Patients with COVID-19 can require radiological examination, with chest CT being more frequent than neuro-imaging. The objective is to identify epidemiological, clinical and radiological factors considered as predictors of neurological involvement in patients with COVID-19 assessed by neuroimaging and to describe the neuroimaging findings. This retrospective study was performed with 232 consecutive confirmed COVID-19 patients, from two radiological units, which were divided into two groups: (1) those who underwent a brain CT/MRI scan (n = 35) versus (2) those who did not undergo the brain CT/MRI scan, but underwent only chest CT (n = 197). There was a statistically significant difference with associations regarding the COVID-19 brain scan group for: admission to ICU, greater severity of lung injuries, the use of a mechanical ventilator and sepsis. Statistical tendency was found for chronic renal failure and systemic arterial hypertension. Forty-percent of COVID-19 patients from the brain scan group were abnormal on brain CT and/or brain MRI (22.9% of the cases with bleeding or microbleeding, 8.6% with restricted diffusion lesions). One ischemic stroke case was associated with irregularity at the M1 segment of the right middle cerebral artery. There was a case of left facial nerve palsy with enhancement of the left geniculate ganglia. An analysis of the olfactory bulbs was possible in 12 brain MRIs and 100% had enhancement and/or microbleeding. In conclusion, a more severe COVID-19 disease from ICU, a more severe form of lung disease, the use of mechanical ventilator and sepsis were associated to the COVID-19 patients with neurological involvement who had undergone brain scans. Microvascular phenomenon was a frequent finding in the brain and olfactory bulbs evaluated by neuroimaging.