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Science ; 383(6687): 1080-1083, 2024 Mar 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38452084


High-Q microresonators are indispensable components of photonic integrated circuits and offer several useful operational modes. However, these modes cannot be reconfigured after fabrication because they are fixed by the resonator's physical geometry. In this work, we propose a Moiré speedup dispersion tuning method that enables a microresonator device to operate in any of three modes. Electrical tuning of Vernier coupled rings switches operating modality to Brillouin laser, bright microcomb, and dark microcomb operation on demand using the same hybrid-integrated device. Brillouin phase matching and microcomb operation across the telecom C-band is demonstrated. Likewise, by using a single-pump wavelength, the operating mode can be switched. As a result, one universal design can be applied across a range of applications. The device brings flexible mixed-mode operation to integrated photonic circuits.

Nature ; 620(7972): 78-85, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37532812


Photonic integrated circuits are widely used in applications such as telecommunications and data-centre interconnects1-5. However, in optical systems such as microwave synthesizers6, optical gyroscopes7 and atomic clocks8, photonic integrated circuits are still considered inferior solutions despite their advantages in size, weight, power consumption and cost. Such high-precision and highly coherent applications favour ultralow-noise laser sources to be integrated with other photonic components in a compact and robustly aligned format-that is, on a single chip-for photonic integrated circuits to replace bulk optics and fibres. There are two major issues preventing the realization of such envisioned photonic integrated circuits: the high phase noise of semiconductor lasers and the difficulty of integrating optical isolators directly on-chip. Here we challenge this convention by leveraging three-dimensional integration that results in ultralow-noise lasers with isolator-free operation for silicon photonics. Through multiple monolithic and heterogeneous processing sequences, direct on-chip integration of III-V gain medium and ultralow-loss silicon nitride waveguides with optical loss around 0.5 decibels per metre are demonstrated. Consequently, the demonstrated photonic integrated circuit enters a regime that gives rise to ultralow-noise lasers and microwave synthesizers without the need for optical isolators, owing to the ultrahigh-quality-factor cavity. Such photonic integrated circuits also offer superior scalability for complex functionalities and volume production, as well as improved stability and reliability over time. The three-dimensional integration on ultralow-loss photonic integrated circuits thus marks a critical step towards complex systems and networks on silicon.

Opt Express ; 30(14): 25147-25161, 2022 Jul 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36237052


Narrow-linewidth lasers are important to many applications spanning precision metrology to sensing systems. Characterization of these lasers requires precise measurements of their frequency noise spectra. Here we demonstrate a correlated self-heterodyne (COSH) method capable of measuring frequency noise as low as 0.01 Hz2/Hz at 1 MHz offset frequency. The measurement setup is characterized by both commercial and lab-built lasers, and features low optical power requirements, fast acquisition time and high intensity noise rejection.

Sci Adv ; 8(43): eabp9006, 2022 Oct 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36306350


Lasers with hertz linewidths at time scales of seconds are critical for metrology, timekeeping, and manipulation of quantum systems. Such frequency stability relies on bulk-optic lasers and reference cavities, where increased size is leveraged to reduce noise but with the trade-off of cost, hand assembly, and limited applications. Alternatively, planar waveguide-based lasers enjoy complementary metal-oxide semiconductor scalability yet are fundamentally limited from achieving hertz linewidths by stochastic noise and thermal sensitivity. In this work, we demonstrate a laser system with a 1-s linewidth of 1.1 Hz and fractional frequency instability below 10-14 to 1 s. This low-noise performance leverages integrated lasers together with an 8-ml vacuum-gap cavity using microfabricated mirrors. All critical components are lithographically defined on planar substrates, holding potential for high-volume manufacturing. Consequently, this work provides an important advance toward compact lasers with hertz linewidths for portable optical clocks, radio frequency photonic oscillators, and related communication and navigation systems.

Opt Lett ; 46(20): 5201-5204, 2021 Oct 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34653151


We self-injection-lock a diode laser to a 1.41 m long, ultra-high Q integrated resonator. The hybrid integrated laser reaches a frequency noise floor of 0.006Hz2/Hz at 4 MHz offset, corresponding to a Lorentzian linewidth below 40 mHz-a record among semiconductor lasers. It also exhibits exceptional stability at low-offset frequencies, with frequency noise of 200Hz2/Hz at 100 Hz offset. Such performance, realized in a system comprised entirely of integrated photonic chips, marks a milestone in the development of integrated photonics; and, for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, exceeds the frequency noise performance of commercially available, high-performance fiber lasers.

Opt Lett ; 46(12): 2984-2987, 2021 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34129590


While Moore's law predicted shrinking transistors would enable exponential scaling of electronic circuits, the footprint of photonic components is limited by the wavelength of light. Thus, future high-complexity photonic integrated circuits (PICs) such as petabit-per-second transceivers, thousand-channel switches, and photonic quantum computers will require more area than a single reticle provides. In our novel approach, we overlay and widen waveguides in adjacent reticles to stitch a smooth transition between misaligned exposures. In SiN waveguides, we measure ultralow loss of 0.0004 dB per stitch, and produce a stitched delay line 23 m in length. We extend the design to silicon channel waveguides, and predict 50-fold lower loss or 50-fold smaller footprint versus a multimode-waveguide-based method. Our approach enables large-scale PICs to scale seamlessly beyond the single-reticle limit.