drought (333 mm -23%) on plant biomass, microbial biomass C (MBC), net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and dissolved organic C (DOC) flux in soil cores from two upland grasslands of different soil nitrogen (N) status (0.54% and 0.37%) in the UK. After one month of acclimation to ambient summer temperature and precipitation, five replicate cores of each treatment were subjected to three months of experimental warming, drought and supplemental precipitation, based on the projected regional summer climate by the end of the 21st Century, in a fully factorial design. NEE and DOC flux were measured throughout the experimental duration, alongside other environmental variables including soil temperature and moisture. Plant biomass and MBC were determined at the end of the experiment. Results showed that warming plus drought resulted in a significant decline in belowground plant biomass (-29 to -37%), aboveground plant biomass (-35 to -77%) and NEE (-13 to -29%), regardless of the N status of the soil. Supplemental precipitation could not reverse the negative effects of warming on the net ecosystem C uptake and plant biomass production. This was attributed to physiological stress imposed by warming which suggests that future summer climate will reduce the C sink capacity of the grasslands. Due to the low moisture retention observed in this study, and to verify our findings, it is recommended that future experiments aimed at measuring soil C dynamics under climate change should be carried out under field conditions. Longer term experiments are recommended to account for seasonal and annual variability, and adaptive changes in biota.

Ciclo del Carbono , Cambio Climático , Pradera , Nitrógeno/análisis , Biomasa , Carbono , Ecosistema , Suelo