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PLoS One ; 19(3): e0289394, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38527016


INTRODUCTION: There are now well-established global standards for supporting improvement in women's experience of maternity services, including frameworks for the prevention of mistreatment during childbirth. To support initiatives to improve the quality of care in maternal health services in Timor-Leste, we examine the adoption of global respectful maternity care standards in the national intrapartum care policy and in three urban birth facilities in Dili. METHODS: From May to July 2022, we conducted a desk review of the Timor-Leste National Intrapartum Care Standards and Clinical Protocols for Referral Facilities and Community Health Centres. This was followed by a health-facility audit of policies, guidelines and procedures in three main maternity facilities in the capital, Dili to examine the extent to which the WHO (2016) standards for women's experiences of care have been adopted. RESULTS: Despite the availability of global guidelines, key standards to improve women's experience of care have not been included in the National Intrapartum Care guidelines in Timor-Leste. There was no mention of avoiding mistreatment of women, needing informed consent for procedures, or strengthening women's own capability and confidence. In the policy wording, women tended to be distanced from the care 'procedures' and the protocols could be improved by taking a more woman-centred approach. The results of the health facility assessment showed extremely low use of standards that improve women's experiences of care. Health Facility 1 and 2 met two of the 21 quality measures, while Health Facility 3 met none of them. CONCLUSION: The discourse communicated through policy fundamentally affects how health care issues are framed and how policies are enacted. Given the findings of this study, combined with previously documented issues around quality of care and low satisfaction with maternal health services, there is a need for a fundamental shift in the culture of care for women. This will require an immediate focus on leadership, training and policy-frameworks to increase respectful care for women in health facilities. It will also require longer-term effort to address the power imbalances that drive mistreatment of women within and across social systems, and to support models of care that inherently foster understanding and compassion.

Servicios de Salud Materna , Humanos , Embarazo , Femenino , Timor Oriental , Calidad de la Atención de Salud , Parto , Parto Obstétrico/métodos , Actitud del Personal de Salud
J Public Health Res ; 11(3): 22799036221106613, 2022 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36052096


The number of mental health problems in children and adolescents has been increasing. One of the causes of mental health problems is trauma in the family, such as childhood adversities. The aim of this study was to review the relationship between childhood adversities and mental health problems. The method in this study was a systematic review using three databases: CINAHL, PubMed, and SCOPUS. The results of the review were reported according to the PRISMA guidelines. The keywords used in this study were mental health or mental illness or mental disorder or psychiatric illness AND adolescents or teenagers or teenagers or youth AND parental divorce or parental separation OR parental death or parental loss or parentally bereaved. The inclusion criteria for the articles were English language and published from 2017 to 2021. This study recorded 477 articles, screened according to the topic, and then the final articles were 35. The results of the systematic review showed evidence that childhood adversities were related to mental health problems according to the ICD-10 diagnosis, ADHD and personality disorders, depression, post-traumatic, smoking behavior, and alcohol abuse, and distress. Interventions for children with childhood adversities were needed to prevent mental health disorders.

J Interpers Violence ; 37(23-24): NP22175-NP22198, 2022 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35301899


Healthcare providers are one of the first professionals women are likely to come into contact with after experiencing violence as they seek care for injuries and associated health problems or in routine care such as reproductive health services. Systematic reviews of women's experiences and expectations when disclosing abuse in health settings reveal a dearth of research with women in low-income countries and from rural areas. The aim of this study was to understand the information and interventions women who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault want from their health providers in Timor-Leste, a country with a largely rural population and very high rates of violence against women. The mixed-methods study consisted of in-depth qualitative interviews with 28 women survivors of violence, followed by a 'pile-sort' activity in which they rated their preference for different types of interventions they wanted from their healthcare provider. The pile-sort activity showed the highest-ranked interventions centred around emotional support, information and safety, the middle-ranked interventions centred around empowering women and playing an advocacy role, and the lowestranked interventions were around intervening at the relationship level and mandatory reporting to the police. The qualitative interviews provided rich insights that affirmed women value empathy and kindness from service providers, they want to be supported to make their own decisions and the importance of formal as well as informal sources of support such as community leaders and family. There are significant implications for the content of existing training programmes on gender-based violence in Timor-Leste and similar contexts, particularly the need to build capacity on how to respond in an empathic and empowering way and how to balance mandatory reporting obligations, while also practising woman-centred care and providing the kind of support women value.Abstratu TetunFornesedór kuidadu saúde nuudar profisionál dahuluk ida ne'ebé iha posibilidade atu halo kontaktu ho feto sira depoiz de hetan violénsia tanba sira buka tratamentu ba kanek no problema saúde ne'ebe iha ligasaun ka iha kuidadu rutina sira hanesan servisu saúde reprodutiva nian. Estudu sistemátiku kona-ba feto sira nia esperiénsia no espetativa bainhira fósai abuzu iha kontestu saúde nian dehan katak ladun barak peskiza ho feto sira iha nasaun ho rendimentu kiik no husi área rurál sira. Estudu ida nee ezamina informasaun no intervensaun feto sira neebé hetan violénsia doméstika ka asaltu seksuál sira nia hakarak hosi fornesedor saúde iha Timor-Leste, nasaun ida neebé ho populasaun rurál barak no númeru ne'ebe mak aas tebes hosi violénsia hasoru feto. Métodu estudu mistura ne'ebé kompostu hosi entrevista kualitativa profundu ho sobrevivente feto na'in 28 ne'ebé sofre violénsia, tuir fali ho atividade 'pile sort' iha ne'ebé sira klasifika sira nia preferénsia ba tipu intervensaun ne'ebé diferente. Atividade pile sort hatudu intervensaun sira ne'ebé hetan klasifikasaun boot liu mak iha apoiu emosionál, informasaun no seguransa, intervensaun ho klasifikasaun médiu foka liu ba empoderamentu feto no hala'o papél advokasia, no intervensaun ho klasifikasaun kik liu mak iha intervensaun iha nivel relasaun, no keixa obrigatóriu (mandatory reporting) ba iha polisia. Entrevista kualitativu fórnese persepsaun barak ne'ebe feto sira koalia sai kona-ba sira nia valor empatia no laran-di'ak hosi prestadór servisu, sira hakarak atu hetan apoia atu halo desizaun rasik, no importánsia husi fonte formal no mos informál sira nia apoiu, hanesan lider komunitáriu no família. Iha implikasaun signifikativu ba konteúdu programa formasaun ne'ebé eziste kona-ba violénsia bazeia ba jéneru iha Timor-Leste no kontextu ne'ebe mak hanesan, liu-liu presiza atu hasa'e kapasidade kona-ba oinsá atu responde ho maneira empatia no empodera feto sira no oinsa halo balansu obrigasaun relatóriu mandatóriu (mandatory reporting) enkuantu mós prátika kuidadu feto sira no fornese apoiu ne'ebe mak iha valor ba feto sira.DisclaimerReaders should be aware that this article contains stories of trauma and abuse that some people may find difficult to read. If you experience any distress or something similar has happened or is happening to you, there are support services available in most countries. If you are in Timor-Leste, where this research was conducted, the following website has a list of services and contact details to get further assistance Le nain sira tenke hatene katak artigu ida ne'e kontein istória trauma no abuzu ne'ebé ema balun dalaruma sente defisil atu lee. Karik ita boot esperiensia difikuldade ruma ka iha esperiensia ruma neebé hanesan akontese ona ka akontese hela ba ita boot, iha servisu apoiu neebé mka disponivel iha nasaun barak. Karik ita boot hela iha Timor-Leste, iha nasaun ne'ebé hala'o peskiza ida ne'e, website tuir mai ne'e iha lista servisu no kontaktu detallu hodi hetan liu tan asisténsia

Violencia Doméstica , Violencia de Género , Femenino , Humanos , Empatía , Timor Oriental/epidemiología , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud
Soc Sci Med ; 260: 113191, 2020 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32702588


International advocacy and evidence have been critical for shifting the pervasive issue of violence against women onto the health agenda. Guidelines and training packages, however, can be underpinned by Western principles of responding to individual survivors of violence and availability of specialist referral services, which may not be available in many countries. As Timor-Leste and other nations begin to build their health system response to violence against women, it is important to understand the current practices of health providers and the broader sociocultural context of providing care to survivors of violence. During 11 months in the field (February-December 2016), we conducted qualitative interviews with 48 midwives and community leaders in three municipalities in Timor-Leste. The findings reveal that midwives engage at both the individual and collective levels, providing medical care, advice and moral support to survivors of violence as well as gathering support for women within families and communities. Midwives therefore navigate both formal and informal spaces as they respond to domestic and sexual violence. In doing so, they are influenced by their own experiences as women, as health providers imbued with authoritative knowledge, and as part of the wider sociocultural system. We argue that while much progress has been made in frameworks for health systems responding to survivors of violence, more work needs to be done to understand how to support health providers in low- and middle-income countries as they engage with perpetrators, families and communities. There is a need for further discussion of how health systems can address the issue of domestic and sexual violence as a collective social problem, while foregrounding the needs and rights of those experiencing violence. This research has implications for the content of guidelines and training, and importantly, for developing mechanisms to deal with complex social issues within local health services.

Partería , Delitos Sexuales , Antropología Cultural , Femenino , Humanos , Embarazo , Timor Oriental , Violencia
Women Birth ; 32(4): e459-e466, 2019 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30448244


PROBLEM: The health sector is a critical partner in the response to violence against women, but little is known about how to translate international guidelines and sustainable good practice in remote and under-resourced health systems. AIM: This research explores the barriers and enablers that midwives report in responding to domestic and sexual violence in Timor-Leste, a country with a very high rate of violence against women. The aim is to inform a systems approach to health provider training and engagement applicable to Timor-Leste and other low-resource settings. METHODS: In 2016 we conducted qualitative interviews and group discussions with 36 midwives from rural health settings, community health centres and hospitals in three municipalities of Timor-Leste. FINDINGS: A range of individual, health system and societal factors shape midwives' practice. While training provided the foundation for knowing how to respond to cases of violence, midwives still faced significant health system barriers such as lack of time, privacy and a supportive environment. Key enablers were support from colleagues and health centre managers. CONCLUSION: Health provider training to address violence against women is important but tends to focus on individual knowledge and skills. There is a need to shift toward systems-based approaches that engage all staff and managers within a health facility, work creatively to overcome barriers to implementation, and link them with wider community-based resources.

Violencia Doméstica/estadística & datos numéricos , Partería/estadística & datos numéricos , Enfermeras Obstetrices/psicología , Delitos Sexuales/estadística & datos numéricos , Adulto , Violencia Doméstica/psicología , Femenino , Recursos en Salud/provisión & distribución , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Humanos , Embarazo , Investigación Cualitativa , Población Rural/estadística & datos numéricos , Delitos Sexuales/psicología , Timor Oriental