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Psicol. pesq ; 12(2): 24-35, jul.-dez. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-955716


O Modelo de Atenção Psicossocial vigente no Brasil requer práticas interdisciplinares e intersetoriais que produzam autonomia e cidadania. Esse modelo teve forte inspiração no modelo italiano. Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar a estrutura e funcionamento de uma equipe de saúde mental de Trieste, Itália, referência internacional na área, na perspectiva de seus integrantes. Entrevistas semiestruturadas foram realizadas com nove profissionais. As entrevistas audiogravadas foram transcritas e analisadas qualitativamente. Os resultados apontam que a cobertura populacional do serviço, número de profissionais, organização das práticas, frequência e qualidade de reuniões são recursos essenciais. O eixo central do trabalho é a existência de múltiplos espaços de discussão para a equipe e usuários, que potencializam práticas centradas na pessoa e no território. O processo de reflexão contínua é pautado em ações não-especialísticas e na discussão sobre as práticas cotidianas.

The Psychosocial Care Model, public policy on mental health in Brazil requires interdisciplinary and intersectoral practices producing autonomy and citizenship. This model had strong inspiration in the Italian model. This study aimed to investigate the structure and functioning of a mental health team of Trieste, Italy, whose network services is considered an international reference. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine professionals. The audio-recorded interviews were transcribed and qualitatively analyzed. Results pointed out that the population coverage of the service, number of professionals, territorial and service actions organization, frequency and quality of the meetings are essential resources. The central axis of the work is the existence of multiple discussion spaces for staff and users, which enhance practices centered on the person and in the territory. The process of continuous reflection is based on non-specialistic actions and the discussion about everyday practices.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29238396


INTRODUCTION: It has been proposed that sailing can improve quality of life, personal and social skills of people with severe psychosocial disabilities. This study aimed to assess the efficacy of a psychosocial rehabilitative intervention focused on sailing on quality of life, self-efficacy and sense of coherence in people with severe psychosocial disabilities. METHODS: The study was a randomized, with parallel groups, waiting-list controlled trial. Participants were 51 people with severe psychosocial disabilities. The intervention was a structured course to learn sailing in a crew lasting three months. A randomized group began the sailing course immediately after a pre-treatment assessment; the waitlist group began the sailing course after a three months period of treatments as usual. Participants were assessed before and after the sailing course, or the waiting list period, on the General Self-Efficacy scale (GSES), Sense Of Coherence scale (SOC) and Health Survey-short form (SF-12). RESULTS: Self-efficacy significantly increased after the sailing course and decreased after treatment as usual (p=0.015). Sense of coherence and the levels of quality of life tended to improve after the sailing course, albeit below levels of statistical significance. CONCLUSION: When compared to more traditional psychosocial rehabilitative activities, an intervention focused on sailing in a crew positively impacts the sense of coherence and the levels of quality of life and significantly improves self-efficacy of people with severe psychosocial disabilities. Further longitudinal research is required.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29299045


INTRODUCTION: Physical activity helps to improve several clinical outcomes of people with severe psychosocial disabilities. The aims of this study were; 1) to assess the efficacy of a psychosocial rehabilitative intervention focused on sailing in a crew on: a) social functioning; b) severity of the psychosocial disability; c) general functioning; d) dysregulation of biorhythms of people with severe psychosocial disabilities, and 2) to evaluate the attenders' satisfaction about the project. METHODS: A randomized waitlist controlled trial with parallel groups was carried out involving 51 people with severe psychosocial disabilities. The intervention was a 3 months-lasting course to learn sailing in a crew. Just after the randomization, a group began the sailing course and the other group (wait list) attended the sailing course after 3 months of treatments as usual. Before and after the sailing course, as well as the waiting list period, all attenders were assessed by HoNOS, GAF, CGI-S and BRIAN. At the end of the sailing course, they completed also a self-report satisfaction questionnaire. RESULTS: Social functioning significantly improved after the sailing course (HoNOS total score "time X group": p=0.011), mainly because of the improvement of psychopathological symptoms (HoNOS symptoms score "time X group": p=0.003). Furthermore, participants greatly appreciated the rehabilitative program based on sailing in a crew. CONCLUSIONS: When compared to more traditional rehabilitative activities that are usually carried out in mental health services, a psychosocial rehabilitative intervention based on sailing in a crew significantly improve the social functioning of people with severe psychosocial disabilities.