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Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 39(2): e339044, mayo-ago. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356751


Resumen Objetivo: Explorar los conocimientos y las percepciones de algunas niñas, niños y adolescentes respecto a la sexualidad, el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, y la educación sexual. Metodología: se realizó un estudio cualitativo, a partir de 25 entrevistas semiestructuradas apersonas de entre 9 y 14 años, en 8 municipios priorizados de Colombia. Resultados: En todos los municipios se encontró un desconocimiento generalizado de los temas abordados, así como significados reducidos y percepciones en extremo negativas sobre la sexualidad, la educación sexual, los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, y la salud sexual, a lo que se suman fuertes estereotipos de género. Conclusiones: Los conocimientos y las connotaciones negativas asignadas a los conceptos por los que se preguntó dan cuenta de la limitada y precaria educación sexual que han recibido niñas, niños y adolescentes de estos municipios, lo que significa que aunque en el país existe un marco legal propicio y unas metas relacionadas con el abordaje integral de la sexualidad desde la primera infancia, estos no se están cumpliendo.

Abstract Objective: To explore children knowledge and perceptions about sexuality, exercise of sexual and reproductive rights and sex education. Methodology: A qualitative study was conducted through 25 semi-structured interviews with girls, boys and adolescents from 9 to 14 years old, in eight prioritized municipalities in Colombia. Results: In all the municipalities there was a widespread ignorance about the issues addressed, as well as reduced meanings and extremely negative perceptions about sexuality, sex education and sexual and reproductive rights and health; additionally were found strong gender stereotypes. Conclusions: perceptions and negative connotations assigned to the concepts that were inquired, accounted the limited and precarious sex education that girls and boys from these municipalities have received, which mean that, despite that in the country there is a favorable legal framework and goals related to the comprehensive approach of sexuality from early childhood, these are not being met.

Resumo Objetivo: Explorar o conhecimiento e as percepções de meninas e meninos sobre a sexualidade, o exercício dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos e a educação sexual. Metodologia: Estudo qualitativo realizado por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 25 meninas, meninos e adolescentes entre os nove e os 14 anos, em oito municípios priorizados da Colômbia. Resultados: Em todos os municípios foi encontrado um desconhecimiento generalisado sobre as questões abordadas, bem como significados reduzidos e percepções extremadamente negativas sobre a sexualidade, a educação sexual, os direitos esxuais e reprodutivos e a saúde sexual, e também fortos estereótipos de gênero. Conclusões: Os conhecimentos e as conotações negativas atribuídas aos conceitos o que foram preguntados, dão conta da educação sexual limitada e precária recebida por meninos, meninas e adolescentes desses municipios, o que significa, que a pesar de que o país tem um marco legal favorável e metas relacionadas com o abordagem integral da sexualidade desde a prmeira infancia, estes não estão sendo atendidos.

Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 39(1): e339061, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288018


Resumen Objetivo: Esta investigación explora las percepciones, actitudes y prácticas de niñas, niños y adolescentes sobre violencias en los entornos familiar y escolar. Metodología: Durante 2018, se aplicó una encuesta sobre sexualidad, convivencia familiar y entorno escolar a 16 558 niñas, niños y adolescentes escolarizados de entre 9 y 19 años de edad, habitantes de ocho municipios de Colombia, de las zonas Caribe y Pacífico. Resultados: Se encontraron porcentajes altos de violencia en el hogar y de actitudes violentas en el entorno escolar, además de bajos índices de educación sobre temas relacionados con la violencia de género. La violencia física fue ejercida en mayor frecuencia en los niños y adolescentes varones, entre los 15 y 19 años, y en los municipios de Bahía Solano y El Carmen de Atrato. En contraste, la violencia sexual fue principalmente ejercida a las niñas, entre los 9 y 11 años, y en los municipios de Uribía y Pivijay. Conclusiones: las normas de género y las expectativas sociales atribuidas a las personas en función de su sexo exponen a niñas, niños y adolescentes a violencias diferenciadas; a ello se suman la edad y el lugar en el que se habita.

Abstract Objective: The study explores children and adolescents'perceptions, attitudes and behaviors regarding violence in family and school settings. Methodology: A survey about sexuality, family life and the school setting was conducted in 2018 to 16,558 children and adolescents aged between 9 and 19 years, who were attending school and were residents of eight municipalities of the Caribbean and Pacific regions of Colombia. Results: High percentages of family violence and violent behavior in the school setting were found along with a low degree of knowledge about subjects related to gender-based violence. Young boys and male adolescents aged between 15 and 19 years from Bahía Solano and El Carmen de Atrato municipalities were exposed most frequently to physical violence while girls aged between 9 and 11 years from Uribía and Pivijay were exposed mostly to sexual violence. Conclusions: Gender norms and social expectations expose children and adolescents to different types of violence. Other contributing factors are age and place of residence.

Resumo Objetivo: Explorar percepções, atitudes e práticas de algumas crianças e adolescentes sobre a violência nos ambientes familiar e escolar. Metodologia: Em 2018, foi aplicada uma pesquisa sobre sexualidade, vida familiar e ambiente escolar em 16.558 meninas, meninos e adolescentes entre 9 e 19 anos, habitantes de oito municípios da Colômbia. Resultados: Foram encontrados altos percentuais de violência doméstica e atitudes violentas no ambiente escolar, além de baixos níveis de educação em questões relacionadas à violência de gênero. A violência física foi maior em meninos e adolescentes, entre 15 e 19 anos, e nos municípios de Bahía Solano e El Carmen de Atrato. Por outro lado, a violência sexual foi maior em meninas, entre 9 e 11 anos, e nos municípios de Uribía e Pivijay. Conclusões: as normas de gênero e as expectativas sociais atribuídas às pessoas com base no sexo, expõem meninas e meninos e adolescentes à violência diferenciada, agregando idade e local onde moram.

Int J Equity Health ; 19(1): 148, 2020 10 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33100216


BACKGROUND: People living a trans-life require access to equitable healthcare services, policies and research that address their needs. However, trans people have experienced different forms of violence, discrimination, stigma, and unfair access barriers when dealing with healthcare providers. Therefore, adapting sexual and reproductive health services with the purpose of providing more equitable, inclusive and discrimination-free healthcare services is an urgent need. The article presents an example of how operative research can be used in order to adjust sexual and reproductive healthcare services to trans people's needs, identities and circumstances. METHODS: This is a qualitative study written from a constructivist perspective, and it is based on the voices and experiences of trans people in four major cities in Colombia. The research used a combination of focus groups of discussion (n = 6) and in-depth interviews with trans people (n = 13) in Barranquilla, Bogota, Cali and Medellin. This research had two specific objectives: i) identifying the main sexual and reproductive health needs of people living a trans-life; and ii) generating new evidence in order to guide the adaptation of sexual and reproductive health services centered to trans people's needs, identities, and circumstances. Qualitative data codification and analysis was using NVivo. RESULTS: Once access barriers to sexual and reproductive health services, unmet sexual and reproductive health needs were identified, the research helped define strategies to adapt sexual and reproductive health services to the needs, identities, and circumstances of people living a trans-life in Colombia. Amongst the main barriers found were healthcare costs, lack of insurance, stigmatization, discrimination and abuse by health care providers. Perhaps among the most notable sexual and reproductive health needs presented were trans-specific services such as sensitive assistance for the transition process, endocrinology appointments, and sex reaffirmation surgeries. CONCLUSIONS: The evidence obtained from this research allowed Profamilia, a Colombian healthcare provider, to adapt the sexual and reproductive health services it provides to people living a trans-life in Colombia. Furthermore, it was possible for Profamilia to design and implement an inclusive sexual and reproductive health program that specifically addresses trans people's needs, identities, and circumstances.

Necesidades y Demandas de Servicios de Salud/organización & administración , Servicios de Salud Reproductiva/organización & administración , Salud Sexual , Personas Transgénero , Adulto , Colombia , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Investigación Cualitativa
J Migr Health ; 1-2: 100003, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34405159


BACKGROUND: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) affects women and girls in multiple ways. During migration and within humanitarian settings, migrant women and girls are exposed to different forms of SGBV and to higher vulnerabilities compared with those men encounter. Survivors of this kind of violence face challenges in accessing healthcare for reasons that not only include legal status, language barriers, discrimination, misinformation on the availability of healthcare services, but also the growing spread of conservative views regarding sexual and reproductive health which pose a considerable threat to human rights. This study was guided by the question of how humanitarian emergency preparedness and response initiatives within four cities at the Colombo-Venezuelan border are addressing SGBV. The goal of this research was threefold: first, to explain the level of implementation of the second goal of the MISP, which is to prevent and respond to the consequences of sexual violence; second, to assess the availability of services for migrants who have experienced some type of sexual violence; and third, to understand the perceptions of migrants regarding sexual and gender-based violence. METHODS AND FINDINGS: This study assessed the degree of implementation of the Minimal Initial Service Package (MISP) using a set of tools developed by the Inter-Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises. This study combined the use of different qualitative methods: i) a literature review; ii) 23 interviews with key informants on sexual and reproductive health; iii) an assessment of 21 health institutions which provide services to migrants; and iv) 24 focus groups with migrants between the ages of 14 to 49 years old (241 participants, of which 121 were women and 120 were men). This research was conducted in four cities at the Colombo-Venezuelan border where there was the highest concentration of migrants. Ethical approval was granted by Profamilia´s Advisory Committee on Research Ethics. Although preventing and managing the consequences of sexual violence is the second objective of the MISP, this study found several barriers for the guarantee of comprehensive healthcare for survivors: Venezuelan migrants do not usually consider that healthcare is a need for them after they have survived sexual violence; SGBV during migration is a common occurrence according to key informants; in three out of four cities there were existing organizations working on SGBV, but not all of them could offer comprehensive healthcare services in response to sexual violence. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we observed that migrants tend to be more exposed to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence due to the normalization of such forms of violence in the Colombian and Venezuelan cultures. Findings suggest that Venezuelan migrants are facing complex SGBV issues during the humanitarian emergency at the Colombia-Venezuela border. Recommendations include local health systems response teams, governments and host communities working together to address early access to prevention, healthcare, and protection services for the survivors of SGBV; eliminating barriers in access to essential and comprehensive equity-oriented healthcare services; developing the skills and capacities of healthcare services professionals around the proper management of SGBV; and countering misinformation, lowering the stigma associated with migrants in host communities, and broadening migrant´s perceptions of SGBV, gender roles, and xenophobia.

Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 37(1): 66-77, ene.-abr. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013232


Resumen Objetivo: Caracterizar sociodemográficamente a los hombres que se practican vasectomías en Colombia, para generar evidencia que oriente la adaptación de los servicios de salud, con un enfoque de equidad de género, a las necesidades de los hombres. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo a partir de la "Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud" de 2015, y del registro de los usuarios que accedieron al servicio de vasectomía en la Asociación Probienestar de la Familia Colombiana (Profamilia) durante los años 2015 y 2016. Las variables utilizadas fueron: edad, nivel de escolaridad, lugar de residencia, pertenencia étnica, estrato de residencia, estado civil, número de hijos nacidos vivos y variables relacionadas con roles de género. Resultados: El porcentaje de hombres que acceden a la vasectomía ha aumentado, aunque no con la intensidad esperada. En términos generales, el perfil del hombre que decide realizarse la vasectomía en Colombia es un joven entre 30 y 40 años, de los estratos 2 y 3, residente en zonas urbanas, al menos con un nivel educativo de básica secundaria, casado y con hijos, y contribuyente al sistema de salud. Se observó la persistencia de barreras de tipo social y cultural que afectan el uso de este método anticonceptivo. Conclusiones: Este estudio permitió una aproximación al perfil del hombre colombiano que se realiza la vasectomía. Recomendaciones: Ampliar la vasectomía como opción disponible y de fácil acceso para los hombres; eliminar estereotipos de género, y promover que hombres y mujeres compartan responsabilidades anticonceptivas; implementar modelos de atención en salud sexual y reproductiva más inclusivos y centrados también en las necesidades de los hombres.

Abstract Objective: To demographically characterize men who undergo vasectomies in Colombia, in order to generate evidence to guide the adaptation of health services with a focus on gender equity to the needs of men. Methodology: Descriptive study based on the Colombian Demography and Health survey (2015) and the registry of users who accessed the vasectomy service in Profamilia during 2015 and 2016. The variables used were age, level of education, place of residence, ethnicity, residence stratum, marital status, number of children born alive and variables related to gender roles. Results: The percentage of men who have access to vasectomy has increased, although not with the expected intensity. In general terms, the profile of the man who decides to have a vasectomy in Colombia is between 30 and 40 years old in strata 2 and 3, resident in urban areas, at least with a secondary education level, married and with children, and also a contributor to the health system. The persistence of social and cultural barriers that affect the widespread and sustained use of this contraceptive method were observed. Conclusions: This study allowed identify the profile of the Colombian man who undergoes vasectomy. Recommendations: To extend vasectomy as an option of easily available and accessible method for men; to eliminate gender stereotypes and promote shared contraceptive responsibilities for men and women; as well as the implementation of models of sexual and reproductive health care, which become more inclusive and also focused on the needs of men.

Resumo Objetivo: Caracterizar sociodemograficamente aos homens que se submetem a vasectomias na Colômbia, para gerar evidências que orientem a adaptação dos serviços de saúde com foco na equidade de gênero às necessidades dos homens. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo da Pesquisa Nacional sobre demografía e saúde (ends, 2015) e registro de usuários que acessaram o serviço de vasectomia em Profamilia durante os anos de 2015 y2016. As variáveis utilizadas foram idade, nível de escolaridade, local de residência, etnia, estrato de residência, estado civil, número de filhos nascidos vivos e variáveis relacionadas aos papéis de gênero. Resultados: A porcentagem de homens que têm acesso à vasectomia aumentou, embora não com a intensidade esperada. Em geral, o perfil do homem que decide realizar uma vasectomia na Colômbia é jovem entre 30 e 40 anos de estratos 2 e 3, que vivem em áreas urbanas, pelo menos um nível educacional médio, casados e com filhos e contribuintes ao sistema de saúde. A persistência das barreiras sociais e culturais que afetam o uso desse método contraceptivo foi observada. Conclusões: Este estudo permitiu identificar o perfil do homem colombiano submetido a uma vasectomia. Recomendações: Expandir a vasectomia como uma opção disponível e de fácil acesso para homens; eliminar estereótipos de gênero e promover que homens e mulheres compartilhem responsabilidades contraceptivas; implementar modelos de atenção em saúde sexual e reprodutiva mais inclusivos e também focados nas necessidades dos homens.