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Motriz (Online) ; 24(1): e1018147, 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-895048


AIMS :to compare the influence of menopause on body fat, induced by a physical training program. METHODS: Twenty-one sedentary women, 10 postmenopausal (MN; 54.6 ± 5.1 years, 42.9 ± 4.1 % body fat) and 11 in the ovulatory state (OS; 35.1 ± 5.4 years, 44.1 ± 5.5 % body fat), performed a training program with aerobic exercise (12 weeks, five times / week, 60 minutes per session). Before and after this program, the following measurements were taken: sum of skin fold (∑D), body fat percentage (%F), waist-hip ratio (WHR) and abdominal circumference (AC). RESULTS: MN and OS significantly reduced ΣD (38.5 ± 25.1 mm and 27.7 ± 19.4 mm, respectively), but without differences between the groups. MN group women obtained relative reduction in the suprailiac fold, significantly greater than OS (25 ± 10 vs. 11.5 ± 12 mm), and also a greater reduction in the %F (13.5 ± 8% vs. 6.6 ± 6%). There were very slight reductions in WHR in both groups (0.009 ± 0.02 and 0.005 ± 0.03 in MN and OS, respectively), as well as AC (reduction of 3.5 ± 3 cm and 3.9 ± 2.9 cm for MN and OS), with no differences between groups. CONCLUSION: The postmenopausal women responded to a training program with a greater reduction of body fat, but in only one of four evaluated body composition variables.(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Composición Corporal , Ejercicio Físico , Menopausia
J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 19(3)31/10/2017.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-876129


A detecção de condições comórbidas não é bem administrada em pessoas com deficiência, contudo, medidas clínicas simples podem auxiliar na identificação de fatores predeterminantes de doenças cardiovasculares. Assim, este estudo analisou o risco cardiovascular, a partir de indicadores antropométricos e de pressão arterial (PA) de adultos com diferentes níveis de deficiência intelectual (DI). Em um delineamento ex post facto, 114 adultos com DI [29 (9) anos; 1,62 (0,1)m; 64,4 (15,2) kg; 24,5 (5,3) kg/m2 ] foram submetidos a medidas de PA, massa corporal, estatura e circunferência abdominal (CA), sendo classificados quanto ao IMC, ao risco cardíaco e à hipertensão. A comparação das variáveis antropométricas e de PA, entre os sexos, foi realizada com o teste t independente e, entre os níveis de DI, com ANOVA oneway. Associações entre o nível de DI e as classificações de IMC, CA e hipertensão foram obtidas com o teste Qui-quadrado. Observou-se alta prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade (43,9%), sendo que 51,7% dos avaliados apresentaram risco de complicações cardiovasculares aumentado ou muito aumentado, especialmente, as mulheres. Verificou-se hipertensão em 11,4%, sendo maior em homens e em pessoas com DI moderada. Os homens apresentaram PA sistólica superiores às mulheres. Por outro lado, não foram observadas diferenças significantes entre os níveis de DI para as variáveis analisadas. O aumento no nível de DI não foi associado a complicações cardiovasculares, estimados pelos indicadores antropométricos e pela PA. Dessa forma, embora detectada uma elevada prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade e risco de complicações cardiovasculares, o nível de DI não influenciou o risco cardiovascular nesta população. (AU).

Although the detection of comorbid conditions is not well-administered in people with disabilities, simple clinical measures may assist in identifying pre-determining factors for cardiovascular disease. Thus, this study analyzed cardiovascular risk from anthropometric indicators and blood pressure (BP) in adults with intellectual disability (ID). In an ex-post fact design, 114 adults with different levels of ID [29 (9) years; 1.62 (0.1) m; 64.4 (15.2) kg; 24.5 (5.3) kg/m2 ] underwent BP, weight, height and waist circumference (WC) measures. Participants were sorted by BMI, cardiac risk, and hypertension. Comparisons of the anthropometric and BP variables between the sexes were performed by independent t test and, among the ID levels by one-way ANOVA. Associations between ID level and BMI, WC and hypertension classifications were obtained by Chi-square test for trend. It has observed a high prevalence of overweight and obesity (43.9%), whereas 51.7% presented high or very high cardiac risk, especially women. In addition, it evidenced hypertension prevalence of 11.4%, more in men and in moderate ID. Men presented higher BP than women. On the other hand, it was not perceived significant difference among ID levels for the variables analyzed. A Higher level of deficiency is not associated with cardiac complications, estimated by anthropometric indicators and BP. Therefore, although a high prevalence of overweight/ obesity and risk of cardiovascular complications were detected, the level of ID did not influence on the cardiovascular risk in this population. (AU).