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Sci Adv ; 8(8): eabg2469, 2022 Feb 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35196092


Antiferromagnet spintronic devices eliminate or mitigate long-range dipolar fields, thereby promising ultrafast operation. For spin transport electronics, one of the most successful strategies is the creation of metallic synthetic antiferromagnets, which, to date, have largely been formed from transition metals and their alloys. Here, we show that synthetic antiferrimagnetic sandwiches can be formed using exchange coupling spacer layers composed of atomically ordered RuAl layers and ultrathin, perpendicularly magnetized, tetragonal ferrimagnetic Heusler layers. Chemically ordered RuAl layers can both be grown on top of a Heusler layer and allow for the growth of ordered Heusler layers deposited on top of it that are as thin as one unit cell. The RuAl spacer layer gives rise to a thickness-dependent oscillatory interlayer coupling with an oscillation period of ~1.1 nm. The observation of ultrathin ordered synthetic antiferrimagnets substantially expands the family of synthetic antiferromagnets and magnetic compounds for spintronic technologies.

Nat Commun ; 7: 10276, 2016 Jan 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26776829


Although high-tunnelling spin polarization has been observed in soft, ferromagnetic, and predicted for hard, ferrimagnetic Heusler materials, there has been no experimental observation to date of high-tunnelling magnetoresistance in the latter. Here we report the preparation of highly textured, polycrystalline Mn3Ge films on amorphous substrates, with very high magnetic anisotropy fields exceeding 7 T, making them technologically relevant. However, the small and negative tunnelling magnetoresistance that we find is attributed to predominant tunnelling from the lower moment Mn-Ge termination layers that are oppositely magnetized to the higher moment Mn-Mn layers. The net spin polarization of the current reflects the different proportions of the two distinct termination layers and their associated tunnelling matrix elements that result from inevitable atomic scale roughness. We show that by engineering the spin polarization of the two termination layers to be of the same sign, even though these layers are oppositely magnetized, high-tunnelling magnetoresistance is possible.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 19(36): 365236, 2007 Sep 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21694181


We have developed a quasiparticle self-consistent GW method (QSGW), which is a new self-consistent method to calculate the electronic structure within the GW approximation. The method is formulated based on the idea of a self-consistent perturbation; the non-interacting Green function G(0), which is the starting point for GWA to obtain G, is determined self-consistently so as to minimize the perturbative correction generated by GWA. After self-consistency is attained, we have G(0), W (the screened Coulomb interaction) and G self-consistently. This G(0) can be interpreted as the optimum non-interacting propagator for the quasiparticles. We will summarize some theoretical discussions to justify QSGW. Then we will survey results which have been obtained up to now: e.g., band gaps for normal semiconductors are predicted to a precision of 0.1-0.3 eV; the self-consistency including the off-diagonal part is required for NiO and MnO; and so on. There are still some remaining disagreements with experiments; however, they are very systematic, and can be explained from the neglect of excitonic effects.

Phys Rev Lett ; 93(12): 126406, 2004 Sep 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15447292


We present a new kind of self-consistent GW approximation based on the all-electron, full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method. By iterating the eigenfunctions of the GW Hamiltonian, self-consistency in both the charge density and the quasiparticle spectrum is achieved. We explain why this form of self-consistency should be preferred to the conventional one. Some results for Si (a representative semiconductor) are presented. Finally we consider many details in the electronic structure of the antiferromagnetic insulators MnO and NiO. Excellent agreement with experiment is shown for many properties, suggesting that a Landau quasiparticle (energy band) picture provides a reasonable description of electronic structure even in these correlated materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 88(6): 067402, 2002 Feb 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11863849


We predict and quantitatively evaluate the unique possibility of concentrating the energy of an ultrafast excitation of a nanosystem in a small part of the whole system by means of coherent control (phase modulation of the exciting ultrashort pulse). Such concentration is due to dynamic properties of surface plasmons and leads to local fields enhanced by orders of magnitude. This effect exists for both "engineered" and random nanosystems. We also discuss possible applications.